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HALion Script

Getting Started

This section provides general information about HALion Script and the Lua scripting language. Links for learning more about Lua can be found in What is HALion Script?.

Diving Deeper

This section provides information about the inner workings of HALion and its implementation of the Lua scripting language. How to protect your work is described in Protecting Layers and Managing Script Modules.

HALion Script Reference

The classes and functions of the HALion Script language are described in the Class Reference and on the Reference pages. Many of the descriptions provide small code examples. For more details, see Exploring the Code Examples.

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Getting Started

This section provides general information about HALion Script and the Lua scripting language.

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What is HALion Script?

On this page:

HALion Script allows you to customize and expand the features of HALion to a great extent. It is a domain-specific programming language based on the Lua scripting language. It comes with many functions tailored to HALion, while maintaining the general programmability of Lua. HALion Script allows you to manipulate musical events, access and modify parameters of HALion, control the behavior of macro pages, and much more. All of this can enhance your instrument creations greatly.

Fields of application:

  • Arpeggiation and sequencing
  • Chord generation and recognition
  • Microtonal music and alternative scales
  • Algorithmic composition
  • Advanced, interactive playback for creating more realistic performances
  • Custom-built workflows for macro pages
  • Automization of repeating tasks while building large scale libraries

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Lua Resources

Lua is a widespread scripting language, used in many professional fields, such as game development or image processing, for example. To find out more about Lua, please visit lua.org. For learning Lua, we recommend the official book Programming in Lua and Lua's Reference Manual.

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Lua Release

HALion Script uses Lua 5.2.3 with the following standard libraries:

❕ The standard library coroutine is not supported. Furthermore, the functions io.popen, io.tmpfile, os.execute, os.exit, os.getenv, os.setlocale and os.tmpname are not supported.

The classes and functions of the HALion Script language are described in the Class Reference and on the Reference pages. Many of the descriptions provide small code examples. For more details, see Exploring the Code Examples.

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Exploring the Code Examples

On this page:

Many of the classes and functions that are are described in the Class Reference and on the Reference pages provide working code examples. The code examples use syntax highlighting. Comments are displayed in green, functions in magenta and values in blue, for example. See Lua Syntax Highlighting for more details.


-- "Hello world!" Lua script

print("Hello world!")

The easiest way to explore the code examples is to copy the code to the clipboard and to paste it to the internal script editor of the Lua Script MIDI module. Please read below how to do this.

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Program for Code Examples

If not stated otherwise, the following simple program will be sufficient for exploring the code examples in HALion.

  1. Download the program Explore Code Examples.vstpreset
  2. Drag the program to the Slot Rack.

This describes how you create the program manually.

  1. Select an empty program in the Program Table.
  2. In the Program Tree, click Create New MIDI Module Create New MIDI Module and select Lua Script.
  3. In the Program Tree, click Create New Zone Create New Zone and select Synth Zone.
  4. Load the program to the Slot Rack.

This is how your program should look like in the program tree.

Simple Program

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Loading the Code Examples

The program described above should be loaded in the Slot Rack.

  1. Open a page with a code example, for example, onNote.
  2. Double-click the code example to select all lines and press Ctrl/Cmd-C to copy the code to the clipboard.
  3. Go to HALion and select Lua Script in the Program Tree.
  4. Open the section for the Lua Script MIDI module, either in the Sound or in the MIDI Modules editor.
  5. Click Edit Script to open the internal Script Editor.
  6. Give the Script Editor the window focus and press Ctrl/Cmd-V to paste the code from the clipboard.
  7. Click OK to activate the script.

Internal Script Editor

Depending on the code example, you usually have to play a note or send a MIDI controller to get a sound or output message from the script. Typically, the description of the feature and the comments in the code will give you enough hints for what to do. In the above example, onNote prints the note ID, the MIDI note number and the MIDI velocity, each time you play a note.

Script Output Messages

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Lua Syntax Highlighting

The following pseudo code examplifies the Lua syntax highlighting used throughout this documentation.

--single line comment
    block comment
and       break     do        else      elseif    end
false     for       function  goto      if        in
local     nil       not       or        repeat    return
then      true      until     while
a = 'alo\n123"'
a = "alo\n123\""
a = '\97lo\10\04923"'
a = [[alo
a = [==[
3     3.0     3.1416     314.16e-2     0.31416E1
0xff  0x0.1E  0xA23p-4   0X1.921FB54442D18P+1
for k,v in ipairs(t)

Keywords, strings and numbers extracted from Lua's Reference Manual, Chapter 3 - The Language.

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Diving Deeper

This section provides information about the inner workings of HALion and its implementation of the Lua scripting language. How to protect your work is described in Protecting Layers and Managing Script Modules.

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Working with Objects

On this page:

In the HALion Script language, the elements that make up the program, MIDI and note expression events, the definitions of parameters, etc., are all represented by objects. HALion Script provides dedicated functions for modifying these objects. To understand the principles of writing scripts that operate on objects, some terminology from object-oriented programming will be helpful.

Objects and Classes

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a style of programming based on the concept of objects. In OOP objects are organized in classes. A class provides data fields and methods for an object. The data fields describe what the object is and the methods describe what it can do. A concrete occurance of an object is called an instance. The elements in the Program Tree are instances of different types of objects, for example, Bus objects, Layer objects, Zone objects, etc. MIDI and note expression events are represented by Event objects and each parameter has a ParameterDefinition object.

Class Reference

The classes/objects of the HALion Script language are structured in the following class hierarchy.

HALion Script Class Hierarchy

Classes deeper down inherit the data fields and methods of classes higher up in the class hierarchy. For example, the classes Bus, Instance, Layer, Effect, and so on, inherit all data fields and methods of the Element class. Subclasses add functionality to their parent class by providing more data fields and methods.

Addressing Objects

The Lua Script MIDI module itself can be addressed with this. Further objects can be addressed with this.parent, this.program or with the respective get and find functions.

thisReturns the object of the script module itself.MidiModule
this.parentReturns the object of the parent element, which can be a Layer or the Program.Layer or Program
this.programReturns the object of the Program.Program

After addressing an object, you can read its fields through dot-notation. In the following example, the name and the type of different objects are printed with .name and .type.

Example 1

-- Print the name and type of different objects.

print(this.name, this.type)
print(this.parent.name, this.parent.type)
print(this.program.name, this.program.type)
print(this.program:getChild().name, this.program:getChild().type)

Calling Methods

To operate on an element in the Program Tree, you must first address its object and then call the desired method. The basic syntax is as follows:


Example 2

-- Get the object of the first Zone after the script module.

zone = this.parent:getZone()

-- setName operates on the Zone object.


Using type() on Objects

For the HALion Script language the type() function of Lua has been extended to return the type of an object.

Example 3

-- Print the name of all zones in the program.

elements = this.program:findChildren(true)

for i, element in ipairs(elements) do
    if type(element) == "Zone" then

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Working with UI Scripts

On this page:

Related pages:

HALion offers two types of scripts:

TypeFields of Application
MIDI module scriptsProcess MIDI events, set parameters, etc.
UI scriptsSwitching logic for pages and disable views, translation of parameter values to display strings, etc.

UI scripts have the following restrictions:

  • UI scripts are only executed when the UI is open. If the UI is closed, the UI script is not executed anymore.
  • The parameters defined in a UI script cannot be automated.

❕ MIDI module scripts do not have these restrictions. Therefore, be sure to check if UI scripts are required for a specific task, and if not, use MIDI module scripts instead.

Executing UI Scripts

You can execute UI scripts for the macro page and even for each template. The Script section can be found in the Properties section in the lower left of the Macro Page Designer. Just as with the Lua Script MIDI Module, you can write your scripts with the internal editor or an external editor. See steinberg.help / MIDI Modules Reference / Lua Script for more details.

  1. In the GUI Tree of the Macro Page Designer, select the element that has the macro page attached. Alternatively, select a control element, then go to the Show Templates tab and click Edit Element.
  2. In the Properties section in the lower left of the Macro Page Designer, go to the Script section.
  3. Click Edit Script to open the internal Script Editor, then enter your script and press OK. Alternatively, click Load Script and select a script file from disk.

Show/Hide Output Messages

The Output Messages section for the UI scripts is hidden by default.

  • In the toolbar of the Macro Page Designer, click Show/Hide Script Output Messages Show/Hide Script Output Messages to show or hide the Output Messages below the Resource / Library Browser.

The Output Messages section displays the messages of all UI scripts. The UI script the message belongs to is indicated by a prefix.

Addressing the Elements of the Program

A UI script cannot address the elements of a program directly. To address a program and its elements from the UI script, you must use getElement.


-- Must be executed as UI script!
-- Print the name and type of the element that has the macro page attached.

element = getElement()
print(element.name, element.type)

-- Print the name and type of the parent element.

if element.parent then
    print(element.parent.name, element.parent.type)

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Threads in HALion

On this page:

HALion provides two threads:

  • Parameter changes and the storage of them are handled by the Controller thread.
  • MIDI event processing and sound reproduction happen in the Processor thread.

You can think of these threads as two sections of code that are exectued in concurrency by HALion. Basically, the two threads are needed to split longer lasting function calls from timing critical function calls. The functions that are called in the Controller thread are executed only as fast as required, while the functions that are called in the Processor thread are executed within an ASIO block.

The information whether a function can be called in the Controller thread, the Processor thread, or in both threads, can be found on the Reference pages below the description of each function.

It looks like this:

Available in: Controller, Processor.

Script Error - Wrong Thread

If you call a function in the wrong thread, the script module will output an error message.

Example 1

  Example for a script error when calling a function in the wrong thread.
  The onNote callback runs in the Processor thread. openURL runs in the Controller thread.
  Therefore, openURL cannot be called in onNote. The script produces a script error when playing a note.
function onNote(event)     

The output message for the script error of the above example looks like this:

Script error - Wrong Thread

If this ever happens to you, please review your code and try to place the function call elsewhere in your script. Alternatively, you could use runAsync.

Using runAsync

By calling runAsync in the Processor thread you can invoke a function that is executed in the Controller thread. The execution of runAsync takes at least one audio block, or longer, depending on the function that was called. The callback that called runAsync is put on hold until the function has completed. Please be aware of this when using runAsync.

Example 2

-- Using runAsync to call openURL within onNote.
function onNote(event)
  runAsync(function() openURL("http://www.steinberg.net/en/home.html") end)

Using runSync

By calling runSync in the Controller thread, you can invoke a function that is executed in the Processor thread. For example, by calling runSync in a parameter change callback, you can invoke an event function like playNote, releaseVoice, controlChange, etc. The callback that called runSync is not stopped and continues its execution. The specified function will be exectued in the next audio block.

-- Fade all voices, triggered by a script parameter.

noteIDs = {}
function onNote(event)
  local id = postEvent(event)
  table.insert(noteIDs, id)
function syncFadeAllVoices()
  for i, id in ipairs(noteIDs) do
      fade(id, nil, 0, 1000, true)
  noteIDs = {}
function fadeAllVoices()
  if fadeVoices then
    runSync(syncFadeAllVoices, 1)
defineParameter("fadeVoices", "Fade All Voices", false, fadeAllVoices)

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Script Initialization

When a program with a script is loaded into the Slot Rack, the global statements, all parameters and the onLoad, onLoadIntoSlot and onInit callbacks must be initialized. The order is as follows:

#Initialization ofDescriptionThread
1.Global statementsGlobal statements are any expressions outside a function call.Controller
2.ParametersAll parameters of the program, including the parameters that you defined in the script.Controller
3.onLoadThis callback function is called when the script module is loaded as part of a preset or project.Controller
4.onLoadIntoSlotThis callback function is called when the program is loaded into the Slot Rack.Controller
5.onInitThis is the first callback function that is called when the processor thread is initialized.Processor

For more details about threads, see Threads in HALion.


-- Script for testing the initialization when loading a program into the Slot Rack.
function onInit()
  print("onInit")  -- This is printed last, after onLoadIntoSlot.
function onLoadIntoSlot()
  print("onLoadIntoSlot")  -- This is printed after onLoad.
function onLoad()
  print("onLoad")  -- This is printed after the global statement.
print("Global statement") -- This is printed first.

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Creating Parameters

On this page:

You need parameters to connect the script module with controls on the macro page and to save the script module's state with the program. Before you can connect your script module with controls on a macro page, you must specify the parameters that you want to use in your script by calling the function defineParameter for each of them. Once a parameter is defined, it is shown in the Parameter List. From this list, you can then connect it with a control on the macro page. When you save the program, the parameters that you defined for the script module are saved with it.

The function defineParameter also creates a global variable that represents the value of the parameter in the script. You can use this global variable like any other variable in the script (see Parameter vs. Global Variables for details).

Defining Parameters


You define a parameter by calling the function defineParameter with at least its name as the first argument. This name serves as name for the parameter in the Parameter List and as name for the global variable that represents the parameter in the script. The additional arguments of defineParameter are optional and can be used to change the characteristics of the parameter (see Parameter Characteristics for details). If no further arguments are defined, the parameter will be a floating point value in the range from 0 to 100.

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Parameters vs. Global Variables

The function defineParameter creates a global variable that represents the value of the parameter in the script. It should be noted that:

  • The rules for the naming and scope of global variables also apply for parameters.
  • You can change the value of a parameter by assigning a new value to the corresponding global variable.
  • The parameters that you defined for your script module are saved with the program, as opposed to global variables, which are not saved automatically.

The following example shows that parameters can be used just like global variables. After the parameter Scale has been defined, it is used to replace the note-on velocity. The value of Scale is changed by assigning the value of the last incoming MIDI controller to it.

Example 1

-- Change the parameter Scale through a MIDI controller and use its value to replace the note-on velocity.
-- Initialize variables.

min = 0
max = 100
maxVel = 127
defVel = 100
default = defVel / maxVel * max
maxCC = 127
-- Define Scale using the previous variables.

defineParameter("Scale", nil, default, min, max)
-- Use the value of Scale to replace the note-on velocity.

function onNote(event)
    event.velocity = maxVel * Scale / max
-- Change the value of Scale through the last incoming MIDI controller.

function onController(event)
    Scale = event.value / maxCC * max

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Parameter Characteristics

How a parameter behaves depends on its characteristics. You determine the characteristics of a parameter with the arguments of defineParameter. To create a parameter with specific characteristics, the arguments must be set in the order in which they are shown in the following syntax examples.


defineParameter(name, longName, default, min, max, increment, changeCallback)

Creates a numeric parameter. The default argument defines the value that the parameter will default to. The min and max arguments define the value range of the parameter. The increment argument defines the step size of the parameter. The arguments default, min, max and increment can be any integer or floating point value. How many digits are shown behind the decimal point for a value string of a parameter is determined by the value of the increment argument. For example:

increment = 1The parameter will be an integer value and its value string will display no digits behind the decimal point.
increment = 0.001The parameter will be a floating point value and its value string will display three digits behind the decimal point.
increment = 0The parameter will be a floating point value and its value string will display two digits behind the decimal point.

The automatic formatting of a value can be overridden with the format argument. See Additional Named Arguments for more details.

Indexed String Array

defineParameter(name, longName, default, strings, changeCallback)

Creates a parameter with integer indices that have a text representation given by the string values of an array. The default argument defines the index that the parameter will default to. The strings argument must be an array with string values starting with index 0 or 1.


defineParameter(name, longName, bool, changeCallback)

Creates a boolean parameter. The bool argument also defines the default value of the parameter.


defineParameter(name, longName, string, changeCallback)

Creates a parameter with a string value. You can change the string by assigning a new string value to the parameter.


defineParameter(name, longName, table, changeCallback)

Creates a parameter with a table as value. The name argument of the parameter also defines the name of the table. You can access the values of the table using the regular methods, e.g., dot notation.

By Parameter Definition

defineParameter(name, longName, parameterDefinition, changeCallback)

Creates a parameter with the behavior of the specified parameterDefinition. You can use this to clone the behavior of existing parameters.

By Named Arguments

defineParameter { name = "p", longName = "param", default = 0, min = 0, max = 100, increment = 0.01, onChanged = callback, type = "float", format = "%.2f", readOnly = false, writeAlways = false, automatable = true, persistent = true }

Creates a parameter by named arguments. The only argument to the function is a table with the key/value pairs that define the parameter. The additional keys type, format, readOnly, writeAlways, automatable, processorCallback and persistent give you control over more advanced features. They can only be set with named arguments. See Defining Parameters by Named Arguments for more details.

Example 2

-- Showcase different parameters.
-- Initialize variables.

maxVelocity = 127
-- Change callback of the parameter "Label".

function nameChanged()
    print("name changed to", Label) --Print the value of the parameter.
-- Initialize parameters.

defineParameter("Scale", nil, 100)                                          -- Parameter with default 100 and range 0 to 100.
defineParameter("Offset", nil, 0, -100, 100, 1)                             -- Bipolar parameter with integer steps.
defineParameter("Pan", nil, 0, -100, 100, 0.1)                              -- Bipolar parameter with 0.1 steps.
defineParameter("Mode", nil, 1, { "Off", "Normal", "Hyper" })               -- Indexed string array.
defineParameter("Enable", "Enable Filter", true)                            -- Switch with long name.
defineParameter("Label", nil, "untitled", nameChanged)                      -- String parameter.
defineParameter("Intervals", nil, { 0, 4, 7 })                              -- Table parameter.
defineParameter("Volume", nil, this.parent:getParameterDefinition("Level")) -- Parameter with the same behavior as the "Level" parameter of the parent layer.

-- Use the parameters Scale and Intervals to play a chord with fixed velocity.

function onNote(event)
    fixedVelocity = maxVelocity * Scale / 100
    local id1 = playNote(event.note + Intervals[1], fixedVelocity)
    local id2 = playNote(event.note + Intervals[2], fixedVelocity)
    local id3 = playNote(event.note + Intervals[3], fixedVelocity)

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Parameter Change Callback

The change callback is only called if the value of the parameter was changed from the user interface, e.g., by adjusting the corresponding control on the macro page, or by calling setParameter. It is not called if the value was changed through assigning a value from inside the script. The following example revisits Example 1 to demonstrate this:

Example 3

-- Change the parameter Scale through MIDI controller and use its value to replace the note-on velocity.
-- The current value of Scale is printed only if changed from UI, e.g., go to the Parameter List to adjust Scale
-- Initialize variables.

min = 0
max = 100
maxVel = 127
defVel = 100
default = defVel / maxVel * max
maxCC = 127
-- This callback function will only be called if you adjust Scale from the UI.

function valueChanged()
    print("Value of Scale changed to:", Scale)
-- Define Scale with the previous variables.

defineParameter("Scale", nil, default, min, max, valueChanged)
-- Use the value of Scale to replace the note-on velocity.

function onNote(event)
    event.velocity = maxVel * Scale / max
-- Change the value of Scale through the last incoming MIDI controller.

function onController(event)
    -- Assigning a value to Scale will not call the callback function.
    Scale = event.value / maxCC * max

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Change Callback with Anonymous Function

In Example 2 the function nameChanged is declared before the associate parameter is defined. This is necessary for defineParameter in order to detect that the argument nameChanged is a function. If you want to declare the callback function after defining the corresponding parameter, you must call the callback function within an anonymous function. As the name suggests, an anonymous function is a function without a name.

Example 4

-- Define a string parameter.

defineParameter("Name", nil, "untitled", function() nameChanged() end)

-- If nameChanged is called inside an anonymous function, it can be declared after defineParameter.

function nameChanged()
    print("name changed to", Name) -- Print the value of the parameter.

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Defining Parameters by Named Arguments

When calling defineParameter with several arguments, the arguments are matched by their position and the associated values are passed on to the function. For this reason, the arguments of defineParameter must match the exact order and position when calling the function. Alternatively, you can set the arguments with the keys and values of a table. This method of passing arguments and values to a function is called named arguments.

Named arguments have the advantage that they can be set in any order you want and that optional or additional arguments can be left out without destroying the predefined order and position of the arguments to that function. The following example shows the parameters from Example 2 created with named arguments.

Example 5

-- Different parameters created with named arguments.
-- Change callback of the parameter "Label".

function nameChanged()
    print("name changed to", Label) --Print the value of the parameter.
-- Parameter with default 100 and range 0 to 100.

    name = "Scale",
    default = 100
-- Bipolar parameter with integer steps.

    name = "Offset",
    default = 0,
    min = -100,
    max = 100,
    increment = 1,
-- Bipolar parameter with 0.1 steps.

    name = "Pan",
    default = 0,
    min = -100,
    max = 100,
    increment = 0.1,
-- Indexed string array.

    name = "Mode",
    default = 1,
    strings = { "Off", "Normal", "Hyper" },
-- Switch with long name.

    name = "Enable",
    longName = "Enable Filter",
    default = true,
-- String parameter.

    name = "Label",
    default = "untitled",
    onChanged = nameChanged,
-- Table parameter.

    name = "Intervals",
    default = { 0, 4, 7 },

❕ Creating a parameter by ParameterDefinition is not supported when using named arguments.

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Additional Named Arguments

(Since HALion 6.1)

If you create a parameter by named arguments, you get access to these additional arguments:

ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
typeThe value type of the parameter (integer, float, boolean, string, variant, or envelope). The type must match the default and increment arguments.string, optional
formatFormats the value string of a float value using the provided arguments. Only the format specifiers for float values are supported, i.e., e, E, f, g, or G. Other format specifiers are not supported. This overrides any automatic formatting from the increment argument.string, optional
readOnlyThe parameter can only be changed from the script if this is set to true. The argument defaults to false if no value is set.bool, optional
writeAlwaysA parameter does not call its change callback if its value is set without being changed. Set this to true if you want to guarantee that the change callback of the parameter is called. The argument defaults to false if not set.bool, optional
automatableSet this to false if you do not want the parameter to be automated. The argument defaults to true if not set.bool, optional
processorCallbackThe parameter change callback will be executed in the processor context with high accuracy, if this is set to true. For example, this is required for automated script parameters to update correctly when using Render in Place or Export Audio. If no processor exists, the call back is still run in the controller context. (Since HALion 6.4.20)bool, optional
persistentThe parameter will not be restored from the VST preset if this is set to false. The argument defaults to true if not set.bool, optional

The arguments readOnly, writeAlways and automatable are helpful if you have a parameter that is used only for indication, but not for entering values.

Example 6

-- The following parameter is read only, not automatable and not persistent.

defineParameter {
    name = "deltaTime",
    longName = "Delta Time",
    default = 0,
    min = 0,
    max = 2^31,
    type = "float",
    format = "%.3f ms",
    readOnly = true,
    automatable = false,
    persistent = false,
-- Measure the time between subsequent notes.

function onNote(event)
    t2 = getTime()
    if t1 then
        deltaTime = t2 - t1
    t1 = t2
-- The following parameter change callback is executed in the processor context with high accuracy.

function onP1changed()
   this.parent:setParameterNormalized("Level", P1 / 100)
defineParameter{name = "P1", min=0, max=100, onChanged = onP1changed, processorCallback = true}

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Working with Parameters

On this page:

Properties of Parameters

Every parameter has a ParameterDefinition object that describes the properties of a parameter. For example, you can retrieve the minimum, maximum, or default value of a parameter by reading the corresponding fields of the ParameterDefinition object (see getParameterDefinition for details). The fields of the ParameterDefinition object can only be read and not be modified.

The actual value of a parameter is not part of the ParameterDefinition object. It can be modified using the functions getParameter and setParameter or getParameterNormalized and setParameterNormalized.

Addressing Parameters

Functions like getParameter, setParameter or getParameterDefinition address the desired parameter by its name or ID.

Addressing Parameters by Name

Please do not mix up the parameter's label on the UI with its name in the engine. Sometimes, the label and the name of a parameter are the same, but most of the time they are different.

❕ Throughout this documentation "name of parameter..." refers to its name in the engine and not its label on the UI.

The name of a parameter can be found in HALion's Parameter List. The Parameter List gives you a detailed overview of the parameters of the currently selected element in the Program Tree. The following screenshot shows parts of the parameters of a zone.

Parameter List

The Parameter column lists the names of the parameters. Parameters that belong together can be grouped into functional sections, represented by the folders in the Parameter column.

  • Parameters that do not belong to a section can be addressed directly. In the screenshot above, "UserAttOffset" addresses the attack offset of the user envelope in the zone, for example.
  • Parameters that belong to a section need the name of the section as prefix, for example, the shape parameter of LFO 1 in the zone has the name "LFO 1.Shape".

Example 1

function onLoadIntoSlot()
  local zones = this.program:findZones(true)
  if zones[1] then
    print("LFO 1.Shape: "..tostring(zones[1]:hasParameter("LFO 1.Shape")))
    print("lfo 1.shape: "..tostring(zones[1]:hasParameter("lfo 1.shape")))

❕ Addressing a parameter by its name is case sensitive.

Addressing Parameters by ID

The ID of a parameter can also be found in the Parameter List. By default, the Parameter List does not show the ID.

  • To add the ID column to the Parameter List, right-click a column header and select ID (Dec).

The ID of "LFO 1.Shape" is 65542, for example.

Example 2

local lfo1ShapeID = 65542
function onLoadIntoSlot()
  local zones = this.program:findZones(true)
  if zones[1] then
    print("LFO 1.Shape: "..tostring(zones[1]:hasParameter(lfo1ShapeID)))

Addressing parameters by name needs more computing time and might be a disadvantage for timing critical scripts. To optimize your script, you can read the ID of a parameter with getParameterDefinition during the initialization of the script and use this instead.

Example 3

-- Read the ID of the parent layer's level parameter.

local paramID = this.parent:getParameterDefinition("Level").id
-- Print the value of the parent layer's level parameter with each note-on.

function onNote(event)
    print("Level = "..this.parent:getParameter(paramID))

Using setParameter

The functions setParameter and setParameterNormalized address parameters also by name or ID.

Example 4

-- Set the value of the Level parameter of the parent layer.

function onLoadIntoSlot()
    this.parent:setParameter("Level", 0) -- set via name
    this.parent:setParameter(38, 0) -- set via ID

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Diving Deeper /

Using Slot Local Variables

If a program is loaded in several slots, the state of its parameters (e.g., level, cutoff, resonance, etc.) is synchronized across these slots. The same is true for the state of global variables in a Lua script. If a global variable is changed in one slot, its state will change in every other slot where the program is loaded.

However, the engine's playback state of the program is handled independently for each slot. This is necessary because each slot can receive different MIDI events. If some functions in your script depend on global variables that store the state of MIDI events, the automatic synchronization of global variables is usually a hindrance, because the global variables will be overwritten by the slot that received the latest MIDI events. To attain global variables that operate independently per slot, use defineSlotLocal.

Declaring Slot Local Variables

You declare slot local variables by calling defineSlotLocal with the name of the corresponding global variable as argument. You can call defineSlotLocal before or after the initialization of the variable, but it is common practice to call the function in advance.


The following example plays a classic up arpeggio. The variables for the arpeggio (noteBuffer, arpRunning and arpeggioNotes) need to be declared as slot local variables, otherwise, the script will not work as expected if the program is loaded into more than one slot.

To explore the script:

  1. Download SlotLocalVariables.vstpreset.
  2. Load the program twice into the Slot Rack and send different chords to the slots.
  3. Comment out the declaration of the slot local variables and send different chords to the slots again.

If slot local variables are declared, both slots play separate arpeggios. If slot local variables are not declared, only one slot will play an arpeggio with a mix of the chords that you are sending to the slots.

    Simple arpeggiator playing 1/16 notes with fixed velocity.
    The global variables noteBuffer, arpRunning and arpeggioNotes use defineSlotLocal.
-- Global statements.
-- Declare slot local variables.

-- Initialize variables.
-- Set note length to 1/16, i.e., one beat divided by four.

noteLength = 0.25

-- Set a fixed velocity of 100.

fixedVelocity = 100

-- Buffer for held notes.

noteBuffer = {}

-- Playback state of the arpeggiator.

arpRunning = false
-- Transfer the held notes into an array and sort its values.

function sortNotes()
    arpeggioNotes = {}
    for note in pairs(noteBuffer) do
        arpeggioNotes[#arpeggioNotes+1] = note
-- Play up arpeggio.

function playArpeggioUp()
    arpRunning = true
    -- Start playback with index 1.
    local i = 1
    -- Playback for as long as there are arpeggio notes.
    while arpeggioNotes[i] do
        local id = playNote(arpeggioNotes[i], fixedVelocity, 0)
        wait(getBeatDuration() * noteLength * 0.5)
        -- Release the current voice after half the note length.
        wait(getBeatDuration() * noteLength * 0.5)
        -- Increase index by 1 to play the next note.
        i = i + 1
        -- Reset playback to index 1, if index out of range.
        if not arpeggioNotes[i] then
            i = 1
    arpRunning = false
function onNote(event)
    -- Write notes to the buffer.
    noteBuffer[event.note] = event.velocity
    -- Start the arpeggio only if it is not running.
    if arpRunning == false then
function onRelease(event)
    -- Remove notes from the buffer.
    noteBuffer[event.note] = nil

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Diving Deeper /

Protecting Layers

On this page:

Related pages:

You might want to avoid that users make edits to critical parts of the program. Moreover, how you built the program for your instrument might be a considerable part of your intellectual property. To safeguard the program and your work, you can protect the layers which the users should not have access to.

Using Layer Protection

Protecting layers is a two-step process:

  • First, you define the layers you want to protect by setting the Layer Protection in the Program Tree. This has the advantage that you can decide at an early stage which layers you want to be protected. You can continue your work as usual and you still can add or remove the protection as needed. The permanent activation of the layer protection happens later.
  • Before you release the instrument to the public, you export the program and apply the protection by using Export Program as VST3 Preset... with the Protect option activated. All layers with the layer protection set will be permanently protected in the exported program.

❕ Applying the layer protection permanently by exporting a protected VST3 preset cannot be undone. For this reason, you should always keep a backup of the unprotected program.

Setting the Layer Protection

  1. In the Program Tree, right-click the column header and select Layer Protection. The column for setting the layer protection is added to the Program Tree. An open lock is displayed next to each layer, indicating that the layers are not protected yet.
  2. Click the lock icon on the layer you want to protect. A dialog opens for entering the password for the layer protection.
  3. Enter a password in the text field. You must enter a password each time you protect a layer. You are free to use the same or different passwords for each of the layers.
  4. Click OK to engage the layer protection.

The Layer Protection is engaged if the lock next to the layer is closed. If a child layer is protected through a parent layer, its lock will turn light grey to indicate this. To disengage the Layer Protection, click the lock of this layer to reopen it. This resets the password of the layer. To apply the Layer Protection permanently, you must build a library or export a protected version of the program or layer.

Applying the Layer Protection Automatically

The Library Creator protects layers with activated protection automatically when building a VST Sound. This affects only the presets that go into the VST Sound and not your source presets on disk. Using the Library Creator is the preferred way to protect layers permanently for release.

  1. Set the Layer Protection as described above.
  2. In the Library Creator, add the respective presets to your library.
  3. Build the library and mount it.
  4. Go to the MediaBay and load a preset from the library.

The protected layers cannot be accessed in the Program Tree any longer.

Applying the Layer Protection Manually

❕ Applying the layer protection cannot be undone. Please keep a backup of the unprotected program if you need to edit the layers at a later stage.

  1. Right-click in the Program Tree and go to the Import/Export submenu.
  2. Select Export Program as VST3 Preset...
  3. Activate the Protect option.
  4. Choose a location and file name.
  5. Click Save to export the program and apply the layer protection permanently.

When you load the exported program, the protected layers cannot be accessed in the Program Tree any longer.

Accessing Protected Layers from a Script

By default, protected layers cannot be accessed by scripts. The parameters of a protected layer and any elements inside of it are hidden for scripts. This avoids unauthorized parsing of the Program Tree to retrieve hidden information. A script can access protected layers only by calling the function addLayerPassword with the correct password for the corresponding layers.


-- Access the protected layer(s) which have the password "abc123".


❕ To hide the password in addLayerPassword, you must also protect the script module. See Managing Script Modules for details.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Diving Deeper /

Managing Script Modules

On this page:

Related pages:

You can add your script module to the MIDI module library by saving it as a MIDI module. Script modules that have been saved as MIDI module, behave like the factory MIDI modules and can be loaded with Create New MIDI Module.

Saving Modules

  1. In the Program Tree, right-click the script module that you want to save.
  2. On the submenu MIDI Module Library, select Save Module...
  3. In the file dialog, enter a name for the module and click Save.

Deleting Modules

  1. Right-click in the Program Tree.
  2. On the submenu MIDI Module Library, select Delete Module...
  3. Select the module that you want to delete and click Yes to confirm.

Protecting Modules

If you want to prevent others from viewing or changing the sources of your script module, you can protect the module with Protect Module.

Protecting a script module has the following effects:

  • The source files for the script module cannot be edited anymore. This includes the script itself and any sources for the MacroPage of the module.
  • The sections for source files and output messages will be hidden in the editor and cannot be accessed anymore.

Using Protect Module

  1. In the Program Tree, right-click the script module that you want to protect.
  2. On the submenu MIDI Module Library, select Protect Module. At this point, you can still revert the protection with the undo command of the history.
  3. To protect the script module permanently, save the module with MIDI Module Library > Save Module... The next time you load the module, it will be protected. Alternatively, you can save the program together with the module.

❕ The protection of permanently protected modules cannot be undone. Make sure that you have an unprotected backup of the script module and its sources if you need to edit them at a later stage.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Diving Deeper /

Using External Files

(Since HALion 7.0)

The functions of the i/o and the os library of Lua allow you to manipulate external files. External files are files that are managed by the operating system. For example, while developing large scale sample instruments, it can be helpful to read or write files with comma separated values (.csv). To protect private data, the location for reading and writing files is limited to the folders ./Documents/Steinberg and ./Documents/tmp of the user. In addition, you can read files from the VST sound that contains the executed script. Lua's i/o functions allow you to manipulate files. The functions os.remove and os.rename from the os library allow you to delete or rename files. See Input and Output Facilities and Operating System Facilities for a description of the respective functions.

❕ The functions io.popen, io.tmpfile, os.execute, os.exit, os.getenv, os.setlocale and os.tmpname are not supported.

Retrieving the File Path of ./Documents/Steinberg

You can use the function getUserSubPresetPath to retreive the file path of ./Documents/Steinberg on your system.


-- Retrieve ./Documents/Steinberg/ and try to open a file.

fileLocation = getUserSubPresetPath()
posStart, posEnd = string.find(getUserSubPresetPath(), "Steinberg/")
fileLocation = string.sub(fileLocation, 1, posEnd)

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Diving Deeper /

Debugging with LDT

On this page:

External links:

HALion uses Lua Development Tools (LDT) by Eclipse Foundation as the front end for debugging. LDT is an open source software for Windows and Mac OSX that provides you with an integrated development environment (IDE) for Lua with tools like code assistance, debugging, syntax coloring, code formatting, and many more. LDT allows you to debug scripts that run in HALion. After configuring Attach Debug in LDT, you can connect a Lua Script module for debugging its script. In LDT you can monitor the script step by step, inspect variables and evaluate expressions. This way you can identify and remove errors from your script more easily.

More information about the LDT and support from the Eclipse community can be found here:


Installing LDT

LDT can be downloaded from here:


  • After downloading the package for your system, unpack the files into a folder of your choice.

❕ In addition, the Java SE 8 JRE (Windows) or the Java SE 8 JDK (Mac OSX) must be installed.


The Java SE 8 JRE can be downloaded from here:



The Java SE 8 JDK can be downloaded from here:


❕ Mac OSX might tell you that you need to install the legacy Java SE 6 runtime. Please ignore the message and install the Java SE 8 JDK instead.

Setting Up a Debug Session

Before starting a debug session, some preparations are required. In the following, you will be guided through all the necessary steps.

Starting LDT


  • Double-click LuaDevelopmentTools.exe.


  • Double-click the Eclipse application.

Selecting a Workspace

Upon start of LDT the Eclipse Launcher will ask you to select a directory as workspace.

  • Choose a location for Workspace and click Launch.

Select Workspace

Creating a Project

  1. Open File > New > Project.., select Lua Project and click Next >.

  2. Enter a Project name.

  3. Select Create project at existing location (from existing source) and set Directory to the location of your scripts.

    Create a Lua Project

  4. Click Next >. The contents of the specified directory will be scanned. You can ignore the warning that says, "Your project has no source folder defined."

  5. Click Finish.

    Script Settings

The Lua scripts that have been found will appear in the Script Explorer of LDT. You can load them via double-click.

Script Explorer

Configuring Attach Debug

In order for incoming debug sessions to be accepted, you must create a Lua Attach to Application launch configuration.

  1. Open Run > Debug Configurations...
  2. Select Lua Attach to Application and click the New button to create a configuration of this type.
  3. Enter a name and click Apply.
  4. Click Close, since we do not want to debug at the moment.

Debug Configurations

Changing the Debug Port on Mac

On Mac, you must change the debug server port before you can start a debug session.

  1. Open Lua Development Tools Product > Preferences... and go in Dynamic Languages > Debug.
  2. Change Port to "Custom" and enter the value "10001".
  3. Click Apply and Close.

Debug Port

❕ Do not change the debug server port on Windows.

Starting a Debug Session

Please load the following code example for your first debug session.

Loading the Code Example

Create a new Lua file in LDT.

  1. In File > New > Other..., select Lua File and click Next >.
  2. Enter a file name and click Finish.

New Lua File

❕ New Lua files will be saved to the directory that you specified for the Lua project.

  • Copy the following code example to the editor area of LDT.


function onNote(ev)
  • Click Save Button to save the script file in LDT.

Now it is time to start HALion and to load the script.

  1. Open HALion, create a Program with a Synth zone and a Lua Script module.
  2. Load the script file from the location where you saved it.

HALion with Script

❕ The script running in the Lua Script module of HALion must be loaded from the same location where LDT saved it. This ensures that the script in LDT and HALion are physically the same file. Otherwise the debugger cannot establish a connection between LDT (debugger server) and the Lua Script module (debugger client).

Opening the Debug Perspective

Most of the debug functionality can be found in the Debug perspective of LDT.

  • Click Debug Button in the top right corner of the editor area.
  • Alternatively, in Window > Perspective > Open Perspective > Other..., select Debug and click Open.

Breakpoints can be set by double-clicking the margin.

  • Double-click the margin in line two, for example.

Debug Perspective

Connecting the Lua Script module with LDT

The following steps will establish a connection between LDT (debugger server) and the Lua Script module (debugger client).

  1. Open HALion, go to the Lua Script module and click the Connect to Debugger button Connect to Debugger Gray. This defines the Lua Script module as debugger client. The Connect to Debugger button turns blue Connect to Debugger Blue to indicate that it waits for the debugger server.
  2. Open LDT and go to Run > Debug Configurations... In Lua Attach to Application, select the configuarion you have previously created.
  3. Click Debug to start the debugger server.

The Connect to Debugger button in HALion turns green if the debugger server and client are connected Connect to Debugger Green.

Lua Script Module

As a basic test, try the following steps with the code example from above and a breakpoint in line two:

  1. Play a MIDI note. LDT will break into the onNote function.

    Break Into onNote

  2. Click Resume Resume Button or press (F8) to continue the script. HALion prints the event and outputs the note.

Stopping a Debug Session

To stop the debug session:

  • Open the Lua Script module in HALion and click the Connect to Debugger button Connect to Debugger Green.

The Connect to Debugger button turns gray Connect to Debugger Gray and the Debug area in LDT says the Lua Attach to Application session has <terminated>.

Terminated Debugger

Using the LDT Debugger

From now on, the debug session can be started from the Debug menu Debug Menu Button on the LDT toolbar.

Debug Menu Toolbar

Tips for using the LDT debugger can be found here:

Debugging a Lua program


This page lists the modified and added pages for each version.

On this page:

HALion 7.0.0

Added Pages

Modified Pages

HALion 6.4.20

Modified Pages

HALion 6.4.10

Added Pages

HALion 6.4.0

Added Pages

Modified Pages

HALion 6.3.0

Added Pages

Modified Pages

HALion 6.2.20

Added Pages

HALion 6.1.0

Added Pages

Modified Pages

Functions by Subject

Here you can browse the functions of the HALion Script language by their subject.

On this page:

Audio File Functions

analyzePitch, AudioFile.open, cancelDecompose, cancelPitchAnalysis, decompose, getDecomposeProgress, getOnsets, getPeak, getPitch, getPitchAnalysisProgress,

Automation Functions

assignAutomation, forgetAutomation, getAutomationIndex,

Bus Functions

appendEffect, findEffects, getEffect, getOutputBus, insertEffect, removeEffect, setOutputBus,

Context Functions

getAllocatedMemory, getBarDuration, getBeatDuration, getBeatTime, getBeatTimeInBar, getCC, getContext, getDecomposeOutputPath, getDecomposeSettings, getFreeVoices, getHostName, getHostVersion, getMsTime, getNoteDuration, getNoteExpression, getProcessedSamples, getProductName, getProductVersion, getSamplingRate, getScriptVersion, getSlotIndex, getTempo, getTime, getTimeSignature, getUsedMemory, getUsedVoices, getUsedVoicesOfSlot, getUserPresetPath, getUserSubPresetPath, getVoices, isKeyDown, isNoteHeld, isOctaveKeyDown, isPlaying,

Conversion Functions

beat2ms, ms2beat, ms2samples, samples2ms,

Element Functions

findChildren, getChild, getParameter, getParameterDefinition, getParameterNormalized, hasParameter, removeFromParent, setName, setParameter, setParameterNormalized,

Event Callback

onAfterTouch, onController, onData, onIdle, onInit, onLoad, onLoadIntoSlot, onLoadSubPreset, onNote, onNoteExpression, onPitchBend, onRelease, onRemoveFromSlot, onRetrigger, onSave, onSaveSubPreset, onTriggerPad, onUnhandledEvent,

Event Functions

afterTouch, controlChange, pitchBend, playNote, playTriggerPad, postEvent, releaseVoice,

Instance Functions

findBusses, findEffects, findSlots, getBus, getProgram, getSlot, setProgram,

Layer Functions

addQCAssignment, appendBus, appendLayer, appendLayerAsync, appendMidiModule, appendZone, findBusses, findEffects, findLayers, findMidiModules, findZones, getBus, getLayer, getMidiModule, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentBypass, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getZone, insertBus, insertLayer, insertLayerAsync, insertMidiModule, insertZone, removeBus, removeLayer, removeMidiModule, removeQCAssignment, removeZone, setQCAssignmentBypass, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope,

MIDI File Functions

insertEvent, readMidiFile, sortEvents, writeMidiFile,

Modulation Matrix Functions

getSource1, getSource2, setSource1, setSource2,

ParameterDefinition Functions


QC Functions

addQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentBypass, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, removeQCAssignment, setQCAssignmentBypass, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope,

Slot Functions

findBusses, findEffects, getBus,

Timing Functions

runAsync, runSync, spawn, wait, waitBeat, waitForRelease,

UI Script Functions


Undo Functions

endUndoBlock, getUndoContext, startUndoBlock,

Voice Functions

changeNoteExpression, changePan, changeTune, changeVolume, changeVolumedB, fade,

Zone Functions

getModulationMatrixRow, getOutputBus, setOutputBus,

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script /

Class Reference

Class Hierarchy

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Class Reference /

Audio File

The AudioFile class describes the properties of audio files.

On this page:

AudioFile Class, analyzePitch, cancelDecompose, cancelPitchAnalysis, decompose, getDecomposeProgress, getOnsets, getPeak, getPitch, getPitchAnalysisProgress


AudioFile Class


The AudioFile.open function creates an AudioFile object of the specified audio file. The AudioFile object can be used to retrieve information from the audio file, for example, the sample rate, bit depth, length in samples, etc. The AudioFile object has the following fields.

❕ All fields of the AudioFile object are read-only.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.validIndicates if the file is a supported audio file and whether it could be opened or not.boolean
.fileNameThe file name that was used for opening the audio file.string
.rateThe sample rate of the audio file. Returns nil if the audio file could not be opened or is invalid.number
.bitsThe bit depth of the audio file. Returns nil if the audio file could not be opened or is invalid.number
.channelsThe number of channels of the audio file. Returns nil if the audio file could not be opened or is invalid.number
.lengthThe number of samples in the audio file. Returns nil if the audio file could not be opened or is invalid.number
.rootKeyThe root key stored in the sampler chunk of the audio file. Returns nil if the audio file does not contain an appropriate sampler chunk or could not be opened or is invalid.number
.keyLowThe lowest key of the key range stored in the sampler chunk of the audio file. Returns nil if the audio file does not contain an appropriate sampler chunk or could not be opened or is invalid.number
.keyHighThe highest key of the key range stored in the sampler chunk of the audio file. Returns nil if the audio file does not contain an appropriate sampler chunk or could not be opened or is invalid.number
.velLowThe lowest velocity of the velocity range stored in the sampler chunk of the audio file. Returns nil if the audio file does not contain an appropriate sampler chunk or could not be opened or is invalid.number
.velHighThe highest velocity of the velocity range stored in the sampler chunk of the audio file. Returns nil if the audio file does not contain an appropriate sampler chunk or could not be opened or is invalid.number
.detuneThe tune offset in cents stored in the sampler chunk of the audio file. Returns nil if the audio file does not contain an appropriate sampler chunk or could not be opened or is invalid.number
.levelThe level offset in dB stored in the sampler chunk of the audio file. Returns nil if the audio file does not contain an appropriate sampler chunk or could not be opened or is invalid.number
.tempoThe tempo in bpm stored in a data chunk of the audio file. Returns nil if the audio file does not contain an appropriate data chunk or could not be opened or is invalid.number
.beatsThe number of beats stored in a data chunk of the audio file. Returns nil if the audio file does not contain an appropriate data chunk or could not be opened or is invalid.number
.signatureA pair of values for the numerator and denominator of the signature stored in a data chunk of the audio file. The values are nil if the audio file does not contain an appropriate data chunk or could not be opened or is invalid.number, number
.sampleStartThe position of the sample start in samples stored in a data chunk of the audio file. Returns nil if the audio file does not contain an appropriate data chunk or could not be opened or is invalid.number
.sampleEndThe position of the sample end in samples stored in a data chunk of the audio file. Returns nil if the audio file does not contain an appropriate data chunk or could not be opened or is invalid.number
.loopsThe loop start and end positions in samples stored in a data chunk of the audio file. The returned table is an array that contains tables with the fields loopStart and loopEnd for each loop. Returns nil if the audio file does not contain an appropriate data chunk or could not be opened or is invalid.table


-- Open an audio file from HALion Sonic 1.0.

fname = "vstsound://502B301A6C914CEDA5C7500DC890C4DC/.Samples/g:/projects/yamahacontentserver/download/release/smtg/winds/Samples/DP060_FluteC3.wav"
af = AudioFile.open(fname)
loops = af.loops

-- Print information from the audio file.

if af.valid then
  print(fname, "opened.")
  print("Sample Rate: ", af.rate)
  print("Bit Depth: ", af.bits)
  print("Channels: ", af.channels)
  print("Sample Length: ", af.length)
  if loops then
    print("Loop Start: ", loops[1].loopStart)
    print("Loop End: ", loops[1].loopEnd)
  print(fname, "does not exist.")

