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Step Modulator

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The Step Modulator is intended to control HALion's step modulator. It provides all necessary properties to be connected to the engine parameters. Furthermore, there are properties for index, level, and level12 of the selected node and a snap option, which only affect the GUI parameters and not the engine parameters. These properties can be connected using UI variables.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
StepsThe number of steps. This property must be connected to the engine parameter Steps and further display controls.
SlopeThe Slope Mode. This property must be connected to the engine parameter Slope to show the slope. Connect additional controls, e.g., a menu, to set the slope mode.
Slope AmntThis property must be connected to the engine parameter SlopeAmount to show the slope. Connect additional controls, e.g., a knob, to set the slope.
Show AllActivate this option to show all steps with a fixed width. When dectivated, the width of the individual steps scales with the number of steps as set in Steps, to fill the full size of the control.
Advanced Editing (Since HALion 6.4.0)Activate this option to provide additional editing possibillities. These are either available as context menu entries or as line editing functions using modifier keys (Shift, Alt). These editing functions were originally made to work best inside HALion's Stepmodulator and Flexphraser. In case the control is used to control other custom script modules, where these functions are not needed or need to work differently, they can be deactivated.
Height (Since HALion 6.4.10)Defines how the indivdual step values are displayed.
  •   0 = Standard look, with bars starting at 0 and going up to the adjusted value.
  • >0 = Bars with a defined heigth in pixels for continous parameters.
  •   1 = Bars with a an automatic height or stepped parameters. The height of a bar correponds to 1/number of steps.
Step 1-32The Step levels. This property can be connected to the engine stepmodulator parameters Step1-32.
Length (Since HALion 6.4.0)If the step modulator is used to control a custom script module, the Length parameter can be used to adjust the length of each step.
Enable (Since HALion 6.4.0)If the step modulator is used to control a custom script module, the Enable parameter can be used to turn individual steps on and off.

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UI Variables

Create variables to connect the Step Modulator properties with the engine and further controls.

IndexindexThe index of the selected node.integer1 to 32
LevellevelThe level of the selected node.float-100 to 100
Level 12level12The level in fractions of 12 (used when Snap is active).float-12 to 12
SnapsnapActivates the snap line.integer0, 1

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Step0Fill color of all even steps with index 0, 2, 4, ..., 32.
Step1Fill color of all odd steps with index 1, 3, 5, ..., 31.
Back0Background color of all even steps with index 0, 2, 4, ..., 32.
Back1Background color of all odd steps with index 1, 3, 5, ..., 31.
Hover0Hover fill color of all even steps with index 0, 2, 4, ..., 32.
Hover1Hover fill color of all odd steps with index 1, 3, 5, ..., 31.
Line Hov0Line hover color of all even steps with index 0, 2, 4, ..., 32.
Line Hov1Line hover color of all odd steps with index 1, 3, 5, ..., 31.
Line Drag0Line drag color of all even steps with index 0, 2, 4, ..., 32.
Line Drag1Line drag color of all odd steps with index 1, 3, 5, ..., 31.
Line Sel0Line selection color of all even steps with index 0, 2, 4, ..., 32.
Line Sel1Line selection color of all odd steps with index 1, 3, 5, ..., 31.
Middle LineMiddle grid line color.
Snap Line 0Primary snap line color.
Snap Line 1Secondary snap line color.
Line DrawLine draw color.

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