Interface Technology Basics VST 3.7
SDK for developing VST plug-in
IPlugView Class Referenceabstract

Plug-in definition of a view. More...

#include <iplugview.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for IPlugView:

Public Member Functions

virtual tresult isPlatformTypeSupported (FIDString type)=0
 Is Platform UI Type supported. More...
virtual tresult attached (void *parent, FIDString type)=0
 The parent window of the view has been created, the (platform) representation of the view should now be created as well. More...
virtual tresult removed ()=0
 The parent window of the view is about to be destroyed. More...
virtual tresult onWheel (float distance)=0
 Handling of mouse wheel. More...
virtual tresult onKeyDown (char16 key, int16 keyCode, int16 modifiers)=0
 Handling of keyboard events : Key Down. More...
virtual tresult onKeyUp (char16 key, int16 keyCode, int16 modifiers)=0
 Handling of keyboard events : Key Up. More...
virtual tresult getSize (ViewRect *size)=0
 Returns the size of the platform representation of the view. More...
virtual tresult onSize (ViewRect *newSize)=0
 Resizes the platform representation of the view to the given rect. More...
virtual tresult onFocus (TBool state)=0
 Focus changed message. More...
virtual tresult setFrame (IPlugFrame *frame)=0
 Sets IPlugFrame object to allow the plug-in to inform the host about resizing. More...
virtual tresult canResize ()=0
 Is view sizable by user. More...
virtual tresult checkSizeConstraint (ViewRect *rect)=0
 On live resize this is called to check if the view can be resized to the given rect, if not adjust the rect to the allowed size. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FUnknown
virtual tresult queryInterface (const TUID _iid, void **obj)=0
 Query for a pointer to the specified interface. More...
virtual uint32 addRef ()=0
 Adds a reference and returns the new reference count. More...
virtual uint32 release ()=0
 Releases a reference and returns the new reference count. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const FUID iid
- Static Public Attributes inherited from FUnknown
static const FUID iid

Detailed Description

Plug-in definition of a view.

  • [plug imp]
  • [released: 3.0.0]
The coordinates utilized within the ViewRect are native to the view system of the parent type. This implies that on macOS (kPlatformTypeNSView), the coordinates are expressed in logical units (independent of the screen scale factor), whereas on Windows (kPlatformTypeHWND) and Linux (kPlatformTypeX11EmbedWindowID), the coordinates are expressed in physical units (pixels).
Sizing of a view
Usually, the size of a plug-in view is fixed. But both the host and the plug-in can cause a view to be resized:
Keyboard handling
The plug-in view receives keyboard events from the host. A view implementation must not handle keyboard events by the means of platform callbacks, but let the host pass them to the view. The host depends on a proper return value when IPlugView::onKeyDown is called, otherwise the plug-in view may cause a malfunction of the host's key command handling.
See also
IPlugFrame, Platform UI Types

Member Function Documentation

◆ isPlatformTypeSupported()

virtual tresult isPlatformTypeSupported ( FIDString  type)
pure virtual

Is Platform UI Type supported.

type: IDString of Platform UI Types

◆ attached()

virtual tresult attached ( void *  parent,
FIDString  type 
pure virtual

The parent window of the view has been created, the (platform) representation of the view should now be created as well.

Note that the parent is owned by the caller and you are not allowed to alter it in any way other than adding your own views. Note that in this call the plug-in could call a IPlugFrame::resizeView ()!

parent: platform handle of the parent window or view
type: Platform UI Types which should be created

◆ removed()

virtual tresult removed ( )
pure virtual

The parent window of the view is about to be destroyed.

You have to remove all your own views from the parent window or view.

◆ onWheel()

virtual tresult onWheel ( float  distance)
pure virtual

Handling of mouse wheel.

◆ onKeyDown()

virtual tresult onKeyDown ( char16  key,
int16  keyCode,
int16  modifiers 
pure virtual

Handling of keyboard events : Key Down.

key: unicode code of key
keyCode: virtual keycode for non ascii keys - see VirtualKeyCodes in keycodes.h
modifiers: any combination of modifiers - see KeyModifier in keycodes.h
kResultTrue if the key is handled, otherwise kResultFalse.
Please note that kResultTrue must only be returned if the key has really been handled. Otherwise key command handling of the host might be blocked!

◆ onKeyUp()

virtual tresult onKeyUp ( char16  key,
int16  keyCode,
int16  modifiers 
pure virtual

Handling of keyboard events : Key Up.

key: unicode code of key
keyCode: virtual keycode for non ascii keys - see VirtualKeyCodes in keycodes.h
modifiers: any combination of KeyModifier - see KeyModifier in keycodes.h
kResultTrue if the key is handled, otherwise return kResultFalse.

◆ getSize()

virtual tresult getSize ( ViewRect size)
pure virtual

Returns the size of the platform representation of the view.

◆ onSize()

virtual tresult onSize ( ViewRect newSize)
pure virtual

Resizes the platform representation of the view to the given rect.

Note that if the plug-in requests a resize (IPlugFrame::resizeView ()) onSize has to be called afterward.

◆ onFocus()

virtual tresult onFocus ( TBool  state)
pure virtual

Focus changed message.

◆ setFrame()

virtual tresult setFrame ( IPlugFrame frame)
pure virtual

Sets IPlugFrame object to allow the plug-in to inform the host about resizing.

◆ canResize()

virtual tresult canResize ( )
pure virtual

Is view sizable by user.

◆ checkSizeConstraint()

virtual tresult checkSizeConstraint ( ViewRect rect)
pure virtual

On live resize this is called to check if the view can be resized to the given rect, if not adjust the rect to the allowed size.

Member Data Documentation

◆ iid

const FUID iid

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