Jump to Top



analyzePitch(callback, channel)

(Since HALion 6.3)


Function to analyze the pitch of an audio file. You specify the audio file with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. The arguments callback and channel are optional. If called without a callback function, analyzePitch will be executed in the same thread. If called with a callback function as argument, analyzePitch will be executed in a separate, parallel thread. You can specify the channel to be analyzed with the channel argument. Without the channel argument multiple channels of an audio file will be summed before the pitch is analyzed. The callback function is called with the AudioFile object as the first and the channel as the second argument after the pitch has been analyzed. The results of analyzePitch are cashed as long as the corresponding AudioFile object exists. The function itself does not return any pitch information. You must use getPitch to obtain the analyzed pitch.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
callbackCallback function that is called with the AudioFile object as argument after the pitch has been analyzed.function, optional
channelUse this to specify the channel of the audio file to be analyzed. Leave this empty or set this to 0 for summing all audio channels before they are analyzed.number, optional


channelNames = { [0] = "All", "Left", "Right" }
defineParameter( "Channel", nil, 0, channelNames)
defineParameter( "Start", nil, false, function() if Start then onStart() end end)
defineParameter( "Cancel", nil, false)
-- Requires the Skylab content.
path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 01.vstpreset"
layer = loadPreset(path)
function onPitchAnalysisFinished(audioFile, channelNum)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(channelNames[channelNum].." channel(s) of "..audioFile.fileName.." analyzed.")
function onStart()
    zones = layer:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        print("File: "..samplePath)
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        afile:analyzePitch(onPitchAnalysisFinished, Channel)
        while afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel) < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progressPercent = 100 * afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel)
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
        local pitch = afile:getPitch(0, -1, Channel)
        print("Analyzed Pitch: "..pitch)
    Start = false

Jump to Top



(Since HALion 7.0)


Function to cancel the decompose function for an audio file. You specify the audio file with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. To cancel the decompose of a certain audio file, the AudioFile object of the cancelDecompose function must match the AudioFile object of the corresponding decompose function.

Available in: Controller.


outputModes = { "Tonal", "Noise", "All", "Mix", }
defineParameter { name = "Decompose", default = false, onChanged = function() if Decompose then onDecompose() end end }
defineParameter { name = "Cancel", default = false}
defineParameter { name = "Sensitivity", default = -24, min = -96, max = 0, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "Cutoff", default = 20000, min = 20, max = 20000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "Duration", default = 80, min = 0, max = 100, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "TonalLevel", default = 0, min = -96, max = 12, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "NoiseLevel", default = 0, min = -96, max = 12, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "Start", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "Length", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "OutputMode", default = DecomposeOutputMode.all, strings = outputModes }
defineParameter { name = "OutputPath", default = "" }
defineParameter { name = "Subfolder", default = "" }
function onDecomposeFinished(audioFile, file1, file2)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(audioFile.fileName, audioFile.length)
    if file1 then
        local afile1 = AudioFile.open(file1)
        print(afile1.fileName, afile1.length)
    if file2 then
        local afile2 = AudioFile.open(file2)
        print(afile2.fileName, afile2.length)
function onDecompose()
    zones = this.parent:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        local startSamples = Start * afile.rate/1000
        local lengthSamples = Length * afile.rate/1000
        if not Subfolder == "" then
            if OutputPath == "" then
                OutputPath = getDecomposeOutputPath(samplePath)..Subfolder
                OutputPath = OutputPath..Subfolder
        print("Decompose: "..samplePath)
            callback = onDecomposeFinished,
            start = startSamples,
            length = lengthSamples,
            sensitivity = Sensitivity,
            cutoff = Cutoff,
            duration = Duration,
            tonalLevel = TonalLevel,
            noiseLevel = NoiseLevel,
            outputMode = OutputMode,
            outputPath = OutputPath,
        while afile:getDecomposeProgress() < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progress, errorMessage = afile:getDecomposeProgress()
            if errorMessage then
            local progressPercent = 100 * progress
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
            print("Decompose Canceled!")
    print("Decompose finished.")
    Decompose = false

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(Since HALion 6.3)


Function to cancel a pitch analysis you started with analyzePitch. You specify the audio file with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. The channel argument specifies the channel of the audio file. The AudioFile object and the channel argument must match the call to analyzePitch.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
channelUse this to specify the channel of the audio file that is being analyzed.number, optional


channelNames = { [0] = "All", "Left", "Right" }
defineParameter( "Channel", nil, 0, channelNames)
defineParameter( "Start", nil, false, function() if Start then onStart() end end)
defineParameter( "Cancel", nil, false)
-- Requires the Skylab content.
path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 01.vstpreset"
layer = loadPreset(path)
function onPitchAnalysisFinished(audioFile, channelNum)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(channelNames[channelNum].." channel(s) of "..audioFile.fileName.." analyzed.")
function onStart()
    zones = layer:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        print("File: "..samplePath)
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        afile:analyzePitch(onPitchAnalysisFinished, Channel)
        while afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel) < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progressPercent = 100 * afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel)
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
        local pitch = afile:getPitch(0, -1, Channel)
        print("Analyzed Pitch: "..pitch)
    Start = false

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(Since HALion 7.0)


Function to decompose an audio file into its tonal and noise components. You specify the audio file with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. The decompose function can be configured with named arguments. The named arguments are optional and if called without, decompose will be executed with its default settings.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
callbackThis callback function is called with the AudioFile object and the file path of the ouput sample(s) as arguments after the original sample has been decomposed. If called without a callback function, decompose will be executed in the same thread. If called with a callback function as argument, decompose will be executed in a separate, parallel thread.function, optional
startThe start position in samples. The created samples are trimmed to this position. The default is 0 samples.number, optional
lengthThe duration in samples. Set this to less than or equal to 0 to use all samples from the specified start to the end of the sample. By default, everything from start to the end of the sample is decomposed. The created samples are trimmed to this length.number, optional
sensitivityDetermines the minimum level difference that is needed to distinguish the tonal from the noise signals. The sensitivity is specified in dB and the value range is from -96 to 0 dB. The default is -24 dB.number, optional
cutoffSets the frequency limit below which the algorithm detects tonal signals. Any signals above the cutoff frequency are classified as noise, regardless of the sensitivity and duration arguments. The cutoff is specified in Hz and the value range is from 20 to 20000 Hz. The default is 20000 Hz.number, optional
durationAllows you to specify the minimum length for a tonal signal in milliseconds. Signals that are shorter than the specified duration are classified as noise, longer signals are classified as tonal. The value range is fom 0 to 100 ms. The default is 80 ms.number, optional
tonalLevelSpecifies the level of the tonal component in dB. The value range is from -96 to +12 dB. The default is 0 dB.number, optional
noiseLevelSpecifies the level of the noise component in dB. The value range is from -96 to +12 dB. The default is 0 dB.number, optional
outputModeDefines if only one of the components, both components, or a mix of them is created. See Decompose Output Modes for details.number, optional
outputPathSpecifies the path for the decomposed audio files. If the string is empty, invalid, or nil, the file paths of the decompose settings of the plug-in will be used. The default is nil.string, optional

❕ Samples that were loaded from a VST Sound container can only be decomposed if the ouputPath argument is set to a valid file location. You can use getDecomposeOutputPath to obtain the file location from the decompose settings of the plug-in.


outputModes = { "Tonal", "Noise", "All", "Mix", }
defineParameter { name = "Decompose", default = false, onChanged = function() if Decompose then onDecompose() end end }
defineParameter { name = "Cancel", default = false}
defineParameter { name = "Sensitivity", default = -24, min = -96, max = 0, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "Cutoff", default = 20000, min = 20, max = 20000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "Duration", default = 80, min = 0, max = 100, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "TonalLevel", default = 0, min = -96, max = 12, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "NoiseLevel", default = 0, min = -96, max = 12, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "Start", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "Length", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "OutputMode", default = DecomposeOutputMode.all, strings = outputModes }
defineParameter { name = "OutputPath", default = "" }
defineParameter { name = "Subfolder", default = "" }
function onDecomposeFinished(audioFile, file1, file2)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(audioFile.fileName, audioFile.length)
    if file1 then
        local afile1 = AudioFile.open(file1)
        print(afile1.fileName, afile1.length)
    if file2 then
        local afile2 = AudioFile.open(file2)
        print(afile2.fileName, afile2.length)
function onDecompose()
    zones = this.parent:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        local startSamples = Start * afile.rate/1000
        local lengthSamples = Length * afile.rate/1000
        if not Subfolder == "" then
            if OutputPath == "" then
                OutputPath = getDecomposeOutputPath(samplePath)..Subfolder
                OutputPath = OutputPath..Subfolder
        print("Decompose: "..samplePath)
            callback = onDecomposeFinished,
            start = startSamples,
            length = lengthSamples,
            sensitivity = Sensitivity,
            cutoff = Cutoff,
            duration = Duration,
            tonalLevel = TonalLevel,
            noiseLevel = NoiseLevel,
            outputMode = OutputMode,
            outputPath = OutputPath,
        while afile:getDecomposeProgress() < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progress, errorMessage = afile:getDecomposeProgress()
            if errorMessage then
            local progressPercent = 100 * progress
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
            print("Decompose Canceled!")
    print("Decompose finished.")
    Decompose = false

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(Since HALion 7.0)


Function to monitor the progress of the decompose function for an audio file. You specify the audio file with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. To get the progress of a certain audio file that is being decomposed, the AudioFile object of the getDecomposeProgress function must match the AudioFile object of the corresponding decompose function. The function returns two values: the progress as a value between 0 and 1 and an error message if the decompose did not succeed.

Available in: Controller.

Return Values

Returns the progress as a float value between 0 and 1, and an error message if the decompose did not succeed. The error message returns nil if the decompose was successful.


outputModes = { "Tonal", "Noise", "All", "Mix", }
defineParameter { name = "Decompose", default = false, onChanged = function() if Decompose then onDecompose() end end }
defineParameter { name = "Cancel", default = false}
defineParameter { name = "Sensitivity", default = -24, min = -96, max = 0, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "Cutoff", default = 20000, min = 20, max = 20000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "Duration", default = 80, min = 0, max = 100, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "TonalLevel", default = 0, min = -96, max = 12, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "NoiseLevel", default = 0, min = -96, max = 12, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "Start", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "Length", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "OutputMode", default = DecomposeOutputMode.all, strings = outputModes }
defineParameter { name = "OutputPath", default = "" }
defineParameter { name = "Subfolder", default = "" }
function onDecomposeFinished(audioFile, file1, file2)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(audioFile.fileName, audioFile.length)
    if file1 then
        local afile1 = AudioFile.open(file1)
        print(afile1.fileName, afile1.length)
    if file2 then
        local afile2 = AudioFile.open(file2)
        print(afile2.fileName, afile2.length)
function onDecompose()
    zones = this.parent:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        local startSamples = Start * afile.rate/1000
        local lengthSamples = Length * afile.rate/1000
        if not Subfolder == "" then
            if OutputPath == "" then
                OutputPath = getDecomposeOutputPath(samplePath)..Subfolder
                OutputPath = OutputPath..Subfolder
        print("Decompose: "..samplePath)
            callback = onDecomposeFinished,
            start = startSamples,
            length = lengthSamples,
            sensitivity = Sensitivity,
            cutoff = Cutoff,
            duration = Duration,
            tonalLevel = TonalLevel,
            noiseLevel = NoiseLevel,
            outputMode = OutputMode,
            outputPath = OutputPath,
        while afile:getDecomposeProgress() < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progress, errorMessage = afile:getDecomposeProgress()
            if errorMessage then
            local progressPercent = 100 * progress
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
            print("Decompose Canceled!")
    print("Decompose finished.")
    Decompose = false

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getOnsets(start, length, peakThreshold, sensThreshold, minLength)

(Since HALion 6.4.0)


Function to analyze the onsets in an audio file. You specify the audio file with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. The onset analysis is performed on the sum of all channels in the audio file. The arguments start and length define the time range in the audio file to be analyzed. The peakThreshold and sensThreshold arguments determine the minimum level and the weight of an onset, the minLength argument determines the minimum duration between consecutive onsets.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
startThe start position in samples.number
lengthThe duration in samples. Set this to equal to or less than 0 to use all samples from the specified start to the end of the sample.number
peakThresholdThe minimum level in decibels. Onsets with lower level are skipped. The value range is from -96 to 0.number
sensThresholdThe minimum weight in percent. Onsets with lower weight are skipped. The value range is from 0 to 100.number
minLengthThe minimum duration between consecutive onsets in milliseconds. The value range is from 0 to 10000.number

Return Values

Returns an array with the positions of the detected onsets.


fname = "vstsound://271CB2CFA75E4295B1C273FA651FE11D/.Samples/g:/projects/yamahacontentserver/Download/Release/ycj/ME_Waveform/Loop145/samples/Loop145_072(2).wav"
af = AudioFile.open(fname)
onsets = af:getOnsets(0, -1, -24, 0, 10)
for i, pos in ipairs(onsets) do
   print(i.." ".."Onset: "..pos)

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getPeak(start, length, rms)


Function to analyze the levels in an audio file. You specify the audio file with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. The arguments start and length define the range in the audio file to be analyzed. The rms argument determines whether the peak level or the RMS level of the specified range is returned.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
startThe start position in samples.number
lengthThe duration in samples. Set this to equal to or less than 0 to use all samples from the specified start to the end of the file.number
rmsIf this is set to 0, the peak level of the specified range will be returned. If this is set to a value above 0, the RMS level over the specified range will be calculated.number

Return Values

Returns the level of the specifed range as a linear value. The example shows how to convert the value from linear to dB.


function lin2db(lin)
  return 20 * math.log(lin) / math.log(10)

fname = "vstsound://F29C895D6D8E4D6C9BCBBA5198412192/.samples/Ambient Pad 01/Ambient Pad 01 - C3.tg3c"
af = AudioFile.open(fname)

-- Analyze the peak level in the first 1000 samples.

attpeak = af:getPeak(0, 1000, 0)

-- Analyze the RMS level in the range from 1000 samples till the end of the file.

susrms = af:getPeak(1000, -1, 1)
print("Attack Peak:", attpeak, "(", lin2db(attpeak), "dB )")
print("Sustain RMS:", susrms, "(", lin2db(susrms), "dB )")

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getPitch(start, length, channel)

(Since HALion 6.3)


Function to obtain the pitch of an audio file that has been analyzed with analyzePitch. The audio file you want to obtain the pitch from is specified with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. The arguments start and length define the range in the audio file that is used for obtaining the pitch. The channel argument specifies the channel of the audio file that was analyzed. The AudioFile object and the channel argument must match the call to analyzePitch. The function returns two values: The pitch as MIDI note number with decimals for cents and a boolean for voiced/unvoiced detection. If length is greater than 20 ms, the average of the pitches in the specified range is returned. If the audio file has not been analyzed in advance, getPitch returns nil.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
startThe start position in samples.number
lengthThe duration in samples. Set this to less than or equal to 0 to use all samples from the specified start to the end of the file.number
channelUse this to specify the audio channel that was analyzed.number, optional

Return Values

Returns a tuple with two values:

  • A float value representing the pitch as MIDI note number with decimals for cents,
  • a boolean for voiced/unvoiced detection. The return value true means that a pitch was detected in the specified range.

If length is greater than 20 ms, the average of the pitches in the specified range is returned. If the audio file has not been analyzed in advance, getPitch returns nil.


channelNames = { [0] = "All", "Left", "Right" }
defineParameter( "Channel", nil, 0, channelNames)
defineParameter( "Start", nil, false, function() if Start then onStart() end end)
defineParameter( "Cancel", nil, false)
-- Requires the Skylab content.
path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 01.vstpreset"
layer = loadPreset(path)
function onPitchAnalysisFinished(audioFile, channelNum)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(channelNames[channelNum].." channel(s) of "..audioFile.fileName.." analyzed.")
function onStart()
    zones = layer:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        print("File: "..samplePath)
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        afile:analyzePitch(onPitchAnalysisFinished, Channel)
        while afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel) < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progressPercent = 100 * afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel)
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
        local pitch = afile:getPitch(0, -1, Channel)
        print("Analyzed Pitch: "..pitch)
    Start = false

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(Since HALion 6.3)


Function to monitor the progress of analyzePitch. You specify the audio file with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. The channel argument specifies the channel of the audio file. The AudioFile object and the channel argument must match the call to analyzePitch. The function returns the progress as a float value between 0 and 1.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
channelUse this to specify the channel of the audio file that is being analyzed.number, optional

Return Values

Returns the progress as a float value between 0 and 1.


channelNames = { [0] = "All", "Left", "Right" }
defineParameter( "Channel", nil, 0, channelNames)
defineParameter( "Start", nil, false, function() if Start then onStart() end end)
defineParameter( "Cancel", nil, false)
-- Requires the Skylab content.
path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 01.vstpreset"
layer = loadPreset(path)
function onPitchAnalysisFinished(audioFile, channelNum)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(channelNames[channelNum].." channel(s) of "..audioFile.fileName.." analyzed.")
function onStart()
    zones = layer:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        print("File: "..samplePath)
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        afile:analyzePitch(onPitchAnalysisFinished, Channel)
        while afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel) < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progressPercent = 100 * afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel)
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
        local pitch = afile:getPitch(0, -1, Channel)
        print("Analyzed Pitch: "..pitch)
    Start = false

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/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Class Reference /


The Element class is the base class for the classes Bus, Instance, Layer, Effect, MidiModule, ModulationMatrixRow, Slot and Zone.

On this page:

Element Class, findChildren, getChild, getParameter, getParameterDefinition, getParameterNormalized, hasParameter, removeFromParent, setName, setParameter, setParameterNormalized


Element Class

The different types of elements are Instance, Slot, Program, Layer, Zone, ModulationMatrixRow, MidiModule, Bus and Effect. The properties of an Element object are described by the following fields.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.nameReturns the name of the element.string
.idReturns the unique ID of the element.string
.typeReturns the type of the element.string
.parameterDefinitionsReturns an array with all ParameterDefinition objects of the element.table
.parentReturns the parent element in the Program Tree. This evaluates to nil if the element is the program.Element or nil
.programReturns the program element in the Program Tree.Program
.levelReturns the level in the Program Tree hierarchy. The program equals level 1. Each sublayer adds +1 to the level.number


-- Print information about the script module.

-- Print the names of all parameters of the parent element.

defs = this.parent.parameterDefinitions
for i, def in ipairs(defs) do

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findChildren(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find children in the specified Element object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the Element object to be searched in. If recursive is set to true, subelements will also be searched. The function returns an array with the Element objects of the found children. Particular children can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findChildren accepts only the Element objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the Element object of each child as argument. Only those Element objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findChildren. Without a name or filter function the Element objects of all children in the searched Element object will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the specified Element object will be searched. If set to true, subelements will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the children searched for or a filter function. Only the Element objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the Element objects of the found children. Returns an empty table if no children are found.


-- Find the MIDI module with the name "Lua Script" and print its type.

scriptModules = this.parent:findChildren(false, "Lua Script")
if scriptModules[1] then
-- Find all children and print their names.
children = this.program:findChildren(true)
if children[1] then
    for i, child in ipairs(children) do
    print("Could not find any children!")

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Function to retrieve the Element object of a child in the specified Element object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the Element object to be searched in. This function does not search in subelements. A particular child can be searched by name or position. The position is the number indexing the children in the specified Element object. If several children share the same name, only the first match will be returned. If no argument is set, the function returns the first child it finds.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrPositionThe name or position of the child. Set this to nil to deactivate the search filter.string or number, optional

Return Values

Returns the Element object of the found child. Returns nil if no child is found.


-- Locate the first child in the program and print its name.

child = this.program:getChild()
if child then
    print("Could not find a child!")

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Function to read the current value of a parameter. The parameter can be determined by name or ID.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrIDThe name or ID of the parameter.string or number

Return Values

Returns the current value of the parameter or nil if the parameter doesn't exist.


-- Print the value of the parent layer's level parameter.

function onLoadIntoSlot()
    print("Level = "..this.parent:getParameter("Level")) -- via name
    print("Level = "..this.parent:getParameter(38))      -- via ID

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Function to retrieve the ParameterDefinition object for a parameter. The parameter can be determined by name or ID. The ParameterDefinition object describes the properties of a parameter.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrIDThe name or ID of the parameter.string or number

Return Values

Returns the ParameterDefinition object for the specified parameter.


-- Print the parameter definition with corresponding
-- data type of the parent layer's level parameter.

function onLoadIntoSlot()
    local def = this.parent:getParameterDefinition("Level")
    print("Name = "..def.name..", "..type(def.name))
    print("ID = "..def.id..", "..type(def.id))
    print("Type = "..def.type..", "..type(def.type))
    print("Default = "..def.default..", "..type(def.default))
    print("Read Only = "..tostring(def.readOnly)..", "..type(def.readOnly))
    print("Min = "..def.min..", "..type(def.min))
    print("Max = "..def.max..", "..type(def.max))
    print("Unit = "..def.unit..", "..type(def.unit).."\n")

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Function to read the current value of a parameter in the normalized range from 0 to 1.0. The parameter can be determined by name or ID.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrIDThe name or ID of the parameter.string or number

Return Values

Returns the current value of the parameter in the normalized range from 0 to 1.0 or nil if the parameter doesn't exist. If the parameter is not numeric, the function returns the same as getParameter


-- Print the normalized value of the parent layer's level parameter.

function onLoadIntoSlot()
    print("Level = "..this.parent:getParameterNormalized("Level")) -- via name
    print("Level = "..this.parent:getParameterNormalized(38))      -- via ID

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Function to check if a parameter exists. The parameter can be determined by name or ID.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrIDThe name or ID of the parameter.string or number

Return Values

Returns true if the parameter exists or false if not.


-- Check if the elements in the Program Tree have filter cutoff.

function onLoadIntoSlot()
    childs = this.program:findChildren(true)
    for i, child in ipairs(childs) do
        if child:hasParameter("Filter.Cutoff") then
            print(child.name.." has filter cutoff.")
            print(child.name.." has no filter cutoff.")

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Function to remove an element in the Program Tree from the parent element. The function can remove elements of the type Layer, Zone, MidiModule, Bus and Effect. It can even remove the script module that calls the function.

Available in: Controller.


-- Remove the second child element.

childs = this.program:findChildren(true)
if childs[2] then

-- Remove the program bus.

bus = this.program:getBus("Program-Bus")
if bus then

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Function to change the name of an element in the Program Tree.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameThe new name for the element.string


-- Print current name of the script module.


-- Set the name of the script module to "My Element".

this:setName("My Element")

-- Print the new name of the script module.


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setParameter(nameOrID, value, undo)


Function to set the value of a parameter. The parameter can be determined by name or ID. The function will have no effect if the parameter does not exist.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrIDThe name or ID of the parameter.string or number
valueThe value that you want to set.The new value must match the data type of the parameter.
undoDetermines if the parameter change will be part of the undo. This argument is only evaluated in the controller context. A parameter change in the processor context never has undo. If setParameter is called in the controller context it will be part of the undo, unless you set this argument to false. For example, you should set this to false if the call to setParameter is made within a parameter callback that is already part of the undo, and if the order of execution of these parameter changes is important.boolean, optional


-- Set the value of the Level parameter of the parent layer.

function onLoadIntoSlot()
    this.parent:setParameter("Level", 0) -- Set via name.
    this.parent:setParameter(38, 0)      -- Set via ID.

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setParameterNormalized(nameOrID, value, undo)


Function to set the value of a parameter in the normalized range from 0 to 1.0. The parameter can be determined by name or ID. This function has no effect if the parameter does not exist or if the value is of the type string.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrIDThe name or ID of the parameter.string or number
valueThe value you want to set in the normalized range from 0 to 1.0.number
undoDetermines if the parameter change will be part of the undo. This argument is only evaluated in the controller context. A parameter change in the processor context never has undo. If setParameter is called in the controller context it will be part of the undo, unless you set this argument to false. For example, you should set this to false if the call to setParameter is made within a parameter callback that is already part of the undo, and if the order of execution of these parameter changes is important.boolean, optional


-- Set the normalized value of the parent layer's level parameter.

function onLoadIntoSlot()
    this.parent:setParameterNormalized("Level", 0.5) -- Set via name.
    this.parent:setParameterNormalized(38, 0.5)      -- Set via ID.

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/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Class Reference / Element /


The Bus class inherits all properties and methods of the Element class.

On this page:

Bus Class, Bus Constructor, findEffects, getEffect, insertEffect, appendEffect, removeEffect, getOutputBus, setOutpuBus

List of inherited members:


Element Class, findChildren, getChild, getParameter, getParameterDefinition, getParameterNormalized, hasParameter, removeFromParent, setName, setParameter, setParameterNormalized


Bus Class


The Element object of a bus can be obtained with findBusses or getBus. It has the following fields.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.isAuxBusReturns true if this is an aux bus and false if it is not.boolean
.auxNumberThe number of the corresponding aux bus.number
.numChannelsThe number of output channels of the bus.number
.activeReturns true if the bus is active and false if it is not active.boolean
.bypassMaskDetermines if a bus follows the global inserts and Aux bypass buttons. See Bypass Masks for details.number


-- Print the names of the active output busses of the plug-in.

busses = this.program.instance:findBusses()
for i, bus in ipairs(busses) do
    if bus.active then

Jump to Top


Bus Constructor


(Since HALion 6.4.0)


Constructor to create a new Bus object.

Available in: Controller.

Return Values

Returns a new Bus object.


-- The following function creates different types of objects in the Program Tree.
-- The objects in the Program Tree do not have a name. You will see only their icons.

function createProgram()
  local inst = this.program.instance
  local prg = Program()
  local bus = Bus()
  inst:setProgram(prg, 1)
  local layer = Layer()
  local mm = MidiModule('MIDI Player')
  local fx = Effect('Distortion')

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findEffects(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find effects in the specified Element object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent of the script module as Element object to be searched in. To specifiy a bus to be searched in, use getBus or findBusses. If recursive is set to true, subelements will also be searched. The function returns an array with the Effect objects of the found effects. Particular effects can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findEffects accepts only the Effect objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the Effect object of each effect as argument. Only those Effect objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findEffects. Without a name or filter function the Effect objects of all effects in the searched Element objects will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the specified Element object will be searched. If set to true, subelements will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the effects searched for or a filter function. Only the Effect objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the Effect objects of the found effects. Returns an empty table if no effects are found.


-- Find all effects and print their names.
effects = this.program:findEffects(true)
if effects[1] then
    for i, effect in ipairs(effects) do
    print("Could not find any effects!")

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Function to retrieve the Effect object of an effect from the specified bus. You can use getBus or findBusses to specify the bus. A particular effect can be searched by name or position. The position is the number indexing the effects in the specified bus. If several effects share the same name, only the first match will be returned. If no argument is set, the function returns the first effect that it finds.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrPositionThe name or position of the effect. Set this to nil to deactivate the search filter.string or number, optional

Return Values

Returns the Effect object of the found effect. Returns nil if no bus is found.


-- Locate the first bus in the program.

bus = this.program:getBus()

if bus then
    -- Locate the first effect of the bus and print its name.
    effect = bus:getEffect()
    if effect then
        print("Could not find an effect!")
    print("Could not find a bus!")

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insertEffect(effect, position)


Function to insert an effect at a specific position in a destination bus. The effect to be inserted is determined by its Effect object. You can use getEffect or findEffects to determine the effect. The destination bus is determined by its Bus object. You can use getBus or findBusses to determine the destination bus. The position is the number indexing the effects in the destination bus. The new effect will be inserted before the specified position. To add the effect at the end, use appendEffect instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
effectThe element object of the effect that you want to insert.Effect
positionThe position where the effect is inserted.number


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Insert an effect from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first effect from the loaded program.
effect = loadedProgram:getBus():getEffect()
-- Get the first bus of this program.
bus = this.program:getBus()
-- Insert the effect.
if (effect and bus) then
   bus:insertEffect(effect, 1)

Jump to Top




Function to add an effect to the specified destination bus. The destination bus is determined by its Bus object. You can use getBus or findBusses to determine the destination bus. The effect to be added is determined by its Effect object. You can use getEffect or findEffects to determine the effect. The new effect will be added behind the existing effects. To insert an effect at a specific position in the bus, use insertEffect instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
effectThe Effect object of the insert effect that you want to append.Effect


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Insert an effect from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first effect from the loaded program.
effect = loadedProgram:getBus():getEffect()
-- Get the first bus of this program.
bus = this.program:getBus()
-- Append the effect.
if (insert and bus) then

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Function to remove an effect from a bus. You can use getBus or findBusses to define the bus that contains the effect. The effect to be removed is determined by its Effect object or its position. You can use getEffect or findEffects to determine the Effect object. The position is the number indexing the effects in the bus.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
insertOrPositionThe Effect object or the position of the effect to be removed.Effect or number


-- Remove all effects from the program.
busses = this.program:findBusses(true)
for i, bus in ipairs(busses) do
    effects = bus:findEffects(true)
    for j, effect in ipairs(effects) do

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Function to retrieve the currently assigned output bus of a zone or bus.

Available in: Controller, Processor.

Return Values

Returns the Bus object of the currently assigned output bus or nil if the default routing is used.


-- Raise an error if no output bus is assigned.

zone = this.parent:getZone()

assert(zone:getOutputBus(), "No output bus assigned. The default routing is used!")

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Function to assign the output of a zone or bus to the specified output bus. The sending zone or bus is determined by its Element object. The receiving output bus is specified by its Bus object. Setting the output bus to nil enables the default signal routing for the zone or bus.

❕ Output busses that are higher up in the hierarchy of the Program Tree can be assigned freely. If the sending bus and the receiving output bus have the same parent layer, the output bus must come later in the signal flow.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
busThe Bus object of the bus that you want to assign, or nil.Bus or nil


-- Assign the output of the zone to the Master output bus of the plug-in.

zone = this.parent:getZone()
masterbus = this.program.instance:getBus(1)
print("Output of "..zone.name.." is assigned to "..masterbus.name..".")

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/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Class Reference / Element /


The Effect class inherits all properties and methods of the Element class.

On this page:

Effect Class, Effect Constructor

List of inherited members:


Element Class, findChildren, getChild, getParameter, getParameterDefinition, getParameterNormalized, hasParameter, removeFromParent, setName, setParameter, setParameterNormalized


Effect Class


The Element object of an effect can be obtained with findEffects or getEffect. It has the following fields.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.moduleTypeReturns the effect type.string
.bypassMaskDetermines if an effect follows the global inserts and Aux bypass buttons. See Bypass Masks for details.number


effects = this.program:findEffects(true)

for i , effect in ipairs(effects) do

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Effect Constructor


(Since HALion 6.4.0)


Constructor to create a new Effect object of the specified type.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
typeThe type of effect.string

Return Values

Returns a new Effect object of the specified type.


-- The following function creates different types of objects in the Program Tree.
-- The objects in the Program Tree do not have a name. You will see only their icons.

function createProgram()
  local inst = this.program.instance
  local prg = Program()
  local bus = Bus()
  inst:setProgram(prg, 1)
  local layer = Layer()
  local mm = MidiModule('MIDI Player')
  local fx = Effect('Distortion')

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/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Class Reference / Element /


The Instance class inherits all properties and methods of the Element class.

On this page:

findBusses, findEffects, findSlots, getBus, getSlot, getProgram, setProgram

List of inherited members:


Element Class, findChildren, getChild, getParameter, getParameterDefinition, getParameterNormalized, hasParameter, removeFromParent, setName, setParameter, setParameterNormalized



findBusses(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find busses in the specified Element object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent of the script module as the Element object to be searched in. If recursive is set to true, subelements will also be searched. The function returns an array with the Bus objects of the found busses. Particular busses can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findBusses accepts only the Bus objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the Bus object of each bus as argument. Only those Bus objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findBusses. Without a name or filter function the Bus objects of all busses in the searched Element obects will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the specified Element object will be searched. If set to true, subelements will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the busses searched for or a filter function. Only the Bus objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the Bus objects of the found busses. Returns an empty table if no busses are found.


-- Find all busses and print their names.
busses = this.program:findBusses(true)
if busses[1] then
    for i, bus in ipairs(busses) do
    print("Could not find any busses!")

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findEffects(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find effects in the specified Element object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent of the script module as Element object to be searched in. To specifiy a bus to be searched in, use getBus or findBusses. If recursive is set to true, subelements will also be searched. The function returns an array with the Effect objects of the found effects. Particular effects can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findEffects accepts only the Effect objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the Effect object of each effect as argument. Only those Effect objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findEffects. Without a name or filter function the Effect objects of all effects in the searched Element objects will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the specified Element object will be searched. If set to true, subelements will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the effects searched for or a filter function. Only the Effect objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the Effect objects of the found effects. Returns an empty table if no effects are found.


-- Find all effects and print their names.
effects = this.program:findEffects(true)
if effects[1] then
    for i, effect in ipairs(effects) do
    print("Could not find any effects!")

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Function to find the slots of the plug-in instance. Before calling this function you must access the Instance object with this.program.instance. The function returns an array with the Slot objects of the found slots. Particular slots can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findSlots accepts only the Slot objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the Slot object of each slot as argument. Only those Slot objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findSlots. Without a name or filter function the Slot objects of all slots in the instance will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the slots searched for or a filter function. Only the Slot objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the Slot objects of the found slots. Returns an empty table if no slots are found.


-- Print the names of all slots.

slots = this.program.instance:findSlots()
for i, slot in ipairs(slots) do

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Function to retrieve the Bus object of a bus in the specified Element object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent of the script module as the Element object to be searched in. This function does not search in subelements. A particular bus can be searched by name or position. The position is the number indexing the busses in the specified Element object. If several busses share the same name, only the first match will be returned. If no argument is set, the function returns the first bus it finds.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrPositionThe name or position of the bus. Set this to nil to deactivate the search filter.string or number, optional

Return Values

Returns the Bus object of the found bus. Returns nil if no bus is found.


-- Locate the first bus in the program and print its name.

bus = this.program:getBus()
if bus then
    print("Could not find a bus!")

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Function to retrieve the Slot object of a slot of the plug-in instance. Before calling this function you must access the Instance object with this.program.instance. A particular slot can be searched by name or index. The index equals the slot numbering in the Slot Rack. If no argument is set, the function returns the first slot it finds.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrIndexThe name or index of the slot. Set this to nil to deactivate the search filter.string or number, optional

Return Values

Returns the Slot object of the found slot. Returns nil if no slot is found.


-- Print the name of slot index 3.

slot = this.program.instance:getSlot(3)


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Function to retrieve the Program object of a program in the Program Table of the plug-in instance. Before calling this function you must access the Instance object with this.program.instance. The index corresponds to the number of the slot in the Program Table where the program is set. The function returns the Program object of the program with the specified index.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
indexThe index of the slot in the Program Table where the program is set.number

Return Values

Returns the Program object of the program with the specified index.


-- Print the name of the program in the third slot of the Program Table.

program = this.program.instance:getProgram(3)

Jump to Top


setProgram(programOrNil, index)


Function to set a program in the specified slot of the Program Table or the Slot Rack of the plug-in instance. Before calling this function, you must access the Instance object with this.program.instance. The program is determined by its Program object. To specify the slot in the Program Table, you must use the index argument. To specify the slot in the Slot Rack, you must use a Slot object, for example, via getSlot. The program can be removed from the Slot Rack by using nil as argument.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, each program can exist only once in the Program Table. Furthermore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance cannot be added twice to the Program Table. It must be removed before it can be added again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be added freely to the Program Table, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
programOrNilThe Program object of the program. Programs can be removed from the Slot Rack by using nil.Program or nil
indexThe index of the slot in the Program Table where you want to set the program.number, optional


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Set Program.vstpreset in slot 3 of the Program Table and slot 1 of the Slot Rack.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Set loadedProgram in slot 3 of the Program Table.
this.program.instance:setProgram(loadedProgram, 3)
-- Set program in slot 1 of the Slot Rack.
program = this.program.instance:getProgram(3)
-- Clear slot 2 of the Slot Rack.

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/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Class Reference / Element /


The Layer class inherits all properties and methods of the Element class.

On this page:

appendBus, appendLayer, appendLayerAsync, appendMidiModule, appendZone, findBusses, findEffects, findLayers, findMidiModules, findZones, getBus, getLayer, getMidiModule, getZone, insertBus, insertLayer, insertLayerAsync, insertMidiModule, insertZone, removeBus, removeLayer, removeMidiModule, removeZone, addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass

List of inherited members:


Element Class, findChildren, getChild, getParameter, getParameterDefinition, getParameterNormalized, hasParameter, removeFromParent, setName, setParameter, setParameterNormalized


Layer Constructor


(Since HALion 6.4.0)


Constructor to create a new Layer object.

Available in: Controller.

Return Values

Returns a new Layer object.


-- The following function creates different types of objects in the Program Tree.
-- The objects in the Program Tree do not have a name. You will see only their icons.

function createProgram()
  local inst = this.program.instance
  local prg = Program()
  local bus = Bus()
  inst:setProgram(prg, 1)
  local layer = Layer()
  local mm = MidiModule('MIDI Player')
  local fx = Effect('Distortion')

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Function to add a bus in the specified destination layer. The destination layer is determined by its Layer object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The bus to be added is determined by its Bus object. You can use getBus or findBusses to determine the bus. The new bus will be added behind the existing busses. To insert a bus at a specific position in the destination layer, use insertBus instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
busThe Bus object of the bus that you want to append.Bus


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Append the bus from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first bus from the loaded program.
bus = loadedProgram:getBus()
-- Append the bus.
if bus then

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Function to add a layer in the specified destination layer. The layer to be added and the destination layer are both determined by their Layer objects. You can use getLayer or findLayers to determine the layer to be added. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The new layer will be added behind the existing layers. To insert a layer at a specific position in the destination layer, use insertLayer or insertLayerAsync instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
layerThe Layer object of the layer that you want to append.Layer


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Append the layer from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first layer from the loaded program.
layer = loadedProgram:getLayer ()
-- Append the layer.
if layer then

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appendLayerAsync(layer, callback)


Function to add a layer in the specified destination layer using a separate, parallel thread. Appending a layer in a separate thread can be necessary if the layer is too big to be added in a short time. The layer to be inserted and the destination layer are both determined by their Layer objects. You can use getLayer or findLayers to determine the layer to be inserted. For example, this.parent determines the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The new layer will be added behind the existing layers. To insert a layer at a specific position in the destination layer, use insertLayer or insertLayerAsync instead. The function returns a LoadProgress object that can be used to monitor the load progress. After the layer is added, the callback function is called. The callback function gets the LoadProgress object as default argument.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
layerThe Layer object of the layer that you want to append.Layer
callbackCallback function that is called when the layer is added. The callback function gets the LoadProgress object as argument.function, optional

Return Values

Returns a LoadProgress object.


-- Start with an empty program, remove any existing layers.

layers = this.parent:findLayers()
if layers then
   for i, layer in ipairs(layers) do
-- Table with layer presets from Skylab.
layerPresets = {
   { name = "Ambient Pad 01", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 01.vstpreset" },
   { name = "Ambient Pad 02", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 02.vstpreset" },
   { name = "Ambient Pad 03", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 03.vstpreset" },
   { name = "Ambient Pad 04", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 04.vstpreset" },
-- Create a table with the preset names.
function getPresetNames()
   presetNames = {}
   for i, preset in ipairs(layerPresets) do
       presetNames[i] = preset.name
-- Remove the old layer after the new one was added.
function removeOldLayer(progressInfo)
   local newPreset = progressInfo.root
   if oldPreset then
       print(oldPreset.name.." removed.")
   oldPreset = newPreset
-- Append the preset in a separate thread.
function appendNewLayer(progressInfo)
   if progressInfo.root then
       this.parent:appendLayerAsync(progressInfo.root, removeOldLayer)
       print("Appending "..progressInfo.root.name.."...")
-- Load the preset in a separate thread.
function onSelectPresetChanged()
   progress = 0
   progressInf = loadPresetAsync(layerPresets[SelectPreset].path, appendNewLayer)
   print("Loading "..layerPresets[SelectPreset].name.."...")
-- Define a parameter for selecting the preset to be loaded.
defineParameter("SelectPreset", "Select Preset", 1, presetNames, onSelectPresetChanged)
-- Monitor the load progress with onIdle.
progress = 1
function onIdle()
   if progress < 1 then
       progress = progressInf.progress
       print("Progress: "..(progressInf.progress * 100).."%")

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Function to add a MIDI module in the specified destination layer. The destination layer is determined by its Layer object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The MIDI module to be added is determined by its MidiModule object. You can use getMidiModule or findMidiModules to determine the desired MIDI module. The new MIDI module will be added behind the existing MIDI modules. To insert a MIDI module at a specific position in the destination layer, use insertMidiModule instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
moduleThe MidiModule object of the MIDI module that you want to append.MidiModule


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Append a MIDI module from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first MIDI module from the loaded program.
module = loadedProgram:getMidiModule()
-- Append the MIDI module.
if module then

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Function to add a zone in the specified destination layer. The destination layer is determined by its Layer object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The zone to be added is determined by its Zone object. You can use getZone or findZones to determine the zone. The new zone will be added behind the existing zones. To insert a zone at a specific position in the destination layer, use insertZone instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
zoneThe Zone object of the zone that you want to append.Zone


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Append a zone from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first zone from the loaded program.
zone = loadedProgram:getZone()
-- Append the zone.
if zone then

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findBusses(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find busses in the specified Element object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent of the script module as the Element object to be searched in. If recursive is set to true, subelements will also be searched. The function returns an array with the Bus objects of the found busses. Particular busses can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findBusses accepts only the Bus objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the Bus object of each bus as argument. Only those Bus objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findBusses. Without a name or filter function the Bus objects of all busses in the searched Element obects will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the specified Element object will be searched. If set to true, subelements will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the busses searched for or a filter function. Only the Bus objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the Bus objects of the found busses. Returns an empty table if no busses are found.


-- Find all busses and print their names.
busses = this.program:findBusses(true)
if busses[1] then
    for i, bus in ipairs(busses) do
    print("Could not find any busses!")

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findEffects(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find effects in the specified Element object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent of the script module as Element object to be searched in. To specifiy a bus to be searched in, use getBus or findBusses. If recursive is set to true, subelements will also be searched. The function returns an array with the Effect objects of the found effects. Particular effects can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findEffects accepts only the Effect objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the Effect object of each effect as argument. Only those Effect objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findEffects. Without a name or filter function the Effect objects of all effects in the searched Element objects will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the specified Element object will be searched. If set to true, subelements will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the effects searched for or a filter function. Only the Effect objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the Effect objects of the found effects. Returns an empty table if no effects are found.


-- Find all effects and print their names.
effects = this.program:findEffects(true)
if effects[1] then
    for i, effect in ipairs(effects) do
    print("Could not find any effects!")

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findLayers(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find layers in the specified layer. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the layer to be searched in. If recursive is set to true, sublayers will also be searched. The function returns an array with the Layer objects of the found layers. Particular layers can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findLayers accepts only the Layer objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the Layer object of each layer as argument. Only those Layer objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findLayers. Without a name or filter function the Layer objects of all layers in the searched layers will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the current layer will be searched. If set to true, sublayers will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the layers searched for or a filter function. Only the Layer objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the Layer objects of the found layers. Returns an empty table if no layers are found.


-- Find all layers and print their names.

layers = this.program:findLayers(true)
if layers[1] then
    for i, layer in ipairs(layers) do
    print("Could not find any layers!")

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findMidiModules(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find MIDI modules in the specified layer. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the layer to be searched in. If recursive is set to true, sublayers will also be searched. The function returns an array with the MidiModule objects of the found MIDI modules. Particular MIDI modules can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findMidiModules accepts only the MidiModule objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the MidiModule object of each MIDI module as argument. Only those MidiModule objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findMidiModules. Without a name or filter function the MidiModule objects of all MIDI modules in the searched layers will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the current layer will be searched. If set to true, sublayers will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the MIDI modules searched for or a filter function. Only the MidiModule objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the MidiModule objects of the found MIDI modules. Returns an empty table if no MIDI modules are found.


-- Find all MIDI modules and print their names.

modules = this.program:findMidiModules(true)
if modules[1] then
    for i, module in ipairs(modules) do
    print("Could not find any MIDI modules!")

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findZones(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find zones in the specified layer. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer to be searched in. If recursive is set to true, sublayers will also be searched. The function returns an array with the Zone objects of the found zones. Particular zones can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findZones accepts only the Zone objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the Zone object of each zone as argument. Only those Zone objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findZones. Without a name or filter function the Zone objects of all zones in the searched layers will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the current layer will be searched. If set to true, sublayers will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the zones searched for or a filter function. Only the Zone objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the Zone objects of the found zones. Returns an empty table if no zones are found.


-- Find all zones and print their names.

zones = this.program:findZones(true)
if zones[1] then
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
    print("Could not find any zones!")

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Function to retrieve the Bus object of a bus in the specified Element object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent of the script module as the Element object to be searched in. This function does not search in subelements. A particular bus can be searched by name or position. The position is the number indexing the busses in the specified Element object. If several busses share the same name, only the first match will be returned. If no argument is set, the function returns the first bus it finds.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrPositionThe name or position of the bus. Set this to nil to deactivate the search filter.string or number, optional

Return Values

Returns the Bus object of the found bus. Returns nil if no bus is found.


-- Locate the first bus in the program and print its name.

bus = this.program:getBus()
if bus then
    print("Could not find a bus!")

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Function to retrieve the Layer object of a layer in the specified layer. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the layer to be searched in. The function does not search in sublayers. A particular layer can be searched by name or position. The position is the number indexing the layers in the specified layer. If several layers share the same name, only the first match will be returned. If no argument is set, the function returns the first layer it finds.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrPositionThe name or position of the layer. Set this to nil to deactivate the search filter.string or number, optional

Return Values

Returns the Layer object of the found layer. Returns nil if no layer is found.


-- Locate the first layer in the program and print its name.

layer = this.program:getLayer()
if layer then
    print("Could not find a layer!")

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Function to retrieve the MidiModule object of a MIDI module in the specified layer. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer to be searched in. This function does not search in sublayers. A particular MIDI module can be searched by name or position. The position is the number indexing the MIDI modules in the specified layer. If several MIDI modules share the same name, only the first match will be returned. If no argument is set, the function returns the first MIDI module it finds.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrPositionThe name or position of the MIDI module. Set this to nil to deactivate the search filter.string or number, optional

Return Values

Returns the MidiModule object of the found MIDI module. Returns nil if no MIDI module is found.


-- Locate the first MIDI module in the program and print its name.

module = this.program:getMidiModule()
if module then
    print("Could not find a MIDI module!")

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Function to retrieve the Zone object of a zone in the specified layer. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer to be searched in. This function does not search in sublayers. A particular zone can be searched by name or position. The position is the number indexing the zones in the specified layer. If several zones share the same name, only the first match will be returned. If no argument is set, the function returns the first zone it finds.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrPositionThe name or position of the zone. Set this to nil to deactivate the search filter.string or number, optional

Return Values

Returns the Zone object of the found zone. Returns nil if no zone is found.


-- Get the first zone in the program and print its name.

zone = this.program:getZone()
if zone then
    print("Could not find a zone!")

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insertBus(bus, position)


Function to insert a bus at the specified position in the destination layer. The bus to be inserted is determined by its Bus object. You can use getBus or findBusses to determine the bus. The destination layer is determined by its Layer object. For example, this.parent sets the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The position is the number indexing the existing busses in the destination layer. The new bus will be inserted before the specified position. To add the bus at the end, use appendBus instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
busThe Bus object of the bus that you want to insert.Bus
positionThe position where the bus is inserted.number


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Insert the bus from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first bus from the loaded program.
bus = loadedProgram:getBus()
-- Insert the bus.
if bus then
    this.program:insertBus(bus, 1)

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insertLayer(layer, position)


Function to insert a layer at a specific position in a destination layer. The layer to be inserted and the destination layer are both determined by their Layer objects. You can use getLayer or findLayers to determine the layer to be inserted. For example, this.parent determines the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The position is the number indexing the existing layers in the destination layer. The new layer will be inserted before the specified position. To add the layer at the end, use appendLayer or appendLayerAsync instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
layerThe Layer object of the layer that you want to insert.Layer
positionThe position where the layer is to be inserted.number


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Insert a layer from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first layer from the loaded program.
layer = loadedProgram:getLayer ()
-- Insert the layer.
if layer then
    this.program:insertLayer(layer, 1)

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insertLayerAsync(layer, position, callback)


Function to insert a layer at a specified position in a destination layer using a separate, parallel thread. Inserting a layer in a separate thread can be necessary if the layer is too big to be inserted in a short time. The layer to be inserted and the destination layer are both determined by their Layer objects. You can use getLayer or findLayers to determine the layer to be inserted. For example, this.parent determines the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The position is the number indexing the existing layers in the destination layer. The new layer will be inserted before the specified position. To add the layer at the end, use appendLayer or appendLayerAsync instead. The function returns a LoadProgress object that can be used to monitor the load progress. After the layer is inserted, the callback function is called. The callback function gets the LoadProgress object as default argument.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
layerThe Layer object of the layer that you want to insert.Layer
positionThe position where the layer is to be inserted.number
callbackCallback function that is called when the layer is inserted. The callback function gets the LoadProgress object as argument.function, optional

Return Values

Returns a LoadProgress object.


-- Start with an empty program, remove all existing layers.
layers = this.parent:findLayers()
if layers then
  for i, layer in ipairs(layers) do
-- Table with layer presets from Skylab.
layerPresets = {
  { name = "Ambient Pad 01", path = "vstsound://EB86867EFF8E44FEA8FE366F676E25BE/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 01.vstpreset" },
  { name = "Ambient Pad 02", path = "vstsound://EB86867EFF8E44FEA8FE366F676E25BE/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 02.vstpreset" },
  { name = "Ambient Pad 03", path = "vstsound://EB86867EFF8E44FEA8FE366F676E25BE/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 03.vstpreset" },
  { name = "Ambient Pad 04", path = "vstsound://EB86867EFF8E44FEA8FE366F676E25BE/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 04.vstpreset" },
-- Create a table with the preset names.
function getPresetNames()
  presetNames = {}
  for i, preset in ipairs(layerPresets) do
    presetNames[i] = preset.name
-- Remove the old layer after the new one was added.
function removeOldLayer(progressInfo)
  local newPreset = progressInfo.root
  if oldPreset then
    print(oldPreset.name.." removed.")
  oldPreset = newPreset
-- Insert the preset in a separate thread.
function insertNewLayer(progressInfo)
  if progressInfo.root then
    this.parent:insertLayerAsync(progressInfo.root, 1, removeOldLayer)
    print("Inserting "..progressInfo.root.name.."...")
-- Load the preset in a separate thread.
function onSelectPresetChanged(layerPreset)
  loadPresetAsync(layerPreset.path, insertNewLayer)
  print("Loading "..layerPreset.name.."...")
-- Define a parameter for selecting the preset to be loaded.
defineParameter("SelectPreset",  "Select Preset",  1, presetNames, function() onSelectPresetChanged(layerPresets[SelectPreset]) end)

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insertMidiModule(module, position)


Function to insert a MIDI module at the specified position in the determined destination layer. The MIDI module to be inserted is determined by its MidiModule object. You can use getMidiModule or findMidiModules to determine the desired MIDI module. The destination layer is determined by its Layer object. For example, this.parent determines the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The position is the number indexing the existing MIDI modules in the destination layer. The new MIDI module will be inserted before the specified position. To add the MIDI module at the end, use appendMidiModule instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
moduleThe MidiModule object of the MIDI module that you want to insert.MidiModule
positionThe position where the MIDI module is inserted.number


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Insert a MIDI module from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first MIDI module from the loaded program.
module = loadedProgram:getMidiModule()
-- Insert the MIDI module.
if module then
    this.program:insertMidiModule(module, 1)

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insertZone(zone, position)


Function to insert a zone at the specified position in the determined layer. The zone to be inserted is determined by its Zone object. You can use getZone or findZones to determine the desired zone. The destination layer is determined by its Layer object. For example, this.parent determines the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The position is the number indexing the existing zones in the destination layer. The new zone will be inserted before the specified position. To add the zone at the end, use appendZone instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
zoneThe Zone object of the zone that you want to insert.Zone
positionThe position where the zone is inserted.number


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Insert a zone from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first zone from the loaded program.
zone = loadedProgram:getZone()
-- Insert the zone.
if zone then
    this.program:insertZone(zone, 1)

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Function to remove a bus from the specified layer. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the bus. The bus to be removed is determined by its Bus object or its position. You can use getBus or findBusses to determine the Bus object. The position is the number that indexes the busses in the specified layer.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
busOrPositionThe Bus object or the position of the bus to be removed.Bus or number


-- Remove all busses from the program.
busses = this.program:findBusses(true)

for i, bus in ipairs(busses) do

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Function to remove a layer from the specified layer. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the layer to be removed. The layer is determined by its Layer object or its position. You can use getLayer or findLayers to determine the Layer object. The position is the number indexing the layers within the specified layer.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
layerOrPositionThe Layer object or the position of the layer to be removed.Layer or number


-- Remove all layers from the program.

layers = this.program:findLayers(true)

for i, layer in ipairs(layers) do

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Function to remove a MIDI module from the specified layer. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the MIDI module. The MIDI module to be removed is determined by its MidiModule object or its position. You can use getMidiModule or findMidiModules to determine the MidiModule object. The position is the number that indexes the MIDI modules in the specified layer.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
moduleOrPositionThe MidiModule object or the position of the MIDI module to be removed.MidiModule or number


-- Remove all MIDI modules from the program except the script module.

modules = this.program:findMidiModules(true)

for i, module in ipairs(modules) do
    if module ~= this then -- Exclude script module.

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Function to remove a zone from the specified layer. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the zone. The zone to be removed is determined by its Zone object or its position. You can use getZone or findZones to determine the Zone object. The position is the number that indexes the zones in the specified layer.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
zoneOrPositionThe Zone object or position of the zone to be removed.Zone or number


-- Remove all zones from the program.

zones = this.program:findZones(true)

for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do

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addQCAssignment(qc, element, nameOrID, scope)


Function to add a quick control assignment to the specified layer and quick control. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control that you want to edit. The quick control assignment will be added to the quick control with the index stated by the qc argument. The arguments element and nameOrID specify the parameter to be connected. The scope determines the part of the program that will be affected by the quick control assignment. You specify the scope by setting the scope argument to the Element object that corresponds to the desired part of the program.

❕ The index of the quick controls starts counting from 1. QC 1 to QC 8 have index 1 to 8. Sphere H, Sphere V and Mod Wheel have index 9, 10 and 11.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control to which the assignment will be added.number
elementThe Element object of the parameter to be connected.Element
nameOrIDThe name or ID of the parameter.string or number
scopeThe Element object that will be affected by the quick control assignment.Element


-- Assign the octave parameter of the zone to the
-- first quick control of the script module's parent layer.

layer = this.parent
zones = layer:findZones(true)
layer:addQCAssignment(1, zones[1], "Pitch.Octave", layer)

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removeQCAssignment(qc, assignment)


Function to remove a quick control assignment from the specified layer and quick control. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control with the assignment to be removed. The assignment argument is the index of the quick control assignment to be removed. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control with the assignment to be removed.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment to be removed.number


-- Remove all quick control assignments from the specified layer and qc.
function clearQC(layer, qc)
    local assignments = layer:getNumQCAssignments(qc)
    if assignments > 0 then
        for i = assignments, 1, -1 do
            layer:removeQCAssignment(qc, i)
        print(assignments.." assignments have been removed from '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..".")
        print("No assignments found on '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..".")
clearQC(this.parent, 1)

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Function to retrieve the number of assignments of a quick control on the specified layer. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer with the desired quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control with the requested assignments.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number

Return Values

Returns the number of assignments of the specified layer and quick control.


-- Print the number of assignments of the first quick control on the parent layer.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
print("Number of assignments on '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..": "..layer:getNumQCAssignments(qc)..".")

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getQCAssignmentParamId(qc, assignment)


Function to retrieve the parameter ID of the parameter that is connected to the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment with the requested parameter. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number

Return Values

Returns the parameter ID of the parameter connected to the specified quick control assignment.


-- Print the parameter ID of the parameter connected to the qc assignment.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
paramID = layer:getQCAssignmentParamId(qc, assignment)
print("Parameter ID of '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..", assignment "..assignment..": "..paramID..".")

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getQCAssignmentScope(qc, assignment)


Function to retrieve the Element object that is set as scope for the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object of the layer, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment with the requested scope. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number

Return Values

Returns the element object that is set as scope for the specified quick control assignment.


-- Print the scope for the qc assignment.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
scope = layer:getQCAssignmentScope(qc, assignment).name -- use only the name of the returned element
print("Scope of '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..", assignment "..assignment..": "..scope..".")

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getQCAssignmentMin(qc, assignment)


Function to retrieve the minimum value of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment with the requested minimum value. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number

Return Values

Returns the minimum value of the specified quick control assignment.

❕ The value range is always 0 to 100 %, even if the mode of the quick control assignment is set to Relative or Switch Relative.


-- Print the minimum value of the qc assignment as displayed in HALion.
layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
qcMode = layer:getQCAssignmentMode(qc, assignment)
qcMin = layer:getQCAssignmentMin(qc, assignment)
-- Convert to bipolar range if the qc is of the type relative or switch relative.
if (qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.relative or qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.switchRelative) then
    qcMin = qcMin * 2 - 100
print("Minimum value of '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..", assignment "..assignment..": "..qcMin..".")

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getQCAssignmentMax(qc, assignment)


Function to retrieve the maximum value of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment with the requested maximum value. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number

Return Values

Returns the maximum value of the specified quick control assignment.

❕ The value range is always 0 to 100 %, even if the mode of the quick control assignment is set to Relative or Switch Relative.


-- Print the maximum value of the qc assignment as displayed in HALion.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
qcMode = layer:getQCAssignmentMode(qc, assignment)
qcMax = layer:getQCAssignmentMax(qc, assignment)
-- Convert to bipolar range if the qc is of the type relative or switch relative.

if (qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.relative or qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.switchRelative) then
    qcMax = qcMax * 2 - 100
print("Maximum value of '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..", assignment "..assignment..": "..qcMax..".")

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getQCAssignmentCurve(qc, assignment)


Function to retrieve the curve value of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment with the requested curve value. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number

Return Values

Returns the curve value of the specified quick control assignment. The value range is -100% to +100%.


-- Print the curve value of the qc assignment.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
qcCurve = layer:getQCAssignmentCurve(qc, assignment)
print("Curve value of '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..", assignment "..assignment..": "..qcCurve..".")

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getQCAssignmentMode(qc, assignment)


Function to retrieve the mode that is set for the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment with the requested mode. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number

Return Values

Returns the mode that is set for the specified quick control assignment as a number. The mode can be determined via names or indices. See Quick Control Assignment Modes for details.


-- Print the mode of the qc assignment.
layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
qcMode = layer:getQCAssignmentMode(qc, assignment)
if qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.absolute then
    qcModeName = "Absolute"
elseif qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.relative then
    qcModeName = "Relative"
elseif qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.switch then
    qcModeName = "Switch"
elseif qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.switchRelative then
    qcModeName = "Switch Relative"
print("Mode of '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..", assignment "..assignment..": "..qcModeName..".")

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getQCAssignmentBypass(qc, assignment)


Function to retrieve the bypass state of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment with the requested bypass state. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number

Return Values

Returns the bypass state of the specified quick control assignment as boolean value.


-- Print the bypass state of the qc assignment.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
qcBypass = layer:getQCAssignmentBypass(qc, assignment)
print("Bypass of '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..", assignment "..assignment..": "..tostring(qcBypass)..".")

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setQCAssignmentParamId(qc, assignment, paramID)


Function to set the parameter ID for connecting the corresponding parameter to the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1. The paramID argument selects the parameter to be connected with the quick control assignment.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number
paramIDThe ID of the parameter to be connected.number


-- Connect the coarse parameter of the zone to the specified quick control assignment.

layer = this.parent
zones = layer:findZones(true)
zone = zones[1]
qc = 1
assignment = 1
coarseParamID = zone:getParameterDefinition("Pitch.Coarse").id
layer:setQCAssignmentParamId(qc, assignment, coarseParamID)

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setQCAssignmentScope(qc, assignment, scope)


Function to set the scope for the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1. The scope is defined by the Element object that you assign to the scope argument.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentsThe index of the quick control assignment.number
scopeThe Element object to be used as scope.Element


-- Set the scope to the first zone that was found.

layer = this.parent
zones = layer:findZones(true)
zone = zones[1]
qc = 1
assignment = 1
layer:setQCAssignmentScope(qc, assignment, zone)

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setQCAssignmentMin(qc, assignment, min)


Function to set the minimum value of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1. The min argument sets the minimum value of the quick control assignment.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number
minThe minimum value to be set.number

❕ The value range is always 0 to 100 %, even if the mode of the quick control assignment is set to Relative or Switch Relative.


-- Set the minimum value of the quick control assignment depending on the mode.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
qcMode = layer:getQCAssignmentMode(qc, assignment)
if (qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.relative or qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.switchRelative) then
    qcMin = 25
    qcMin = 0
layer:setQCAssignmentMin(qc, assignment, qcMin)

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setQCAssignmentMax(qc, assignment max)


Function to set the maximum value of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1. The max argument sets the maximum value of the quick control assignment.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number
maxThe maximum value to be set.number

❕ The value range is always 0 to 100 %, even if the mode of the quick control assignment is set to Relative or Switch Relative.


-- Set the maximum value of the quick control assignment depending on the mode.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
qcMode = layer:getQCAssignmentMode(qc, assignment)
if (qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.relative or qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.switchRelative) then
    qcMax = 75
    qcMax = 100
layer:setQCAssignmentMax(qc, assignment, qcMax)

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setQCAssignmentCurve(qc, assignment, curve)


Function to set the curve value of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1. The curve argument sets the curve value of the quick control assignment.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
asignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number
curveThe curve value in the range -100 % to +100 %.number


-- Set the curve of the quick control assignment to -100 %.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
layer:setQCAssignmentCurve(qc, assignment, -100)

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setQCAssignmentMode(qc, assignment, mode)


Function to set the mode of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1. The mode argument sets the mode of the quick control assignment.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
asignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number
modeThe mode to be set. It can be determined via names or indices. See Quick Control Assignment Modes for details.enum or number


-- Set the mode of the quick control assignment to absolute and adjust min and max to full range.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
layer:setQCAssignmentMode(qc, assignment, QCAssignmentMode.absolute)
layer:setQCAssignmentMin(qc, assignment, 0)
layer:setQCAssignmentMax(qc, assignment, 100)

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setQCAssignmentBypass(qc, assignment, bypass)


Function to set the bypass state of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1. The bypass argument sets the bypass state of the quick control assignment.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number
bypassThe bypass state to be set.boolean


-- Bypass the specified quick control assignment.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
layer:setQCAssignmentBypass(qc, assignment, true)

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/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Class Reference / Element / Layer /


The Program class inherits all properties and methods of the Layer class.

On this page:

Program Class, Program Constructor

List of inherited members:


appendBus, appendLayer, appendLayerAsync, appendMidiModule, appendZone, findBusses, findEffects, findLayers, findMidiModules, findZones, getBus, getLayer, getMidiModule, getZone, insertBus, insertLayer, insertLayerAsync, insertMidiModule, insertZone, removeBus, removeLayer, removeMidiModule, removeZone, addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass


Element Class, findChildren, getChild, getParameter, getParameterDefinition, getParameterNormalized, hasParameter, removeFromParent, setName, setParameter, setParameterNormalized


Program Class


The Element object of the program can be obtained with this.program. It has the following fields.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.instanceThe Element object of the plug-in instance.Instance
.assignedSlotsAn array with the Element objects of the slots to which this program is assigned.table


-- Print the name of the plug-in instance.

-- Print the name of the first slot to which the program is assigned.

if this.program.assignedSlots[1] then

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Program Constructor


(Since HALion 6.4.0)


Constructor to create a new Program object.

Available in: Controller.

Return Values

Returns a new Program object.


-- The following function creates different types of objects in the Program Tree.
-- The objects in the Program Tree do not have a name. You will see only their icons.

function createProgram()
  local inst = this.program.instance
  local prg = Program()
  local bus = Bus()
  inst:setProgram(prg, 1)
  local layer = Layer()
  local mm = MidiModule('MIDI Player')
  local fx = Effect('Distortion')

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/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Class Reference / Element /


The MidiModule class inherits all properties and methods of the Element class.

On this page:

MidiModule Class, MidiModule Constructor

List of inherited members:


Element Class, findChildren, getChild, getParameter, getParameterDefinition, getParameterNormalized, hasParameter, removeFromParent, setName, setParameter, setParameterNormalized


MidiModule Class


The Element object of a MIDI module can be obtained with findMidiModules or getMidiModule.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.moduleTypeReturns the MIDI module type.string



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MidiModule Constructor


(Since HALion 6.4.0)


Constructor to create a new MidiModule object of the specified type.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
typeThe type of MIDI module.string

Return Values

Returns a new MidiModule object of the specified type.


-- The following function creates different types of objects in the Program Tree.
-- The objects in the Program Tree do not have a name. You will see only their icons.

function createProgram()
  local inst = this.program.instance
  local prg = Program()
  local bus = Bus()
  inst:setProgram(prg, 1)
  local layer = Layer()
  local mm = MidiModule('MIDI Player')
  local fx = Effect('Distortion')

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/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Class Reference / Element /


The ModulationMatrixRow class inherits all properties and methods of the Element class.

On this page:

ModulationMatrixRow Class, getSource1, getSource2, setSource1,setSource2

List of inherited members:


Element Class, findChildren, getChild, getParameter, getParameterDefinition, getParameterNormalized, hasParameter, removeFromParent, setName, setParameter, setParameterNormalized


ModulationMatrixRow Class

The Element object of the modulation matrix row can be obtained with getModulationMatrixRow. It has the following fields.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.rowNumberReturns the index of the modulation matrix row.number
.zoneReturns the Zone object of the zone that the modulation matrix row belongs to.Zone


-- Get the element object of the first zone in the program.

zone = this.program:findZones(true)[1]

-- Get the element object of the first modulation matrix row.

modRow = zone:getModulationMatrixRow(1)

-- Print the zone name and row number of the modulation matrix row.


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Function to retrieve the 1st modulation source of a row in the modulation matrix. The row is specified with the Zone object of the zone and the index of the modulation matrix row.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns up to three values, i.e., source, sourceInfo1 and sourceInfo2. The number of return values depends on the modulation source. See Modulation Source Types for details.


-- Print modulation sources.

function printSource(source)
    if source.source == ModulationSource.midiControl then
        print("MIDI Ctrl, Controller Number: "..source.info1)
    elseif source.source == ModulationSource.quickControl then
        print("Quick Ctrl, Layer: "..source.info1.name..", QC Index: "..source.info2)
    elseif source.source == ModulationSource.modulationModule then
        print("MIDI Module,  Module: "..source.info1.name..", Output: "..source.info2)
    elseif source.source == ModulationSource.noteExpression then
        print("Note Expression, Custom NE: "..source.info1)
    elseif source.source == ModulationSource.sampleAndHold then
        print("Sample & Hold, Index: "..source.info1)
        print("Standard Modulation, Index: "..source.source)
-- Get the zone object of the first zone.

zone = this.program:findZones(true)[1]
-- Run through all 32 modulation rows of the zone and print source1 if assigned.

for i=1, 32 do
    local modRow = zone:getModulationMatrixRow(i)
    local source1 = {}
    source1.source, source1.info1, source1.info2 = modRow:getSource1()
    if source1.source ~= ModulationSource.unassigned then
        print("Modulation Row "..i..", Source 1:")

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Function to retrieve the 2nd modulation source of a row in the modulation matrix. The row is specified with the Zone object of the zone and the index of the modulation matrix row.

Available in: Controller.

Return Values

Returns up to three values, i.e., source, sourceInfo1 and sourceInfo2. The number of return values depends on the modulation source. See Modulation Source Types for details.

❕ The 2nd modulation source has an additional sample & hold. See Modulation Source Types for details.


-- Print modulation sources.

function printSource(source)
    if source.source == ModulationSource.midiControl then
        print("MIDI Ctrl, Controller Number: "..source.info1)
    elseif source.source == ModulationSource.quickControl then
        print("Quick Ctrl, Layer: "..source.info1.name..", QC Index: "..source.info2)
    elseif source.source == ModulationSource.modulationModule then
        print("MIDI Module,  Module: "..source.info1.name..", Output: "..source.info2)
    elseif source.source == ModulationSource.noteExpression then
        print("Note Expression, Custom NE: "..source.info1)
    elseif source.source == ModulationSource.sampleAndHold then
        print("Sample & Hold, Index: "..source.info1)
        print("Standard Modulation, Index: "..source.source)
-- Get the zone object of the first zone.

zone = this.program:findZones(true)[1]
-- Run through all 32 modulation rows of the zone and print source2 if assigned.
for i=1, 32 do
    local modRow = zone:getModulationMatrixRow(i)
    local source2 = {}
    source2.source, source2.info1, source2.info2 = modRow:getSource2()
    if source2.source ~= ModulationSource.unassigned then
        print("Modulation Row "..i..", Source 2:")

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setSource1(source, sourceInfo1, sourceInfo2)


Function to set the 1st modulation source of a row in the modulation matrix. The row is specified with the Zone object of the zone and the index of the modulation matrix row.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
sourceThe modulation source. It can be determined via names or indices. See Modulation Source Types for details. Standard modulation sources like the LFOs or the envelopes can be set directly. Special modulation sources like MIDI controllers or MIDI modules can only be set by also specifiying sourceInfo1 and sourceInfo2.enum or number
sourceInfo1Optional argument to specify the MIDI controller number or the MIDI module, for example. See example for details.number or MidiModule, optional
sourceInfo2Optional argument to select the modulation output of a MIDI module, for example. See example for details.number, optional


-- Define the modulation sources and infos in an array.

modSources = {
    { source = ModulationSource.lfo1, bipolar = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.midiControl, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.quickControl, bipolar = 1, sourceInfo1 = this.program, sourceInfo2 = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.modulationModule, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = this, sourceInfo2 = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.modulationModule, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = this, sourceInfo2 = 2 },
    { source = ModulationSource.noteExpression, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = 1 }
-- Define two modulation outputs for the script module.

defineModulation("50%", false)
defineModulation("100%", false)
-- Calculate the modulation outputs.

function calcModulation()
    return 0.5, 1
-- Get the element object of the first zone.

zone = this.program:findZones(true)[1]
-- Assign the modulation sources to source 1 in the modulation rows 1 to 6.

for i=1, #modSources do
    local modRow = zone:getModulationMatrixRow(i)
    modRow:setSource1(modSources[i].source, modSources[i].sourceInfo1, modSources[i].sourceInfo2)
    modRow:setParameter("Source1.Polarity", modSources[i].bipolar) -- Set the default polarity of the source.
-- Assign the sample & hold to source 2 in modulation row 1.

modRow = zone:getModulationMatrixRow(1)
modRow:setSource2(ModulationSource.sampleAndHold, 0)

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setSource2(source, sourceInfo1, sourceInfo2)


Function to set the 2nd modulation source of a row in the modulation matrix. The row is specified with the Zone object of the zone and the index of the modulation matrix row.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
sourceThe modulation source. It can be determined via names or indices. See Modulation Source Types for details. Standard modulation sources like the LFOs or the envelopes can be set directly. Special modulation sources like MIDI controllers or MIDI modules can only be set by also specifiying sourceInfo1 and sourceInfo2.enum or number
sourceInfo1Optional argument to specify the MIDI controller number or the MIDI module, for example. See example for details.number or MidiModule, optional
sourceInfo2Optional argument to select the modulation output of a MIDI module, for example. See example for details.number, optional


-- Define the modulation sources and infos in an array.

modSources = {
    { source = ModulationSource.lfo1, bipolar = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.midiControl, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.quickControl, bipolar = 1, sourceInfo1 = this.program, sourceInfo2 = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.modulationModule, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = this, sourceInfo2 = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.modulationModule, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = this, sourceInfo2 = 2 },
    { source = ModulationSource.noteExpression, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = 1 }
-- Define two modulation outputs for the script module.

defineModulation("50%", false)
defineModulation("100%", false)
-- Calculate the modulation outputs.

function calcModulation()
    return 0.5, 1
-- Get the element object of the first zone.

zone = this.program:findZones(true)[1]
-- Assign the modulation sources to source 1 in the modulation rows 1 to 6.

for i=1, #modSources do
    local modRow = zone:getModulationMatrixRow(i)
    modRow:setSource1(modSources[i].source, modSources[i].sourceInfo1, modSources[i].sourceInfo2)
    modRow:setParameter("Source1.Polarity", modSources[i].bipolar) -- Set the default polarity of the source.
-- Assign the sample & hold to source 2 in modulation row 1.

modRow = zone:getModulationMatrixRow(1)
modRow:setSource2(ModulationSource.sampleAndHold, 0)

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/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Class Reference / Element /


The Slot class inherits all properties and methods of the Element class.

On this page:

findBusses, findEffects, getBus, setProgram

List of inherited members:


Element Class, findChildren, getChild, getParameter, getParameterDefinition, getParameterNormalized, hasParameter, removeFromParent, setName, setParameter, setParameterNormalized



findBusses(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find busses in the specified Element object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent of the script module as the Element object to be searched in. If recursive is set to true, subelements will also be searched. The function returns an array with the Bus objects of the found busses. Particular busses can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findBusses accepts only the Bus objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the Bus object of each bus as argument. Only those Bus objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findBusses. Without a name or filter function the Bus objects of all busses in the searched Element obects will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the specified Element object will be searched. If set to true, subelements will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the busses searched for or a filter function. Only the Bus objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the Bus objects of the found busses. Returns an empty table if no busses are found.


-- Find all busses and print their names.
busses = this.program:findBusses(true)
if busses[1] then
    for i, bus in ipairs(busses) do
    print("Could not find any busses!")

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findEffects(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find effects in the specified Element object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent of the script module as Element object to be searched in. To specifiy a bus to be searched in, use getBus or findBusses. If recursive is set to true, subelements will also be searched. The function returns an array with the Effect objects of the found effects. Particular effects can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findEffects accepts only the Effect objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the Effect object of each effect as argument. Only those Effect objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findEffects. Without a name or filter function the Effect objects of all effects in the searched Element objects will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the specified Element object will be searched. If set to true, subelements will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the effects searched for or a filter function. Only the Effect objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the Effect objects of the found effects. Returns an empty table if no effects are found.


-- Find all effects and print their names.
effects = this.program:findEffects(true)
if effects[1] then
    for i, effect in ipairs(effects) do
    print("Could not find any effects!")

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Function to retrieve the Bus object of a bus in the specified Element object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent of the script module as the Element object to be searched in. This function does not search in subelements. A particular bus can be searched by name or position. The position is the number indexing the busses in the specified Element object. If several busses share the same name, only the first match will be returned. If no argument is set, the function returns the first bus it finds.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrPositionThe name or position of the bus. Set this to nil to deactivate the search filter.string or number, optional

Return Values

Returns the Bus object of the found bus. Returns nil if no bus is found.


-- Locate the first bus in the program and print its name.

bus = this.program:getBus()
if bus then
    print("Could not find a bus!")

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setProgram(programOrNil, index)


Function to set a program in the specified slot of the Program Table or the Slot Rack of the plug-in instance. Before calling this function, you must access the Instance object with this.program.instance. The program is determined by its Program object. To specify the slot in the Program Table, you must use the index argument. To specify the slot in the Slot Rack, you must use a Slot object, for example, via getSlot. The program can be removed from the Slot Rack by using nil as argument.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, each program can exist only once in the Program Table. Furthermore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance cannot be added twice to the Program Table. It must be removed before it can be added again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be added freely to the Program Table, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
programOrNilThe Program object of the program. Programs can be removed from the Slot Rack by using nil.Program or nil
indexThe index of the slot in the Program Table where you want to set the program.number, optional


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Set Program.vstpreset in slot 3 of the Program Table and slot 1 of the Slot Rack.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Set loadedProgram in slot 3 of the Program Table.
this.program.instance:setProgram(loadedProgram, 3)
-- Set program in slot 1 of the Slot Rack.
program = this.program.instance:getProgram(3)
-- Clear slot 2 of the Slot Rack.

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/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Class Reference / Element /


The Zone class inherits all properties and methods of the Element class.

On this page:

Zone Class, Zone Constructor, getModulationMatrixRow, getOutputBus, setOutputBus

List of inherited members:


Element Class, findChildren, getChild, getParameter, getParameterDefinition, getParameterNormalized, hasParameter, removeFromParent, setName, setParameter, setParameterNormalized


Zone Class


The Element object of a zone can be obtained with findZones or getZone. It has the following fields.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.keyLowThe lowest key of the zone.number
.keyHighThe highest key of the zone.number
.velLowThe lowest velocity of the zone.number
.velHighThe highest velocity of the zone.number


-- Print the key and velocity range of the first zone in the program.

zone = this.program:findZones(true)[1]


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Zone Constructor


(Since HALion 6.4.0)


Constructor to create a new Zone object.

Available in: Controller.

Return Values

Returns a new Zone object.


-- The following function creates different types of objects in the Program Tree.
-- The objects in the Program Tree do not have a name. You will see only their icons.

function createProgram()
  local inst = this.program.instance
  local prg = Program()
  local bus = Bus()
  inst:setProgram(prg, 1)
  local layer = Layer()
  local mm = MidiModule('MIDI Player')
  local fx = Effect('Distortion')

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Function to obtain the ModulationMatrixRow object of the specified modulation matrix row. The modulation matrix row is determined by the Zone object of the zone and the index of the modulation matrix row.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
rowNumberThe index of the modulation matrix row in the range from 1 to 32.number

Return Values

The ModulationMatrixRow object of the specified modulation matrix row.


-- Get the element object of the first zone in the program.

zone = this.program:findZones(true)[1]

-- Get the element object of the first modulation matrix row.

modRow = zone:getModulationMatrixRow(1)

-- Print the row number of the specified modulation matrix row.


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Function to retrieve the currently assigned output bus of a zone or bus.

Available in: Controller, Processor.

Return Values

Returns the Bus object of the currently assigned output bus or nil if the default routing is used.


-- Raise an error if no output bus is assigned.

zone = this.parent:getZone()

assert(zone:getOutputBus(), "No output bus assigned. The default routing is used!")

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Function to assign the output of a zone or bus to the specified output bus. The sending zone or bus is determined by its Element object. The receiving output bus is specified by its Bus object. Setting the output bus to nil enables the default signal routing for the zone or bus.

❕ Output busses that are higher up in the hierarchy of the Program Tree can be assigned freely. If the sending bus and the receiving output bus have the same parent layer, the output bus must come later in the signal flow.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
busThe Bus object of the bus that you want to assign, or nil.Bus or nil


-- Assign the output of the zone to the Master output bus of the plug-in.

zone = this.parent:getZone()
masterbus = this.program.instance:getBus(1)
print("Output of "..zone.name.." is assigned to "..masterbus.name..".")

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/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Class Reference /


The Event class describes the properties of events.

On this page:

Event Class, Event Constructor


Event Class


The state of an Event object is described by the following fields.

Available in: Processor.


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.typeThe type of event. See Event Types for details.number
.idThe ID of the event.number
.noteThe note number in the range of 0 to 127.number
.velocityThe note-on velocity in the range of 0 to 127.number
.controllerThe controller number. See Controller Numbers for a description of the different controllers.number
.valueThe value of a controller, pitch bend, or note expression event. The value range depends on the event type.number
.bendThe value of a pitch bend event in the range of -1.0 to 1.0.number
.noteExpressionTypeThe type of note expression event. See Note Expression Types for details.number
.dataAn array with the bytes of a system exclusive message. For the interpretation of these values, please consult the documentation of the MIDI data format of the device sending the system exclusive message. (Since HALion 7.0)table
.dataTypeCurrently, there is only one data type (0 = sysex). (Since HALion 7.0)number
.dataSizeThe number of bytes in the system exclusive message. (Since HALion 7.0)number
.ppqPositionThe position of the event in ppq relative to the project start. The host must be in playback. This value will be 0.0 if the host is not in playback.number

Fields per Event Type

Which of the fields are used depends on the Event Type.



-- Print the fields of an Event object.

function onNote(event)
function onRelease(event)
function onController(event)
function onNoteExpression(event)
    -- postEvent(event), not needed for note expression.
function onRetrigger(event)
function onData(event)

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Event Constructor



Constructor to create a new Event object of the specified type.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
typeThe type of event. See Event Types for details.enum or number

Return Values

Returns a new Event object of the specified type.

❕ The fields of the Event object must be set after its creation.


-- Create a new note-on event.

function onNote(event)
    local newEvent = Event(EventType.noteOn)
    newEvent.note = event.note + 12
    newEvent.velocity = event.velocity
    local id = postEvent(newEvent)

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/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Class Reference /


The properties of the LoadProgress class can be used to monitor the progress when loading elements of VST presets.

On this page:

LoadProgress Class


LoadProgress Class


The functions loadPresetAsync, appendLayerAsync and insertLayerAsync return a LoadProgress object. The properties of the LoadProgress object are described by the following fields.

Available in: Controller.


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.progressThe load progress in the range from 0 to 1.number
.rootThe value of .root will be the Element object of the first element (root) of the loaded VST preset. Depending on whether you load a layer, program, or multi-program VST preset, this is either an Element object of the type Layer, Program,or Instance.Layer, Program, or Instance
.cancelSet this to true to cancel the loading of the preset.boolean
.errorMessage if an error occured.string
.infoUser definable field, for example, to manage several loading threads.string or table


-- Start with an empty program, remove any existing layers.

layers = this.parent:findLayers()
if layers then
   for i, layer in ipairs(layers) do
-- Table with layer presets from Skylab.
layerPresets = {
   { name = "Ambient Pad 01", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 01.vstpreset" },
   { name = "Ambient Pad 02", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 02.vstpreset" },
   { name = "Ambient Pad 03", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 03.vstpreset" },
   { name = "Ambient Pad 04", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 04.vstpreset" },
-- Create a table with the preset names.
function getPresetNames()
   presetNames = {}
   for i, preset in ipairs(layerPresets) do
       presetNames[i] = preset.name
-- Remove the old layer after the new one was added.
function removeOldLayer(progressInfo)
   local newPreset = progressInfo.root
   if oldPreset then
       print(oldPreset.name.." removed.")
   oldPreset = newPreset
-- Append the preset in a separate thread.
function appendNewLayer(progressInfo)
   if progressInfo.root then
       this.parent:appendLayerAsync(progressInfo.root, removeOldLayer)
       print("Appending "..progressInfo.root.name.."...")
-- Load the preset in a separate thread.
function onSelectPresetChanged()
   progress = 0
   progressInf = loadPresetAsync(layerPresets[SelectPreset].path, appendNewLayer)
   print("Loading "..layerPresets[SelectPreset].name.."...")
-- Define a parameter for selecting the preset to be loaded.
defineParameter("SelectPreset", "Select Preset", 1, presetNames, onSelectPresetChanged)
-- Monitor the load progress with onIdle.
progress = 1
function onIdle()
   if progress < 1 then
       progress = progressInf.progress
       print("Progress: "..(progressInf.progress * 100).."%")

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Class Reference /


The ParameterDefinition class describes the properties of parameters.

On this page:

ParameterDefinition Class, getDisplayString


ParameterDefinition Class


The ParameterDefinition object describes the properties of a parameter. It has the following fields.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.nameReturns the name of the parameter.string
.longNameReturns the long name of the parameter.string
.idReturns the ID of the parameter.number
.typeReturns the data type of the parameter.string
.defaultReturns the default value of the parameter.number
.minReturns the minimum value of the parameter.number
.maxReturns the maximum value of the parameter.number
.readOnlyReturns true if the value of the parameter is read-only and false if it is not.boolean
.writeAlwaysReturns true if the value is always set and false if it is not. If this returns true, the parameter sends a changed message even if the actual value did not change when it was set.boolean
.automatableReturns true if the parameter can be automated and false if it cannot.boolean
.persistentReturns true if the parameter restores from the VST preset and false if it does not.boolean
.unitReturns the unit of the parameter value, for example, dB.string
-- Print the parameter definition with corresponding data type of the parent layer's level parameter.

function onLoadIntoSlot()
    local def = this.parent:getParameterDefinition("Level")
    print("Name = "..def.name..", "..type(def.name))
    print("Long Name = "..def.longName..", "..type(def.longName))
    print("ID = "..def.id..", "..type(def.id))
    print("Type = "..def.type..", "..type(def.type))
    print("Default = "..def.default..", "..type(def.default))
    print("Min = "..def.min..", "..type(def.min))
    print("Max = "..def.max..", "..type(def.max))
    print("Read Only = "..tostring(def.readOnly)..", "..type(def.readOnly))
    print("Write Always = "..tostring(def.writeAlways)..", "..type(def.writeAlways))
    print("Automatable = "..tostring(def.automatable)..", "..type(def.automatable))
    print("Persistent = "..tostring(def.persistent)..", "..type(def.persistent))
    print("Unit = "..def.unit..", "..type(def.unit).."\n")

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The internal precision of parameter values is usually higher than the precision of the corresponding display string on the user interface. You can use this function to obtain the display string of the specified parameter and value. You specify the parameter with getParameterDefinition.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
valueThe value for the display string.number or string

❕ The data type of the value for getDisplayString must match the data type of the corresponding parameter value.

Return Values

Returns the display string of the specified parameter and value.


-- Get the display string of a value.

value = -2.471
print("value = "..value)
print("Display String = "..this.program:getParameterDefinition("Level"):getDisplayString(-2.471))

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/ HALion Developer Resource, / HALion Script, /


The reference pages describe the functions and features of the HALion Script language.


addLayerPassword, addQCAssignment, afterTouch, AlternateData Table, analyzePitch, appendBus, appendEffect, appendLayer, appendLayerAsync, appendMidiModule, appendZone, assignAutomation, AudioFile.open, beat2ms, Bus Constructor, Bypass Masks, calcModulation, cancelDecompose, cancelPitchAnalysis, changeNoteExpression, changePan, changeTune, changeVolume, changeVolumedB, clone, controlChange, Controller Numbers, decompose Decompose Output Modes, defineModulation, defineParameter, defineSlotLocal, Effect Constructor, endUndoBlock, Event Constructor, Event Types,


fade, findBusses, findChildren, findEffects, findLayers, findMidiModules, findSlots, findZones, forgetAutomation, getAllocatedMemory, getAutomationIndex, getBarDuration, getBeatDuration, getBeatTime, getBeatTimeInBar, getBus, getCC, getChild, getContext, getDecomposeOutputPath, getDecomposeProgress, getDecomposeSettings, getDisplayString, getEffect, getElement, getFreeVoices, getHostName, getHostVersion, getKeyProperties, getKeySwitches, getLayer, getMidiModule, getModulationMatrixRow, getMsTime, getNoteDuration, getNoteExpression, getNoteExpressionProperties, getNumQCAssignments, getOnsets, getOutputBus, getParameter, getParameterDefinition, getParameterNormalized, getPeak, getPitch, getPitchAnalysisProgress, getProcessedSamples, getProductName, getProductVersion, getProgram, getQCAssignmentBypass, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getSamplingRate, getScriptExecTimeOut, getScriptVersion, getSlot, getSlotIndex, getSource1, getSource2, getTempo, getTime, getTimeSignature, getUndoContext, getUsedMemory, getUsedVoices, getUsedVoicesOfSlot, getUserPresetPath, getUserSubPresetPath, getVoices, getZone, hasParameter, insertBus, insertEffect, insertEnvelopePoint, insertEvent, insertLayer, insertLayerAsync, insertMidiModule, insertZone, isKeyDown, isNoteHeld, isOctaveKeyDown, isPlaying,


Layer Constructor, loadPreset, loadPresetAsync, messageBox, MIDI File Format Types, MidiModule Constructor, MIDI Sequence Table, Modulation Destination Types, Modulation Source Types, ms2beat, ms2samples, Note Expression Types, onAfterTouch, onController, onData, onIdle, onInit, onLoad, onLoadIntoSlot, onLoadSubPreset, onNote, onNoteExpression, onPitchBend, onRelease, onRemoveFromSlot, onRetrigger, onSave, onSaveSubPreset, onTriggerPad, onUnhandledEvent, openURL,


pitchBend, playNote, playTriggerPad, postEvent, printRaw, Program Constructor, Quick Control Assignment Modes, readMidiFile, releaseVoice, removeBus, removeEffect, removeEnvelopePoint, removeFromParent, removeLayer, removeMidiModule, removeQCAssignment, removeZone, runAsync, runSync, samples2ms, savePreset, setName, setOutputBus, setParameter, setParameterNormalized, setProgram, setQCAssignmentBypass, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setScriptExecTimeOut, setSource1, setSource2, setZoneFMXAlgo, sortEvents, spawn, startUndoBlock, startWriteOutputToFile, stopWriteOutputToFile,


Undo Context Types, VoiceGroupsData Table, Voice Group Steal Modes, wait, waitBeat, waitForRelease, writeMidiFile, Zone Constructor,

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function that gives access to protected layers. By default, protected layers cannot be accessed by scripts. The parameters of a protected layer and any elements inside of it are hidden for scripts. This prevents someone unauthorized from parsing the Program Tree to retrieve hidden information. By calling this function with the correct password, the calling script can access the corresponding protected layers again.

❕ To hide the password in addLayerPassword, you must also protect the script module. See Managing Script Modules for details.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
pwdThe password of the protected layer(s).string


-- Access the protected layer(s) which have the password "abc123".


See also: Protecting Layers

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /



Function to add a quick control assignment to the specified layer and quick control. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control that you want to edit. The quick control assignment will be added to the quick control with the index stated by the qc argument. The arguments element and nameOrID specify the parameter to be connected. The scope determines the part of the program that will be affected by the quick control assignment. You specify the scope by setting the scope argument to the Element object that corresponds to the desired part of the program.

❕ The index of the quick controls starts counting from 1. QC 1 to QC 8 have index 1 to 8. Sphere H, Sphere V and Mod Wheel have index 9, 10 and 11.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control to which the assignment will be added.number
elementThe Element object of the parameter to be connected.Element
nameOrIDThe name or ID of the parameter.string or number
scopeThe Element object that will be affected by the quick control assignment.Element


-- Assign the octave parameter of the zone to the
-- first quick control of the script module's parent layer.

layer = this.parent
zones = layer:findZones(true)
layer:addQCAssignment(1, zones[1], "Pitch.Octave", layer)

See also: removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass, Quick Control Assignment Modes

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to generate channel aftertouch events.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
valueThe aftertouch value in the range of 0 to 127.number


-- Invert aftertouch values.
function onAfterTouch(event)
    local invAT =  127 - event.value
    print("Inverse AT:", invAT)

See also: onAfterTouch, controlChange, pitchBend

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

AlternateData Table

(Since HALion 6.4.10)


The alternations in the Alternation List of the Layer Alternate MIDI module are managed through a predefined table: the AlternateData table. This table can be obtained by making a call to getParameter with "AlternateData" as parameter. The alternations are referenced by their index. Each alternate has the fields .keyswitch and .layer. You can change the values, but the structure of this table must remain unaltered. The values are set by making a call to setParameter. See the example below for more details.

Available in: Controller.


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.keyswitchKey switches allow you to switch to a particular layer. You set the key switch with the corresponding MIDI note number . Set this to -1 to deactivate the keyswitch.number
.layerThe layer for the alternation is defined by the corresponding Layer object.Layer


-- Add a Layer Alternate MIDI module.
this.parent:appendMidiModule(MidiModule("Layer Alternate"))
layerAlternate = this.parent:getMidiModule("")
layerAlternate:setName("Layer Alternate")
altdata = layerAlternate:getParameter("AlternateData")
-- Create three layers with a synth zone and add them to the alternation list.
for i = 1, 3 do
    local alternateLayer = this.parent:getLayer(i)
    alternateLayer:setName("Alt "..i)
    local zone = alternateLayer:getZone()
    zone:setName("Zone "..i)
    altdata[#altdata+1] = { keyswitch = -1, layer = alternateLayer }
layerAlternate:setParameter("AlternateData", altdata)

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


analyzePitch(callback, channel)

(Since HALion 6.3)


Function to analyze the pitch of an audio file. You specify the audio file with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. The arguments callback and channel are optional. If called without a callback function, analyzePitch will be executed in the same thread. If called with a callback function as argument, analyzePitch will be executed in a separate, parallel thread. You can specify the channel to be analyzed with the channel argument. Without the channel argument multiple channels of an audio file will be summed before the pitch is analyzed. The callback function is called with the AudioFile object as the first and the channel as the second argument after the pitch has been analyzed. The results of analyzePitch are cashed as long as the corresponding AudioFile object exists. The function itself does not return any pitch information. You must use getPitch to obtain the analyzed pitch.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
callbackCallback function that is called with the AudioFile object as argument after the pitch has been analyzed.function, optional
channelUse this to specify the channel of the audio file to be analyzed. Leave this empty or set this to 0 for summing all audio channels before they are analyzed.number, optional


channelNames = { [0] = "All", "Left", "Right" }
defineParameter( "Channel", nil, 0, channelNames)
defineParameter( "Start", nil, false, function() if Start then onStart() end end)
defineParameter( "Cancel", nil, false)
-- Requires the Skylab content.
path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 01.vstpreset"
layer = loadPreset(path)
function onPitchAnalysisFinished(audioFile, channelNum)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(channelNames[channelNum].." channel(s) of "..audioFile.fileName.." analyzed.")
function onStart()
    zones = layer:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        print("File: "..samplePath)
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        afile:analyzePitch(onPitchAnalysisFinished, Channel)
        while afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel) < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progressPercent = 100 * afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel)
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
        local pitch = afile:getPitch(0, -1, Channel)
        print("Analyzed Pitch: "..pitch)
    Start = false

See also: getPitch, getPitchAnalysisProgress, cancelPitchAnalysis

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to add a bus in the specified destination layer. The destination layer is determined by its Layer object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The bus to be added is determined by its Bus object. You can use getBus or findBusses to determine the bus. The new bus will be added behind the existing busses. To insert a bus at a specific position in the destination layer, use insertBus instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
busThe Bus object of the bus that you want to append.Bus


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Append the bus from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first bus from the loaded program.
bus = loadedProgram:getBus()
-- Append the bus.
if bus then

See also: appendEffect, appendLayer, appendLayerAsync, appendMidiModule, appendZone, Bus

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to add an effect to the specified destination bus. The destination bus is determined by its Bus object. You can use getBus or findBusses to determine the destination bus. The effect to be added is determined by its Effect object. You can use getEffect or findEffects to determine the effect. The new effect will be added behind the existing effects. To insert an effect at a specific position in the bus, use insertEffect instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
effectThe Effect object of the insert effect that you want to append.Effect


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Insert an effect from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first effect from the loaded program.
effect = loadedProgram:getBus():getEffect()
-- Get the first bus of this program.
bus = this.program:getBus()
-- Append the effect.
if (insert and bus) then

See also: appendEffect, appendLayer, appendLayerAsync, appendMidiModule, appendZone, Bus

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to add a layer in the specified destination layer. The layer to be added and the destination layer are both determined by their Layer objects. You can use getLayer or findLayers to determine the layer to be added. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The new layer will be added behind the existing layers. To insert a layer at a specific position in the destination layer, use insertLayer or insertLayerAsync instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
layerThe Layer object of the layer that you want to append.Layer


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Append the layer from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first layer from the loaded program.
layer = loadedProgram:getLayer ()
-- Append the layer.
if layer then

See also: appendBus, appendEffect, appendLayerAsync, appendMidiModule, appendZone, Layer

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


appendLayerAsync(layer, callback)


Function to add a layer in the specified destination layer using a separate, parallel thread. Appending a layer in a separate thread can be necessary if the layer is too big to be added in a short time. The layer to be inserted and the destination layer are both determined by their Layer objects. You can use getLayer or findLayers to determine the layer to be inserted. For example, this.parent determines the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The new layer will be added behind the existing layers. To insert a layer at a specific position in the destination layer, use insertLayer or insertLayerAsync instead. The function returns a LoadProgress object that can be used to monitor the load progress. After the layer is added, the callback function is called. The callback function gets the LoadProgress object as default argument.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
layerThe Layer object of the layer that you want to append.Layer
callbackCallback function that is called when the layer is added. The callback function gets the LoadProgress object as argument.function, optional

Return Values

Returns a LoadProgress object.


-- Start with an empty program, remove any existing layers.

layers = this.parent:findLayers()
if layers then
   for i, layer in ipairs(layers) do
-- Table with layer presets from Skylab.
layerPresets = {
   { name = "Ambient Pad 01", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 01.vstpreset" },
   { name = "Ambient Pad 02", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 02.vstpreset" },
   { name = "Ambient Pad 03", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 03.vstpreset" },
   { name = "Ambient Pad 04", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 04.vstpreset" },
-- Create a table with the preset names.
function getPresetNames()
   presetNames = {}
   for i, preset in ipairs(layerPresets) do
       presetNames[i] = preset.name
-- Remove the old layer after the new one was added.
function removeOldLayer(progressInfo)
   local newPreset = progressInfo.root
   if oldPreset then
       print(oldPreset.name.." removed.")
   oldPreset = newPreset
-- Append the preset in a separate thread.
function appendNewLayer(progressInfo)
   if progressInfo.root then
       this.parent:appendLayerAsync(progressInfo.root, removeOldLayer)
       print("Appending "..progressInfo.root.name.."...")
-- Load the preset in a separate thread.
function onSelectPresetChanged()
   progress = 0
   progressInf = loadPresetAsync(layerPresets[SelectPreset].path, appendNewLayer)
   print("Loading "..layerPresets[SelectPreset].name.."...")
-- Define a parameter for selecting the preset to be loaded.
defineParameter("SelectPreset", "Select Preset", 1, presetNames, onSelectPresetChanged)
-- Monitor the load progress with onIdle.
progress = 1
function onIdle()
   if progress < 1 then
       progress = progressInf.progress
       print("Progress: "..(progressInf.progress * 100).."%")

See also: appendBus, appendEffect, appendLayer, appendMidiModule, appendZone, LoadProgress

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to add a MIDI module in the specified destination layer. The destination layer is determined by its Layer object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The MIDI module to be added is determined by its MidiModule object. You can use getMidiModule or findMidiModules to determine the desired MIDI module. The new MIDI module will be added behind the existing MIDI modules. To insert a MIDI module at a specific position in the destination layer, use insertMidiModule instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
moduleThe MidiModule object of the MIDI module that you want to append.MidiModule


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Append a MIDI module from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first MIDI module from the loaded program.
module = loadedProgram:getMidiModule()
-- Append the MIDI module.
if module then

See also: appendBus, appendEffect, appendLayer, appendLayerAsync, appendZone, MidiModule

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to add a zone in the specified destination layer. The destination layer is determined by its Layer object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The zone to be added is determined by its Zone object. You can use getZone or findZones to determine the zone. The new zone will be added behind the existing zones. To insert a zone at a specific position in the destination layer, use insertZone instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
zoneThe Zone object of the zone that you want to append.Zone


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Append a zone from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first zone from the loaded program.
zone = loadedProgram:getZone()
-- Append the zone.
if zone then

See also: appendBus, appendEffect, appendLayer, appendLayerAsync, appendMidiModule, Zone

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


assignAutomation(element, nameOrID, index, scope)


Function to assign a parameter to an automation parameter. The arguments element and nameOrID specify the parameter to be assigned. The index argument determines to which automation parameter the parameter will be assigned. If the index argument is nil or not set, the parameter will be assigned to the next free automation parameter. The scope determines the part of the program that will be affected by the automation parameter. You specify the scope by setting the scope argument to the Element object that corresponds to the desired part of the program. The function returns the index to which the automation parameter was assigned to. This is useful if the automation parameter was assigned to the next free automation parameter.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
elementThe Element object of the parameter to be assigned.Element
nameOrIDThe name or ID of the parameter.string or number
indexThe index of the automation parameter, or nil.number or nil, optional
scopeThe Element object that will be affected by the automation parameter. (Since HALion 6.1)Element

Return Values

Returns the index to which the automation parameter was assigned to.


-- Assign filter cutoff, resonance and envelope amount to the next free automation.
zones = this.program:findZones(true)
parameters = { "Filter.Cutoff", "Filter.Resonance", "Filter.EnvAmount" }
for i, parameter in ipairs(parameters) do
    local automationIndex
    automationIndex = assignAutomation(zones[1], parameter, automationIndex, this.program)

See also: forgetAutomation, getAutomationIndex

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




The AudioFile.open function creates an AudioFile object of the specified audio file. The AudioFile object can be used to retrieve information from the audio file, for example, the sample rate, bit depth, length in samples, etc. The location of the audio file can be a folder or a VST Sound archive.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
filenameThe file path and name of the audio file.string

Return Values

Returns an AudioFile object of the specified audio file.


-- Open an audio file from Skylab.
fname = "vstsound://F29C895D6D8E4D6C9BCBBA5198412192/.samples/Ambient Pad 01/Ambient Pad 01 - C3.tg3c"
af = AudioFile.open(fname)
-- Print the sample rate and bit depth.
print("Sample Rate: "..af.rate)
print("Bit Depth: "..af.bits)

See also: AudioFile, getPeak

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to convert a number of beats to the equivalent duration in milliseconds. One beat equals a quarter note. The current tempo is taken into account.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
beatsThe desired duration in number of beats and fractions of it.number

Return Values

Returns the specified number of beats (quarter notes) as duration in milliseconds.


-- Print the position in the current bar in milliseconds when triggering a note.

function onNote(event)
    posInBar = getBeatTimeInBar()
    if (posInBar ~= -1) then       
        posInBarMs = beat2ms(posInBar)
        print(string.format("%.3f ms", posInBarMs))
        print("Playback is stopped.")

See also: ms2beat, ms2samples, samples2ms

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

Bus Constructor


(Since HALion 6.4.0)


Constructor to create a new Bus object.

Available in: Controller.

Return Values

Returns a new Bus object.


-- The following function creates different types of objects in the Program Tree.
-- The objects in the Program Tree do not have a name. You will see only their icons.

function createProgram()
  local inst = this.program.instance
  local prg = Program()
  local bus = Bus()
  inst:setProgram(prg, 1)
  local layer = Layer()
  local mm = MidiModule('MIDI Player')
  local fx = Effect('Distortion')

See also: Program Constructor, Layer Constructor, Zone Constructor, MidiModule Constructor, Effect Constructor

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

Bypass Masks

(Since HALion 6.4.0)


Enumerator to determine the values that configure if a bus or effect follows the global inserts and Aux bypass buttons of the plug-in. The values must be applied to the bypassMask field of the desired Bus or Effect object. See the example below for details.

Available in: Controller.

Bypass Masks

The values are determined with these names:



bus = this.parent:getBus()
bypassSettings = {
    {name = "No Bypass",            value = BypassMask.noBypass },
    {name = "Follow Inserts",       value = BypassMask.bypassInserts },
    {name = "Follow Aux",           value = BypassMask.bypassAux },
    {name = "Follow Inserts & Aux", value = BypassMask.bypassInserts + BypassMask.bypassAux },
bypassSettingsNames = {}
for i = 1, #bypassSettings do
    bypassSettingsNames[i] = bypassSettings[i].name
function onBypassSettingChanged()
    bus.bypassMask = bypassSettings[GlobalBypass].value
    print(bus.name, bus.bypassMask)
defineParameter("GlobalBypass", nil, 1, bypassSettingsNames, onBypassSettingChanged)

See also: Bus, Effect

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to generate the modulation signals that have been defined with defineModulation. The function is executed every 32 samples.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns one or more modulation signals. Multiple modulation signals can be returned as a tuple or as a table. If the modulation is defined as unipolar, the signal must be in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. If the modulation is defined as bipolar, the signal must be in the range from -1.0 to 1.0.


-- Modulation signals returned as tuple.

freq = 1
phase = 0
pi = math.pi
defineModulation('Ramp Up', false)
defineModulation('Sine', true)
defineModulation('Ramp Down', false)
function calcModulation()
    rate = getSamplingRate() / 32
    phase = phase + freq / rate
    if phase >= 1 then
        phase = phase - 1
    return phase, math.sin(2 * pi * phase), 1 - phase
-- Modulation signals returned as table.

freq = 1
phase = 0
pi = math.pi
local mod = {}
defineModulation('Ramp Up', false)
defineModulation('Sine', true)
defineModulation('Ramp Down', false)
function calcModulation()
    rate = getSamplingRate() / 32
    phase = phase + freq / rate
    if phase >= 1 then
        phase = phase - 1
    mod[1] = phase
    mod[2] = math.sin(2 * pi * phase)
    mod[3] = 1 - phase
    return mod

See also: defineModulation

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /



(Since HALion 7.0)


Function to cancel the decompose function for an audio file. You specify the audio file with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. To cancel the decompose of a certain audio file, the AudioFile object of the cancelDecompose function must match the AudioFile object of the corresponding decompose function.

Available in: Controller.


outputModes = { "Tonal", "Noise", "All", "Mix", }
defineParameter { name = "Decompose", default = false, onChanged = function() if Decompose then onDecompose() end end }
defineParameter { name = "Cancel", default = false}
defineParameter { name = "Sensitivity", default = -24, min = -96, max = 0, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "Cutoff", default = 20000, min = 20, max = 20000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "Duration", default = 80, min = 0, max = 100, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "TonalLevel", default = 0, min = -96, max = 12, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "NoiseLevel", default = 0, min = -96, max = 12, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "Start", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "Length", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "OutputMode", default = DecomposeOutputMode.all, strings = outputModes }
defineParameter { name = "OutputPath", default = "" }
defineParameter { name = "Subfolder", default = "" }
function onDecomposeFinished(audioFile, file1, file2)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(audioFile.fileName, audioFile.length)
    if file1 then
        local afile1 = AudioFile.open(file1)
        print(afile1.fileName, afile1.length)
    if file2 then
        local afile2 = AudioFile.open(file2)
        print(afile2.fileName, afile2.length)
function onDecompose()
    zones = this.parent:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        local startSamples = Start * afile.rate/1000
        local lengthSamples = Length * afile.rate/1000
        if not Subfolder == "" then
            if OutputPath == "" then
                OutputPath = getDecomposeOutputPath(samplePath)..Subfolder
                OutputPath = OutputPath..Subfolder
        print("Decompose: "..samplePath)
            callback = onDecomposeFinished,
            start = startSamples,
            length = lengthSamples,
            sensitivity = Sensitivity,
            cutoff = Cutoff,
            duration = Duration,
            tonalLevel = TonalLevel,
            noiseLevel = NoiseLevel,
            outputMode = OutputMode,
            outputPath = OutputPath,
        while afile:getDecomposeProgress() < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progress, errorMessage = afile:getDecomposeProgress()
            if errorMessage then
            local progressPercent = 100 * progress
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
            print("Decompose Canceled!")
    print("Decompose finished.")
    Decompose = false

See also: decompose, getDecomposeProgress, Decompose Output Modes, getDecomposeSettings, getDecomposeOutputPath

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /



(Since HALion 6.3)


Function to cancel a pitch analysis you started with analyzePitch. You specify the audio file with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. The channel argument specifies the channel of the audio file. The AudioFile object and the channel argument must match the call to analyzePitch.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
channelUse this to specify the channel of the audio file that is being analyzed.number, optional


channelNames = { [0] = "All", "Left", "Right" }
defineParameter( "Channel", nil, 0, channelNames)
defineParameter( "Start", nil, false, function() if Start then onStart() end end)
defineParameter( "Cancel", nil, false)
-- Requires the Skylab content.
path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 01.vstpreset"
layer = loadPreset(path)
function onPitchAnalysisFinished(audioFile, channelNum)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(channelNames[channelNum].." channel(s) of "..audioFile.fileName.." analyzed.")
function onStart()
    zones = layer:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        print("File: "..samplePath)
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        afile:analyzePitch(onPitchAnalysisFinished, Channel)
        while afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel) < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progressPercent = 100 * afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel)
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
        local pitch = afile:getPitch(0, -1, Channel)
        print("Analyzed Pitch: "..pitch)
    Start = false

See also: analyzePitch, getPitch, getPitchAnalysisProgress

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


changeNoteExpression(noteID, type, value, relative, immediateOrDuration)


Function to change the note expression of a specific note.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
noteIDThe ID of the note you want to change.number
typeThe note expression type. It can be determined via names or indices. See Note Expression Types for details.enum or number
valueThe absolute note expression value in the range of 0.0 to 1.0 (relative = false) or the value that is added (relative = true).number
relativeThe value is added to the current amount if this is set to true. The default setting is false.boolean, optional
immediateOrDurationChange the value immediately or in the specified duration. Set this to true to change the value immediately without controller smoothing. Set a duration in milliseconds to change the value with controller smoothing in the specified time. If not set, this setting defaults to false and the controller smoothing setting in the Options editor is used.boolean or number, optional


-- Transform continuous controllers into note expression.

local ids = {}
function onNote(event)
  local id = postEvent(event)
  changeNoteExpression(id, 1, getCC(7)/127, false, true)
  changeNoteExpression(id, 2, getCC(10)/127, false, true)
  changeNoteExpression(id, 3, (getCC(129)/8191) * 0.5 + 0.5, false, true)
  table.insert(ids, id)
function onController(event)
  if event.controller == 7 then -- volume controller
    for i,v in ipairs(ids) do
        changeNoteExpression(v, NoteExpressionType.volume, event.value/127)
  if event.controller == 10 then -- pan controller
    for i,v in ipairs(ids) do
        changeNoteExpression(v, NoteExpressionType.pan, event.value/127)
  if event.controller == 129 then -- pitch bend
    for i,v in ipairs(ids) do
        changeNoteExpression(v, NoteExpressionType.tuning, (event.value/8191) * 0.5 + 0.5)


See also: onNoteExpression, getNoteExpression, changeVolume, changeVolumedB, changePan, changeTune, Note Expression Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


changePan(noteID, pan, relative, immediateOrDuration)


Function to change the position of a specific note in the panorama.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
noteIDThe ID of the note that you want to change.number
panThe absolute pan position in the range of -1.0 to 1.0 (relative = false) or the value which is added (relative = true).number
relativeThe value is added to the current amount if this is set to ''true''. The default is ''false''.boolean, optional
immediateOrDurationChange the value immediately or in the specified duration. Set this to true to change the value immediately without controller smoothing. Set a duration in milliseconds to change the value with controller smoothing in the specified time. If not set, this setting defaults to false and the controller smoothing setting in the Options editor is used.boolean or number, optional


-- Pan notes depending on the pitch of the MIDI note.
-- E3 == center, E2 == hard left, E4 == hard right

function onNote(event)
  local pan = (event.note - 64) / 12
  local id = postEvent(event)
  changePan(id, pan, false, true)

See also: changeVolume, changeVolumedB, changeTune, changeNoteExpression

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


changeTune(noteID, tune, relative, immediateOrDuration)


Function to change the tuning of a specific note in semitones.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
noteIDThe ID of the note that you want to change.number
tuneThe absolute tuning in the range of -120.0 to 120.0 semitones (relative = false) or the value which is added (relative = true).number
relativeThe value is added to the current amount if this is set to true. The default is false.boolean, optional
immediateOrDurationChange the value immediately or in the specified duration. Set this to true to change the value immediately without controller smoothing. Set a duration in milliseconds to change the value with controller smoothing in the specified time. If not set, this setting defaults to false and the controller smoothing setting in the Options editor is used.boolean or number, optional


-- Random tune offset per note.

function onNote(event)
  local tune = math.random() * 12 - 6
  local id = postEvent(event)
  changeTune(id, tune, true, true)

See also: changeVolume, changeVolumedB, changePan, changeNoteExpression

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


changeVolume(noteID, gain, relative, immediateOrDuration)


Function to change the volume of a specific note. A gain factor greater than 1.0 amplifies the signal and a gain factor smaller than 1.0 attenuates the signal.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
noteIDThe ID of the note that you want to change.number
gainThe absolute gain (relative = false) or the value which is added (relative = true).number
relativeThe value is added to the current amount if this is set to true. The default is false.boolean, optional
immediateOrDurationChange the value immediately or in the specified duration. Set this to true to change the value immediately without controller smoothing. Set a duration in milliseconds to change the value with controller smoothing in the specified time. If not set, this setting defaults to ''false'' and the controller smoothing setting in the Options editor is used.boolean or number, optional


-- Attenuate notes between C2 and C4.

local lowKey = 48   -- C2
local highKey = 72  -- C4
local keyRange = highKey - lowKey
function onNote(event)
  if event.note > lowKey then
    local gain = (event.note - lowKey)/keyRange
    local id = postEvent(event)
    changeVolume(id, gain, false, true)

See also: changeVolumedB, changePan, changeTune, changeNoteExpression

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


changeVolumedB(noteID, gain_dB, relative, immediateorDuration)


Function to change the volume of a specific note in decibels (dB). Positive values amplify the signal and negative values attenuate the signal.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
noteIDThe ID of the note that you want to change.number
gain_dBThe absolute gain in dB (relative = false) or the value which is added (relative = true).number
relativeThe value is added to the current amount if this is set to true. The default is false.boolean, optional
immediateOrDurationChange the value immediately or in the specified duration. Set this to true to change the value immediately without controller smoothing. Set a duration in milliseconds to change the value with controller smoothing in the specified time. If not set, this setting defaults to false and the controller smoothing setting in the Options editor is used.boolean or number, optional


-- Apply note-on velocity with a dynamic range of 40dB.

function onNote(event)
  local id = postEvent(event)
  local gain_dB = (event.velocity/127) * 40 - 40
  changeVolumedB(id, gain_dB, false, true)

See also: changeVolume, changePan, changeTune, changeNoteExpression

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to create a copy of the specified object. If you want to modify an object, and you want to keep the original object, you can clone the object before modifying it. The allowed objects are Bus, Effect, Event, Layer, MidiModule, Program and Zone. Event objects can be cloned in the processor or the controller thread. All other objects can only be cloned in the controller thread.

❕ If you clone an event, the ID of the copied event will be -1, because the event has not been played yet. To retrieve an ID, use postEvent or playNote.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
eventThe allowed objects are Bus, Effect, Event, Layer, MidiModule, Program and Zone.object

Return Values

Returns a copy of the specified object.


-- Create a copy of the event and transpose it.

function onNote(event)
    eventCopy = clone(event)
    eventCopy.note = event.note + 12
    local id = postEvent(eventCopy)

-- Create a copy of the program.

function cloneProgram()
  local prg = this.parent
  assert(type(prg) == 'Program')
  local copy_prg = clone(prg)
  assert(type(copy_prg) == 'Program')
  assert(#(copy_prg:findZones(true)) == #(prg:findZones(true)))

See also: Bus Constructor, Effect Constructor, Event Constructor, Layer Constructor, MidiModule Constructor, Program Constructor, Zone Constructor

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


controlChange(controller, value)


Function to generate controller events.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
controllerThe controller number. See Controller Numbers for a description of the different controllers.number
valueThe controller value in the range of 0 to 127.number


-- Invert the values of all MIDI controllers.

function onController(event)
    if event.controller < 120 then
        controlChange(event.controller, 127 - event.value)
        postEvent(event) -- Other controllers are just passed through.

See also: onController, getCC, afterTouch, pitchBend

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

Controller Numbers


Continuous controller events are determined by their controller number. Controller numbers from 0 to 127 follow the MIDI specification. Controller numbers above 127 are additional controllers that are specific to HALion.

❕ To limit a function to the continuous controllers of the MIDI specification, use an if statement. See example below.

Available in: Processor.

Additional Controllers

Controllers like aftertouch, pitch bend and other special controllers are determined by controller numbers above 127.

130Controller A
131Controller B
132Controller C
133Controller D
134Controller E
135Controller F
136Controller G
137Controller H
138Reserved for polyhonic Velocity
139Reserved for polyhonic Note Expression Custom 1
140Reserved for polyhonic Note Expression Custom 2
141Reserved for polyhonic Note Expression Custom 3
142Reserved for polyhonic Note Expression Custom 4
143Reserved for polyhonic Note Expression Custom 5
144Reserved for polyhonic Note Expression Custom 6
145Reserved for polyhonic Note Expression Custom 7
146Reserved for polyhonic Note Expression Custom 8
147RPN Pitch Bend Range
148RPN Channel Fine Tuning (value range -8191 to 8191 equals -100 to 100 cent)
149RPN Channel Coarse Tuning (value range -64 to 63 equals -64 to 63 semitones)
150RPN Tuning Program Change
151RPN Tuning Bank Select
152RPN Modulation Depth Range

❕ The function onController will not be called by controllers 138 to 146. They are reserved for the polyphonic sources note-on velocity and note expression custom 1-8. You can use the callback functions onNote and onNoteExpression instead.


-- Exclude MIDI mode messages and other special controllers.

function onController(event)
    if event.controller < 120 then
        print("Controller #: "..event.controller..", Value: "..event.value)

See also: onController, controlChange, getCC

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(Since HALion 7.0)


Function to decompose an audio file into its tonal and noise components. You specify the audio file with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. The decompose function can be configured with named arguments. The named arguments are optional and if called without, decompose will be executed with its default settings.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
callbackThis callback function is called with the AudioFile object and the file path of the ouput sample(s) as arguments after the original sample has been decomposed. If called without a callback function, decompose will be executed in the same thread. If called with a callback function as argument, decompose will be executed in a separate, parallel thread.function, optional
startThe start position in samples. The created samples are trimmed to this position. The default is 0 samples.number, optional
lengthThe duration in samples. Set this to less than or equal to 0 to use all samples from the specified start to the end of the sample. By default, everything from start to the end of the sample is decomposed. The created samples are trimmed to this length.number, optional
sensitivityDetermines the minimum level difference that is needed to distinguish the tonal from the noise signals. The sensitivity is specified in dB and the value range is from -96 to 0 dB. The default is -24 dB.number, optional
cutoffSets the frequency limit below which the algorithm detects tonal signals. Any signals above the cutoff frequency are classified as noise, regardless of the sensitivity and duration arguments. The cutoff is specified in Hz and the value range is from 20 to 20000 Hz. The default is 20000 Hz.number, optional
durationAllows you to specify the minimum length for a tonal signal in milliseconds. Signals that are shorter than the specified duration are classified as noise, longer signals are classified as tonal. The value range is fom 0 to 100 ms. The default is 80 ms.number, optional
tonalLevelSpecifies the level of the tonal component in dB. The value range is from -96 to +12 dB. The default is 0 dB.number, optional
noiseLevelSpecifies the level of the noise component in dB. The value range is from -96 to +12 dB. The default is 0 dB.number, optional
outputModeDefines if only one of the components, both components, or a mix of them is created. See Decompose Output Modes for details.number, optional
outputPathSpecifies the path for the decomposed audio files. If the string is empty, invalid, or nil, the file paths of the decompose settings of the plug-in will be used. The default is nil.string, optional

❕ Samples that were loaded from a VST Sound container can only be decomposed if the ouputPath argument is set to a valid file location. You can use getDecomposeOutputPath to obtain the file location from the decompose settings of the plug-in.


outputModes = { "Tonal", "Noise", "All", "Mix", }
defineParameter { name = "Decompose", default = false, onChanged = function() if Decompose then onDecompose() end end }
defineParameter { name = "Cancel", default = false}
defineParameter { name = "Sensitivity", default = -24, min = -96, max = 0, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "Cutoff", default = 20000, min = 20, max = 20000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "Duration", default = 80, min = 0, max = 100, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "TonalLevel", default = 0, min = -96, max = 12, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "NoiseLevel", default = 0, min = -96, max = 12, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "Start", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "Length", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "OutputMode", default = DecomposeOutputMode.all, strings = outputModes }
defineParameter { name = "OutputPath", default = "" }
defineParameter { name = "Subfolder", default = "" }
function onDecomposeFinished(audioFile, file1, file2)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(audioFile.fileName, audioFile.length)
    if file1 then
        local afile1 = AudioFile.open(file1)
        print(afile1.fileName, afile1.length)
    if file2 then
        local afile2 = AudioFile.open(file2)
        print(afile2.fileName, afile2.length)
function onDecompose()
    zones = this.parent:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        local startSamples = Start * afile.rate/1000
        local lengthSamples = Length * afile.rate/1000
        if not Subfolder == "" then
            if OutputPath == "" then
                OutputPath = getDecomposeOutputPath(samplePath)..Subfolder
                OutputPath = OutputPath..Subfolder
        print("Decompose: "..samplePath)
            callback = onDecomposeFinished,
            start = startSamples,
            length = lengthSamples,
            sensitivity = Sensitivity,
            cutoff = Cutoff,
            duration = Duration,
            tonalLevel = TonalLevel,
            noiseLevel = NoiseLevel,
            outputMode = OutputMode,
            outputPath = OutputPath,
        while afile:getDecomposeProgress() < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progress, errorMessage = afile:getDecomposeProgress()
            if errorMessage then
            local progressPercent = 100 * progress
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
            print("Decompose Canceled!")
    print("Decompose finished.")
    Decompose = false

See also: cancelDecompose, getDecomposeProgress, Decompose Output Modes, getDecomposeSettings, getDecomposeOutputPath

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

Decompose Output Modes

(Since HALion 7.0)


Enumerator to identify the different decompose output modes.

Available in: Controller.

Decompose Output Modes

The decompose output mode can be determined with these names or indices:



outputModes = { "Tonal", "Noise", "All", "Mix", }
defineParameter { name = "Decompose", default = false, onChanged = function() if Decompose then onDecompose() end end }
defineParameter { name = "Cancel", default = false}
defineParameter { name = "Sensitivity", default = -24, min = -96, max = 0, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "Cutoff", default = 20000, min = 20, max = 20000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "Duration", default = 80, min = 0, max = 100, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "TonalLevel", default = 0, min = -96, max = 12, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "NoiseLevel", default = 0, min = -96, max = 12, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "Start", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "Length", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "OutputMode", default = DecomposeOutputMode.all, strings = outputModes }
defineParameter { name = "OutputPath", default = "" }
defineParameter { name = "Subfolder", default = "" }
function onDecomposeFinished(audioFile, file1, file2)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(audioFile.fileName, audioFile.length)
    if file1 then
        local afile1 = AudioFile.open(file1)
        print(afile1.fileName, afile1.length)
    if file2 then
        local afile2 = AudioFile.open(file2)
        print(afile2.fileName, afile2.length)
function onDecompose()
    zones = this.parent:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        local startSamples = Start * afile.rate/1000
        local lengthSamples = Length * afile.rate/1000
        if not Subfolder == "" then
            if OutputPath == "" then
                OutputPath = getDecomposeOutputPath(samplePath)..Subfolder
                OutputPath = OutputPath..Subfolder
        print("Decompose: "..samplePath)
            callback = onDecomposeFinished,
            start = startSamples,
            length = lengthSamples,
            sensitivity = Sensitivity,
            cutoff = Cutoff,
            duration = Duration,
            tonalLevel = TonalLevel,
            noiseLevel = NoiseLevel,
            outputMode = OutputMode,
            outputPath = OutputPath,
        while afile:getDecomposeProgress() < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progress, errorMessage = afile:getDecomposeProgress()
            if errorMessage then
            local progressPercent = 100 * progress
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
            print("Decompose Canceled!")
    print("Decompose finished.")
    Decompose = false

See also: decompose, cancelDecompose, getDecomposeProgress, getDecomposeSettings, getDecomposeOutputPath

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


defineModulation(name, bipolar)


Function to declare a modulation output for the script module, which can be assigned in the modulation matrix of the zone. The declared modulation outputs can be found on the Modulation Module submenu of the modulation matrix's Source menu. This function can be used multiple times to declare different modulation outputs.

❕ This function only declares the modulation output. It does not calculate the modulation signal. The modulation signal must be generated with calcModulation.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameThe name of the modulation output as it will be shown in the modulation matrix of the zone.string
bipolarIf this is set to true, the output is expected to be in the range from -1.0 to 1.0. If this is set to false, the output is expected to be in the range from 0.0 to 1.0.boolean


function onInit()
   defineModulation("Mod 1", false) -- unipolar
   defineModulation("Mod 2", true)  -- bipolar

See also: calcModulation

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On this page:


Function to specify a parameter with the specified name and characteristics. The parameters you define can be used to configure the script module and save its state with the program. They are shown in the Parameter List from where you can connect them to controls on the macro page. For more details see Creating Parameters.

Available in: Controller.


defineParameter(name, longName, default, min, max, increment, changeCallback)

Creates a numeric parameter. The default argument defines the value that the parameter will default to. The min and max arguments define the value range of the parameter. The increment argument defines the step size of the parameter. The arguments default, min, max and increment can be any integer or floating point value. How many digits are shown behind the decimal point for a value string of a parameter is determined by the value of the increment argument. For example:

increment = 1The parameter will be an integer value and its value string will display no digits behind the decimal point.
increment = 0.001The parameter will be a floating point value and its value string will display three digits behind the decimal point.
increment = 0The parameter will be a floating point value and its value string will display two digits behind the decimal point.

The automatic formatting of a value can be overridden with the format argument. See Additional Named Arguments for more details.

Indexed String Array

defineParameter(name, longName, default, strings, changeCallback)

Creates a parameter with integer indices that have a text representation given by the string values of an array. The default argument defines the index that the parameter will default to. The strings argument must be an array with string values starting with index 0 or 1.


defineParameter(name, longName, bool, changeCallback)

Creates a boolean parameter. The bool argument also defines the default value of the parameter.


defineParameter(name, longName, string, changeCallback)

Creates a parameter with a string value. You can change the string by assigning a new string value to the parameter.


defineParameter(name, longName, table, changeCallback)

Creates a parameter with a table as value. The name argument of the parameter also defines the name of the table. You can access the values of the table using the regular methods, e.g., dot notation.

By Parameter Definition

defineParameter(name, longName, parameterDefinition, changeCallback)

Creates a parameter with the behavior of the specified parameterDefinition. You can use this to clone the behavior of existing parameters.

By Named Arguments

defineParameter { name = "p", longName = "param", default = 0, min = 0, max = 100, increment = 0.01, onChanged = callback, type = "float", format = "%.2f", readOnly = false, writeAlways = false, automatable = true, persistent = true }

Creates a parameter by named arguments. The only argument to the function is a table with the key/value pairs that define the parameter. The additional keys type, format, readOnly, writeAlways, automatable, processorCallback and persistent give you control over more advanced features. They can only be set with named arguments. See Defining Parameters by Named Arguments for more details.

Jump to Top


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameThe name of the parameter.string
longNameThe long name of the parameter, e.g., the name of the tool tip. If the argument is nil or not set, the name will be used.string, optional
defaultThe default value of the parameter. The argument defaults to 0 if not set.number, optional
minThe minimum value of the parameter. The argument defaults to 0 if not set.number, optional
maxThe maximum value of the parameter. The argument defaults to 100 if not set.number, optional
incrementThe step size of the parameter as floating point value. Set this to 1 for integer steps. The argument defaults to 0 (floating point value, no steps) if not set.number, optional
stringsCreates a parameter with an indexed string array. The index starts with 0 or 1, depending on how you initialize the table. The string values of the array define the text representation of the parameter in the Parameter List.array, optional
boolCreates a boolean parameter. This argument also defines the default value of the parameter.bool, optional
stringCreates a parameter with a string value. You can change the string by assigning a new string value to the parameter.string, optional
tableCreates a parameter with a table as value.table, optional
parameterDefinitionCreates a parameter with the behavior of the set ParameterDefinition. You can use this to clone the behavior of existing parameters.ParameterDefinition, optional
onChangedCallback function that is called if the value of the parameter has changed. See Parameter Change Callback for more details.function, optional

Example 1

-- Showcase different parameters.
-- Initialize variables.

maxVelocity = 127
-- Change callback of the parameter "Label".

function nameChanged()
    print("name changed to", Label) --Print the value of the parameter.
-- Initialize parameters.

defineParameter("Scale", nil, 100)                                          -- Parameter with default 100 and range 0 to 100.
defineParameter("Offset", nil, 0, -100, 100, 1)                             -- Bipolar parameter with integer steps.
defineParameter("Pan", nil, 0, -100, 100, 0.1)                              -- Bipolar parameter with 0.1 steps.
defineParameter("Mode", nil, 1, { "Off", "Normal", "Hyper" })               -- Indexed string array.
defineParameter("Enable", "Enable Filter", true)                            -- Switch with long name.
defineParameter("Label", nil, "untitled", nameChanged)                      -- String parameter.
defineParameter("Intervals", nil, { 0, 4, 7 })                              -- Table parameter.
defineParameter("Volume", nil, this.parent:getParameterDefinition("Level")) -- Parameter with the same behavior as the "Level" parameter of the parent layer.

Jump to Top

Additional Named Arguments

(Since HALion 6.1)

If you create a parameter by named arguments, you get access to the following additional arguments. See Definging Parameters by Named Arguments for more details.

ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
typeThe value type of the parameter (integer, float, boolean, string, variant, or envelope). The type must match the default and increment arguments.string, optional
formatFormats the value string of a float value using the provided arguments. Only the format specifiers for float values are supported, i.e., e, E, f, g, or G. Other format specifiers are not supported. This overrides any automatic formatting from the increment argument.string, optional
readOnlyThe parameter can only be changed from the script if this is set to true. The argument defaults to false if no value is set.bool, optional
writeAlwaysA parameter does not call its change callback if its value is set without being changed. Set this to true if you want to guarantee that the change callback of the parameter is called. The argument defaults to false if not set.bool, optional
automatableSet this to false if you do not want the parameter to be automated. The argument defaults to true if not set.bool, optional
processorCallbackThe parameter change callback will be executed in the processor context with high accuracy, if this is set to true. For example, this is required for automated script parameters to update correctly when using Render in Place or Export Audio. If no processor exists, the call back is still run in the controller context. (Since HALion 6.4.20)bool, optional
persistentThe parameter will not be restored from the VST preset if this is set to false. The argument defaults to true if not set.bool, optional

The arguments readOnly, writeAlways and automatable are helpful if you have a parameter that is used only for indication, but not for entering values.

Example 2

-- The following parameter is read only, not automatable and not persistent.

defineParameter {
    name = "deltaTime",
    longName = "Delta Time",
    default = 0,
    min = 0,
    max = 2^31,
    type = "float",
    format = "%.3f ms",
    readOnly = true,
    automatable = false,
    persistent = false,
-- Measure the time between subsequent notes.

function onNote(event)
    t2 = getTime()
    if t1 then
        deltaTime = t2 - t1
    t1 = t2
-- The following parameter change callback is executed in the processor context with high accuracy.

function onP1changed()
   this.parent:setParameterNormalized("Level", P1 / 100)
defineParameter{name = "P1", min=0, max=100, onChanged = onP1changed, processorCallback = true}

Jump to Top

See also: getParameter, setParameter

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to attain global variables that operate independently per slot. You can call defineSlotLocal before or after the initialization of the corresponding variable, but it is common practice to call the function in advance. For more details see Using Slot Local Variables.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameThe name of the global variable.string


-- Store held notes in a note buffer and print them out.
-- Declare the note buffer as slot local.
-- Initialize the note buffer.
noteBuffer = {}
-- Print all notes in the note buffer.
function printNoteBuffer()
    for note, velocity in pairs(noteBuffer) do
        print("Note# = "..note..", Velocity = "..velocity)
-- Write notes to the buffer and print them.
function onNote(event)
    noteBuffer[event.note] = event.velocity
-- Remove notes from the buffer and print the remaining ones.
function onRelease(event)
    noteBuffer[event.note] = nil

See also: Using Slot Local Variables

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

Effect Constructor


(Since HALion 6.4.0)


Constructor to create a new Effect object of the specified type.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
typeThe type of effect.string

Return Values

Returns a new Effect object of the specified type.


-- The following function creates different types of objects in the Program Tree.
-- The objects in the Program Tree do not have a name. You will see only their icons.

function createProgram()
  local inst = this.program.instance
  local prg = Program()
  local bus = Bus()
  inst:setProgram(prg, 1)
  local layer = Layer()
  local mm = MidiModule('MIDI Player')
  local fx = Effect('Distortion')

See also: Program Constructor, Bus Constructor, Layer Constructor, Zone Constructor, MidiModule Constructor

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Function to terminate an undo block. An undo block begins with startUndoBlock. Any changes between the beginning and the termination of the undo block will be summarized into one undo entry in the undo history.

Available in: Controller.


-- Simple demonstration of the syntax, see startUndoBlock for a more detailed example.
-- Begin the undo block.

startUndoBlock("Undo Block") -- Only this entry will display in the undo history.
-- Any changes you want to be summarized in the undo history must be put here.
endUndoBlock() -- Terminate the undo block.

See also: startUndoBlock, getUndoContext, Undo Context Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

Event Constructor



Constructor to create a new Event object of the specified type.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
typeThe type of event. See Event Types for details.enum or number

Return Values

Returns a new Event object of the specified type.

❕ The fields of the Event object must be set after its creation.


-- Create a new note-on event.

function onNote(event)
    local newEvent = Event(EventType.noteOn)
    newEvent.note = event.note + 12
    newEvent.velocity = event.velocity
    local id = postEvent(newEvent)

See also: Event, Event Types

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Event Types


Enumerator to identify the different types of events. See Event Constructor and Event for details.

Available in: Processor.

Event Types

1EventType.noteOnNote-on events
2EventType.noteOffNote-off events
3EventType.controllerContinuous controller events
4EventType.noteExpressionNote expression events
5EventType.programChangeOnly used for Standard MIDI files
6EventType.noteRetriggerNote-retrigger events (Since HALion 7.0)
7EventType.dataSystem exclusive messages (Since HALion 7.0)


-- Print the event type.

function printEventType(event)
    if event.type == EventType.noteOn then
        print("Note-on event received!")
    elseif event.type == EventType.noteOff then
        print("Note-off event received!")
    elseif event.type == EventType.controller then
        print("Controller event received!")
    elseif event.type == EventType.noteExpression then
        print("Note Expression event received!")
    elseif event.type == EventType.noteRetrigger then
        print("Note-retrigger event received!")
    elseif event.type == EventType.data then
        print("System exclusive message received!")
function onNote(event)
function onRelease(event)
function onController(event)
function onNoteExpression(event)
    -- postEvent(event), not needed for note expression.

function onRetrigger(event)
function onData(event)

See also: Event Constructor, Event

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


fade(noteID, startValue, targetValue, duration, killVoice)


Function to fade the volume of a specific note. The fade is performed from the start to the target value with the specified duration in milliseconds and affects all voices that are triggered by the note. You can start a fade from the current value of a running fade by setting the start value to nil. You can kill the triggered voices if the target value is reached by setting killVoice to true. The fade is applied in addition to any changes from changeVolume, changeVolumedB and changeNoteExpression.

❕ If you start a fade from the current value of a running fade that has not reached its target value yet, the duration of this fade will be shorter. See Example 2 for details.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
noteIDThe ID of the note you want to fade.number
startValueThe start value of the fade in the range of 0 to 1.0. Set this to nil to start the fade from the current value of a running fade.number or nil
targetValueThe target value of the fade in the range of 0 to 1.0.number
durationThe length of the fade in milliseconds. The target value is set instantaneously if this is set to <= 0.number
killVoiceSet this to true to kill the note when the target value is reached. The default is false.boolean

Example 1

-- Simple fade out with kill voice.

function onNote(event)
    id = playNote(event.note, 100, 0) -- The fades affect all voices that are triggered by this note.
    fade(id, nil, 0.0, 1000, true)    -- Start to fade out.
function onRelease(event)
    -- postEvent(event), not used.

Example 2

-- Play note, then fade out and in and kill the triggered voices.

function onNote(event)
  id = playNote(event.note, 100, 0) -- The fades affect all voices that are triggered by this note.
  fade(id, 1.0, 0.0, 1000)          -- Start to fade out.
  wait(500)                         -- Wait for 500 ms, which is only half of the fade out.
  fade(id, nil, 1.0, 1000, true)    -- The fade in is only 500 ms long, because it has to go only half of the distance.
function onRelease(event)
    -- postEvent(event), not used.

See also: changeVolume, changeVolumedB, changePan, changeTune, changeNoteExpression

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


findBusses(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find busses in the specified Element object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent of the script module as the Element object to be searched in. If recursive is set to true, subelements will also be searched. The function returns an array with the Bus objects of the found busses. Particular busses can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findBusses accepts only the Bus objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the Bus object of each bus as argument. Only those Bus objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findBusses. Without a name or filter function the Bus objects of all busses in the searched Element obects will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the specified Element object will be searched. If set to true, subelements will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the busses searched for or a filter function. Only the Bus objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the Bus objects of the found busses. Returns an empty table if no busses are found.


-- Find all busses and print their names.
busses = this.program:findBusses(true)
if busses[1] then
    for i, bus in ipairs(busses) do
    print("Could not find any busses!")

See also: findChildren, findEffects, findLayers, findMidiModules, findSlots, findZones, Bus

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


findChildren(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find children in the specified Element object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the Element object to be searched in. If recursive is set to true, subelements will also be searched. The function returns an array with the Element objects of the found children. Particular children can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findChildren accepts only the Element objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the Element object of each child as argument. Only those Element objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findChildren. Without a name or filter function the Element objects of all children in the searched Element object will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the specified Element object will be searched. If set to true, subelements will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the children searched for or a filter function. Only the Element objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the Element objects of the found children. Returns an empty table if no children are found.


-- Find the MIDI module with the name "Lua Script" and print its type.

scriptModules = this.parent:findChildren(false, "Lua Script")
if scriptModules[1] then
-- Find all children and print their names.
children = this.program:findChildren(true)
if children[1] then
    for i, child in ipairs(children) do
    print("Could not find any children!")

See also: findBusses, findEffects, findLayers, findMidiModules, findSlots, findZones, Element

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


findEffects(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find effects in the specified Element object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent of the script module as Element object to be searched in. To specifiy a bus to be searched in, use getBus or findBusses. If recursive is set to true, subelements will also be searched. The function returns an array with the Effect objects of the found effects. Particular effects can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findEffects accepts only the Effect objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the Effect object of each effect as argument. Only those Effect objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findEffects. Without a name or filter function the Effect objects of all effects in the searched Element objects will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the specified Element object will be searched. If set to true, subelements will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the effects searched for or a filter function. Only the Effect objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the Effect objects of the found effects. Returns an empty table if no effects are found.


-- Find all effects and print their names.
effects = this.program:findEffects(true)
if effects[1] then
    for i, effect in ipairs(effects) do
    print("Could not find any effects!")

See also: findBusses, findChildren, findLayers, findMidiModules, findSlots, findZones, Effect

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


findLayers(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find layers in the specified layer. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the layer to be searched in. If recursive is set to true, sublayers will also be searched. The function returns an array with the Layer objects of the found layers. Particular layers can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findLayers accepts only the Layer objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the Layer object of each layer as argument. Only those Layer objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findLayers. Without a name or filter function the Layer objects of all layers in the searched layers will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the current layer will be searched. If set to true, sublayers will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the layers searched for or a filter function. Only the Layer objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the Layer objects of the found layers. Returns an empty table if no layers are found.


-- Find all layers and print their names.

layers = this.program:findLayers(true)
if layers[1] then
    for i, layer in ipairs(layers) do
    print("Could not find any layers!")

See also: findBusses, findChildren, findEffects, findMidiModules, findSlots, findZones, Layer

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


findMidiModules(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find MIDI modules in the specified layer. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the layer to be searched in. If recursive is set to true, sublayers will also be searched. The function returns an array with the MidiModule objects of the found MIDI modules. Particular MIDI modules can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findMidiModules accepts only the MidiModule objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the MidiModule object of each MIDI module as argument. Only those MidiModule objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findMidiModules. Without a name or filter function the MidiModule objects of all MIDI modules in the searched layers will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the current layer will be searched. If set to true, sublayers will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the MIDI modules searched for or a filter function. Only the MidiModule objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the MidiModule objects of the found MIDI modules. Returns an empty table if no MIDI modules are found.


-- Find all MIDI modules and print their names.

modules = this.program:findMidiModules(true)
if modules[1] then
    for i, module in ipairs(modules) do
    print("Could not find any MIDI modules!")

See also: findBusses, findChildren, findEffects, findLayers, findSlots, findZones, MidiModule

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to find the slots of the plug-in instance. Before calling this function you must access the Instance object with this.program.instance. The function returns an array with the Slot objects of the found slots. Particular slots can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findSlots accepts only the Slot objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the Slot object of each slot as argument. Only those Slot objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findSlots. Without a name or filter function the Slot objects of all slots in the instance will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the slots searched for or a filter function. Only the Slot objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the Slot objects of the found slots. Returns an empty table if no slots are found.


-- Print the names of all slots.

slots = this.program.instance:findSlots()
for i, slot in ipairs(slots) do

See also: findBusses, findChildren, findEffects, findLayers, findMidiModules, findZones, Slot

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


findZones(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find zones in the specified layer. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer to be searched in. If recursive is set to true, sublayers will also be searched. The function returns an array with the Zone objects of the found zones. Particular zones can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findZones accepts only the Zone objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the Zone object of each zone as argument. Only those Zone objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findZones. Without a name or filter function the Zone objects of all zones in the searched layers will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the current layer will be searched. If set to true, sublayers will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the zones searched for or a filter function. Only the Zone objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the Zone objects of the found zones. Returns an empty table if no zones are found.


-- Find all zones and print their names.

zones = this.program:findZones(true)
if zones[1] then
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
    print("Could not find any zones!")

See also: findBusses, findChildren, findEffects, findLayers, findMidiModules, findSlots, Zone

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


forgetAutomation(element, nameOrID)


Function to remove the specified parameter from its automation parameter.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
elementThe Element object of the parameter to be removed.Element
nameOrIDThe name or ID of the parameter.number


-- Forget the automation assignments of all parameters of all zones.

zones = this.program:findZones(true)

paramDefs = zones[1].parameterDefinitions

for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
    for j, paramDef in ipairs(paramDefs) do
        forgetAutomation( zone, paramDef.id)

See also: assignAutomation, getAutomationIndex

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to obtain the number of bytes which have been allocated to the script in the memory.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns the number of bytes which have been allocated to the script in the memory.


-- Print the number of bytes which have been allocated to the script in the memory.

function onNote(event)

See also: getUsedMemory

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


getAutomationIndex(element, nameOrID)


Function to retrieve the index of the automation parameter to which the specified parameter is assigned.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
elementThe Element object of the parameter to be connected.Element
nameOrIDThe ID of the parameter.number

Return Values

Returns the the index of the automation parameter to which the specified parameter is assigned, or nil if the specified parameter is not assigned.


-- Assign pitch octave, coarse and fine to the next free automation.

zones = this.program:findZones(true)

parameters = { "Pitch.Octave", "Pitch.Coarse", "Pitch.Fine" }

for i, parameter in ipairs(parameters) do
    local automationIndex
    for j, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        assignAutomation(zone, parameter, automationIndex)
        automationIndex = getAutomationIndex(zone, parameter)

See also: assignAutomation, forgetAutomation

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to obtain the duration of one bar in milliseconds.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns the duration of one bar in milliseconds based on the current time signature and tempo. If no time signature or tempo are available, this function returns the value -1.


-- Limit the note length to one bar.

function onNote(event)
  playNote(event.note, event.velocity, getBarDuration())

See also: getBeatDuration, getNoteDuration

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to obtain the duration of one beat in milliseconds.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns the duration of one beat in milliseconds. The duration of one beat equals the length of a quarter note based on the current tempo. If no tempo information is available, this function returns the value -1.


-- Play notes with a fixed length of one beat.

function onNote(event)
  playNote(event.note, event.velocity, getBeatDuration())

See also: getBarDuration, getNoteDuration

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to obtain the current song position in number of beats (quarter notes).

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

When the host is in playback, the function returns a decimal with the number of beats (quarter notes) since the start of the song. The start of the song equals 0 beats. The function returns -1 if the host is not in playback.


-- Print the song position in number of beats.

function onNote(event)
    posInSong = getBeatTime()
    if (posInSong ~= -1) then
        print(string.format("%.3f beats", posInSong))
        print("Playback is stopped.")

See also: getMsTime, getBeatTimeInBar

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to obtain the position in the current bar in number of beats (quarter notes).

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

When the host is in playback, the function returns a decimal with the number of beats (quarter notes) since the start of the current bar. The start of the bar equals 0 beats. The function returns -1 if the host is not in playback.


-- Print the position in the current bar.

function onNote(event)
    posInBar = getBeatTimeInBar()
    if (posInBar ~= -1) then
        print(string.format("%.3f beats", posInBar))
        print("Playback is stopped.")

See also: getBeatTime, getMsTime

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the Bus object of a bus in the specified Element object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent of the script module as the Element object to be searched in. This function does not search in subelements. A particular bus can be searched by name or position. The position is the number indexing the busses in the specified Element object. If several busses share the same name, only the first match will be returned. If no argument is set, the function returns the first bus it finds.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrPositionThe name or position of the bus. Set this to nil to deactivate the search filter.string or number, optional

Return Values

Returns the Bus object of the found bus. Returns nil if no bus is found.


-- Locate the first bus in the program and print its name.

bus = this.program:getBus()
if bus then
    print("Could not find a bus!")

See also: getChild, getEffect, getLayer, getMidiModule, getSlot, getZone, Bus

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to read the current value of a continuous controller.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
controllerThe controller number. See Controller Numbers for a description of the different controllers.number

Return Values

Returns the current value of the continuous controller specified by the argument.


-- Replace the note-on velocity with the value of the modulation wheel.

function onNote(event)
    playNote(event.note, getCC(1))

See also: onController, controlChange

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the Element object of a child in the specified Element object. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the Element object to be searched in. This function does not search in subelements. A particular child can be searched by name or position. The position is the number indexing the children in the specified Element object. If several children share the same name, only the first match will be returned. If no argument is set, the function returns the first child it finds.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrPositionThe name or position of the child. Set this to nil to deactivate the search filter.string or number, optional

Return Values

Returns the Element object of the found child. Returns nil if no child is found.


-- Locate the first child in the program and print its name.

child = this.program:getChild()
if child then
    print("Could not find a child!")

See also: getBus, getEffect, getLayer, getMidiModule, getSlot, getZone, Element

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to obtain the name of the context.

Available in: Controller, Processor.

Return Values

Returns a string with the name of the context in which the function is called.


-- Print the context.

print("Global statement: "..getContext())
function onLoadIntoSlot()
    print("onLoadIntoSlot: "..getContext())
function onInit()
    print("onInit: "..getContext())

Output Messages:

Global statement: Controller
onLoadIntoSlot: Controller
onInit: Processor

See also: onLoadIntoSlot, onInit

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /



(Since HALion 7.0)


This function evaluates the decompose settings of the plug-in and the file path of the original sample and returns the file path to the folder in which the decomposed samples are to be be saved. You can use this function to alter the outputPath argument of the decompose function, e.g., to write the decomposed samples in a subfolder. The complete record of the decompose settings of the plug-in can be obtained with getDecomposeSettings.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
filePathThe file path of the original sample.string

Return Values

Returns the file path to the folder in which the decomposed samples are to be be saved.


outputModes = { "Tonal", "Noise", "All", "Mix", }
defineParameter { name = "Decompose", default = false, onChanged = function() if Decompose then onDecompose() end end }
defineParameter { name = "Cancel", default = false}
defineParameter { name = "Sensitivity", default = -24, min = -96, max = 0, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "Cutoff", default = 20000, min = 20, max = 20000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "Duration", default = 80, min = 0, max = 100, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "TonalLevel", default = 0, min = -96, max = 12, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "NoiseLevel", default = 0, min = -96, max = 12, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "Start", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "Length", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "OutputMode", default = DecomposeOutputMode.all, strings = outputModes }
defineParameter { name = "OutputPath", default = "" }
defineParameter { name = "Subfolder", default = "" }
function onDecomposeFinished(audioFile, file1, file2)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(audioFile.fileName, audioFile.length)
    if file1 then
        local afile1 = AudioFile.open(file1)
        print(afile1.fileName, afile1.length)
    if file2 then
        local afile2 = AudioFile.open(file2)
        print(afile2.fileName, afile2.length)
function onDecompose()
    zones = this.parent:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        local startSamples = Start * afile.rate/1000
        local lengthSamples = Length * afile.rate/1000
        if not Subfolder == "" then
            if OutputPath == "" then
                OutputPath = getDecomposeOutputPath(samplePath)..Subfolder
                OutputPath = OutputPath..Subfolder
        print("Decompose: "..samplePath)
            callback = onDecomposeFinished,
            start = startSamples,
            length = lengthSamples,
            sensitivity = Sensitivity,
            cutoff = Cutoff,
            duration = Duration,
            tonalLevel = TonalLevel,
            noiseLevel = NoiseLevel,
            outputMode = OutputMode,
            outputPath = OutputPath,
        while afile:getDecomposeProgress() < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progress, errorMessage = afile:getDecomposeProgress()
            if errorMessage then
            local progressPercent = 100 * progress
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
            print("Decompose Canceled!")
    print("Decompose finished.")
    Decompose = false

See also: decompose, cancelDecompose, getDecomposeProgress, Decompose Output Modes, getDecomposeSettings

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /



(Since HALion 7.0)


Function to monitor the progress of the decompose function for an audio file. You specify the audio file with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. To get the progress of a certain audio file that is being decomposed, the AudioFile object of the getDecomposeProgress function must match the AudioFile object of the corresponding decompose function. The function returns two values: the progress as a value between 0 and 1 and an error message if the decompose did not succeed.

Available in: Controller.

Return Values

Returns the progress as a float value between 0 and 1, and an error message if the decompose did not succeed. The error message returns nil if the decompose was successful.


outputModes = { "Tonal", "Noise", "All", "Mix", }
defineParameter { name = "Decompose", default = false, onChanged = function() if Decompose then onDecompose() end end }
defineParameter { name = "Cancel", default = false}
defineParameter { name = "Sensitivity", default = -24, min = -96, max = 0, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "Cutoff", default = 20000, min = 20, max = 20000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "Duration", default = 80, min = 0, max = 100, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "TonalLevel", default = 0, min = -96, max = 12, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "NoiseLevel", default = 0, min = -96, max = 12, increment = 0.1 }
defineParameter { name = "Start", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "Length", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000, increment = 1 }
defineParameter { name = "OutputMode", default = DecomposeOutputMode.all, strings = outputModes }
defineParameter { name = "OutputPath", default = "" }
defineParameter { name = "Subfolder", default = "" }
function onDecomposeFinished(audioFile, file1, file2)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(audioFile.fileName, audioFile.length)
    if file1 then
        local afile1 = AudioFile.open(file1)
        print(afile1.fileName, afile1.length)
    if file2 then
        local afile2 = AudioFile.open(file2)
        print(afile2.fileName, afile2.length)
function onDecompose()
    zones = this.parent:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        local startSamples = Start * afile.rate/1000
        local lengthSamples = Length * afile.rate/1000
        if not Subfolder == "" then
            if OutputPath == "" then
                OutputPath = getDecomposeOutputPath(samplePath)..Subfolder
                OutputPath = OutputPath..Subfolder
        print("Decompose: "..samplePath)
            callback = onDecomposeFinished,
            start = startSamples,
            length = lengthSamples,
            sensitivity = Sensitivity,
            cutoff = Cutoff,
            duration = Duration,
            tonalLevel = TonalLevel,
            noiseLevel = NoiseLevel,
            outputMode = OutputMode,
            outputPath = OutputPath,
        while afile:getDecomposeProgress() < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progress, errorMessage = afile:getDecomposeProgress()
            if errorMessage then
            local progressPercent = 100 * progress
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
            print("Decompose Canceled!")
    print("Decompose finished.")
    Decompose = false

See also: decompose, cancelDecompose, Decompose Output Modes, getDecomposeSettings, getDecomposeOutputPath

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /



(Since HALion 7.0)


Function to obtain the decompose settings of the plug-in. Custom samples originate from disk and library samples originate from VST Sound containers. Depending on the decompose settings specified by the user and on the origin of the samples, decomposed samples are written to different file paths. By evaluating the returned settings, your script can respond to the settings specified by the user.

Available in: Controller.


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.OriginalFolderIf this is set to true, the decomposed samples from disk will be saved in the same folder as the original sample. This setting affects only samples that are not part of a VST Sound container.boolean
.ProjectFolderThe file path to the project folder of your Steinberg DAW. The decomposed samples from disk or from VST Sound containers will be saved to this project folder if the FileProjectFolderCustom and the FileProjectFolderLibrary settings are set to true.string
.FileFolderNameCustomThe file path to the folder in which the decomposed samples from disk will be saved. This setting applies only if FileProjectFolderCustom is set to false.string
.FileProjectFolderCustomIf this is set to true, the decomposed samples from disk will be saved in the project folder of your Steinberg DAW. If this is set to false, the file path of FileFolderNameCustom will be used instead.boolean
.FileProjectSubFolderCustomThis setting applies only if FileProjectFolderCustom is set to true.The decomposed samples from disk will be saved in the specified subfolder in the project folder of your Steinberg DAW. If this is empty, the decomposed samples will be saved directly to the project folder.string
.FileFolderNameLibraryThe file path to the folder in which the decomposed samples from VST Sound containers will be saved. This setting applies only if FileProjectFolderLibrary is set to false.string
.FileProjectFolderLibraryIf this is set to true, the decomposed samples from VST Sound containers will be saved in the project folder of your Steinberg DAW. If this is set to false, the file path of FileFolderNameLibrary will be used instead.boolean
.FileProjectSubFolderLibraryThis setting applies only if FileProjectFolderLibrary is set to true.The decomposed samples from VST Sound containers will be saved in the specified subfolder in the project folder of your Steinberg DAW. If this is empty, the decomposed samples will be saved directly to the project folder.string
.SubFolderIf this is set to true, the decomposed samples will be saved to Tonal and Noise subfolders.boolean

Return Values

Returns a table with the decompose settings.

settings = getDecomposeSettings()
for setting, value in pairs(settings) do
    print(setting, value)

See also: decompose, cancelDecompose, getDecomposeProgress, Decompose Output Modes, getDecomposeOutputPath

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




The internal precision of parameter values is usually higher than the precision of the corresponding display string on the user interface. You can use this function to obtain the display string of the specified parameter and value. You specify the parameter with getParameterDefinition.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
valueThe value for the display string.number or string

❕ The data type of the value for getDisplayString must match the data type of the corresponding parameter value.

Return Values

Returns the display string of the specified parameter and value.


-- Get the display string of a value.

value = -2.471
print("value = "..value)
print("Display String = "..this.program:getParameterDefinition("Level"):getDisplayString(-2.471))

See also: getParameterDefinition

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the Effect object of an effect from the specified bus. You can use getBus or findBusses to specify the bus. A particular effect can be searched by name or position. The position is the number indexing the effects in the specified bus. If several effects share the same name, only the first match will be returned. If no argument is set, the function returns the first effect that it finds.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrPositionThe name or position of the effect. Set this to nil to deactivate the search filter.string or number, optional

Return Values

Returns the Effect object of the found effect. Returns nil if no bus is found.


-- Locate the first bus in the program.

bus = this.program:getBus()

if bus then
    -- Locate the first effect of the bus and print its name.
    effect = bus:getEffect()
    if effect then
        print("Could not find an effect!")
    print("Could not find a bus!")

See also: getBus, getChild, getLayer, getMidiModule, getSlot, getZone, Effect

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to obtain the Element object of an element that has a macro page. If you call this function in the UI script of a macro page, the Element object of the element to which the macro page is attached will be returned. Depending on the element, the returned object can be of the type program, layer, or MIDI module, for example.

❕ This function can only be called in an UI script.

Available in: UI.

Return Values

Returns the Element object of the element to which the macro page is attached.


-- Must be executed as UI script!
-- Print the name and type of the element that has the macro page attached.

element = getElement()
print(element.name, element.type)

-- Print the name and type of the parent element.

if element.parent then
    print(element.parent.name, element.parent.type)

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the number of free voices of the plug-in instance.

❕ If the initiation of a zone and the call of getFreeVoices happen in the same audio block, the voice count which is returned might not be up-to-date. To prevent this, wait for the next audio block before calling this function.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns the number of free voices of the plug-in instance.


-- Print the number of free voices of the plug-in.

function printFreeVoices()
    wait(20)  -- Wait for 20 ms to avoid calling getFreeVoices in the same audio block.
    print("Number of free voices: "..getFreeVoices())
function onNote(event)

See also: getVoices, getUsedVoices, getUsedVoicesOfSlot

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the name of the host software.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns a string with the name of the host software.


-- Print the name of the host software.

function onInit()

See also: getHostVersion, getProductName, getProductVersion

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the version of the host software.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns a string with the version of the host software.


-- Print the version of the host software.

function onInit()

See also: getHostName, getProductName, getProductVersion

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to access the internal key properties array. This array manages the colors and tooltips of the keys on the plug-in keyboard and the instrument names that will be shown in Cubase's Drum Editor when you use Create Drum Map from Instrument in the Inspector. This function does not retrieve colors or tooltips from other MIDI modules like MegaTrig, for example. Therefore, the first time you call getKeySwitches, the returned array will be empty. You must initialize the array by specifying each key property using a table with a set of predefined fields. The valid fields are listed below. The index of the array must be in the range from 0 to 127. Each index addresses the properties of the key with the corresponding note number. You change the properites by creating a table for the desired index/key and then you assign values to the fields .color, .tooltip or .drummap. Making changes to the properties of a key will override any properties the key might have from other MIDI modules, e.g., the tooltip and coloring from a key switch of a MegaTrig module, even if the MIDI module is located earlier in the processing chain, i.e., higher in the hierarchy of the Program Tree. Any key properties from other script modules that are later in the processing chain will also be overridden. The key properties from the first script module in the Program Tree always have priority.

Available in: Controller.


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.colorThe color of the key on the plug-in keyboard. There are twenty-four predefined colors. You set them with a number in the range from 1 to 24.number
.tooltipThe string for the tooltip of the key on the plug-in keyboard.string
.drummapThe string that will be shown as instrument name in Cubase's Drum Editor when you use Create Drum Map from Instrument in the Inspector.string

❕ To clear a property, set the respective field to nil. Setting .color or .tooltip to nil will use the next valid key properties, i.e., the color and toolip from another MIDI or script module. If no properties from other modules are available, no color and tooltip will be used.

Return Values

Returns the reference to the internal key properties array.

Example 1

-- Set and clear colors on the keyboard.
-- Initialize variabes.
local keys = getKeyProperties()
local keyColor = 1
local noteNumber = 36 -- C1
local blackKeys = { [1] = true, [3] = true, [6] = true, [8] = true, [10] = true }
-- Assign all 24 colors to the white keys of the keyboard starting from C1.
while keyColor <= 24 do
    -- get step in octave
    local step = noteNumber % 12
    -- use only white keys
    if not blackKeys[step] then
        keys[noteNumber] = { color = keyColor }
        keyColor = keyColor + 1
    noteNumber = noteNumber + 1
-- Clear the color of the played key.
function onNote(event)
    if keys[event.note] then
        keys[event.note].color = nil

Example 2

 -- Set the GM drum map as tooltip and drummap name.

local GMStandardDrumMap = { "Bass Drum 2",     "Bass Drum 1",     "Side Stick",
                            "Snare Drum 1",    "Hand Clap",       "Snare Drum 2",
                            "Low Tom 2",       "Closed Hi-hat",   "Low Tom 1",
                            "Pedal Hi-hat",    "Mid Tom 2",       "Open Hi-hat",
                            "Mid Tom 1",       "High Tom 2",      "Crash Cymbal 1",
                            "High Tom 1",      "Ride Cymbal 1",   "Chinese Cymbal",
                            "Ride Bell",       "Tambourine",      "Splash Cymbal",
                            "Cowbell",         "Crash Cymbal 2",  "Vibra Slap",
                            "Ride Cymbal 2",   "High Bongo",      "Low Bongo",
                            "Mute High Conga", "Open High Conga", "Low Conga",
                            "High Timbale",    "Low Timbale",     "High Agogo",
                            "Low Agogo",       "Cabasa",          "Maracas",
                            "Short Whistle",   "Long Whistle",    "Short Guiro",
                            "Long Guiro",      "Claves",          "High Wood Block",
                            "Low Wood Block",  "Mute Cuica",      "Open Cuica",
                            "Mute Triangle",   "Open Triangle",
-- Initialize variables.
local keys = getKeyProperties()
local noteNumber = 35 -- Note number of Bass Drum 2.
-- Set the GM drum map.
for i, drumName in ipairs(GMStandardDrumMap) do
    keys[noteNumber + (i - 1)] = { tooltip = drumName, drummap = drumName }

See also: getKeySwitches

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to access the internal key switch array. This array manages the display of the key switches on the plug-in keyboard and the information that is handed over to Cubase's Expression Map when you use Import Key Switches in the Inspector. This function does not retrieve key switches from other MIDI modules like MegaTrig, for example. The first time you call getKeySwitches, the returned array will be empty. You must initialize the array by specifying each key switch using a table with a set of predefined fields. The valid fields are listed below. The key switches you specify will be displayed on the plug-in keyboard with predefined colors and the information from the .name field displayed as tooltip. You can use getKeyProperties to override the predefined colors. Key colors retrieved from other MIDI modules will be overridden by the key switches specified in the script. If key switches from different script modules are assigned to the same keys, the key switches of the script module that comes earlier in the processing chain will override the key switches of script modules located behind them in the processing chain. The specified key switches can be imported as an Expression Map in Cubase by using Import Key Switches in the Inspector.

❕ Specifying a key switch by using getKeySwitches must not be confused with implementing the playing logic for the key switches. The playing logic must be implemented separately in the MIDI processing part of your script.

Available in: Controller.


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.nameThe name of the key switch. It will be displayed as tooltip on the keyboard and in the Expression Map of Cubase.string
.keyMinThe note number of the lowest key in the range of 0 to 127.number
.keyMaxThe note number of the highest key in the range of 0 to 127. If no value is set, this will default to keyMin.number, optional
.keyRemappedThe note number of the remote key in the range of 0 to 127. If no value is set, this will default to -1.number, optional

Return Values

Returns the internal key switch array.


-- Define key switches that can be imported as Expression Map in Cubase.
-- Get key switch array.
keySwitches = getKeySwitches()
-- Assign values to name and keyMin.
keySwitches[1] = { name = "Legato",    keyMin = 21 }
keySwitches[2] = { name = "Spiccato",  keyMin = 22 }
keySwitches[3] = { name = "Pizzicato", keyMin = 23 }
keySwitches[4] = { name = "Tremolo",   keyMin = 24 }

See also: getKeyProperties

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the Layer object of a layer in the specified layer. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the layer to be searched in. The function does not search in sublayers. A particular layer can be searched by name or position. The position is the number indexing the layers in the specified layer. If several layers share the same name, only the first match will be returned. If no argument is set, the function returns the first layer it finds.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrPositionThe name or position of the layer. Set this to nil to deactivate the search filter.string or number, optional

Return Values

Returns the Layer object of the found layer. Returns nil if no layer is found.


-- Locate the first layer in the program and print its name.

layer = this.program:getLayer()
if layer then
    print("Could not find a layer!")

See also: getBus, getChild, getEffect, getMidiModule, getSlot, getZone, Layer

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the MidiModule object of a MIDI module in the specified layer. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer to be searched in. This function does not search in sublayers. A particular MIDI module can be searched by name or position. The position is the number indexing the MIDI modules in the specified layer. If several MIDI modules share the same name, only the first match will be returned. If no argument is set, the function returns the first MIDI module it finds.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrPositionThe name or position of the MIDI module. Set this to nil to deactivate the search filter.string or number, optional

Return Values

Returns the MidiModule object of the found MIDI module. Returns nil if no MIDI module is found.


-- Locate the first MIDI module in the program and print its name.

module = this.program:getMidiModule()
if module then
    print("Could not find a MIDI module!")

See also: getBus, getChild, getEffect, getLayer, getSlot, getZone, MidiModule

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to obtain the ModulationMatrixRow object of the specified modulation matrix row. The modulation matrix row is determined by the Zone object of the zone and the index of the modulation matrix row.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
rowNumberThe index of the modulation matrix row in the range from 1 to 32.number

Return Values

The ModulationMatrixRow object of the specified modulation matrix row.


-- Get the element object of the first zone in the program.

zone = this.program:findZones(true)[1]

-- Get the element object of the first modulation matrix row.

modRow = zone:getModulationMatrixRow(1)

-- Print the row number of the specified modulation matrix row.


See also: ModulationMatrixRow, setSource1, setSource2, getSource1, getSource2, Modulation Source Types, Modulation Destination Types

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Function to obtain the current song position in milliseconds.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

When the host is in playback, the function returns a decimal with the milliseconds since the start of the song. The start of the song equals 0 ms. The function returns -1 if the host is not in playback.


-- Print the song position in milliseconds.

function onNote(event)
    posInSongMs = getMsTime()
    if (posInSongMs ~= -1) then
        print(string.format("%.3f ms", posInSongMs))
        print("Playback is stopped.")

See also: getBeatTime, getBeatTimeInBar

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to measure the time delta between the last note-on or note-retrigger event of the specified note and the call of this function.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
noteThe note number in the range of 0 to 127.number

Return Values

Returns the time delta in milliseconds.


-- Print the time delta between the note-on or the note-retrigger and the note-off.

function onRelease(event)
    print(getNoteDuration(event.note), "ms")

See also: getBarDuration, getBeatDuration

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


getNoteExpression(noteID, type)


Function to read the current value of a note expression of a specific note.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
noteIDThe note ID of the associated note.number
typeThe note expression type. It can be determined via names or indices. See Note Expression Types for a description of the types, names and indices.enum or number

Return Values

Returns the current value of the note expression determined by the arguments. The function returns -1 if the value of the note expression has not been set yet.


-- Print the current value of the volume and pan note expressions.

function onNote(event)
    local id = postEvent(event)
    changeNoteExpression(id, 1, 0.5, false, true)
    print(getNoteExpression(id, NoteExpressionType.volume))
    print(getNoteExpression(id, NoteExpressionType.pan))

See also: onNoteExpression, changeNoteExpression, Note Expression Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to access the internal array that manages the appearance of the custom note expressions. In HALion, these are found in the Note Expression section and in Cubase, in the Note Expression section of the Inspector. For example, if your script generates note expression events, you can give the associated custom note expressions meaningful names or you can hide them. The first time you call getNoteExpressionProperties, the returned array will be empty. You change the properites by assigning a table with the fields .name or .block to the index of the array that corresponds to the custom note expression. The indices from 4 to 11 correspond to the custom note expressions 1 to 8 (see Note Expression Types for details). The properties defined by this script will override any properties that come later in the processing chain.

❕ The properties of the pre-assigned note expressions volume, pan and tuning cannot be changed

Available in: Controller.


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.nameThe name of the custom note expression. By default, HALion automatically creates a name for the custom note expression if it is assigned in the modulation matrix. The name you set with the .name property and the automatically created name are both displayed. If the .block property is set to true, only the name set with the .name property is displayed.string, optional
.blockIf set to true, the properties that come later in the processing chain will not be evaluated. If no value is specified, this is set to false. If the .block property is set to true and the .name property is not set or nil, the name of the custom note expression will not be displayed in HALion and Cubase.boolean, optional

Return Values

Returns the reference to the internal note expression properties array.


ne = getNoteExpressionProperties() -- Get the reference to the note expression properties table.

ne[NoteExpressionType.custom1] = { name = "Reserved", block = true }  -- Displays only 'Reserved'.
ne[NoteExpressionType.custom2] = { block = true }                     -- Hides the note expression.
ne[NoteExpressionType.custom3] = { name = "Test", block = false }     -- Displays 'Test' and auto created names.

See also: onNoteExpression, changeNoteExpression, getNoteExpression, Note Expression Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the number of assignments of a quick control on the specified layer. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer with the desired quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control with the requested assignments.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number

Return Values

Returns the number of assignments of the specified layer and quick control.


-- Print the number of assignments of the first quick control on the parent layer.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
print("Number of assignments on '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..": "..layer:getNumQCAssignments(qc)..".")

See also: addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


getOnsets(start, length, peakThreshold, sensThreshold, minLength)

(Since HALion 6.4.0)


Function to analyze the onsets in an audio file. You specify the audio file with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. The onset analysis is performed on the sum of all channels in the audio file. The arguments start and length define the time range in the audio file to be analyzed. The peakThreshold and sensThreshold arguments determine the minimum level and the weight of an onset, the minLength argument determines the minimum duration between consecutive onsets.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
startThe start position in samples.number
lengthThe duration in samples. Set this to equal to or less than 0 to use all samples from the specified start to the end of the sample.number
peakThresholdThe minimum level in decibels. Onsets with lower level are skipped. The value range is from -96 to 0.number
sensThresholdThe minimum weight in percent. Onsets with lower weight are skipped. The value range is from 0 to 100.number
minLengthThe minimum duration between consecutive onsets in milliseconds. The value range is from 0 to 10000.number

Return Values

Returns an array with the positions of the detected onsets.


fname = "vstsound://271CB2CFA75E4295B1C273FA651FE11D/.Samples/g:/projects/yamahacontentserver/Download/Release/ycj/ME_Waveform/Loop145/samples/Loop145_072(2).wav"
af = AudioFile.open(fname)
onsets = af:getOnsets(0, -1, -24, 0, 10)
for i, pos in ipairs(onsets) do
   print(i.." ".."Onset: "..pos)

See also: AudioFile, AudioFile.open

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the currently assigned output bus of a zone or bus.

Available in: Controller, Processor.

Return Values

Returns the Bus object of the currently assigned output bus or nil if the default routing is used.


-- Raise an error if no output bus is assigned.

zone = this.parent:getZone()

assert(zone:getOutputBus(), "No output bus assigned. The default routing is used!")

See also: setOutputBus, Bus

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to read the current value of a parameter. The parameter can be determined by name or ID.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrIDThe name or ID of the parameter.string or number

Return Values

Returns the current value of the parameter or nil if the parameter doesn't exist.


-- Print the value of the parent layer's level parameter.

function onLoadIntoSlot()
    print("Level = "..this.parent:getParameter("Level")) -- via name
    print("Level = "..this.parent:getParameter(38))      -- via ID

See also: setParameter, getParameterNormalized, setParameterNormalized, hasParameter

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the ParameterDefinition object for a parameter. The parameter can be determined by name or ID. The ParameterDefinition object describes the properties of a parameter.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrIDThe name or ID of the parameter.string or number

Return Values

Returns the ParameterDefinition object for the specified parameter.


-- Print the parameter definition with corresponding
-- data type of the parent layer's level parameter.

function onLoadIntoSlot()
    local def = this.parent:getParameterDefinition("Level")
    print("Name = "..def.name..", "..type(def.name))
    print("ID = "..def.id..", "..type(def.id))
    print("Type = "..def.type..", "..type(def.type))
    print("Default = "..def.default..", "..type(def.default))
    print("Read Only = "..tostring(def.readOnly)..", "..type(def.readOnly))
    print("Min = "..def.min..", "..type(def.min))
    print("Max = "..def.max..", "..type(def.max))
    print("Unit = "..def.unit..", "..type(def.unit).."\n")

See also: ParameterDefinition

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to read the current value of a parameter in the normalized range from 0 to 1.0. The parameter can be determined by name or ID.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrIDThe name or ID of the parameter.string or number

Return Values

Returns the current value of the parameter in the normalized range from 0 to 1.0 or nil if the parameter doesn't exist. If the parameter is not numeric, the function returns the same as getParameter


-- Print the normalized value of the parent layer's level parameter.

function onLoadIntoSlot()
    print("Level = "..this.parent:getParameterNormalized("Level")) -- via name
    print("Level = "..this.parent:getParameterNormalized(38))      -- via ID

See also: setParameterNormalized, getParameter, setParameter, hasParameter

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


getPeak(start, length, rms)


Function to analyze the levels in an audio file. You specify the audio file with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. The arguments start and length define the range in the audio file to be analyzed. The rms argument determines whether the peak level or the RMS level of the specified range is returned.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
startThe start position in samples.number
lengthThe duration in samples. Set this to equal to or less than 0 to use all samples from the specified start to the end of the file.number
rmsIf this is set to 0, the peak level of the specified range will be returned. If this is set to a value above 0, the RMS level over the specified range will be calculated.number

Return Values

Returns the level of the specifed range as a linear value. The example shows how to convert the value from linear to dB.


function lin2db(lin)
  return 20 * math.log(lin) / math.log(10)

fname = "vstsound://F29C895D6D8E4D6C9BCBBA5198412192/.samples/Ambient Pad 01/Ambient Pad 01 - C3.tg3c"
af = AudioFile.open(fname)

-- Analyze the peak level in the first 1000 samples.

attpeak = af:getPeak(0, 1000, 0)

-- Analyze the RMS level in the range from 1000 samples till the end of the file.

susrms = af:getPeak(1000, -1, 1)
print("Attack Peak:", attpeak, "(", lin2db(attpeak), "dB )")
print("Sustain RMS:", susrms, "(", lin2db(susrms), "dB )")

See also: AudioFile, AudioFile.open

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


getPitch(start, length, channel)

(Since HALion 6.3)


Function to obtain the pitch of an audio file that has been analyzed with analyzePitch. The audio file you want to obtain the pitch from is specified with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. The arguments start and length define the range in the audio file that is used for obtaining the pitch. The channel argument specifies the channel of the audio file that was analyzed. The AudioFile object and the channel argument must match the call to analyzePitch. The function returns two values: The pitch as MIDI note number with decimals for cents and a boolean for voiced/unvoiced detection. If length is greater than 20 ms, the average of the pitches in the specified range is returned. If the audio file has not been analyzed in advance, getPitch returns nil.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
startThe start position in samples.number
lengthThe duration in samples. Set this to less than or equal to 0 to use all samples from the specified start to the end of the file.number
channelUse this to specify the audio channel that was analyzed.number, optional

Return Values

Returns a tuple with two values:

  • A float value representing the pitch as MIDI note number with decimals for cents,
  • a boolean for voiced/unvoiced detection. The return value true means that a pitch was detected in the specified range.

If length is greater than 20 ms, the average of the pitches in the specified range is returned. If the audio file has not been analyzed in advance, getPitch returns nil.


channelNames = { [0] = "All", "Left", "Right" }
defineParameter( "Channel", nil, 0, channelNames)
defineParameter( "Start", nil, false, function() if Start then onStart() end end)
defineParameter( "Cancel", nil, false)
-- Requires the Skylab content.
path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 01.vstpreset"
layer = loadPreset(path)
function onPitchAnalysisFinished(audioFile, channelNum)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(channelNames[channelNum].." channel(s) of "..audioFile.fileName.." analyzed.")
function onStart()
    zones = layer:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        print("File: "..samplePath)
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        afile:analyzePitch(onPitchAnalysisFinished, Channel)
        while afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel) < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progressPercent = 100 * afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel)
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
        local pitch = afile:getPitch(0, -1, Channel)
        print("Analyzed Pitch: "..pitch)
    Start = false

See also: analyzePitch, getPitchAnalysisProgress, cancelPitchAnalysis

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /



(Since HALion 6.3)


Function to monitor the progress of analyzePitch. You specify the audio file with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. The channel argument specifies the channel of the audio file. The AudioFile object and the channel argument must match the call to analyzePitch. The function returns the progress as a float value between 0 and 1.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
channelUse this to specify the channel of the audio file that is being analyzed.number, optional

Return Values

Returns the progress as a float value between 0 and 1.


channelNames = { [0] = "All", "Left", "Right" }
defineParameter( "Channel", nil, 0, channelNames)
defineParameter( "Start", nil, false, function() if Start then onStart() end end)
defineParameter( "Cancel", nil, false)
-- Requires the Skylab content.
path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 01.vstpreset"
layer = loadPreset(path)
function onPitchAnalysisFinished(audioFile, channelNum)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(channelNames[channelNum].." channel(s) of "..audioFile.fileName.." analyzed.")
function onStart()
    zones = layer:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        print("File: "..samplePath)
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        afile:analyzePitch(onPitchAnalysisFinished, Channel)
        while afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel) < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progressPercent = 100 * afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel)
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
        local pitch = afile:getPitch(0, -1, Channel)
        print("Analyzed Pitch: "..pitch)
    Start = false

See also: analyzePitch, getPitch, cancelPitchAnalysis

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to obtain the number of processed samples since the initialization of the plug-in.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns the number of processed samples since the initialization of the plug-in.


-- Measure the number of processed samples between subsequent notes.

function onNote(event)
    s2 = getProcessedSamples()
    if s1 then
        print(string.format("%.f samples", s2 - s1))
    s1 = s2

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the name of the plug-in.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns a string with the name of the plug-in.


-- Print the name of the plug-in.

function onInit()

See also: getProductVersion, getHostName, getHostVersion

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the version of the plug-in.

Available in: Controller, Processor.

Return Values

Returns a string with the version of the plug-in.


-- Print the version of the plug-in.

function onInit()

See also: getProductName, getHostName, getHostVersion

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the Program object of a program in the Program Table of the plug-in instance. Before calling this function you must access the Instance object with this.program.instance. The index corresponds to the number of the slot in the Program Table where the program is set. The function returns the Program object of the program with the specified index.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
indexThe index of the slot in the Program Table where the program is set.number

Return Values

Returns the Program object of the program with the specified index.


-- Print the name of the program in the third slot of the Program Table.

program = this.program.instance:getProgram(3)

See also: setProgram, Program

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


getQCAssignmentBypass(qc, assignment)


Function to retrieve the bypass state of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment with the requested bypass state. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number

Return Values

Returns the bypass state of the specified quick control assignment as boolean value.


-- Print the bypass state of the qc assignment.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
qcBypass = layer:getQCAssignmentBypass(qc, assignment)
print("Bypass of '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..", assignment "..assignment..": "..tostring(qcBypass)..".")

See also: addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass, Quick Control Assignment Modes

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


getQCAssignmentCurve(qc, assignment)


Function to retrieve the curve value of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment with the requested curve value. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number

Return Values

Returns the curve value of the specified quick control assignment. The value range is -100% to +100%.


-- Print the curve value of the qc assignment.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
qcCurve = layer:getQCAssignmentCurve(qc, assignment)
print("Curve value of '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..", assignment "..assignment..": "..qcCurve..".")

See also: addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass, Quick Control Assignment Modes

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


getQCAssignmentMax(qc, assignment)


Function to retrieve the maximum value of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment with the requested maximum value. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number

Return Values

Returns the maximum value of the specified quick control assignment.

❕ The value range is always 0 to 100 %, even if the mode of the quick control assignment is set to Relative or Switch Relative.


-- Print the maximum value of the qc assignment as displayed in HALion.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
qcMode = layer:getQCAssignmentMode(qc, assignment)
qcMax = layer:getQCAssignmentMax(qc, assignment)
-- Convert to bipolar range if the qc is of the type relative or switch relative.

if (qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.relative or qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.switchRelative) then
    qcMax = qcMax * 2 - 100
print("Maximum value of '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..", assignment "..assignment..": "..qcMax..".")

See also: addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass, Quick Control Assignment Modes

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


getQCAssignmentMin(qc, assignment)


Function to retrieve the minimum value of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment with the requested minimum value. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number

Return Values

Returns the minimum value of the specified quick control assignment.

❕ The value range is always 0 to 100 %, even if the mode of the quick control assignment is set to Relative or Switch Relative.


-- Print the minimum value of the qc assignment as displayed in HALion.
layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
qcMode = layer:getQCAssignmentMode(qc, assignment)
qcMin = layer:getQCAssignmentMin(qc, assignment)
-- Convert to bipolar range if the qc is of the type relative or switch relative.
if (qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.relative or qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.switchRelative) then
    qcMin = qcMin * 2 - 100
print("Minimum value of '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..", assignment "..assignment..": "..qcMin..".")

See also: addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass, Quick Control Assignment Modes

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


getQCAssignmentMode(qc, assignment)


Function to retrieve the mode that is set for the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment with the requested mode. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number

Return Values

Returns the mode that is set for the specified quick control assignment as a number. The mode can be determined via names or indices. See Quick Control Assignment Modes for details.


-- Print the mode of the qc assignment.
layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
qcMode = layer:getQCAssignmentMode(qc, assignment)
if qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.absolute then
    qcModeName = "Absolute"
elseif qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.relative then
    qcModeName = "Relative"
elseif qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.switch then
    qcModeName = "Switch"
elseif qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.switchRelative then
    qcModeName = "Switch Relative"
print("Mode of '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..", assignment "..assignment..": "..qcModeName..".")

See also: addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentBypass, setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass, Quick Control Assignment Modes

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


getQCAssignmentParamId(qc, assignment)


Function to retrieve the parameter ID of the parameter that is connected to the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment with the requested parameter. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number

Return Values

Returns the parameter ID of the parameter connected to the specified quick control assignment.


-- Print the parameter ID of the parameter connected to the qc assignment.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
paramID = layer:getQCAssignmentParamId(qc, assignment)
print("Parameter ID of '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..", assignment "..assignment..": "..paramID..".")

See also: addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass, Quick Control Assignment Modes

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


getQCAssignmentScope(qc, assignment)


Function to retrieve the Element object that is set as scope for the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object of the layer, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment with the requested scope. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number

Return Values

Returns the element object that is set as scope for the specified quick control assignment.


-- Print the scope for the qc assignment.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
scope = layer:getQCAssignmentScope(qc, assignment).name -- use only the name of the returned element
print("Scope of '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..", assignment "..assignment..": "..scope..".")

See also: addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass, Quick Control Assignment Modes

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the sample rate from the host software.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns the sample rate of the host software in Hertz (i.e., samples per seconds).


-- Print the sample rate of the host software.

function onInit()
    fs = getSamplingRate()
    print(fs, "Hz")   

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to read the duration of the script execution time-out either for the controller or the processor thread, depending on where getScriptExecTimeOut is called. The duration for the script execution time-out is returned in milliseconds. The default is 5000 ms for the controller thread and 1000 ms for the processor thread.

Available in: Controller, Processor.

Return Values

Returns the duration of the script execution time-out in milliseconds either for the controller or the processor thread.


 -- Print the script execution time-out of the controller and the processor thread.
print("Script execution time-out of "..getContext()..": "..getScriptExecTimeOut().." ms.")
function onInit()
    print("Script execution time-out of "..getContext()..": "..getScriptExecTimeOut().." ms.")

See also: setScriptExecTimeOut

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the version of the script engine.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns a string with the version of the script engine.


-- Print the version of the script engine.

function onInit()

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the Slot object of a slot of the plug-in instance. Before calling this function you must access the Instance object with this.program.instance. A particular slot can be searched by name or index. The index equals the slot numbering in the Slot Rack. If no argument is set, the function returns the first slot it finds.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrIndexThe name or index of the slot. Set this to nil to deactivate the search filter.string or number, optional

Return Values

Returns the Slot object of the found slot. Returns nil if no slot is found.


-- Print the name of slot index 3.

slot = this.program.instance:getSlot(3)


See also: getBus, getChild, getEffect, getLayer, getMidiModule, getZone, Slot

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the index of the slot in which the program is loaded.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns the index of the slot in which the program is loaded.


-- Print the slot index with onInit and onNote.
function onInit()
    print("Program loaded in slot #:", getSlotIndex())
function onNote(event)
    print("Note-on event received in slot #:", getSlotIndex())

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the 1st modulation source of a row in the modulation matrix. The row is specified with the Zone object of the zone and the index of the modulation matrix row.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns up to three values, i.e., source, sourceInfo1 and sourceInfo2. The number of return values depends on the modulation source. See Modulation Source Types for details.


-- Print modulation sources.

function printSource(source)
    if source.source == ModulationSource.midiControl then
        print("MIDI Ctrl, Controller Number: "..source.info1)
    elseif source.source == ModulationSource.quickControl then
        print("Quick Ctrl, Layer: "..source.info1.name..", QC Index: "..source.info2)
    elseif source.source == ModulationSource.modulationModule then
        print("MIDI Module,  Module: "..source.info1.name..", Output: "..source.info2)
    elseif source.source == ModulationSource.noteExpression then
        print("Note Expression, Custom NE: "..source.info1)
    elseif source.source == ModulationSource.sampleAndHold then
        print("Sample & Hold, Index: "..source.info1)
        print("Standard Modulation, Index: "..source.source)
-- Get the zone object of the first zone.

zone = this.program:findZones(true)[1]
-- Run through all 32 modulation rows of the zone and print source1 if assigned.

for i=1, 32 do
    local modRow = zone:getModulationMatrixRow(i)
    local source1 = {}
    source1.source, source1.info1, source1.info2 = modRow:getSource1()
    if source1.source ~= ModulationSource.unassigned then
        print("Modulation Row "..i..", Source 1:")

See also: ModulationMatrixRow, getModulationMatrixRow, setSource1, setSource2, getSource2, Modulation Source Types, Modulation Destination Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the 2nd modulation source of a row in the modulation matrix. The row is specified with the Zone object of the zone and the index of the modulation matrix row.

Available in: Controller.

Return Values

Returns up to three values, i.e., source, sourceInfo1 and sourceInfo2. The number of return values depends on the modulation source. See Modulation Source Types for details.

❕ The 2nd modulation source has an additional sample & hold. See Modulation Source Types for details.


-- Print modulation sources.

function printSource(source)
    if source.source == ModulationSource.midiControl then
        print("MIDI Ctrl, Controller Number: "..source.info1)
    elseif source.source == ModulationSource.quickControl then
        print("Quick Ctrl, Layer: "..source.info1.name..", QC Index: "..source.info2)
    elseif source.source == ModulationSource.modulationModule then
        print("MIDI Module,  Module: "..source.info1.name..", Output: "..source.info2)
    elseif source.source == ModulationSource.noteExpression then
        print("Note Expression, Custom NE: "..source.info1)
    elseif source.source == ModulationSource.sampleAndHold then
        print("Sample & Hold, Index: "..source.info1)
        print("Standard Modulation, Index: "..source.source)
-- Get the zone object of the first zone.

zone = this.program:findZones(true)[1]
-- Run through all 32 modulation rows of the zone and print source2 if assigned.
for i=1, 32 do
    local modRow = zone:getModulationMatrixRow(i)
    local source2 = {}
    source2.source, source2.info1, source2.info2 = modRow:getSource2()
    if source2.source ~= ModulationSource.unassigned then
        print("Modulation Row "..i..", Source 2:")

See also: ModulationMatrixRow, getModulationMatrixRow, setSource1, setSource2, getSource1, Modulation Source Types, Modulation Destination Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to read the tempo of the host software.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns the current tempo in beats per minute (BPM). If no tempo information is available, this function returns the value -1.


-- Print the playing speed of subsequent notes in percentage of the host tempo.

local T = {}
function onNote(event)
    T[2] = getTime()
    if T[1] ~= nil then
        speedInPercent = 60000 / (T[2] - T[1]) / getTempo() * 100
        print(string.format("%.1f %s", speedInPercent, "%"))
    T[1] = T[2]

See also: getTimeSignature

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to obtain the time in milliseconds since the initialization of the script.

❕ The function starts to count from 0 ms each time that you reload or reset the script.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns the time in milliseconds since the initialization of the script.


-- Measure the time between subsequent notes.

function onNote(event)
    t2 = getTime()
    if t1 then
        print(string.format("%.3f ms", t2 - t1))
    t1 = t2

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to read the time signature from the host software.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns the numerator and denominator of the time signature. If no time signature information is available, the value -1 is returned for both the numerator and the denominator.


-- Print the time signature of the host software.

function onInit()
    num, denom = getTimeSignature()

See also: getTempo

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /



(Since HALion 6.1)


Function to check if the current script execution is part of an undo or redo operation.

Available in: Controller.

Return Values

The function returns

  • 1 if the changes come from an undo operation,
  • 2 if the changes come from a redo operation,
  • nil if the changes do not come from an undo or redo operation.


You can use the following enumerators to identify the Undo Context Types.

IndexUndo Context


-- Do nothing if the change callback is executed as part of an undo or redo operation.

function onP1Changed()
  if getUndoContext() then
    return -- do nothing

  -- The following code is only executed if it is not part of an undo or redo operation.
  local oldName = this.name
  local newName = "Some Name "..p1
  startUndoBlock("Name of '"..oldName.."' set to '"..newName.."'")
defineParameter("p1", onP1Changed)

See also: startUndoBlock, endUndoBlock, Undo Context Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to obtain the amount of memory that is used by the script.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns the number of bytes in the memory that are used by the script.


-- Print the used memory in bytes.

function onNote(event)

See also: getAllocatedMemory

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to obtain the number of used voices of the plug-in instance.

❕ If the initiation of a zone and the call to this function happen in the same audio block, the voice count which is returned might not be up-to-date. To prevent this, wait for the next audio block before calling this function.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns the number of used voices of the plug-in instance.


-- Print the number of used voices of the plug-in.

function printUsedVoices()
    wait(20)  -- Wait for 20 ms to avoid calling getUsedVoices in the same audio block.
    print("Number of used voices: "..getUsedVoices())
function onNote(event)

See also: getVoices, getFreeVoices, getUsedVoicesOfSlot

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to obtain the number of used voices of the slot in which a program is loaded.

❕ If the initiation of a zone and the call to this function happen in the same audio block, the voice count which is returned might not be up-to-date. To prevent this, wait for the next audio block before calling this function.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns the number of used voices of the corresponding slot.


-- Print the number of used voices of the slot.

function printUsedVoicesOfSlot()
    wait(20)  -- Wait for 20 ms to avoid calling getUsedVoicesOfSlot in the same audio block.
    print("Number of used voices: "..getUsedVoicesOfSlot())
function onNote(event)

See also: getVoices, getFreeVoices, getUsedVoices

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to obtain the file path for the user VST presets of a product. If no product is set, the function returns the file path of the current plug-in.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
productThe name of the product.string, optional

Return Values

Returns the file path for the user VST presets of the specified product.


-- Print the user VST preset path for the current plug-in and Halion Sonic.
plugInPresetPath = getUserPresetPath()
halionSonicPresetPath = getUserPresetPath("HALion Sonic")

See also: getUserSubPresetPath

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /



(Since HALion 7.0)


Function to obtain the file path for the user sub presets of a product. If no product is set, the function returns the file path of the current plug-in.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
productThe name of the product.string, optional

Return Values

Returns the file path for the user sub presets of the specified product.


-- Print the user subpreset path for the current plug-in and Halion Sonic.
plugInSubPresetPath = getUserSubPresetPath()
halionSonicSubPresetPath = getUserSubPresetPath("HALion Sonic")

See also: getUserPresetPath

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the maximum number of voices of the plug-in instance as set in the Options editor.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns the maximum number of voices of the plug-in instance.


-- Print the maximum number of voices.

function onNote(event)
    print("Maximum Number of Voices: "..getVoices())

See also: getFreeVoices, getUsedVoices, getUsedVoicesOfSlot

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to retrieve the Zone object of a zone in the specified layer. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer to be searched in. This function does not search in sublayers. A particular zone can be searched by name or position. The position is the number indexing the zones in the specified layer. If several zones share the same name, only the first match will be returned. If no argument is set, the function returns the first zone it finds.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrPositionThe name or position of the zone. Set this to nil to deactivate the search filter.string or number, optional

Return Values

Returns the Zone object of the found zone. Returns nil if no zone is found.


-- Get the first zone in the program and print its name.

zone = this.program:getZone()
if zone then
    print("Could not find a zone!")

See also: getBus, getChild, getEffect, getLayer, getMidiModule, getSlot, Zone

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to check if a parameter exists. The parameter can be determined by name or ID.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrIDThe name or ID of the parameter.string or number

Return Values

Returns true if the parameter exists or false if not.


-- Check if the elements in the Program Tree have filter cutoff.

function onLoadIntoSlot()
    childs = this.program:findChildren(true)
    for i, child in ipairs(childs) do
        if child:hasParameter("Filter.Cutoff") then
            print(child.name.." has filter cutoff.")
            print(child.name.." has no filter cutoff.")

See also: getParameter, setParameter, getParameterNormalized, setParameterNormalized

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


insertBus(bus, position)


Function to insert a bus at the specified position in the destination layer. The bus to be inserted is determined by its Bus object. You can use getBus or findBusses to determine the bus. The destination layer is determined by its Layer object. For example, this.parent sets the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The position is the number indexing the existing busses in the destination layer. The new bus will be inserted before the specified position. To add the bus at the end, use appendBus instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
busThe Bus object of the bus that you want to insert.Bus
positionThe position where the bus is inserted.number


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Insert the bus from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first bus from the loaded program.
bus = loadedProgram:getBus()
-- Insert the bus.
if bus then
    this.program:insertBus(bus, 1)

See also: insertEffect, insertLayer, insertLayerAsync, insertMidiModule, insertZone, Bus

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


insertEffect(effect, position)


Function to insert an effect at a specific position in a destination bus. The effect to be inserted is determined by its Effect object. You can use getEffect or findEffects to determine the effect. The destination bus is determined by its Bus object. You can use getBus or findBusses to determine the destination bus. The position is the number indexing the effects in the destination bus. The new effect will be inserted before the specified position. To add the effect at the end, use appendEffect instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
effectThe element object of the effect that you want to insert.Effect
positionThe position where the effect is inserted.number


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Insert an effect from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first effect from the loaded program.
effect = loadedProgram:getBus():getEffect()
-- Get the first bus of this program.
bus = this.program:getBus()
-- Insert the effect.
if (effect and bus) then
   bus:insertEffect(effect, 1)

See also: insertBus, insertLayer, insertLayerAsync, insertMidiModule, insertZone, Effect

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


insertEnvelopePoint(envelopeArray, index, level, duration, curve)


Function to insert an envelope point in the specified envelope. You specify the envelope by calling getParameter with the EnvelopePoints parameter of the desired envelope as argument. If you call getParameter with the EnvelopePoints parameter as argument, an array with the current envelope points will be returned. Each index of the array represents an envelope point with the fields .level, .duration and .curve. The insertEnvelopePoint function modifies this array. To apply the changes, you must use setParameter with the EnvelopePoints parameter of the envelope as argument and the array as value.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
envelopeArrayAn array with envelope points. Each index of the array represents an envelope point with the fields .level, .duration and .curve. To obtain the envelope array of an envelope, use getParameter with the EnvelopePoints parameter of the desired envelope as argument.table
indexThe index of the point where the new point will be inserted. The new point will be inserted before this point.number
levelThe level of the new point in the range from 0 to 1 for the filter and amplitude envelope or -1 to 1 for the pitch and user envelope.number
durationThe duration of the new point in the range from 0 to 30 seconds. The duration of the first point is always 0 seconds.number
curveThe curve of the new point in the range from -1 to 1.number


 -- Reset the amplitude envelope.
-- Default envelope times in seconds.

attack = 0
decay = 1
sustain = 1
release = 1
zone = this.program:getZone()
-- Get the envelope points of the amplitude envelope.

ampEnvPoints = zone:getParameter("Amp Env.EnvelopePoints")
ampSustainPoint = zone:getParameter("Amp Env.SustainIndex")
-- Set the envelope points to 4.

while #ampEnvPoints > 4 do
    removeEnvelopePoint(ampEnvPoints, #ampEnvPoints)
while #ampEnvPoints < 4 do
    insertEnvelopePoint(ampEnvPoints, #ampEnvPoints, 0, 1, 0)
-- Adjust the position of the sustain point.

ampSustainPoint = #ampEnvPoints - 1
-- Set first point.

ampEnvPoints[1].level = 0
ampEnvPoints[1].duration = 0
ampEnvPoints[1].curve = 0
-- Set second point.

ampEnvPoints[2].level = 1
ampEnvPoints[2].duration = attack
ampEnvPoints[2].curve = 0
-- Set third point.

ampEnvPoints[3].level = sustain
ampEnvPoints[3].duration = decay
ampEnvPoints[3].curve = 0
-- Set fourth point.

ampEnvPoints[4].level = 0
ampEnvPoints[4].duration = release
ampEnvPoints[4].curve = 0
-- Set the envelope points of the amplitude envelope.

zone:setParameter("Amp Env.EnvelopePoints", ampEnvPoints)
zone:setParameter("Amp Env.SustainIndex", ampSustainPoint)

See also: removeEnvelopePoint

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


insertEvent(eventsTable, event)


Function to insert an event in the specified events table according to its PPQ position. The events table is part of a tracks table which is part of the MIDI sequence table. See MIDI Sequence Table for details.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
eventsTableThe table record referencing the events table.table
eventThe Event object to be inserted.Event


-- Produce a minor scale and write it to a MIDI file.
-- Create the MIDI sequence table.

midiSequence = { tracks = { { events = {} } } }
-- Initialize variables.

minorScaleIntervals = { 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 }
root = 60  -- C3
ppqPosition = 0
-- Produce the events of the minor scale.

for i, interval in ipairs(minorScaleIntervals) do
    local note = root + interval
    -- Create note-on event.

    local noteOn = Event(EventType.noteOn)
    noteOn.note = note
    noteOn.velocity = 100
    noteOn.ppqPosition = ppqPosition
    -- Create note-off event.

    local noteOff = Event(EventType.noteOff)
    noteOff.note = note
    noteOff.ppqPosition = ppqPosition + 1
    -- Insert the events in the MIDI sequence table.

    insertEvent(midiSequence.tracks[1].events, noteOn)
    insertEvent(midiSequence.tracks[1].events, noteOff)
    ppqPosition = ppqPosition + 1
-- Write the MIDI sequence table as .mid file to disk.

saveState = writeMidiFile ("c:/temp/test.mid", midiSequence) --[[ Please set the file path to the desired
                                                                  location on your system before you run
                                                                  the script. ]]
if saveState then
    print("The MIDI file was successfully written.")
    print("The MIDI file could not be written!")

See also: readMidiFile, writeMidiFile, sortEvents, MIDI Sequence Table, MIDI File Format Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


insertLayer(layer, position)


Function to insert a layer at a specific position in a destination layer. The layer to be inserted and the destination layer are both determined by their Layer objects. You can use getLayer or findLayers to determine the layer to be inserted. For example, this.parent determines the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The position is the number indexing the existing layers in the destination layer. The new layer will be inserted before the specified position. To add the layer at the end, use appendLayer or appendLayerAsync instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
layerThe Layer object of the layer that you want to insert.Layer
positionThe position where the layer is to be inserted.number


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Insert a layer from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first layer from the loaded program.
layer = loadedProgram:getLayer ()
-- Insert the layer.
if layer then
    this.program:insertLayer(layer, 1)

See also: insertBus, insertEffect, insertLayerAsync, insertMidiModule, insertZone, Layer

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


insertLayerAsync(layer, position, callback)


Function to insert a layer at a specified position in a destination layer using a separate, parallel thread. Inserting a layer in a separate thread can be necessary if the layer is too big to be inserted in a short time. The layer to be inserted and the destination layer are both determined by their Layer objects. You can use getLayer or findLayers to determine the layer to be inserted. For example, this.parent determines the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The position is the number indexing the existing layers in the destination layer. The new layer will be inserted before the specified position. To add the layer at the end, use appendLayer or appendLayerAsync instead. The function returns a LoadProgress object that can be used to monitor the load progress. After the layer is inserted, the callback function is called. The callback function gets the LoadProgress object as default argument.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
layerThe Layer object of the layer that you want to insert.Layer
positionThe position where the layer is to be inserted.number
callbackCallback function that is called when the layer is inserted. The callback function gets the LoadProgress object as argument.function, optional

Return Values

Returns a LoadProgress object.


-- Start with an empty program, remove all existing layers.
layers = this.parent:findLayers()
if layers then
  for i, layer in ipairs(layers) do
-- Table with layer presets from Skylab.
layerPresets = {
  { name = "Ambient Pad 01", path = "vstsound://EB86867EFF8E44FEA8FE366F676E25BE/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 01.vstpreset" },
  { name = "Ambient Pad 02", path = "vstsound://EB86867EFF8E44FEA8FE366F676E25BE/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 02.vstpreset" },
  { name = "Ambient Pad 03", path = "vstsound://EB86867EFF8E44FEA8FE366F676E25BE/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 03.vstpreset" },
  { name = "Ambient Pad 04", path = "vstsound://EB86867EFF8E44FEA8FE366F676E25BE/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 04.vstpreset" },
-- Create a table with the preset names.
function getPresetNames()
  presetNames = {}
  for i, preset in ipairs(layerPresets) do
    presetNames[i] = preset.name
-- Remove the old layer after the new one was added.
function removeOldLayer(progressInfo)
  local newPreset = progressInfo.root
  if oldPreset then
    print(oldPreset.name.." removed.")
  oldPreset = newPreset
-- Insert the preset in a separate thread.
function insertNewLayer(progressInfo)
  if progressInfo.root then
    this.parent:insertLayerAsync(progressInfo.root, 1, removeOldLayer)
    print("Inserting "..progressInfo.root.name.."...")
-- Load the preset in a separate thread.
function onSelectPresetChanged(layerPreset)
  loadPresetAsync(layerPreset.path, insertNewLayer)
  print("Loading "..layerPreset.name.."...")
-- Define a parameter for selecting the preset to be loaded.
defineParameter("SelectPreset",  "Select Preset",  1, presetNames, function() onSelectPresetChanged(layerPresets[SelectPreset]) end)

See also: insertBus, insertEffect, insertLayer, insertMidiModule, insertZone, Layer, LoadProgress

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


insertMidiModule(module, position)


Function to insert a MIDI module at the specified position in the determined destination layer. The MIDI module to be inserted is determined by its MidiModule object. You can use getMidiModule or findMidiModules to determine the desired MIDI module. The destination layer is determined by its Layer object. For example, this.parent determines the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The position is the number indexing the existing MIDI modules in the destination layer. The new MIDI module will be inserted before the specified position. To add the MIDI module at the end, use appendMidiModule instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
moduleThe MidiModule object of the MIDI module that you want to insert.MidiModule
positionThe position where the MIDI module is inserted.number


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Insert a MIDI module from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first MIDI module from the loaded program.
module = loadedProgram:getMidiModule()
-- Insert the MIDI module.
if module then
    this.program:insertMidiModule(module, 1)

See also: insertBus, insertEffect, insertLayer, insertLayerAsync, insertZone, MidiModule

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


insertZone(zone, position)


Function to insert a zone at the specified position in the determined layer. The zone to be inserted is determined by its Zone object. You can use getZone or findZones to determine the desired zone. The destination layer is determined by its Layer object. For example, this.parent determines the parent layer of the script module as destination layer. The position is the number indexing the existing zones in the destination layer. The new zone will be inserted before the specified position. To add the zone at the end, use appendZone instead.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance must be removed before it can be inserted again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be inserted freely, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
zoneThe Zone object of the zone that you want to insert.Zone
positionThe position where the zone is inserted.number


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Insert a zone from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get the first zone from the loaded program.
zone = loadedProgram:getZone()
-- Insert the zone.
if zone then
    this.program:insertZone(zone, 1)

See also: insertBus, insertEffect, insertLayer, insertLayerAsync, insertMidiModule, Zone

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to detect whether a key with a specific note number is held or not.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
noteThe note number in the range of 0 to 127.number

Return Values

Returns true if the key with the specified note number is held and false if the key has been released. The note events must come from outside the script, e.g., from the host software or another MIDI module.


-- Detect if a key is held.

function onNote(event)
    print("Note# "..event.note..", "..tostring(isKeyDown(event.note)))
    print("Note# "..(event.note + 12)..", "..tostring(isKeyDown(event.note + 12)).."\n")
function onRelease(event)
    print("Note# "..event.note..", "..tostring(isKeyDown(event.note)))
    print("Note# "..(event.note + 12)..", "..tostring(isKeyDown(event.note + 12)).."\n")

function onRetrigger(event)
    print("Note# "..event.note..", "..tostring(isKeyDown(event.note)))
    print("Note# "..(event.note + 12)..", "..tostring(isKeyDown(event.note + 12)).."\n")

See also: isOctaveKeyDown, isNoteHeld

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to detect inside the onNote callback function if a note is held or not.

❕ isNoteHeld is specific to the onNote callback function. Calling this function inside other callback functions is not permitted.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns true if onNote has received a note-on event and false if onNote has received a corresponding note-off event. The note events must come from outside the script, e.g., from the host software or another MIDI module.


-- Detect inside onNote, if a note is held.

function onNote(event)
    print("Note #: "..event.note..", "..tostring(isNoteHeld()))
    print("Note #: "..event.note..", "..tostring(isNoteHeld()))

See also: isKeyDown, isOctaveKeyDown

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to detect whether a key is held or not, regardless of the octave.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
noteThe note number which specifies the key in the range of 0 to 127.number

Return Values

Returns true if the specified key is held, no matter in which octave. The function returns false if the specified key and any octave keys have been released. The note events must come from outside the script, e.g., from the host software or another MIDI module.


-- Detect whether a key is held, no matter in which octave.

function onNote(event)
    print("Note #: "..event.note..", "..tostring(isOctaveKeyDown(event.note)))
    print("Note #: "..(event.note+7)..", "..tostring(isOctaveKeyDown(event.note+7)))
    print("Note #: "..(event.note + 12)..", "..tostring(isOctaveKeyDown(event.note + 12)).."\n")
function onRelease(event)
    print("Note #: "..event.note..", "..tostring(isOctaveKeyDown(event.note)))
    print("Note #: "..(event.note+7)..", "..tostring(isOctaveKeyDown(event.note+7)))
    print("Note #: "..(event.note + 12)..", "..tostring(isOctaveKeyDown(event.note + 12)).."\n")

function onRetrigger(event)
    print("Note #: "..event.note..", "..tostring(isOctaveKeyDown(event.note)))
    print("Note #: "..(event.note+7)..", "..tostring(isOctaveKeyDown(event.note+7)))
    print("Note #: "..(event.note + 12)..", "..tostring(isOctaveKeyDown(event.note + 12)).."\n")

See also: isKeyDown, isNoteHeld

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to detect whether the host is in playback.

Available in: Processor.

Return Values

Returns true if the host is in playback and false if not.


-- Detect if the host is in playback.

function onNote(event)
    if isPlaying() then
        print("Playback is running.")
        print("Playback is stopped.")

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

Layer Constructor


(Since HALion 6.4.0)


Constructor to create a new Layer object.

Available in: Controller.

Return Values

Returns a new Layer object.


-- The following function creates different types of objects in the Program Tree.
-- The objects in the Program Tree do not have a name. You will see only their icons.

function createProgram()
  local inst = this.program.instance
  local prg = Program()
  local bus = Bus()
  inst:setProgram(prg, 1)
  local layer = Layer()
  local mm = MidiModule('MIDI Player')
  local fx = Effect('Distortion')

See also: Program Constructor, Bus Constructor, Zone Constructor, MidiModule Constructor, Effect Constructor

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to load the elements of a VST preset. Depending on whether you load a layer, program or multi-program VST preset, the function returns either an Element object of the type Layer, Program or Instance. You can use the returned Element object to insert layers, zones, MIDI modules, busses, effects, etc. from the VST preset into the program or HALion instance where the script is executed.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
pathThe path and file name of the VST preset.string

Return Values

Returns an Element object of the type Layer, Program or Instance, depending on whether a layer, program or multi-program VST preset was loaded.


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Layer.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Insert Layer.vstpreset as sublayer into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset
layer = loadPreset(path.."/Layer/Layer.vstpreset")
program = this.program
-- Insert the previously loaded VST preset as sublayer.
if layer then
    program:insertLayer(layer, 1)

See also: loadPresetAsync

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


loadPresetAsync(path, callback)


Function to load the elements of a VST preset in a separate, parallel thread. Loading the VST preset in a separate thread can be necessary if the preset is too big to be loaded in a short time. The function returns a LoadProgress object that can be used to get information on the load progress and the loaded elements, for example. After the preset is loaded, the callback function is called. The callback function gets the LoadProgress object as default argument.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
pathThe path and file name of the VST preset.string
callbackCallback function that is called after the preset is loaded. The callback function gets the LoadProgress object as argument.function, optional

Return Values

Returns a LoadProgress object.


-- Start with an empty program, remove any existing layers.

layers = this.parent:findLayers()
if layers then
   for i, layer in ipairs(layers) do
-- Table with layer presets from Skylab.
layerPresets = {
   { name = "Ambient Pad 01", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 01.vstpreset" },
   { name = "Ambient Pad 02", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 02.vstpreset" },
   { name = "Ambient Pad 03", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 03.vstpreset" },
   { name = "Ambient Pad 04", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 04.vstpreset" },
-- Create a table with the preset names.
function getPresetNames()
   presetNames = {}
   for i, preset in ipairs(layerPresets) do
       presetNames[i] = preset.name
-- Remove the old layer after the new one was added.
function removeOldLayer(progressInfo)
   local newPreset = progressInfo.root
   if oldPreset then
       print(oldPreset.name.." removed.")
   oldPreset = newPreset
-- Append the preset in a separate thread.
function appendNewLayer(progressInfo)
   if progressInfo.root then
       this.parent:appendLayerAsync(progressInfo.root, removeOldLayer)
       print("Appending "..progressInfo.root.name.."...")
-- Load the preset in a separate thread.
function onSelectPresetChanged()
   progress = 0
   progressInf = loadPresetAsync(layerPresets[SelectPreset].path, appendNewLayer)
   print("Loading "..layerPresets[SelectPreset].name.."...")
-- Define a parameter for selecting the preset to be loaded.
defineParameter("SelectPreset", "Select Preset", 1, presetNames, onSelectPresetChanged)
-- Monitor the load progress with onIdle.
progress = 1
function onIdle()
   if progress < 1 then
       progress = progressInf.progress
       print("Progress: "..(progressInf.progress * 100).."%")

See also: loadPreset, LoadProgress

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /



On this page:


Function to open a modal message box. If the argument is a single string, the text will be displayed in the default message box. Alternatively, you can customize the message box by using a configuration table, e.g., if you want to display the text with a warning icon.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
stringOrConfigTableThe message as a string or the configuration table that customizes the message box.string or table

Configuration Table

The message box can be configured by creating a table with the following fields:

FieldDescriptionValue Type
.typeThe type of the message box defines which icon will be displayed. It can be determined via names or indices. The default is MessageBoxType.information.enum or number
.textThe text that will be displayed.string
.button1This button is always displayed. The default string is "OK".string, optional
.button2This button will only be displayed if you assign a string to this field.string, optional
.button3This button will only be displayed if you assign a string to this field.string, optional

Return Values

Returns the result of the message box, i.e., which action closed the message box, as a number.

Message Box Types

Enumerator to identify the types of the message box. The type of the message box also defines which icon will be displayed.


Message Box Results

Enumerator to identify the results of the message box.



-- Customized message box.

myMessage = {}
myMessage.type = MessageBoxType.question
myMessage.text = "Click the button with the correct answer!\n1 + 1 = ?"
myMessage.button1 = "1"
myMessage.button2 = "2"
myMessage.button3 = "3"
    result = messageBox(myMessage)
until result == MessageBoxResult.button2 or result == MessageBoxResult.escape

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

MIDI File Format Types


Enumerator to identify the different MIDI file formats.

  • Format 0: The data is stored in one single multi-channel track.
  • Format 1: The data is stored in separate tracks to be played simultaneously.

MidiFileFormat.singleMultiChannelTrack refers to format 0 and MidiFileFormat.simultaneousTracks to format 1.

❕ Format 2 is seldomly used and therefore not supported.

Available in: Controller.

MIDI File Format Types



To explore the following script:

  1. Download Format 0.mid and Format 1.mid.
  2. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  3. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and adjust the file path of readMidiFile to the location of the files on your system.
  4. Execute the script.
-- Detect the format of the MIDI files.

midiseq = {}

midiseq[1] = readMidiFile("c:/temp/Format 0.mid")
midiseq[2] = readMidiFile("c:/temp/Format 1.mid") --[[ please set the file path to the location
                                                       of the files on your system before you run
                                                       the script ]]
for i, seq in ipairs(midiseq) do
    if seq.format == MidiFileFormat.singleMultiChannelTrack then
        print(seq.songname..".mid has MIDI file format 0.")
    elseif seq.format == MidiFileFormat.simultaneousTracks then
        print(seq.songname..".mid has MIDI file format 1.")
        print("Midi file format of "..seq.songname.." not supported!")

See also: MIDI Sequence Table, readMidiFile, writeMidiFile, insertEvent, sortEvents

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

MidiModule Constructor


(Since HALion 6.4.0)


Constructor to create a new MidiModule object of the specified type.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
typeThe type of MIDI module.string

Return Values

Returns a new MidiModule object of the specified type.


-- The following function creates different types of objects in the Program Tree.
-- The objects in the Program Tree do not have a name. You will see only their icons.

function createProgram()
  local inst = this.program.instance
  local prg = Program()
  local bus = Bus()
  inst:setProgram(prg, 1)
  local layer = Layer()
  local mm = MidiModule('MIDI Player')
  local fx = Effect('Distortion')

See also: Program Constructor, Bus Constructor, Layer Constructor, Zone Constructor, Effect Constructor

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

MIDI Sequence Table

On this page:


MIDI Files are managed through a special predefined table: the MIDI sequence table. This table allows you to change values and add or remove notes like with normal Lua tables, but the structure of that table must remain as defined below.

Available in: Controller.

MIDI Sequence Fields

FieldDescriptionValue Type
.formatThe MIDI file format. It can be determined via names or indices.
  • MidiFileFormat.singleMultiChannelTrack or 0 = Format 0 (one single multi-channel track)
  • MidiFileFormat.simultaneousTracks or 1 = Format 1 (one or more tracks to be played simultaneously)
The default is format 0. See MIDI File Format Types for details.
enum or number
.smpteformatThe SMPTE format.
  • 0 = Ticks per beat
  • -24 = Ticks per frame at 24 frames per second
  • -25 = Ticks per frame at 25 frames per second.
  • -29 = Ticks per frame at 30 frames per second, drop frame.
  • -30 = Ticks per frame at 30 frames per second, non-drop frame.
The default format is 0.
.divisionSpecifies the ticks used for the SMPTE format. The default is 480 ticks.number
.tempoThe original tempo in beats per minute. The default is 120 BPM.number
.signatureThe time signature of the MIDI file as a table. Numerator and denominator are separate fields of that table (see Signature Table below).table
.songnameThe name of the song.string
.tracksThe tracks of the MIDI file as an array with the index starting at 1. Name, channel and event are separate fields of that table (see Tracks Table below).table

Signature Table

FieldDescriptionValue Type
.numeratorThe numerator of the time signature. The default is 4.number
.denominatorThe denominator of the time signature. The default is 4.number

Tracks Table

FieldDescriptionValue Type
.nameThe name of the track.string
.channelThe MIDI channel of the track. The default is 1.number
.eventsThe events of the track as an array with the index starting at 1. The events are stored as Event objects.table


To explore the following script:

  1. Download C Major Scale.mid.
  2. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  3. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and adjust the file path of readMidiFile to the location of the file on your system.
  4. Execute the script.
-- Read information from a MIDI file.

midiseq = readMidiFile("c:/temp/C Major Scale.mid") --[[ please set the file path to the location
                                                         of the file on your system before you run
                                                         the script ]]
-- Information from the header chunk.

print("Standard MIDI File Format:", midiseq.format)
print("SMPTE:", midiseq.smpteformat)
print("Division:", midiseq.division)
-- Information from the track chunk.

print("Tempo:", midiseq.tempo)
print("Signature:", midiseq.signature.numerator, "/", midiseq.signature.denominator)
print("Song Name:", midiseq.songname)
print("Number of Tracks:", #midiseq.tracks)
print("Name of 1st Track:", midiseq.tracks[1].name)
print("Channel of 1st Track:", midiseq.tracks[1].channel)
print("Number of Events in 1st Track", #midiseq.tracks[1].events, "\n")

See also: readMidiFile, writeMidiFile, insertEvent, sortEvents, MIDI File Format Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

Modulation Destination Types

On this page:


Enumerator to identify the modulation destinations.

Available in: Controller.


Jump to Top


-- Define modulation destinations.

modDestinations = {
            { name = "-",           index = ModulationDestination.unassigned },
            { name = "Pitch",       index = ModulationDestination.pitch },
            { name = "Cutoff",      index = ModulationDestination.cutoff },
            { name = "Resonance",   index = ModulationDestination.resonance },
            { name = "Distortion",  index = ModulationDestination.distortion }
-- Create a table with the names of the modulation destinations.

function getModDestNames()
    modDestNames = {}
    for i=1, #modDestinations do
        modDestNames[i] = modDestinations[i].name
-- Parameter change callback to set the modulation destination.

function onModDestChanged(row, modDestinationParam)
    local modRow = this.parent:getZone():getModulationMatrixRow(row)
    local modDestination = modDestinations[modDestinationParam]
    modRow:setParameter("Destination.Destination", modDestination.index)
-- Define parameters for modulation matrix destinations 1-4.

defineParameter("ModDestination1", "Modulation Destination 1",  1, modDestNames, function() onModDestChanged(1,  ModDestination1)  end)
defineParameter("ModDestination2", "Modulation Destination 2",  1, modDestNames, function() onModDestChanged(2,  ModDestination2)  end)
defineParameter("ModDestination3", "Modulation Destination 3",  1, modDestNames, function() onModDestChanged(3,  ModDestination3)  end)
defineParameter("ModDestination4", "Modulation Destination 4",  1, modDestNames, function() onModDestChanged(4,  ModDestination4)  end)

See also: ModulationMatrixRow, getModulationMatrixRow, setSource1, setSource2, getSource1, getSource2, Modulation Source Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

Modulation Source Types

On this page:


Enumerator to identify the different modulation sources.

Available in: Controller.


17ModulationSource.midiControlMIDI controller number (0 - 127).-
18ModulationSource.quickControlElement object of the layer.Index of the quick control (1 - 11).
19ModulationSource.modulationModuleElement object of the MIDI module.Number of the output channel.
20ModulationSource.noteExpressionNumber of the custom note expression (1-8).-
41ModulationSource.sampleAndHoldIndex of the S&H (0 - 5).-Source 2 only.

Jump to Top


-- Define the modulation sources and infos in an array.

modSources = {
    { source = ModulationSource.lfo1, bipolar = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.midiControl, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.quickControl, bipolar = 1, sourceInfo1 = this.program, sourceInfo2 = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.modulationModule, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = this, sourceInfo2 = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.modulationModule, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = this, sourceInfo2 = 2 },
    { source = ModulationSource.noteExpression, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = 1 }
-- Define two modulation outputs for the script module.

defineModulation("50%", false)
defineModulation("100%", false)
-- Calculate the modulation outputs.

function calcModulation()
    return 0.5, 1
-- Get the element object of the first zone.

zone = this.program:findZones(true)[1]
-- Assign the modulation sources to source 1 in the modulation rows 1 to 6.

for i=1, #modSources do
    local modRow = zone:getModulationMatrixRow(i)
    modRow:setSource1(modSources[i].source, modSources[i].sourceInfo1, modSources[i].sourceInfo2)
    modRow:setParameter("Source1.Polarity", modSources[i].bipolar) -- Set the default polarity of the source.
-- Assign the sample & hold to source 2 in modulation row 1.

modRow = zone:getModulationMatrixRow(1)
modRow:setSource2(ModulationSource.sampleAndHold, 0)

See also: ModulationMatrixRow, getModulationMatrixRow, setSource1, setSource2, getSource1, getSource2, Modulation Destination Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to convert a duration in milliseconds to the equivalent number of beats. One beat equals a quarter note. The current tempo is taken into account.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
msThe duration in milliseconds.number

Return Values

Returns the number of beats (quarter notes) that is the equivalent of the specified duration.


-- Print the note length in number of beats.

function onRelease(event)
    local noteLength = ms2beat(getNoteDuration(event.note))
    print(noteLength, "beats")

See also: beat2ms, ms2samples, samples2ms

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to convert a duration in milliseconds to the equivalent number of samples. The conversion takes into account the sample rate at which the plug-in runs.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
msThe duration in milliseconds.number

Return Values

Returns the number of samples that is the equivalent of the specified duration in milliseconds.


-- Print the duration 1000 ms in number of samples.

function onNote(event)
    print(ms2samples(1000), "samples")

See also: samples2ms, ms2beat, beat2ms

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

Note Expression Types


Enumerator to identify the different note expression types.

❕ The note expression types volume, pan and tuning are pre-assigned internally and respond immediately. The custom note expression types must be assigned manually in the modulation matrix before they can be used.

Available in: Processor.

Note Expression Types



-- Detect the type of note expression.

function onNoteExpression(event)
    if event.noteExpressionType == NoteExpressionType.volume then
        print('Note Expression of type "Volume" received!')
    elseif event.noteExpressionType == NoteExpressionType.pan then
        print('Note Expression of type "Pan" received!')
    elseif event.noteExpressionType == NoteExpressionType.tuning then
        print('Note Expression of type "Tuning" received!')
    elseif event.noteExpressionType > 3 then
        print('Note Expression of type "Custom" received!')

See also: onNoteExpression, changeNoteExpression, getNoteExpression, getNoteExpressionProperties

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




This callback function is called when the script module receives a channel aftertouch event.

❕ If the script doesn't implement onAfterTouch, all aftertouch events will be passed on to onController.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
eventEvent object of the type controller.Event


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.typeThe type of event (3 = controller). See Event Types for details.number
.valueThe aftertouch value in the range of 0 to 127.number


-- Print the aftertouch value.

function onAfterTouch(event)
    print("Aftertouch: "..event.value)

See also: afterTouch, onController, onPitchBend

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




This callback function is called when the script module receives a continuous controller event. If the script doesn't implement onAfterTouch or onPitchBend, the respective aftertouch or pitch bend events will be passed on to onController. This way, continuous controller, aftertouch and pitch bend events can be treated in the same callback function onController.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
eventEvent object of the type controllerEvent


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.typeThe type of event (3 = controller). See Event Types for details.number
.controllerThe controller number. See Controller Numbers for a description of the different controllers.number
.valueThe controller value in the range of 0 to 127.number


-- Exclude MIDI mode messages and other special controllers.

function onController(event)
    if event.controller < 120 then
        print("Controller #: "..event.controller..", Value: "..event.value)

See also: controlChange, getCC, onAfterTouch, onPitchBend

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /



(Since HALion 7.0)


This callback is called when the script module receives a system exclusive message.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
eventEvent object of the type data.Event


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.typeThe type of event (7 = data). See Event Types for details.number
.dataAn array with the bytes of the system exclusive message. For the interpretation of these values, please consult the documentation of the MIDI data format of the device sending the system exclusive message.table
.dataTypeCurrently, there is only one data type (0 = sysex).number
.dataSizeThe number of bytes in the system exclusive message.number


function onData(event)
	print (event)
	local sysex = event.data
	for i,b in ipairs(sysex) do
		print (b)

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




This callback function is called periodically if the script is idle. Use this to monitor the progress of load operations, for example.

Available in: Controller.


-- Start with an empty program, remove any existing layers.

layers = this.parent:findLayers()
if layers then
   for i, layer in ipairs(layers) do
-- Table with layer presets from Skylab.
layerPresets = {
   { name = "Ambient Pad 01", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 01.vstpreset" },
   { name = "Ambient Pad 02", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 02.vstpreset" },
   { name = "Ambient Pad 03", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 03.vstpreset" },
   { name = "Ambient Pad 04", path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 04.vstpreset" },
-- Create a table with the preset names.
function getPresetNames()
   presetNames = {}
   for i, preset in ipairs(layerPresets) do
       presetNames[i] = preset.name
-- Remove the old layer after the new one was added.
function removeOldLayer(progressInfo)
   local newPreset = progressInfo.root
   if oldPreset then
       print(oldPreset.name.." removed.")
   oldPreset = newPreset
-- Append the preset in a separate thread.
function appendNewLayer(progressInfo)
   if progressInfo.root then
       this.parent:appendLayerAsync(progressInfo.root, removeOldLayer)
       print("Appending "..progressInfo.root.name.."...")
-- Load the preset in a separate thread.
function onSelectPresetChanged()
   progress = 0
   progressInf = loadPresetAsync(layerPresets[SelectPreset].path, appendNewLayer)
   print("Loading "..layerPresets[SelectPreset].name.."...")
-- Define a parameter for selecting the preset to be loaded.
defineParameter("SelectPreset", "Select Preset", 1, presetNames, onSelectPresetChanged)
-- Monitor the load progress with onIdle.
progress = 1
function onIdle()
   if progress < 1 then
       progress = progressInf.progress
       print("Progress: "..(progressInf.progress * 100).."%")

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




This callback function is called after executing any global statements and the onLoadIntoSlot callback function. It is the first callback function that is called when the processor thread is initialized. You can use this function to initialize variables with information from the context, for example.

❕ The program must be loaded in the Slot Rack and contain at least one zone. Otherwise, onInit won't be called.

Available in: Processor.


-- Print the time signature and tempo of the host software.

function onInit()
    num, denom = getTimeSignature()
    tempo = getTempo()
    print(tempo.." BPM")

See also: onLoadIntoSlot

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




This callback function is called when the script module is loaded as part of a preset or project. The data that is passed on is the data that was returned by onSave when the script module was saved.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
dataThe data that was returned by onSave.table (as is usual)


-- Print the last three notes when calling onNote, onSave or onLoad.
-- The last three notes are remembered even after restoring the program.
local lastNotes = {}
function printLastNotes(callbackName)
    print("Last three notes when calling "..callbackName..":")
    for i = 1, 3 do
        if lastNotes[i] then
            print(i..":", "Note#:", lastNotes[i].noteNumber,", Velocity:", lastNotes[i].velocity)
            print(i..":", "Note#: ---, Velocity: ---")
-- Play some notes to fill the table.

function onNote(event)
    table.insert(lastNotes, 1, {noteNumber = event.note, velocity = event.velocity})
    if #lastNotes > 3 then -- Store maximum three notes.
-- This will be called when the program is saved.

function onSave()
    local data = {}
    data.lastNotes = lastNotes
    return data -- Any data in this table will be stored.
-- This will be called when the program is restored.

function onLoad(data)
    lastNotes = data.lastNotes -- Read the values from the data table.

See also: onSave

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




This callback function is called when the program is loaded into the Slot Rack. Any global statements are executed in advance. onInit is called after onLoadIntoSlot.

Available in: Controller.


-- Print a message when loading the program into the slot rack.

function onLoadIntoSlot()
   print('"Hello" from the Slot Rack.')

See also: onRemoveFromSlot, onInit

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


onLoadSubPreset(section, data)


This callback function is called when loading a subpreset with a corresponding Preset Browser template. The callback will only be called if the scope of the Preset Browser template is set correctly.

  • If the MacroPage with the Preset Browser template is attached to an element other than the script module (e.g., the program), the scope must be set to the script module (e.g., @0:Script Module).
  • If the MacroPage with the Preset Browser template is attached to the script module, the scope does not need to be set.

In addition, the Preset Browser Custom template allows you to define a section for the subpreset. When you load a subpreset, the defined section and the data stored in the subpreset will be passed on to the callback. The data is the same data that was returned by onSaveSubPreset when the subpreset was saved. You can manage different subsets of parameters by using the section as condition for an if statement that restores only the parameters of interest.

❕ Scope and section are template parameters. You can set them in the MacroPage Designer on the properties pane of the Preset Browser and Preset Browser Custom templates.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
sectionThe section as defined in the Preset Browser Custom template.string
dataThe data that was returned by onSaveSubPreset.


    The corresponding MacroPage needs two Preset Browser templates:
    One with the section set to Pitch and the other with the section set to Filter.
    The Preset Browser template with the section Pitch stores/restores the
    parameters Pitch.Coarse and Pitch.Fine.
    The Preset Brrowser template with the section Filter stores/restores the
    parameters Filter.Cutoff and Filter.Resonance.
-- Get the values of p1 and p2 from the first zone of the program.

function getZoneData(p1, p2)
    local data = {}
    local zone = this.program:findZones(true)
    if zone[1] then
        data.p1 = zone[1]:getParameter(p1)
        data.p2 = zone[1]:getParameter(p2)
    return data
-- Set the values of p1 and p2 in the first zone of the program.

function setZoneData(p1, p2, data)
    local zone = this.program:findZones(true)
    if zone[1] then
        zone[1]:setParameter(p1, data.p1)
        zone[1]:setParameter(p2, data.p2)
-- Save data with the subpreset.

function onSaveSubPreset(section)
    if section == "Pitch" then
        return getZoneData("Pitch.Coarse", "Pitch.Fine" ) -- This is called from the preset template Pitch.
    elseif section == "Filter" then
        return getZoneData("Filter.Cutoff", "Filter.Resonance") -- This is called from the preset template Filter.
-- Restore data from the subpreset.

function onLoadSubPreset(section, data)
    if section == "Pitch" then
        setZoneData("Pitch.Coarse", "Pitch.Fine", data) -- This is called from the preset template Pitch.
    elseif section == "Filter" then
        setZoneData("Filter.Cutoff", "Filter.Resonance", data) -- This is called from the preset template Filter.

See also: onSaveSubPreset

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




This callback function is called when the script module receives a note-on event.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
eventEvent object of the type noteOn.Event


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.typeThe type of event (1 = noteOn). See Event Types for details.number
.idThe note ID of the note-on event.number
.noteThe note number in the range of 0 to 127.number
.velocityThe note-on velocity in the range of 0 to 127.number


-- Print note ID, note number and velocity.

function onNote(event)
    local id = postEvent(event)
    print("ID: "..id..", Note #: "..event.note..", Velocity: "..event.velocity)

See Also: postEvent, playNote, releaseVoice, onRetrigger

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




This callback function is called when the script module receives a note expression event.

❕ Note expression events are always processed by the engine, regardless of whether the event is posted or not. Therefore, the use of postEvent is not necessary.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
eventEvent object of the type noteExpression.Event


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.typeThe type of event (4 = noteExpression). See Event Types for details.number
.idThe ID of the associated note-on event.number
.noteExpressionTypeThe type of note expression event. See Note Expression Types for details.number
.valueThe note expression value in the range of 0 to 1.0.number


-- Change note expression for the root note and a generated note.

local ids = {}
function onNote(event)
  local id = postEvent(event)
  ids[id] = playNote(event.note + 7, event.velocity)
  ids[id] = nil
function onNoteExpression(event)
  if ids[event.id] then
    changeNoteExpression(ids[event.id], event.noteExpressionType, event.value)
  -- postEvent(event) is not required for onNoteExpression.

See also: changeNoteExpression, getNoteExpression, Note Expression Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




This callback function is called when the script module receives a pitch bend event. The .value field of the Event object contains the pitch bend value as a signed integer in the range from -8191 to 8191. The .bend field contains the pitch bend value as a floating point number in the range from -1.0 to 1.0. Use .bend for greater accuracy.

❕ If your script doesn't implement onPitchBend, all pitch bend events will be passed on to onController.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
eventEvent object of the type controller.Event


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.typeThe type of event (3 = controller). See Event Types for details.number
.bendThe pitch bend value in the range of -1.0 to 1.0.number
.valueThe pitch bend value in the range of -8191 to 8191.number


-- Print event.value and event.bend.

function onPitchBend(event)
    print("event.value: "..event.value.."\n".."event.bend: "..event.bend)

See also: pitchBend, onController, onAfterTouch

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




This callback function is called when the script module receives a note-off event.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
eventEvent object of the type noteOff.Event


Note-off events use the following fields of the Event object.

FieldDescriptionValue Type
.typeThe type of event (2 = noteOff). See Event Types for details.number
.idThe note ID of the note-off event.number
.noteThe note number in the range of 0 to 127.number
.velocityThe note-off velocity in the range of 0 to 127.number


-- Print all held notes.

local heldNotes = {}
function stringOfNotes()
    local ret =""
    for note, velocity in pairs(heldNotes) do
        ret = ret.." "..tostring(note)
    return ret
function onNote(event)
    heldNotes[event.note] = event.velocity
    print("Held notes:", stringOfNotes())
    local id = postEvent(event)
function onRelease(event)
    heldNotes[event.note] = nil
    print("Held notes:", stringOfNotes())

See also: onNote, postEvent, playNote, releaseVoice, onRetrigger

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




This callback function is called when the program is removed from the Slot Rack.

Available in: Controller.


-- Print a message when removing the program from the Slot Rack.

function onRemoveFromSlot()
   print('"Goodbye" from the Slot Rack.')

See also: onLoadIntoSlot

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /



(Since HALion 7.0)


This callback function is called when the script module receives a note-retrigger event.

❕ Note-retrigger events occur only if Mono and Retrigger are active for the corresponding program or layer.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
eventEvent object of the type noteRetrigger.Event


Note-retrigger events use the following fields of the Event object.

FieldDescriptionValue Type
.typeThe type of event (6 = noteRetrigger). See Event Types for details.number
.idThe note ID of the note-off event.number
.noteThe note number in the range of 0 to 127.number
.velocityThe note-off velocity in the range of 0 to 127.number

❕ The note ids of the note-retrigger events cannot be used in functions like releaseVoice, changeVolume, changeNoteExpression, etc. You must use the note id of the original note-on event instead. See Example 2 for details.

Example 1

notes = {}
function onNote(event)
    local id = postEvent(event)
    local ids = notes[event.note]
    if ids == nil then
        ids = {}
        notes[event.note] = ids
    table.insert(ids, id)
-- transpose the note-retrigger event
function onRetrigger(event)
    local id = playNote(event.note + 12, event.velocity, 0)
    table.insert(notes[event.note], id)
function onRelease(event)
    for i, noteId in ipairs(notes[event.note]) do
    notes[event.note] = nil

Example 2

notes = {}
retrigger = {}
function onNote(event)
    local id = postEvent(event)
    retrigger[event.note] = false
    local ids = notes[event.note]
    if ids == nil then
        ids = {}
        notes[event.note] = ids
    table.insert(ids, id)
-- send the note-retrigger event after 500 ms into release and retrigger only once
function onRetrigger(event)
    if not retrigger[event.note] then
        retrigger[event.note] = true
        if notes[event.note] then
            for i, noteId in ipairs(notes[event.note]) do
                print("releaseVoice with id "..noteId)
function onRelease(event)
    notes[event.note] = nil

See also: onNote, onRelease, releaseVoice, postEvent, playNote

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




This callback function is called when the script module is saved as part of a preset or project. The data you pass on to the return statement will be stored with the preset or project. The data can be of any type, but it is common practice to use a table that can easily be extended with more fields. When the script module is restored, the onLoad callback will receive the stored data.

Available in: Controller.

Return Values

The returned data will be stored as part of the preset or project.


-- Print the last three notes when calling onNote, onSave or onLoad.
-- The last three notes are remembered even after restoring the program.
local lastNotes = {}
function printLastNotes(callbackName)
    print("Last three notes when calling "..callbackName..":")
    for i = 1, 3 do
        if lastNotes[i] then
            print(i..":", "Note#:", lastNotes[i].noteNumber,", Velocity:", lastNotes[i].velocity)
            print(i..":", "Note#: ---, Velocity: ---")
-- Play some notes to fill the table.

function onNote(event)
    table.insert(lastNotes, 1, {noteNumber = event.note, velocity = event.velocity})
    if #lastNotes > 3 then -- Store maximum three notes.
-- This will be called when the program is saved.

function onSave()
    local data = {}
    data.lastNotes = lastNotes
    return data -- Any data in this table will be stored.
-- This will be called when the program is restored.

function onLoad(data)
    lastNotes = data.lastNotes -- Read the values from the data table.

See also: onLoad

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




This callback function is called when saving a subpreset with a corresponding Preset Browser template. The callback will only be called if the scope of the Preset Browser template is set correctly.

  • If the MacroPage with the Preset Browser template is attached to an element other than the script module (e.g., the program), the scope must be set to the script module (e.g., @0:Script Module).
  • If the MacroPage with the Preset Browser template is attached to the script module itself, the scope does not need to be set.

In addition, the Preset Browser Custom template allows to define a section for the subpreset. When you save a subpreset, the section will be passed on from the Preset Browser Custom template to the callback. You can manage different subsets of parameters by using the section as condition for an if statement that stores only the parameters of interest. The data you pass on to the return statement will be stored with the subpreset. The data can be of any type, but it is common practice to use a table that can easily be extended with more fields. When the subpreset is restored, the onLoadSubPreset callback will receive the stored data.

❕ Scope and section are template parameters. You can set them in the MacroPage Designer on the properties pane of the Preset Browser and Preset Browser Custom templates.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
sectionThe section as defined in the Preset Browser Custom template.string

Return Values

The returned data will be stored in a subpreset.


    The corresponding MacroPage needs two Preset Browser templates:
    One with the section set to Pitch and the other with the section set to Filter.
    The Preset Browser template with the section Pitch stores/restores the
    parameters Pitch.Coarse and Pitch.Fine.
    The Preset Brrowser template with the section Filter stores/restores the
    parameters Filter.Cutoff and Filter.Resonance.
-- Get the values of p1 and p2 from the first zone of the program.

function getZoneData(p1, p2)
    local data = {}
    local zone = this.program:findZones(true)
    if zone[1] then
        data.p1 = zone[1]:getParameter(p1)
        data.p2 = zone[1]:getParameter(p2)
    return data
-- Set the values of p1 and p2 in the first zone of the program.

function setZoneData(p1, p2, data)
    local zone = this.program:findZones(true)
    if zone[1] then
        zone[1]:setParameter(p1, data.p1)
        zone[1]:setParameter(p2, data.p2)
-- Save data with the subpreset.

function onSaveSubPreset(section)
    if section == "Pitch" then
        return getZoneData("Pitch.Coarse", "Pitch.Fine" ) -- This is called from the preset template Pitch.
    elseif section == "Filter" then
        return getZoneData("Filter.Cutoff", "Filter.Resonance") -- This is called from the preset template Filter.
-- Restore data from the subpreset.

function onLoadSubPreset(section, data)
    if section == "Pitch" then
        setZoneData("Pitch.Coarse", "Pitch.Fine", data) -- This is called from the preset template Pitch.
    elseif section == "Filter" then
        setZoneData("Filter.Cutoff", "Filter.Resonance", data) -- This is called from the preset template Filter.

See also: onLoadSubPreset

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




This callback function is called when the script module receives a trigger event from a trigger pad. The Trigger Pads module must be placed before the script module. Trigger events are produced when the pad is pressed with the mouse, when a trigger note is played via MIDI or by calling playTriggerPad from another script module.

❕ To be able to alter the trigger events, the function onTriggerPad does not pass on the trigger events automatically. To pass on the trigger events to subsequent modules, playTriggerPad must be called. See example below.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
numberThe number of the trigger pad in the range from 1 to 8.number


-- Print the pad number and pass the trigger event on.

function onTriggerPad(n)
    print("Trigger Pad: "..n)

See also: playTriggerPad

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




This callback function is called when the script module receives an event that is not handled by the specific event callback functions, e.g., onNote, onRelease, onRetrigger, onController and onNoteExpression. If none of the specific callback functions are defined, onUnhandledEvent will receive all incoming events.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
eventThe Event object.Event


-- Print unhandled events.

function onUnhandledEvent(event)

See also: onNote, onRelease, onRetrigger, onController, onNoteExpression

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to open a website in the web browser.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
addressThe internet address of the website.string


-- Open www.steinberg.net in the web browser.


/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to generate pitch bend events.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
valueThe pitch bend value in the range of -1.0 to 1.0.number


-- Invert pitch bend values.

function onPitchBend(event)
    local invPB = event.bend * -1
    print("Inverse PB: "..invPB)

See also: onPitchBend, controlChange, afterTouch

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


playNote(note, velocity, duration, layerOrZone, volume, pan, tune)


Function to generate note events.

  • If duration is -1, the generated note plays for as long as the key that called playNote is held.
  • If duration is greater 0, the note plays for as long as the key is held, with the maximum duration specified in milliseconds.
  • If duration is 0, playNote generates only the note-on event. The release can be managed manually with onRelease or with releaseVoice and the ID returned by playNote.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
noteThe note number of the note in the range of 0 to 127.number
velocityThe velocity of the note in the range of 0 to 127.number
durationThe length of the note in milliseconds. The default is -1.number, optional
layerOrZoneThe layer or zone to receive the note. Only elements that come after the script module are addressable. The default is nil (all layers).Layer or Zone, optional
volumeThe initial volume in the range of 0 to 1.0. The default is 1.0.number, optional
panThe initial pan position in the range of -1.0 to 1.0. The default is 0.number, optional
tuneThe initial tuning in the range of -120.0 to 120.0. The default is 0.number, optional

Return Values

Returns the note ID of the generated note.


-- Play a major scale with each note.

local majorScaleIntervals = { 0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12 }
function onNote(event)
  for index, interval in ipairs(majorScaleIntervals) do
      local id = playNote(event.note + interval, event.velocity, 0)
      wait(getBeatDuration() * 0.5)

See also: onNote, postEvent, onRelease, releaseVoice, onRetrigger

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to send the trigger events of the Trigger Pads to subsequent modules of the script module.

❕ This function does not trigger the pads of the Trigger Module. It only changes the state of the trigger pads in the depending modules, for example, to switch between the variations of a FlexPhraser or MIDI Player.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
numberThe number of the trigger pad in the range from 1 to 8.number


Cycle up through different variations with each note-on.
The example assumes there is a FlexPhraser or MIDI Player with
variations 1-8 assigned to the trigger pads 1-8.

variation = 1
function onNote(event)
  if variation > 8 then
    variation = 1
  variation = variation + 1

See also: onTriggerPad

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


postEvent(event, delay)


Function to post the event to the engine. The second argument is optional. It allows you to delay the event by a specific time in milliseconds.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
eventThe Event object that will be posted.Event
delayDelay time in milliseconds. The default is 0 ms.number, optional

Return Values

Returns a note ID in case of a note-on event, nil for any other type of event. For this reason, assigning the return value of postEvent to a variable is only meaningful in the onNote callback.


local delayTime = 1000
-- Post event and print note ID.

function onNote(event)
    local id = postEvent(event, delayTime)
    print("ID: "..id)
-- Post event and print note ID.

function onRelease(event)
    postEvent(event, delayTime)
    print("ID: "..event.id)
-- Post event, then print controller number and value.

function onController(event)
    print("Controller #: "..event.controller..", Value: "..event.value)

See also: onNote, playNote, onRelease, releaseVoice, onRetrigger

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


printRaw(value1, value2, ...)


Receives any number of arguments and prints their values to the output window of the script module. In contrast to Lua's print function, printRaw does not insert a space character after every value and does not add a line feed on the end.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


value1, value2, ...The values to be printed. Multiple arguments must be separated with commas.


-- Print valriables a and b to the output window using printRaw.

function onInit()
    a = 10
    b = 20
    printRaw("Variable a is", a)
    printRaw("Variable b is", b)

Output Messages:

Variable a is10Variable b is20

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Program Constructor


(Since HALion 6.4.0)


Constructor to create a new Program object.

Available in: Controller.

Return Values

Returns a new Program object.


-- The following function creates different types of objects in the Program Tree.
-- The objects in the Program Tree do not have a name. You will see only their icons.

function createProgram()
  local inst = this.program.instance
  local prg = Program()
  local bus = Bus()
  inst:setProgram(prg, 1)
  local layer = Layer()
  local mm = MidiModule('MIDI Player')
  local fx = Effect('Distortion')

See also: Bus Constructor, Layer Constructor, Zone Constructor, MidiModule Constructor, Effect Constructor

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Quick Control Assignment Modes


Enumerator to identify the different quick control assignment modes.

Available in: Controller.

Quick Control Assignment Modes



-- Print the mode of the qc assignment.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
qcMode = layer:getQCAssignmentMode(qc, assignment)
if qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.absolute then
    qcModeName = "Absolute"
elseif qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.relative then
    qcModeName = "Relative"
elseif qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.switch then
    qcModeName = "Switch"
elseif qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.switchRelative then
    qcModeName = "Switch Relative"
print("Mode of '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..", assignment "..assignment..": "..qcModeName..".")

See also: addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to read a MIDI file (.mid). The function creates a MIDI sequence table that contains the data of the MIDI file. See MIDI Sequence Table for details on the fields of the MIDI sequence table.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
pathThe path and file name of the MIDI file.string

Return Values

Returns a MIDI sequence table. See MIDI Sequence Table for details.


To explore the following script:

  1. Download C Major Scale.mid.
  2. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  3. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and adjust the file path of readMidiFile to the location of the file on your system.
  4. Execute the script.
-- Read note-on events from a MIDI file and play them.
midiSequence = readMidiFile("c:/temp/C Major Scale.mid") --[[ Please set the file path to the location
                                                              of the file on your system before you run
                                                              the script.]]
numberOfEvents = #midiSequence.tracks[1].events
i = 1
print(midiSequence.songname..".mid loaded!")
function onNote(event)
    -- Start from the beginning if the last event has been reached.
    if i >= numberOfEvents then
        i = 1
    -- Find the next note-on event.
        event = midiSequence.tracks[1].events[i]
        i = i + 1
        if i > numberOfEvents then
    until event.type == EventType.noteOn
    -- Print and play the note-on events.
    local id = playNote(event.note, event.velocity, 0)

See also: writeMidiFile, insertEvent, sortEvents, MIDI Sequence Table, MIDI File Format Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to release a note with a specific note ID.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
noteIDThe note ID of the note you want to release.number


-- Generate major chords.

local notes = {}
function onNote(event)
  local id1 = playNote(event.note, event.velocity)
  local id2 = playNote(event.note + 4, event.velocity)
  local id3 = playNote(event.note + 7, event.velocity)
  local ids = notes[event.note]
  if ids == nil then
     ids = {}
     notes[event.note] = ids
  table.insert(ids, id1)
  table.insert(ids, id2)
  table.insert(ids, id3)
function onRelease(event)
  for i,v in ipairs(notes[event.note]) do
  notes[event.note] = nil

See also: onNote, postEvent, playNote, onRelease

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to remove a bus from the specified layer. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the bus. The bus to be removed is determined by its Bus object or its position. You can use getBus or findBusses to determine the Bus object. The position is the number that indexes the busses in the specified layer.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
busOrPositionThe Bus object or the position of the bus to be removed.Bus or number


-- Remove all busses from the program.
busses = this.program:findBusses(true)

for i, bus in ipairs(busses) do

See also: removeEffect, removeLayer, removeMidiModule, removeZone, Bus

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to remove an effect from a bus. You can use getBus or findBusses to define the bus that contains the effect. The effect to be removed is determined by its Effect object or its position. You can use getEffect or findEffects to determine the Effect object. The position is the number indexing the effects in the bus.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
insertOrPositionThe Effect object or the position of the effect to be removed.Effect or number


-- Remove all effects from the program.
busses = this.program:findBusses(true)
for i, bus in ipairs(busses) do
    effects = bus:findEffects(true)
    for j, effect in ipairs(effects) do

See also: removeBus, removeLayer, removeMidiModule, removeZone, Effect

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


removeEnvelopePoint(envelopeArray, index)


Function to remove an envelope point from the specified envelope. You specify the envelope by calling getParameter with the EnvelopePoints parameter of the desired envelope as argument. If you call getParameter with the EnvelopePoints parameter as argument, an array with the current envelope points will be returned. Each index of the array represents an envelope point with the fields .level, .duration and .curve. The removeEnvelopePoint function modifies this array. To apply the changes, you must use setParameter with the EnvelopePoints parameter of the envelope as argument and the array as value.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
envelopeArrayAn array with envelope points. Each index of the array represents an envelope point with the fields .level, .duration and .curve. To obtain the envelope array of an envelope, use getParameter with the EnvelopePoints parameter of the desired envelope as argument.table
indexThe index of the point to be removed.number


 -- Reset the amplitude envelope.
-- Default envelope times in seconds.

attack = 0
decay = 1
sustain = 1
release = 1
zone = this.program:getZone()
-- Get the envelope points of the amplitude envelope.

ampEnvPoints = zone:getParameter("Amp Env.EnvelopePoints")
ampSustainPoint = zone:getParameter("Amp Env.SustainIndex")
-- Set the envelope points to 4.

while #ampEnvPoints > 4 do
    removeEnvelopePoint(ampEnvPoints, #ampEnvPoints)
while #ampEnvPoints < 4 do
    insertEnvelopePoint(ampEnvPoints, #ampEnvPoints, 0, 1, 0)
-- Adjust the position of the sustain point.

ampSustainPoint = #ampEnvPoints - 1
-- Set first point.

ampEnvPoints[1].level = 0
ampEnvPoints[1].duration = 0
ampEnvPoints[1].curve = 0
-- Set second point.

ampEnvPoints[2].level = 1
ampEnvPoints[2].duration = attack
ampEnvPoints[2].curve = 0
-- Set third point.

ampEnvPoints[3].level = sustain
ampEnvPoints[3].duration = decay
ampEnvPoints[3].curve = 0
-- Set fourth point.

ampEnvPoints[4].level = 0
ampEnvPoints[4].duration = release
ampEnvPoints[4].curve = 0
-- Set the envelope points of the amplitude envelope.

zone:setParameter("Amp Env.EnvelopePoints", ampEnvPoints)
zone:setParameter("Amp Env.SustainIndex", ampSustainPoint)

See also: insertEnvelopePoint

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to remove an element in the Program Tree from the parent element. The function can remove elements of the type Layer, Zone, MidiModule, Bus and Effect. It can even remove the script module that calls the function.

Available in: Controller.


-- Remove the second child element.

childs = this.program:findChildren(true)
if childs[2] then

-- Remove the program bus.

bus = this.program:getBus("Program-Bus")
if bus then

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Function to remove a layer from the specified layer. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the layer to be removed. The layer is determined by its Layer object or its position. You can use getLayer or findLayers to determine the Layer object. The position is the number indexing the layers within the specified layer.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
layerOrPositionThe Layer object or the position of the layer to be removed.Layer or number


-- Remove all layers from the program.

layers = this.program:findLayers(true)

for i, layer in ipairs(layers) do

See also: removeBus, removeEffect, removeMidiModule, removeZone, Layer

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to remove a MIDI module from the specified layer. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the MIDI module. The MIDI module to be removed is determined by its MidiModule object or its position. You can use getMidiModule or findMidiModules to determine the MidiModule object. The position is the number that indexes the MIDI modules in the specified layer.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
moduleOrPositionThe MidiModule object or the position of the MIDI module to be removed.MidiModule or number


-- Remove all MIDI modules from the program except the script module.

modules = this.program:findMidiModules(true)

for i, module in ipairs(modules) do
    if module ~= this then -- Exclude script module.

See also: removeBus, removeEffect, removeLayer, removeZone, MidiModule

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


removeQCAssignment(qc, assignment)


Function to remove a quick control assignment from the specified layer and quick control. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control with the assignment to be removed. The assignment argument is the index of the quick control assignment to be removed. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control with the assignment to be removed.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment to be removed.number


-- Remove all quick control assignments from the specified layer and qc.
function clearQC(layer, qc)
    local assignments = layer:getNumQCAssignments(qc)
    if assignments > 0 then
        for i = assignments, 1, -1 do
            layer:removeQCAssignment(qc, i)
        print(assignments.." assignments have been removed from '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..".")
        print("No assignments found on '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..".")
clearQC(this.parent, 1)

See also: addQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass

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Function to remove a zone from the specified layer. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the zone. The zone to be removed is determined by its Zone object or its position. You can use getZone or findZones to determine the Zone object. The position is the number that indexes the zones in the specified layer.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
zoneOrPositionThe Zone object or position of the zone to be removed.Zone or number


-- Remove all zones from the program.

zones = this.program:findZones(true)

for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do

See also: removeBus, removeEffect, removeLayer, removeMidiModule, Zone

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


runAsync(func, arg1, arg2, ...)


Executes a function in the controller thread. By calling runAsync in the processor thread, you can invoke a function that is executed in the controller thread. The execution of runAsync takes at least one audio block, or longer, depending on the function which was called. The callback which called runAsync is put on hold until the function has completed. Please be aware of this when using runAsync.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
funcThe name of the function to be called.function
arg1, arg2, ...The arguments of the function.optional


-- Color held keys.

keyOnColor = 5
keys = getKeyProperties()
function setColorOfKey(event, keyColor)
  if keyColor then
    keys[event.note] = { color = keyColor }
    keys[event.note].color = nil
function onNote(event)
  runAsync(setColorOfKey, event, keyOnColor)
function onRelease(event)
  runAsync(setColorOfKey, event)

See also: runSync, spawn, wait, waitBeat, waitForRelease

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runSync(func, id)

(Since HALion 6.1)


Executes a function in the processor thread. By calling runSync in the controller thread, you can invoke a function that is executed in the processor thread. For example, by calling runSync in a parameter change callback, you can invoke an event function like playNote, releaseVoice, controlChange, etc. The callback that called runSync is not stopped and continues its execution. The specified function will be exectued in the next audio block. If id is specified, another call to runSync with the same ID overwrites the previous function if it has not been executed yet. Only the last function with the same ID will be executed in the next audio block.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
funcThe name of the function to be called.function
idIf this is specified, another call to runSync with the same ID overwrites the previous function if it has not been executed yet. Only the last function with the same ID will be executed in the next audio block.variant, optional


-- Fade all voices, triggered by a script parameter.

noteIDs = {}
function onNote(event)
  local id = postEvent(event)
  table.insert(noteIDs, id)
function syncFadeAllVoices()
  for i, id in ipairs(noteIDs) do
      fade(id, nil, 0, 1000, true)
  noteIDs = {}
function fadeAllVoices()
  if fadeVoices then
    runSync(syncFadeAllVoices, 1)
defineParameter("fadeVoices", "Fade All Voices", false, fadeAllVoices)

See also: runAsync, spawn, wait, waitBeat, waitForRelease

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to convert a number of samples to the equivalent duration in milliseconds. The sample rate at which the plug-in runs is taken into account.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
samplesThe number of samples.number

Return Values

Returns the specified number of samples as duration in milliseconds.


-- Print the project sample rate in ms.

function onNote(event)
    fs = getSamplingRate()
    print(samples2ms(fs), "ms")

See also: ms2samples, ms2beat, beat2ms

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savePreset(filename, layer, plugin, attr)

(Since HALion 7.0)


Function to save a layer as VST preset to disk.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
filenameThe absolute path and name of the VST preset.string
layerSpecifies the Layer element which is to be saved.Layer
pluginDetermines the plug-in for the VST preset. You can choose H7 (HALion 7) or HS (HALion Sonic).string, optional
attrSet this to program to save a program VST preset. If this is not set, a layer VST preset will be saved. Alternatively, you can provide a table with MediaBay attributes and values.string, optional

MediaBay Attributes

AttributeValueValue Type
VST3UnitTypePath"program" or "program/layer"string

❕ See MediaBay Guideline for more information about the attributes and how to use them.


posStart, posEnd = string.find(getUserSubPresetPath(), "Steinberg/")
fileLocation = string.sub(getUserSubPresetPath(), 1, posEnd)

defineParameter("FileName", nil, "test.vstpreset")
defineParameter("SavePreset", nil, false, function() if SavePreset then onSavePresetChanged() end end)


attr = {MediaRating = 3, MusicalProperties = "Soft|Bright|Rich", VST3UnitTypePath = "program",}

function onSavePresetChanged()
	FileName = fileLocation..FileName
	local layer = this.parent:getLayer()
	local saved = savePreset(FileName, layer, "HS", attr)
	SavePreset = false

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Function to change the name of an element in the Program Tree.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameThe new name for the element.string


-- Print current name of the script module.


-- Set the name of the script module to "My Element".

this:setName("My Element")

-- Print the new name of the script module.


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Function to assign the output of a zone or bus to the specified output bus. The sending zone or bus is determined by its Element object. The receiving output bus is specified by its Bus object. Setting the output bus to nil enables the default signal routing for the zone or bus.

❕ Output busses that are higher up in the hierarchy of the Program Tree can be assigned freely. If the sending bus and the receiving output bus have the same parent layer, the output bus must come later in the signal flow.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
busThe Bus object of the bus that you want to assign, or nil.Bus or nil


-- Assign the output of the zone to the Master output bus of the plug-in.

zone = this.parent:getZone()
masterbus = this.program.instance:getBus(1)
print("Output of "..zone.name.." is assigned to "..masterbus.name..".")

See also: getOutputBus, Bus

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setParameter(nameOrID, value, undo)


Function to set the value of a parameter. The parameter can be determined by name or ID. The function will have no effect if the parameter does not exist.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrIDThe name or ID of the parameter.string or number
valueThe value that you want to set.The new value must match the data type of the parameter.
undoDetermines if the parameter change will be part of the undo. This argument is only evaluated in the controller context. A parameter change in the processor context never has undo. If setParameter is called in the controller context it will be part of the undo, unless you set this argument to false. For example, you should set this to false if the call to setParameter is made within a parameter callback that is already part of the undo, and if the order of execution of these parameter changes is important.boolean, optional


-- Set the value of the Level parameter of the parent layer.

function onLoadIntoSlot()
    this.parent:setParameter("Level", 0) -- Set via name.
    this.parent:setParameter(38, 0)      -- Set via ID.

See also: getParameter, getParameterNormalized, setParameterNormalized, hasParameter

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


setParameterNormalized(nameOrID, value, undo)


Function to set the value of a parameter in the normalized range from 0 to 1.0. The parameter can be determined by name or ID. This function has no effect if the parameter does not exist or if the value is of the type string.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrIDThe name or ID of the parameter.string or number
valueThe value you want to set in the normalized range from 0 to 1.0.number
undoDetermines if the parameter change will be part of the undo. This argument is only evaluated in the controller context. A parameter change in the processor context never has undo. If setParameter is called in the controller context it will be part of the undo, unless you set this argument to false. For example, you should set this to false if the call to setParameter is made within a parameter callback that is already part of the undo, and if the order of execution of these parameter changes is important.boolean, optional


-- Set the normalized value of the parent layer's level parameter.

function onLoadIntoSlot()
    this.parent:setParameterNormalized("Level", 0.5) -- Set via name.
    this.parent:setParameterNormalized(38, 0.5)      -- Set via ID.

See also: getParameterNormalized, getParameter, setParameter, hasParameter

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


setProgram(programOrNil, index)


Function to set a program in the specified slot of the Program Table or the Slot Rack of the plug-in instance. Before calling this function, you must access the Instance object with this.program.instance. The program is determined by its Program object. To specify the slot in the Program Table, you must use the index argument. To specify the slot in the Slot Rack, you must use a Slot object, for example, via getSlot. The program can be removed from the Slot Rack by using nil as argument.

❕ An Element object can only have one parent. It cannot be child of multiple parents. Therefore, each program can exist only once in the Program Table. Furthermore, an Element object that you retrieved from the running plug-in instance cannot be added twice to the Program Table. It must be removed before it can be added again. The Element objects that you retrieve through loadPreset or loadPresetAsync can be added freely to the Program Table, because these functions create a copy of the Element objects when reading them.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
programOrNilThe Program object of the program. Programs can be removed from the Slot Rack by using nil.Program or nil
indexThe index of the slot in the Program Table where you want to set the program.number, optional


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Set Program.vstpreset in slot 3 of the Program Table and slot 1 of the Slot Rack.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.
loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Set loadedProgram in slot 3 of the Program Table.
this.program.instance:setProgram(loadedProgram, 3)
-- Set program in slot 1 of the Slot Rack.
program = this.program.instance:getProgram(3)
-- Clear slot 2 of the Slot Rack.

See also: getProgram, Program

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setQCAssignmentBypass(qc, assignment, bypass)


Function to set the bypass state of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1. The bypass argument sets the bypass state of the quick control assignment.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number
bypassThe bypass state to be set.boolean


-- Bypass the specified quick control assignment.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
layer:setQCAssignmentBypass(qc, assignment, true)

See also: setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMode, addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, Quick Control Assignment Modes

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


setQCAssignmentCurve(qc, assignment, curve)


Function to set the curve value of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1. The curve argument sets the curve value of the quick control assignment.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
asignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number
curveThe curve value in the range -100 % to +100 %.number


-- Set the curve of the quick control assignment to -100 %.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
layer:setQCAssignmentCurve(qc, assignment, -100)

See also: setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass, addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, Quick Control Assignment Modes

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


setQCAssignmentMax(qc, assignment max)


Function to set the maximum value of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1. The max argument sets the maximum value of the quick control assignment.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number
maxThe maximum value to be set.number

❕ The value range is always 0 to 100 %, even if the mode of the quick control assignment is set to Relative or Switch Relative.


-- Set the maximum value of the quick control assignment depending on the mode.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
qcMode = layer:getQCAssignmentMode(qc, assignment)
if (qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.relative or qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.switchRelative) then
    qcMax = 75
    qcMax = 100
layer:setQCAssignmentMax(qc, assignment, qcMax)

See also: setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass, addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, Quick Control Assignment Modes

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


setQCAssignmentMin(qc, assignment, min)


Function to set the minimum value of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1. The min argument sets the minimum value of the quick control assignment.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number
minThe minimum value to be set.number

❕ The value range is always 0 to 100 %, even if the mode of the quick control assignment is set to Relative or Switch Relative.


-- Set the minimum value of the quick control assignment depending on the mode.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
qcMode = layer:getQCAssignmentMode(qc, assignment)
if (qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.relative or qcMode == QCAssignmentMode.switchRelative) then
    qcMin = 25
    qcMin = 0
layer:setQCAssignmentMin(qc, assignment, qcMin)

See also: setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass, addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, Quick Control Assignment Modes

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


setQCAssignmentMode(qc, assignment, mode)


Function to set the mode of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1. The mode argument sets the mode of the quick control assignment.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
asignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number
modeThe mode to be set. It can be determined via names or indices. See Quick Control Assignment Modes for details.enum or number


-- Set the mode of the quick control assignment to absolute and adjust min and max to full range.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
layer:setQCAssignmentMode(qc, assignment, QCAssignmentMode.absolute)
layer:setQCAssignmentMin(qc, assignment, 0)
layer:setQCAssignmentMax(qc, assignment, 100)

See also: setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentBypass, addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, Quick Control Assignment Modes

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


setQCAssignmentParamId(qc, assignment, paramID)


Function to set the parameter ID for connecting the corresponding parameter to the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1. The paramID argument selects the parameter to be connected with the quick control assignment.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number
paramIDThe ID of the parameter to be connected.number


-- Connect the coarse parameter of the zone to the specified quick control assignment.

layer = this.parent
zones = layer:findZones(true)
zone = zones[1]
qc = 1
assignment = 1
coarseParamID = zone:getParameterDefinition("Pitch.Coarse").id
layer:setQCAssignmentParamId(qc, assignment, coarseParamID)

See also: setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass, addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, Quick Control Assignment Modes

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


setQCAssignmentScope(qc, assignment, scope)


Function to set the scope for the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1. The scope is defined by the Element object that you assign to the scope argument.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
assignmentsThe index of the quick control assignment.number
scopeThe Element object to be used as scope.Element


-- Set the scope to the first zone that was found.

layer = this.parent
zones = layer:findZones(true)
zone = zones[1]
qc = 1
assignment = 1
layer:setQCAssignmentScope(qc, assignment, zone)

See also: setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass, addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, Quick Control Assignment Modes

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to specify the maximum allowed execution time of a function call in the script. If the execution of a function call exceeds the execution time-out, the script will end with an execution error. This prevents the infinite execution of scripts, e.g., in case of an infinite loop. The script execution time-out can be defined separately for the controller and the processor thread. Which execution time-out is set, depends on where setScriptExecTimeOut is called. The duration for the script execution time-out is specified in milliseconds. The default is 5000 ms for the controller thread and 1000 ms for the processor thread.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
durationThe duration for the script execution time-out in milliseconds.number


-- Half the default script execution time-out of the controller and the processor thread.
-- Controller thread.

setScriptExecTimeOut(getScriptExecTimeOut() / 2)
print("Execution time-out of "..getContext()..": "..getScriptExecTimeOut().." ms.")
 -- Processor thread.

function onInit()
    setScriptExecTimeOut(getScriptExecTimeOut() / 2)
    print("Execution time-out of "..getContext()..": "..getScriptExecTimeOut().." ms.")

See also: getScriptExecTimeOut

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


setSource1(source, sourceInfo1, sourceInfo2)


Function to set the 1st modulation source of a row in the modulation matrix. The row is specified with the Zone object of the zone and the index of the modulation matrix row.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
sourceThe modulation source. It can be determined via names or indices. See Modulation Source Types for details. Standard modulation sources like the LFOs or the envelopes can be set directly. Special modulation sources like MIDI controllers or MIDI modules can only be set by also specifiying sourceInfo1 and sourceInfo2.enum or number
sourceInfo1Optional argument to specify the MIDI controller number or the MIDI module, for example. See example for details.number or MidiModule, optional
sourceInfo2Optional argument to select the modulation output of a MIDI module, for example. See example for details.number, optional


-- Define the modulation sources and infos in an array.

modSources = {
    { source = ModulationSource.lfo1, bipolar = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.midiControl, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.quickControl, bipolar = 1, sourceInfo1 = this.program, sourceInfo2 = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.modulationModule, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = this, sourceInfo2 = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.modulationModule, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = this, sourceInfo2 = 2 },
    { source = ModulationSource.noteExpression, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = 1 }
-- Define two modulation outputs for the script module.

defineModulation("50%", false)
defineModulation("100%", false)
-- Calculate the modulation outputs.

function calcModulation()
    return 0.5, 1
-- Get the element object of the first zone.

zone = this.program:findZones(true)[1]
-- Assign the modulation sources to source 1 in the modulation rows 1 to 6.

for i=1, #modSources do
    local modRow = zone:getModulationMatrixRow(i)
    modRow:setSource1(modSources[i].source, modSources[i].sourceInfo1, modSources[i].sourceInfo2)
    modRow:setParameter("Source1.Polarity", modSources[i].bipolar) -- Set the default polarity of the source.
-- Assign the sample & hold to source 2 in modulation row 1.

modRow = zone:getModulationMatrixRow(1)
modRow:setSource2(ModulationSource.sampleAndHold, 0)

See also: ModulationMatrixRow, getModulationMatrixRow, setSource2, getSource1, getSource2, Modulation Source Types, Modulation Destination Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


setSource2(source, sourceInfo1, sourceInfo2)


Function to set the 2nd modulation source of a row in the modulation matrix. The row is specified with the Zone object of the zone and the index of the modulation matrix row.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
sourceThe modulation source. It can be determined via names or indices. See Modulation Source Types for details. Standard modulation sources like the LFOs or the envelopes can be set directly. Special modulation sources like MIDI controllers or MIDI modules can only be set by also specifiying sourceInfo1 and sourceInfo2.enum or number
sourceInfo1Optional argument to specify the MIDI controller number or the MIDI module, for example. See example for details.number or MidiModule, optional
sourceInfo2Optional argument to select the modulation output of a MIDI module, for example. See example for details.number, optional


-- Define the modulation sources and infos in an array.

modSources = {
    { source = ModulationSource.lfo1, bipolar = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.midiControl, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.quickControl, bipolar = 1, sourceInfo1 = this.program, sourceInfo2 = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.modulationModule, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = this, sourceInfo2 = 1 },
    { source = ModulationSource.modulationModule, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = this, sourceInfo2 = 2 },
    { source = ModulationSource.noteExpression, bipolar = 0, sourceInfo1 = 1 }
-- Define two modulation outputs for the script module.

defineModulation("50%", false)
defineModulation("100%", false)
-- Calculate the modulation outputs.

function calcModulation()
    return 0.5, 1
-- Get the element object of the first zone.

zone = this.program:findZones(true)[1]
-- Assign the modulation sources to source 1 in the modulation rows 1 to 6.

for i=1, #modSources do
    local modRow = zone:getModulationMatrixRow(i)
    modRow:setSource1(modSources[i].source, modSources[i].sourceInfo1, modSources[i].sourceInfo2)
    modRow:setParameter("Source1.Polarity", modSources[i].bipolar) -- Set the default polarity of the source.
-- Assign the sample & hold to source 2 in modulation row 1.

modRow = zone:getModulationMatrixRow(1)
modRow:setSource2(ModulationSource.sampleAndHold, 0)

See also: ModulationMatrixRow, getModulationMatrixRow, setSource1, getSource1, getSource2, Modulation Source Types, Modulation Destination Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


setZoneFMXAlgo(zone, algo)

(Since HALion 7.0)


Function to set the algorithm of the FM zone. The zone argument sets the target FM zone by its Zone object. You can use getZone or findZones to determine the Zone object of the target FM zone. The algo argument is the index that corresponds to the desired FM-X algorithm preset of the FM zone.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
zoneThe Zone object of the FM zone.Zone
algoThe index that corresponds to the desired FM-X algorithm preset of the FM zone. The index ranges from 1 to 88.number


algorithms = {}

for i = 1, 88 do
	algorithms[i] = ("Algorithm "..i)

function onSelectAlgorithmChanged()
	local zone = this.parent:getZone()
	setZoneFMXAlgo(zone, SelectAlgorithm)

defineParameter("SelectAlgorithm", nil, 1, algorithms, onSelectAlgorithmChanged)

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to sort the events of the specified events table according to their PPQ position. The function sorts the events from first to last PPQ position. The events table is part of a tracks table which is part of the MIDI sequence table. See MIDI Sequence Table for details.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
eventsTableThe table record referencing the events table.table


-- Produce a minor scale with reverse PPQ positions, then sort it.
-- Create MIDI sequence table.

midiSequence = { tracks = { { events = {} } } }
-- Initialize variables.

minorScaleIntervals = { 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 }
root = 60  -- C3
ppqPosition = 7
-- Produce a minor scale with reverse PPQ positions.

for i, interval in ipairs(minorScaleIntervals) do
    local note = root + interval
    -- Create note-on event.

    local noteOn = Event(EventType.noteOn)
    noteOn.note = note
    noteOn.velocity = 100
    noteOn.ppqPosition = ppqPosition
    -- Create note-off event.

    local noteOff = Event(EventType.noteOff)
    noteOff.note = note
    noteOff.ppqPosition = ppqPosition + 1
    -- Insert the events in the MIDI sequence table with Lua's table.insert function.
    table.insert(midiSequence.tracks[1].events, noteOn)
    table.insert(midiSequence.tracks[1].events, noteOff)
    ppqPosition = ppqPosition -1
print("Sorting before sortEvents:")
for i, event in ipairs(midiSequence.tracks[1].events) do
    print(i, event)
print() -- Empty line.
print("Sorting after sortEvents:")
for i, event in ipairs(midiSequence.tracks[1].events) do
    print(i, event)
print() -- Empty line.

See also: readMidiFile, writeMidiFile, insertEvent, MIDI Sequence Table, MIDI File Format Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


spawn(func, arg1, arg2, ...)


Calls a Lua function and executes it in a separate, parallel thread.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
funcThe name of the function to be called.function
arg1, arg2, ...The arguments of the function.optional


-- Play echos after releasing the note.

function echoNotes(event, echos)
    local duration = getBeatDuration()
    for i=1, echos do
        playNote(event.note+7*i, event.velocity*1/i, duration*0.25)
    print("Spawn function of Note", event.note, "ended at", getTime())
function onNote(event)
    spawn(echoNotes, event, 3)
    print("Note", event.note, "was released at", getTime())

See also: runAsync, runSync, wait, waitBeat, waitForRelease

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


startUndoBlock(name, id)


Function to combine multiple undo entries into one undo block. For example, if your script inserts several elements into the program, you might want to be able to remove all the elements in one single undo operation. The function returns an ID for identifying the undo block. This ID can be used as second argument in later calls to startUndoBlock for combining the undo blocks that refer to this ID. The name argument will be used as entry in the undo history. If multiple undo blocks are combined, only the name of the last undo block will be used. This function must be terminated using endUndoBlock. If startUndoBlock is called within a callback function, endUndoBlock is called automatically when the callback function ends.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameThis will be displayed as entry in the undo history.string
idSet this to combine the undo blocks that refer to this ID. (Since HALion 6.1)number

Return Values

Returns an ID that can be used to identify the undo block.

Example 1

-- Change param1, then param2.
-- The changes of param1 and param2 are combined into one undo entry.

function param1Changed()
  id = startUndoBlock("param1 Changed")
function param2Changed()
  startUndoBlock("param2 Changed", id)
defineParameter{ name = "param1", onChanged = param1Changed }
defineParameter{ name = "param2", onChanged = param2Changed }

Example 2

To explore the following script:

  1. Download Program.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
  5. Check the entries in the undo history with and without undo block.
-- Insert elements from Program.vstpreset into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.

path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset.

loadedProgram = loadPreset(path.."/Program/Program.vstpreset")
-- Get elements from loadedProgram.

midiModule = loadedProgram:findMidiModules()[1] -- First MIDI module in loadedProgram.
subLayer = loadedProgram:findLayers()[1]        -- First layer in loadedProgram.
bus = loadedProgram:findBusses()[1]             -- First bus in loadedProgram.
program = this.program
-- Begin the undo block.

startUndoBlock("Insert Modules") -- Only this entry will display in the undo history.
    -- Insert the elements.

    if midiModule then
        program:insertMidiModule(midiModule, 1)
    if subLayer then
        program:insertLayer(subLayer, 1)
    if bus then
        program:insertBus(bus, 1)
endUndoBlock() -- Terminate the undo block.

See also: endUndoBlock, getUndoContext, Undo Context Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


startWriteOutputToFile(filename, append, silent)

(Since HALion 7.0)


Function to write the ouput of print functions to a file. Only the print functions between startWriteOutputToFile and stopWriteOutputToFile are considered.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
filenameThe absolute path and name of the file.string
appendAppends the output to the file if this is set to true.boolean
silentHides the console output if this is set to true.boolean


posStart, posEnd = string.find(getUserSubPresetPath(), "Steinberg/")
fileLocation = string.sub(getUserSubPresetPath(), 1, posEnd)

defineParameter("FileName", nil, "mapping.csv")
defineParameter("PrintSilent", nil, false)
defineParameter("WriteMapping", nil, false, function() if WriteMapping then writeMapping() end end)

zones = this.parent:findZones(true)

mapping = {
	{param = "Name",       value = function(zone) return zone.name end},
	{param = "File Name",  value = function(zone) return zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename") end},
	{param = "Root Key",   value = function(zone) return zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Rootkey") end},

function writeMapping()
	FileName = fileLocation..FileName
	startWriteOutputToFile(FileName, false, PrintSilent) -- First line of csv file.
		for i, map in ipairs(mapping) do
			if i < #mapping then
				printRaw(map.param, ";")
	startWriteOutputToFile(FileName, true, PrintSilent) -- Add one line for each zone.
		for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
			for j, map in ipairs(mapping) do
				if j < #mapping then
					printRaw(map.value(zone), ";")
	WriteMapping = false

See also: stopWriteOutputToFile

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /



(Since HALion 7.0)


Stops writing the ouput to the file. See startWriteOutputToFile for further details.

Available in: Controller.


posStart, posEnd = string.find(getUserSubPresetPath(), "Steinberg/")
fileLocation = string.sub(getUserSubPresetPath(), 1, posEnd)

defineParameter("FileName", nil, "mapping.csv")
defineParameter("PrintSilent", nil, false)
defineParameter("WriteMapping", nil, false, function() if WriteMapping then writeMapping() end end)

zones = this.parent:findZones(true)

mapping = {
	{param = "Name",       value = function(zone) return zone.name end},
	{param = "File Name",  value = function(zone) return zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename") end},
	{param = "Root Key",   value = function(zone) return zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Rootkey") end},

function writeMapping()
	FileName = fileLocation..FileName
	startWriteOutputToFile(FileName, false, PrintSilent) -- First line of csv file.
		for i, map in ipairs(mapping) do
			if i < #mapping then
				printRaw(map.param, ";")
	startWriteOutputToFile(FileName, true, PrintSilent) -- Add one line for each zone.
		for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
			for j, map in ipairs(mapping) do
				if j < #mapping then
					printRaw(map.value(zone), ";")
	WriteMapping = false

See also: startWriteOutputToFile

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

Undo Context Types

(Since HALion 6.1)


Enumerator to identify the undo context.

Available in: Controller.

IndexUndo Context

See also: getUndoContext, startUndoBlock, endUndoBlock

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

VoiceGroupsData Table

(Since HALion 6.4.10)


Voice Groups are managed through a special predefined table: the VoiceGroupsData table. This table can be obtained by making a call to getParameter with "VoiceManager.VoiceGroupsData" as parameter. The voice groups are referenced by their index. Each voice group has the fields .maxPolyphony, .exclusiveGroup and .stealMode. You can change the correspondig values, but the structure of this table must remain unaltered. The values are set by making a call to setParameter. See the example below for more details.

Available in: Controller.


FieldDescriptionValue Type
.maxPolyphonyThe maximum polyphony of the voice group. The value range is from 1 to 128.number
.exclusiveGroupThe exclusive group of the voice group. The value range is from 0 to 32. Set this to 0 to switch the exclusive group off.number
.stealModeThe steal mode of the voice group. See Voice Group Steal Modes for details.number


-- Activate the voice groups for the parent layer.

layer = this.parent
layer:setParameter("VoiceManager.Voice Management", 1) -- Set Voice Manager to "On".
layer:setParameter("VoiceManager.VoiceGroups", true) -- Activate the Voice Groups.

voiceGroups = layer:getParameter("VoiceManager.VoiceGroupsData")

for i = 1, 128 do
    voiceGroups[i].maxPolyphony = 4
    voiceGroups[i].exclusiveGroup = 0 -- Set exclusive group to "Off".
    voiceGroups[i].stealMode = StealMode.lastNotePriority

layer:setParameter("VoiceManager.VoiceGroupsData", voiceGroups)

See also: Voice Group Steal Modes

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

Voice Group Steal Modes

(Since HALion 6.4.10)


Enumerator to identify the different voice group steal modes.

Available in: Controller.


The voice group steal modes can be determined with these names or indices:



-- Activate the voice groups for the parent layer.

layer = this.parent
layer:setParameter("VoiceManager.Voice Management", 1) -- Set Voice Manager to "On".
layer:setParameter("VoiceManager.VoiceGroups", true) -- Activate the Voice Groups.

voiceGroups = layer:getParameter("VoiceManager.VoiceGroupsData")

for i = 1, 128 do
    voiceGroups[i].maxPolyphony = 4
    voiceGroups[i].exclusiveGroup = 0 -- Set exclusive group to "Off".
    voiceGroups[i].stealMode = StealMode.lastNotePriority

layer:setParameter("VoiceManager.VoiceGroupsData", voiceGroups)

See also: VoiceGroupsData Table

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to suspend the execution of a callback for a specific time in milliseconds.

❕ If the wait function is used in the Controller thread, it operates at a lower rate and is therefore less accurate.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
msTime in ms.number


-- Delay notes which have not been released for 1000 ms.

local initTime = getTime()
local releaseTime = {}
function onNote(event)
  local noteOnTime = getTime()
  if noteOnTime > (releaseTime[event.note] or initTime) then
function onRelease(event)
  releaseTime[event.note] = getTime()

See also: waitBeat, waitForRelease, spawn, runAsync, runSync

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to suspend the execution of a callback for a specific time. This time is specified in number of beats. One beat equals the length of a quarter note based on the current tempo.

❕ If the waitBeat function is used in the Controller thread, it operates at a lower rate and is therefore less accurate.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
beatsTime in number of quarter notes and fractions of it.number


-- Change tuning periodically after one beat.

function onNote(event)
  local id = postEvent(event)
  while isNoteHeld() do
    local tune = math.random() * 12 - 6
    changeTune(id, tune, false, false)

See also: wait, waitForRelease, spawn, runAsync, runSync

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to suspend the execution of the onNote callback until the note that called onNote gets released either by a corresponding note-off or sustain pedal off.

Available in: Processor.


-- Print the note length in milliseconds.

function onNote(event)
    local noteOnTime = getTime()
    local noteOffTime = getTime()
    local noteLength = noteOffTime - noteOnTime
    print(noteLength.." ms")

See also: wait, waitBeat, spawn, runAsync, runSync

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


writeMidiFile(path, midiSequence)


Function to write a MIDI file (.mid) to disk.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
pathThe path and file name of the MIDI file.string
midiSequenceThe MIDI sequence table that contains the data. The structure of the table is defined in the MIDI Sequence Table.table

Return Values

Returns true if the MIDI file was written successfully and false if not.


-- Produce a minor scale and write it to a MIDI file.
-- Create the MIDI sequence table.

midiSequence = { tracks = { { events = {} } } }
-- Initialize variables.

minorScaleIntervals = { 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 }
root = 60  -- C3
ppqPosition = 0
-- Produce the events of the minor scale.

for i, interval in ipairs(minorScaleIntervals) do
    local note = root + interval
    -- Create note-on event.

    local noteOn = Event(EventType.noteOn)
    noteOn.note = note
    noteOn.velocity = 100
    noteOn.ppqPosition = ppqPosition
    -- Create note-off event.

    local noteOff = Event(EventType.noteOff)
    noteOff.note = note
    noteOff.ppqPosition = ppqPosition + 1
    -- Insert the events in the MIDI sequence table.

    insertEvent(midiSequence.tracks[1].events, noteOn)
    insertEvent(midiSequence.tracks[1].events, noteOff)
    ppqPosition = ppqPosition + 1
-- Write the MIDI sequence table as .mid file to disk.

saveState = writeMidiFile ("c:/temp/test.mid", midiSequence) --[[ Please set the file path to the desired
                                                                  location on your system before you run
                                                                  the script. ]]
if saveState then
    print("The MIDI file was successfully written.")
    print("The MIDI file could not be written!")

See also: readMidiFile, insertEvent, sortEvents, MIDI Sequence Table, MIDI File Format Types

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /

Zone Constructor


(Since HALion 6.4.0)


Constructor to create a new Zone object.

Available in: Controller.

Return Values

Returns a new Zone object.


-- The following function creates different types of objects in the Program Tree.
-- The objects in the Program Tree do not have a name. You will see only their icons.

function createProgram()
  local inst = this.program.instance
  local prg = Program()
  local bus = Bus()
  inst:setProgram(prg, 1)
  local layer = Layer()
  local mm = MidiModule('MIDI Player')
  local fx = Effect('Distortion')

See also: Program Constructor, Bus Constructor, Layer Constructor, MidiModule Constructor, Effect Constructor

/ HALion Developer Resource /

HALion Macro Page

In this section of the documentation, you find additional information about macro page editing and a reference to all objects like Resources, Controls, and Templates used on HALion macro pages.

  • To make yourself familiar with the basic concepts and the usage of the Macro Page Designer, please read the steinberg.help documentation.
  • To explore existing macro pages, read the section Example Macro Pages.
  • To find examples for the usage of templates, read the section Exploring Templates.

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Example Macro Pages

To learn more about macro pages and how to set them up, you can load the presets of Anima, Skylab, Eagle, Raven, Studio Strings, and Hot Brass. All presets of these instruments use macro pages that were entirely built with the Macro Page Designer. By exploring these example macro pages you can see how these macro pages are set up and how they are connected to the engine parameters.

  1. Load a preset from Anima, Skylab, Eagle, Raven, Studio Strings, or Hot Brass.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer.
  3. Select the first Layer in the Program Tree. The Macro Page Designer will display the respective macro page.
  4. In the Macro Page Designer, explore the GUI, Templates, and Ressources tree.
  5. Examine the Properties of the selected element in the tree to see how it is connected to the engine and UI parameters.

Using Templates from the Example Macro Pages

The macro pages of Anima, Skylab, Eagle, Raven, Studio Strings, and Hot Brass are installed as independent VST Sounds for HALion and for HALion Sonic, which means that you can use the templates from both these instruments for your own macro pages, too.

In the Resource/Library Browser, you have access to the templates of these macro pages.

Library Location Eagle Controls

  1. In the Resource/Library Browser, navigate to the library that contains the template that you want to use.
  2. Drag the template from the Resource/Library Browser to the canvas of your macro page or to a group on the canvas.

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Exploring Templates

Controls Libraries

HALion provides a large number of preconfigured templates that can directly be used on macro pages. These are packed into three libraries: Basic Controls, Additional Controls and Vector Controls.

Library Location Basic Controls

Basic Controls

The Basic Controls library contains standard controls like knobs, sliders, text fields, switches, etc., as well as a collection of advanced templates that can be used to accomplish more complex tasks such as loading subpresets or wavetables or control more complex modules like the FlexPhraser, the Step Modulator, or HALion's multi-stage envelope. You can access the libraries using the Resource/Library Browser of the Macro Page Designer.

The Basic Controls library also contains an example macro page that gives an overview of the available templates.

To get access to this macro page:

  1. Download the program Init Basic Controls.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the program to the Slot Rack.

The Basic Controls macro page contains multiple pages to demonstrate the usage of the available templates. Each template examplifies how the connections to the engine and UI parameters have to be set up to work correctly.

Basic Controls Macro Page

To explore the templates:

  1. In the Macro Page Designer, activate Test Macro Page Test Macro Page and navigate to the page that contains the template that you want to use.
  2. Deactivate Test Macro Page Test Macro Page and select the template on the macro page.
  3. Examine the Properties of the template to see how it is connected to the engine and UI parameters.
  4. Click Edit Element Edit Element to examine how the template is built up.

For further details on the available templates, see the Templates reference pages.

Additional and Vector Controls

The Additional Controls and Vector Controls libraries provide further templates for knobs, sliders and switches with an individual look. The templates in the Vector Controls library use Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), which offer more customization options for your macro page designs. You can use the provided templates just like the ones from the Basic Controls library.

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Resources are the most basic objects and are used by controls to display graphics, animations, or text. The following types of resources are available:

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The Bitmap resource requires either a 24-bit png file with alpha channel or a bmp file without alpha channel. Many elements refer to bitmap resources, which can be assigned once a resource has been created. Keep in mind that each individual image is managed by the OS and costs performance. Therefore, it is recommended to work with a lower number of images, create sections within these images and use the sections wherever an image resource is required. In this case, HALion's GUI framework handles the section resources and the OS only has to deal with a few images.


NameThe name of the Bitmap resource.
PathSpecifies the path and file name of the used bitmap.
AlphaDefines the opacity of the bitmap from 0 (transparent) to 255 (opaque).
FramesDefines the number of subframes in a bitmap. Bitmaps with frames can be used as animations in controls like knobs, sliders, and animations.
Scale ModeThis mode defines how a bitmap is adapted in size when the control that is using it is set to Scalable and sized smaller or larger than the original bitmap.
  • Stretch: By default, scale mode is set to stretch, which means that the bitmap is drawn smaller or larger.
  • Tile: This means that the original bitmap will be drawn repeatedly as soon as the size of the control exceeds the size of the original bitmap.
  • Tile Border: This mode only draws the area defined by the margin settings repeatedly and leaves the inner area empty.
MarginLeft, Top, Right, Bottom: As soon as a margin is set, the margin area is not stretched or tiled, but only the area outside. This can be used to define frames, for example, where the four corners of the bitmap are preserved in size and only the rest of the bitmap is stretched.

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(Since HALion 7.0)


This resource allows you to define colors that can be used wherever colors can be assigned, e.g., in controls or other resources.


NameThe name of the Color resource.
RedDefines the amount of red in the color. The number 0 signifies no representation of the color and 255 signifies the highest possible concentration of the color.
GreenDefines the amount of green in the color. The number 0 signifies no representation of the color and 255 signifies the highest possible concentration of the color.
BlueDefines the amount of blue in the color. The number 0 signifies no representation of the color and 255 signifies the highest possible concentration of the color.
AlphaDefines the opacity of the color from 0 (transparent) to 255 (opaque).
#Allows you to specify the color as a hex color code in the format RRGGBBAA.

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Decor (Resource)

(Since HALion 7.0)


This resource allows you to specify rectangular shapes as graphical elements to create background frames, group frames, etc. The rectangular shape can be drawn as an outline, filled, or both. The fill style can either be a solid color, a linear gradient, or a radial gradient. Furthermore, the rectangle can have rounded corners with an adjustable radius. Decor resources can be assigned in all controls that make use of bitmap resources.


NameThe name of the Decor resource.
SizeHere, you can specify the initial width and height of the rectangle. If the control in which the decor is used is set to be scalable, the size of the decor is adapted accordingly.
Fill StyleDecors can be filled. You can choose from the following fill styles:
  • No Fill: The inside of the rectangle remains fully transparent. This mode is useful for decors that show only an outline.
  • Solid: The inside of the rectangle will be filled with a color.
  • Linear Gradient: The inside of the rectangle will be filled with a linear gradient. The gradient has a top and a bottom color which refers to the default angle of 0 degree.
  • Radial Gradient: The inside of the rectangle will be filled with a radial gradient.
RadiusSpecifies the roundness of the rectangle corners.
Line WidthSpecifies the width of the outline.
AngleSpecifies the angle of the Linear Gradient fill style in degrees.
StretchAllows you to compress (values < 1.0) or expand (values > 1.0) the Linear Gradient or Radial Gradient.
Center X/YSpecifies the center of the Radial Gradient. Negative values move the center to the left and top, postive values to the right and bottom.
Line ColorDefines the color of the outline.
ColorSpecifies the fill color for the Solid fill style.
Start ColorSpecifies the top fill color for the Linear Gradient fill style.
End ColorSpecifies the bottom fill color for the Linear Gradient fill style.
Inner ColorSpecifies the inner fill color for the Radial Gradient fill style.
Outer ColorSpecifies the outer fill color for the Radial Gradient fill style.

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Font resources are used to define different text styles which are referenced by labels, text fields, and other controls that display text.

Each resource specifies which of the system fonts (available for both Mac and PC) are used, which font size, color, alpha channel value, and style (bold, italic, underlined). If you want to use a custom truetype font, you can specify this truetype font file in the custom font field. Even when you are working with custom fonts, it is still good practice to specify a system font to function as fallback solution for characters that might not exist in a specific truetype font.

❕ When distributing libraries that include TrueType fonts, only include those fonts that can be freely distributed. Do not include fonts that need to be licensed.

❕ TrueType fonts must be based on Unicode tables to work correctly.


NameThe name of the Font resource.
FontAllows you to select the system font to be used. These fonts are available on Windows and Mac or have their equivalents on Mac. If a custom TrueType font is to be be used instead, you can define it under Custom. In this case, the specified system family is only used as a fallback solution for characters that do not exist in the custom font file. For text edit controls that pop up a text edit field, the system font is also used to display the text during editing.
SizeDefines the font size in points.
StyleDefines the font style for the system font: bold, italic, underline.
ColorColors can be defined in different ways:
  • by setting a hex # value, e.g., 202020 (red, green, blue);
  • by setting RGB values (Red, Green, Blue);
  • by clicking on the color preview field and using the color picker.

Alpha: Sets the transparency (256 fully opaque, 0 fully transparent). When adjusting the alpha value, the preview field blends against a light grey background. The resulting color in the macro page will look different, depending on the local background color.

Color Picker:
  • The upper hue bar allows you to select the hue value.
  • The color field allows you to set saturation and value.
  • Right-click the color picker for further options: Copy Color, Paste Color, and Reset Color.
CustomAllows you to add a custom font. Drag and drop a TrueType file on the custom field or click the open icon to choose the location and file.

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A section is a portion of a bitmap defined by a rectangle that has a x/y-position, a width and a height.

A section can be used instead of an image resource and has the advantage to use less OS graphic resources. Therefore, it is useful to add only a few image resources combining graphical elements, which are then used as references in the various sections.

Sections can also be used for animations, by setting the Frames property to the number of subframes that can be found within the section. Furthermore, sections can be scaled by the controls in which they are assigned. Select the Scale Mode and Margins to define the scaling behavior.


NameThe name of the section.
Pos XThe x-coordinate of the first pixel (upper left corner).
Pos YThe y-coordinate of the first pixel (upper left corner).
WidthThe horizontal size in pixels.
HeightThe vertical size in pixels.
FramesDefines the number of subframes in a bitmap. Bitmaps with frames can be used as animations in controls like knobs, sliders, and animations.
Scale ModeThis mode defines how a bitmap is adapted in size when the control that is using it is set to Scalable and sized smaller or larger than the original bitmap.
  • Stretch: By default, scale mode is set to stretch, which means that the bitmap is drawn smaller or larger.
  • Tile: This means that the original bitmap will be drawn repeatedly as soon as the size of the control exceeds the size of the original bitmap.
  • Tile Border: This mode only draws the area defined by the margin settings repeatedly and leaves the inner area empty.
MarginLeft, Top, Right, Bottom: As soon as a margin is set, the margin area is not stretched or tiled, but only the area outside. This can be used to define frames, for example, where the four corners of the bitmap are preserved in size and only the rest of the bitmap is stretched.

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(Since HALion 7.0)


A Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) resource requires a standard SVG file and can be used in all controls as an alternative to Bitmap resources. In the simplest case the SVG is used as it is, without any further changes, but it is also possible to modify it in the Macro Page Designer. The various subobjects that make up the SVG, such as groups and paths, can be manipulated individually. Each object can be addressed by its object ID and the pairs of properties and values. These values can either be static numbers or Lua expressions that can be used to calculate values. In the Lua expression you can use N, the normalized control value, V, the value of the connected parameter, or S, the string representation of the connected parameter. This enables you to animate the properties of the SVG objects such as color, rotation, position, etc. when used in Knobs, Sliders, Switches, or Animation controls. Only the aforementioned controls support animation. The Lua expression must be entered as follows: $(expression). In the following screenshot you can see the Lua expression $(N*360), for example.

SVG Properties


NameThe name of the SVG resource.
PathSpecifies the path and filename of the used SVG file.
ObjectsClick the + button to add an object that you want to modify.
IDSpecifies the ID of the object inside the SVG. Objects that should be changeable must have an ID. Some SVG editors require you to name an object for it to get an ID, some assign IDs automatically. To be sure, check the SVG file in a text editor.
PropertySpecifies the property that you want to change. For example, fill allows you to change the fill color of the object. Please refer to the SVG specification to learn more about properties.
ValueSpecifies the value of the property. For example, white as a standard SVG color, or rgb(255,00,00) as a user-defined color. Please refer to the SVG specification to learn more about how to define values for particular properties.

You can also use Color resources that are defined in the macro page. To use a Color resource the value must be set like this: $cr(color resource name).

Steinberg-specific SVG Property

smtg:radiusScalingThis is a Steinberg-specific property that allows you to modify the SVG 'rect' property, so that the corner radius is not scaled with the control element. Set the value to 0 to turn off radius scaling.

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A control is a basic element, like a text field, menu, switch, knob, etc., that can be added to a macro page. Controls have properties for their behavior and their appearance. Depending on the type of control, they can be directly connected to engine and script parameters or have a display functionality. Most controls use resources like Bitmaps, SVGs, Fonts and Sections to define their graphical appearance.

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Used to display animations or graphical option menus.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
ValueDrag and drop a parameter from the Parameter List to this text field to establish a connection. The assigned parameter will be displayed. Alternatively, you can export the property, which can then be used as a template parameter on a template instance.
Show ValueActivate this if you want to display a tooltip with the current parameter value when using the control. This option can be exported to the template level. The exported parameter can then be activated by setting it to true (the default is false).
  • Invert: Inverts the animation.
  • Scalable: Activate this if you want to be able to resize the element. The assigned Bitmap resources are resized according to the Scale Mode that is defined for the respective Bitmap resource.
BitmapBitmap refers to:
  • An individual bitmap file in png or bmp format defined as resource.
  • A section, specifying a region within a larger source bitmap.
  • A SVG file defined as resource.
You can either select an existing resource or drop an image file onto the text field. In this case, the corresponding resource is created and set as reference.
SVG Parameter (Since HALion 7.0)If you use SVGs with animatable properties, they appear in the SVG Parameter section. You can connect SVG Parameter just like value parameters with engine, MIDI, or UI script parameters. In this way, the connected parameters can animate different properties of SVG child objects, such as color, position, rotation and so on.

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Decor (Control)

(Since HALion 6.4.20)


This control allows you to add rectangular shapes as graphical elements to create background frames, group frames, etc. The rectangular shape can be drawn as an outline, filled, or both. The fill style can either be a solid color, a linear gradient, or a radial gradient. Furthermore, the rectangle can have rounded corners with an adjustable radius.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
Fill StyleDecors can be filled. You can choose from the following fill styles:
  • No Fill: The inside of the rectangle remains fully transparent. This mode is useful for decors that show only an outline.
  • Solid: The inside of the rectangle will be filled with a color.
  • Linear Gradient: The inside of the rectangle will be filled with a linear gradient. The gradient has a top and a bottom color which refers to the default angle of 0 degree.
  • Radial Gradient: The inside of the rectangle will be filled with a radial gradient.
RadiusSpecifies the roundness of the rectangle corners.
Line WidthSpecifies the width of the outline.
AngleSpecifies the angle of the Linear Gradient fill style in degrees.
StretchAllows you to compress (values < 1.0) or expand (values > 1.0) the Linear Gradient or Radial Gradient.
Center X/YSpecifies the center of the Radial Gradient. Negative values move the center to the left and top, postive values to the right and bottom.
Line ColorDefines the color of the outline.
ColorSpecifies the fill color for the Solid fill style.
Start ColorSpecifies the top fill color for the Linear Gradient fill style.
End ColorSpecifies the bottom fill color for the Linear Gradient fill style.
Inner ColorSpecifies the inner fill color for the Radial Gradient fill style.
Outer ColorSpecifies the outer fill color for the Radial Gradient fill style.

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The Disable control allows you to put all child controls out of function. To indicate this, all children of the Disable control are drawn grayed out and semitransparent. To disable the control, connect a parameter to the value property and specify the value that should cause the disabling. You can also specify multiple values, e.g., to disable a parameter that should only be available for specific states of another parameter. If you want the control to be enabled for a particular value and disabled for the rest of the values, activate the Enable option.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
ValueDrag and drop a parameter from the Parameter List to this text field to establish a connection. The assigned parameter will be displayed. Alternatively, you can export the property, which can then be used as a template parameter on a template instance.
EnableActivate this option if you want to enable the control for the specified values.
HideActivate this option if you want to hide the control for the specified values.
0-31Activate the values for which you want to disable or enable the control (depends on the Enable and Hide settings).

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Drag Group

(Since HALion 7.0)

On this page:


The Drag Group control allows you to implement drag operations. You can drag a simple text information or excecute more complex script functions. As a drop target you can use either the Drop control, or an external target. The graphical representation of the dragged object includes a snapshot of all controls that exists inside the Drag Group.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
ScopeAllows you to define which part of the Program Tree is affected by the controls inside the Group.
Drag InfoThe Drag Info can be used as follows:
  • It can be a string that will be send to the target.
  • It can be a UI variable that will be read at drag time.
  • It can also be modified at drag time by the script callback onDropGetInfo by returning another string.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.

Drag Group Callbacks


onDropGetInfo(viewname, draginfo)


Callback for the source of the drag operation when the operation starts. The text in draginfo is taken from the Drag Info property of the control.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
viewnameThe name of the dragging view.string
draginfoThe text specified by the Drag Info property.string

Return Values

The function can return a table with the following keys:

Return ValueDescriptionValue Type
copySet this to true if copying is allowed, false if not.boolean
moveSet this to true if moving is allowed, false if not.boolean
infoThe draginfo argument of the subsequent callbacks is determined by this return value. By default, 'info' returns the string specified by the Drag Info property. By modifying the 'info' return value you can control the response of the subsequent callbacks.string
filesA table with file paths for evaluation by external software when the drop operation is executed there.table with file paths as strings


onDropInsert(viewname, draginfo, copy)


Callback for the target of the drag operation when the drop is executed.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
viewnameThe name of the targeted view.string
draginfoThis string is specified by the 'info' return value of the onDropGetInfo callback when the drag operation starts.string
copyIndicates if the drag is a copy operation.string


onDropDone(viewname, draginfo, copy)


This callback is called when the drop operation is complete.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
viewnameThe name of the source view.string
draginfoThis string is specified by the 'info' return value of the onDropGetInfo callback when the drag operation starts.string
copyIndicates if the drag is a copy operation.string

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The Drop control allows you to create an area where you can drop objects, like files, folders and other objects that deliver either a string or a path. In addition to the common properties like size, position etc., it provides a number of special properties that allow you to configure the control. The Drop control can show a bitmap to indicate the drop area, display a bitmap if dropping an object is accepted or rejected, and can be configured with a regular expression to accept only files of a specific type.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
ValueAllows you to connect a parameter that receives the string or the path.
  • Path: Set this option if you want to accept path objects.
  • String: Set this option if you want to accept string objects.
  • Scalable: Activate this if you want to be able to resize the element. The assigned Bitmap resources are resized according to the Scale Mode that is defined for the respective Bitmap resource.
Accept FilterAllows you to define a regular expression to accept only files of a specific type.
  • Background: Allows you to assign a bitmap resource that is displayed permanently.
  • Reject: Allows you to assign a bitmap resource that is displayed if an object cannot be dropped.
  • Accept: Allows you to assign a bitmap resource that is displayed if an object can be dropped.

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A Group has no graphical representation and only serves as a container for other controls and templates. It can be added manually to the GUI Tree and then be positioned, sized, and filled with objects or it can be created automatically using the Group command from the context menu on selected elements in the tree. The size of a Group is automatically adapted when objects are added, but it can also be adjusted manually. Furthermore, you can specify a scope for a Group, which allows you to let all controls inside this Group only affect a specific target.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
ScopeAllows you to define which part of the Program Tree is affected by the controls inside the Group.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.

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This control allows you to add purely graphical elements without further functionality. The control can be changed in size and adapt the referenced bitmap to the Bitmap resource if this is set to scalable.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
BitmapBitmap refers to a Bitmap resource which can be:
  • An individual bitmap file in png or bmp format defined as resource.
  • A section, specifying a region within a larger source bitmap.
You can either select an existing resource or drop an image file onto the text field. In this case, the corresponding resource is created and set as reference.
ScalableActivate this if you want to be able to resize the element. The assigned Bitmap resources are resized according to the Scale Mode that is defined for the respective Bitmap resource.

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The Internal control is used by Steinberg to implement functionality that could not be realized with standard macro page controls. Internal controls are only used within a few specialized templates. They only work inside these templates and cannot be created manually.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
ViewUsed for HALion-specific purposes. The set strings must remain unchanged to ensure the functionality of the control.

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(SVG support since HALion 7.0)


The Knob control allows to create potentiometers by using a Bitmap resource, a Section resource with frames, or a SVG resource. These frames are played as an animation when turning the knob. You can specify whether the Knob control reacts on its entire area or only on those parts where the alpha channel of the bitmap is bigger than 0 (Shaped). Furthermore, the movement of the Knob control can be inverted and set to be Scalable, which allows resizing of the bitmap. The Slider option can be used to display a pop-up slider when using the knob, which can be helpful when working with rather small Knob controls.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
ValueDrag and drop a parameter from the Parameter List to this text field to establish a connection. The assigned parameter will be displayed. Alternatively, you can export the property, which can then be used as a template parameter on a template instance.
Show ValueActivate this if you want to display a tooltip with the current parameter value when using the control. This option can be exported to the template level. The exported parameter can then be activated by setting it to true (the default is false).
BitmapBitmap refers to:
  • An individual bitmap file in png or bmp format defined as resource.
  • A section, specifying a region within a larger source bitmap.
  • A SVG file defined as resource.
You can either select an existing resource or drop an image file onto the text field. In this case, the corresponding resource is created and set as reference.
  • Invert: Inverts the knob animation.
  • Shaped: If this is activated, the control only reacts on filled pixels, transparent pixels with an alpha channel value of 0 are unresponsive.
  • Rectangle: By default, the Knob control's reaction area is a circular area with a diameter of the shorter side of the the bounding rectangle of the Knob control, which is then centred along the axis of the longer side of the bounding rectangle. Activate this option if you want the knob to respond to mouse clicks in the entire bounding rectangle. (Since HALion 7.0)

    Bounding Rectangle

  • Scalable: Activate this if you want to be able to resize the element. The assigned Bitmap resources are resized according to the Scale Mode that is defined for the respective Bitmap resource. The margin splitters are defined as for simple bitmaps, but the lower splitter must be set in the lowest subframe. On round knobs, leave margins on 0 and set the Scale Mode to stretch for the Bitmap resource. This way, the Knob control is resized as a whole.
  • Slider: Activate this option if you want to use a pop-up slider when adjusting the knob.

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Labels are intended to display text that names elements such as Knobs, Text fields, etc. A Label can either use one of the available system fonts or a custom font for more decorative text styles, depending on the selected font resource.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
FontAllows you to select which Font resource to be used to display the text.
AlignmentDefines how the text is aligned. You can choose from the following settings:
  • Align Left: Aligns the text to the left side.
  • Align Center (Horizontal): Aligns the text to the horizontal center.
  • Align Right: Aligns the text to the right side.
  • Align Top: Aligns the text to the top.
  • Align Center (Vertical): Aligns the text to the vertical center.
  • Align Bottom: Aligns the text to the bottom.

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Live Data View

(Since HALion 7.0)


The Live Data View control allows you to visualize the output signal of sources with a LiveViewData parameter, such as LFOs, the Step Modulator, envelopes, etc. You can connect these sources directly to the Data Input of the view. Furthermore, you can configure the appearance of the line.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
Data InputAllows you to connect the LiveViewData parameter of a source module.
DirectionDefines how the data scrolls through the display:
  • Left: Left to right.
  • Right: Right to left.
  • Up: Bottom to top.
  • Down: Top to bottom.
Time WindowDefines the overall time that is dislayed in the view in ms.
Start ValuesAllows you to specify a number of pixels that will use a secondary color.
Line WidthAdjusts the strength of the waveform line from 1 to 3 pixels.
BackgroundDefines the background bitmap that is drawn behind the curve. If this is used, the background color setting is ignored.


LineThe primary color of the line.
Line StartThe secondary color used for the start values.
BackgoundThe background color of the view.

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The Menu control allows you to create special switches that open a menu. This menu is filled with the available values delivered by the connected parameter. You can choose to open a tree menu control instead of the standard menu, which is helpful when the number of available options increases. The menu itself can show a Bitmap for its off state and the hover state, but it can also work without any bitmaps. Often, it is used in combination with a dedicated background image and a Text control that shows the selected value. Menu and Text controls are connected to the same parameter.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
ValueDrag and drop a parameter from the Parameter List to this text field to establish a connection. The assigned parameter will be displayed. Alternatively, you can export the property, which can then be used as a template parameter on a template instance.
  • Popup: If this option is activated, a tree menu is displayed instead of the standard menu.
  • Hover: Shows a dedicated bitmap when hovering over the menu.
  • Shaped: The control only reacts when you click the visible pixels, i.e., the pixels with an alpha value > 0.
  • Scalable: Activate this if you want to be able to resize the element. The assigned Bitmap resources are resized according to the Scale Mode that is defined for the respective Bitmap resource.
  • Checkable: Activate this to show a check mark for the selected menu item. Deactivate this option if you want to be able to use a menu entry, e.g., to call a script function. In this case, no check mark is wanted, and the same menu item can be clicked repeatedly.
  • Background: Allows you to assign the Bitmap that is used for the off state.
  • Hover: Allows you to assign the Bitmap that is used when the mouse is hovering over the control.

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The Meter control allows you to display incoming values as a meter bar. It displays a background image and a Bitmap for the lit state of the meter to be drawn. The Bitmap for the lit state is drawn clipped on top of the background image. The size of the clipped region depends on the current value. The Meter control can either be drawn horizontally or vertically. The Meter control can be directly connected to parameter outputs of script modules, for example.

❕ For optimal drawing, the Meter control must be placed on the topmost level on the macro page, no other objects must be layered on top.

To display the meter and peak outputs of HALion's busses, a special vu meter template is required that contains two meters and a special logic that allows for the template to be directly connected to any bus. Please use one of these preconfigured meter templates that are part of the Basic Controls library and set the bus parameter to the desired bus, e.g., @bus:0 for the first bus in the program. The graphical resources and sizes can be customized by modifying these templates.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
ValueDrag and drop a parameter from the Parameter List to this text field to establish a connection. The assigned parameter will be displayed. Alternatively, you can export the property, which can then be used as a template parameter on a template instance.
Peak ValueAllows you to connect a parameter that delivers a peak hold value.
  • Vertical: Activate this option if you want to display a vertical meter instead of the standard horizontal meter.
  • Scalable: Activate this if you want to be able to resize the element. The assigned Bitmap resources are resized according to the Scale Mode that is defined for the respective Bitmap resource.
  • Meter: Allows you to assign the Bitmap that is used for the lit meter.
  • Background: Allows you to assign the Bitmap that is used as background for the meter (e.g., a dimmed version of the lit meter bitmap).

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Range Slider


The Range Slider allows you to control two parameters with one control. You can drag the slider handle at both its ends, each representing one parameter. A typical example for the use of such a slider is a control for velocity or key ranges. The Range Slider can also be used as a scroll bar when it is connected to a scroll view or envelope. In this case, the "No Resize" option allows you to deactivate any modification to the ends of the slider handle. The size of the handle is then determined by the zoom level of the scroll view. You can choose between horizontal and vertical range sliders, decide whether the slider should jump to the click position or always move relatively, and you can invert the slider behavior. The Range Slider can also be resized with its Handle and Track bitmaps, according to the Scale Modes that are defined for the respective Bitmap resources. The slider can also be used with a Track bitmap which is drawn in the area that is not covered by the Handle bitmap.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
Low ValueAllows you to connect the first parameter, e.g., Velocity Low of a layer.
High ValueAllows you to connect the second parameter, e.g., Velocity High of a layer.
Show ValueActivate this option if you want to display a tooltip with the current parameter value when using the control. This option can be exported to the template level. The exported parameter can then be activated by setting it to true (the default is false).
  • Vertical: Creates a vertical range slider. The default setting is horizontal.
  • Jump: The entire slider handle jumps to the click position. By default, only one of the handle ends (lower/upper or right/left) jumps to the click position.
  • Invert: Inverts the slider behavior.
  • No Resize: By default, the slider handle can be adjusted on both ends. If you activate this option, the slider handle ends cannot be dragged to another position. This can be used to create scroll bar controls, where the size of the Range Slider changes depending on the zoom level and only the position can be changed.
  • Read-Only: Activate this option if you want to use the Range Slider as a display-only parameter which cannot be edited. (Since HALion 6.1)
  • Push: Activate this option if you want the upper slider to follow if you raise the value of the lower slider above the value of the upper slider. Moving the lower slider back below the upper slider will also move the upper slider until it reaches its original value. This behavior also applies if you lower the value for the upper slider below the value of the lower slider. (Since HALion 6.2)
  • Handle: Specifies the Bitmap to be used as slider handle.
  • Track: Specifies the Bitmap to be used for the area that is not covered by the handle.

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(SVG support since HALion 7.0)


The Slider control allows to create a variety of different slider types. You can choose between horizontal and vertical sliders, decide whether the slider should jump to the click position or move relatively to it. Furthermore, it can also be inverted in its behavior. The Slider can be resized with all its bitmaps according to the Scale Modes that are defined for the respective Bitmap resources. The Slider can use a Background bitmap which can also be an animated bitmap with frames. This allows you to build animated sliders that only display an animation. The Slider can use Pre-Handle and Post-Handle bitmaps, which are drawn from the left edge to the handle position and from the handle position to the right edge (Bottom → Handle → Top, for vertical sliders). When moving the slider, both bitmaps are clipped at the handle position. Alternatively, you can also stretch both bitmaps towards the handle position. The Slider can display a Handle bitmap, which is drawn on top oft the Background, Pre-Handle and Post-Handle bitmaps.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
ValueDrag and drop a parameter from the Parameter List to this text field to establish a connection. The assigned parameter will be displayed. Alternatively, you can export the property, which can then be used as a template parameter on a template instance.
Show ValueActivate this if you want to display a tooltip with the current parameter value when using the control. This option can be exported to the template level. The exported parameter can then be activated by setting it to true (the default is false).
  • Vertical: Creates a vertical slider. The default setting is horizontal.
  • Jump: The slider jumps to the click position. By default, it moves relatively to the click position.
  • Invert: Inverts the slider movement.
  • Split: Use the Pre-Handle and Post-Handle bitmaps for drawing. The background bitmap is disabled in this mode. By default, the slider is created with Split off. In this case, the Background and Handle bitmaps are used.
  • Stretch: Pre-Handle and Post-Handle bitmaps are stretched to fill the area between edge and handle. By default, the bitmaps are clipped at the handle position.
  • Scalable: The slider can be resized, and all Bitmap resources are scaled with their defined Scaled Mode.
  • Read-Only: Activate this option if you want to use the slider as a display-only parameter which cannot be edited. (Since HALion 6.1)
  • Background: Specifies the bitmap to be used as background. It will be animated if the Bitmap resource provides multiple frames. Alternatively, you can use a SVG resource which can also be animated. (SVG support since HALion 7.0)
  • Pre-Handle: Specifies the bitmap to be used for the area from the start to the handle position.
  • Post-Handle: Specifies the bitmap to be used for the area from the handle position to the end.
  • Handle: Specifies the bitmap to be used as slider handle. Alternatively, you can use a SVG resource which can also be animated. (SVG support since HALion 7.0)

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A Stack allows you to create switchable subpages or views. Each child of the stack is considered as a view that is shown exclusively, depending on the value of the stack. Most of the time, stacks are controlled by radio switches, providing one switch per stack view. If you activate the Fade option, you can add a blending effect when switching between views. If you want to connect the stack value only to a radio switch group to change the visibility of pages on the UI, without connecting the value to an engine or script module parameter, you can define an integer variable, e.g., Var_Pages. Then set the value property of the stack to Var_Pages and do the same for the radio group switches.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
ValueDrag and drop a parameter from the Parameter List to this text field to establish a connection. The assigned parameter will be displayed. Alternatively, you can export the property, which can then be used as a template parameter on a template instance.
StyleFade: Activate this option if you want to blend views when switching.

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Step Modulator

On this page:


The Step Modulator is intended to control HALion's step modulator. It provides all necessary properties to be connected to the engine parameters. Furthermore, there are properties for index, level, and level12 of the selected node and a snap option, which only affect the GUI parameters and not the engine parameters. These properties can be connected using UI variables.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
StepsThe number of steps. This property must be connected to the engine parameter Steps and further display controls.
SlopeThe Slope Mode. This property must be connected to the engine parameter Slope to show the slope. Connect additional controls, e.g., a menu, to set the slope mode.
Slope AmntThis property must be connected to the engine parameter SlopeAmount to show the slope. Connect additional controls, e.g., a knob, to set the slope.
Show AllActivate this option to show all steps with a fixed width. When dectivated, the width of the individual steps scales with the number of steps as set in Steps, to fill the full size of the control.
Advanced Editing (Since HALion 6.4.0)Activate this option to provide additional editing possibillities. These are either available as context menu entries or as line editing functions using modifier keys (Shift, Alt). These editing functions were originally made to work best inside HALion's Stepmodulator and Flexphraser. In case the control is used to control other custom script modules, where these functions are not needed or need to work differently, they can be deactivated.
Height (Since HALion 6.4.10)Defines how the indivdual step values are displayed.
  •   0 = Standard look, with bars starting at 0 and going up to the adjusted value.
  • >0 = Bars with a defined heigth in pixels for continous parameters.
  •   1 = Bars with a an automatic height or stepped parameters. The height of a bar correponds to 1/number of steps.
Step 1-32The Step levels. This property can be connected to the engine stepmodulator parameters Step1-32.
Length (Since HALion 6.4.0)If the step modulator is used to control a custom script module, the Length parameter can be used to adjust the length of each step.
Enable (Since HALion 6.4.0)If the step modulator is used to control a custom script module, the Enable parameter can be used to turn individual steps on and off.

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UI Variables

Create variables to connect the Step Modulator properties with the engine and further controls.

IndexindexThe index of the selected node.integer1 to 32
LevellevelThe level of the selected node.float-100 to 100
Level 12level12The level in fractions of 12 (used when Snap is active).float-12 to 12
SnapsnapActivates the snap line.integer0, 1

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Step0Fill color of all even steps with index 0, 2, 4, ..., 32.
Step1Fill color of all odd steps with index 1, 3, 5, ..., 31.
Back0Background color of all even steps with index 0, 2, 4, ..., 32.
Back1Background color of all odd steps with index 1, 3, 5, ..., 31.
Hover0Hover fill color of all even steps with index 0, 2, 4, ..., 32.
Hover1Hover fill color of all odd steps with index 1, 3, 5, ..., 31.
Line Hov0Line hover color of all even steps with index 0, 2, 4, ..., 32.
Line Hov1Line hover color of all odd steps with index 1, 3, 5, ..., 31.
Line Drag0Line drag color of all even steps with index 0, 2, 4, ..., 32.
Line Drag1Line drag color of all odd steps with index 1, 3, 5, ..., 31.
Line Sel0Line selection color of all even steps with index 0, 2, 4, ..., 32.
Line Sel1Line selection color of all odd steps with index 1, 3, 5, ..., 31.
Middle LineMiddle grid line color.
Snap Line 0Primary snap line color.
Snap Line 1Secondary snap line color.
Line DrawLine draw color.

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On this page:


The Switch control allows you to create different types of switches. It can be configured as an on/off switch with two states or as a multi-state switch with an arbitrary number of states. Furthermore, it can be set to Increment or Decrement, to edit values stepwise. To realize exclusive switches that can act as a radio group, Exclusive mode can be selected. In this mode, each switch can be configured to send a dedicated value and all related switches are connected to the same parameter. The Switch control requires several bitmaps, depending on the specified mode and it can be set to scalable, which allows for resizing of the switch. The used bitmaps are resized according to the Scale Modes that are defined for the respective Bitmap resources.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
ValueDrag and drop a parameter from the Parameter List to this text field to establish a connection. The assigned parameter will be displayed. Alternatively, you can export the property, which can then be used as a template parameter on a template instance.
  • Push: Sends a value of 1 and returns to 0. This mode requires bitmaps for Off and Down. If Hover is active, an additional bitmap Hover is required.
  • OnOff: Sets a value of 1 when pressed, 0 when pressed again. This mode requires bitmaps for Off, Off Down, On and On Down. If Hover is active, the additional bitmaps Off Hover and On Hover are required.
  • Multiple: In this mode, the switch can step through multiple states each time that it is clicked. For each state, the bitmaps must refer to bitmap resources or sections that contain a vertically aligned subframe per state, comparable to an animation sequence, such as the one that is used in knob controls, for example.
  • Increment: This mode allows you to increment the connected parameter value each time that the switch is clicked.
  • Decrement: This mode allows you to decrement the connected parameter value each time that the switch is clicked.
  • Exclusive: This mode allows you to use multiple switches as a radio group where only one switch is active at a time. An additional property allows you to define the value that is sent when the switch is on. To configure a radio group, connect all participating switches to the same parameter and define the Onvalue for each switch.
  • Hover: This mode allows you to switch directly from 0 to max (depending on the connected parameter) when hovering the switch without needing to click it.
  • Hover Exclusive: This mode allows you to use multiple hover switches as a radio group where only one switch is active at a time. An additional property allows you to define the value that is sent when the switch is on. To configure a radio group, connect all participating switches to the same parameter and define the Onvalue for each switch. (Since HALion 6.3)
  • Immediate: By default, switches change their state when the mouse button is released. Activate this option if you want the state of the switch to change immediately when clicking the mouse. (Since HALion 7.0)
  • Hover: Shows a dedicated bitmap when hovering the switch. A hover bitmap resource must be assigned.
  • Shaped: The switch only reacts when you click the visible pixels, i.e., the pixels with an alpha value > 0.
  • Invert: Inverts the displayed bitmaps.
  • Scalable: Activate this if you want to be able to resize the element. The assigned Bitmap resources are resized according to the Scale Mode that is defined for the respective Bitmap resource. This also works if the switch is set to Multiple. In this case, the margin splitters are defined as for simple bitmaps, but the lower splitter must be set in the lowest subframe.
  • Popup: This mode allows you to use a switch to open a template as a popup. (Since HALion 6.3)
  • Clickthrough: Activate this option if you want the mouse click to be used by the switch but also to be forwarded to an underlying control. (Since HALion 6.4.0)
  • Off: Allows you to assign the bitmap that is used for the off state.
  • Off Down: Allows you to assign the bitmap that is used for the off state with mouse button held down.
  • Off Hover: Allows you to assign the bitmap that is used for the off state when the mouse is hovering over the switch.
  • On: Allows you to assign the bitmap that is used for the on state.
  • On Down: Allows you to assign the bitmap that is used for the on state with the mouse button pressed.
  • On Hover: Allows you to assign the bitmap that is used for the on state when the mouse is hovering over the switch.
  • State: Allows you to assign a multi-frame bitmap that is used for the different states. (Since HALion 6.1)
  • State Down: Allows you to assign a multi-frame bitmap that is used for the different states with the mouse button pressed. (Since HALion 6.1)
  • State Hover: Allows you to assign a multi-frame bitmap that is used for the different states when the mouse is hovering over the switch. (Since HALion 6.1)
OnvalueAllows you to define the value that is sent when the switch is turned on. This option is only available in Exclusive mode.

If you want to create a switch template that allows you to specify the Onvalue on the instance level of the template, you must export this property.

  • Click the Export button on the right of the Onvalue field.
Now, the switch template shows the additional Onvalue as a template parameter and you can use the switch template several times and configure each instance of the template individually.

PopupThe following settings are only available for the Popup style.
  • Template: Here, you can specify the template that is shown when the switch is clicked. (Since HALion 6.3)
  • Close on Click:
    • Inside: Activate this option if you want the Popup to close when a click inside the template is performed. This can be used to create menu popups where the popup closes when a menu entry is selected, for example.
    • Outside: Activate this option if you want the Popup to close when a click outside the template is performed (but within the area of the macro page). This can be used to close menu popups without the need to select one of the items, for example. If this option is deactivated, it can be used to create popups that remain visible until they are closed, e.g., using a close switch on the popup. (Since HALion 6.3)
  • Mode: Specifies how the popup template is opened.
    • Inherit: Uses the popup mode of the switch that opens the popup.
    • Overlay: Opens the popup as a layer over the macro page. This means that the popup is restricted to the dimensions of the macro page.
    • Window: Opens the popup as an individual window. This allows you to display popup templates that are too large to remain within the boundaries of the macro page. In this mode, Close on Click is set to Outside and cannot be deactivated. This is to prevent popup windows from moving behind the plug-in window. (Since HALion 7.0)
  • Placement: Here, you can specify where on the macro page the popup is shown. The options define the postion of the popup in relation to the switch. (Since HALion 6.3)
    • Place Left: The popup opens on the left side of the switch.
    • Place Right: The popup opens on the right side of the switch.
    • Place Left+Right: The popup opens horizontally centered.
    • Place Above: The popup opens above the switch.
    • Place Below: The popup opens below the switch.
    • Place Above+Below: The popup opens vertically centered.
  • Template Parameter: All exported properties of the assigned template are listed here. Only available if a template is assigned. (Since HALion 7.0)

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Radio buttons

A radio switch group can be realized by connecting several switches, all set to Exclusive mode, to the same parameter. For each switch, the Onvalue must be specified.

Switching pages:

  1. Create an integer variable, name it "Pages", e.g., and specify a range of 0-2.
  2. Add three exclusive switches and set their Values to the variable "Pages".
  3. Set the Onvalues of the switches to 0,1, and 2.
  4. Add a Stack with three child views and set the stack Value to the variable "Pages", too.
  5. The switches now allow you to switch between the three views.

Hover Mode Switch

The Hover mode can be used to switch between stack views when hovering over a switch control. Since the switch can also be used invisible, i.e., without any bitmap assigned, it can be layered under a knob control and control a stack view switching between the parameter label and a text view displaying the current parameter value. To see how this can be set up, load one of the knobs from the Additional Controls library.

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A Template control represents an instance of a template. The number of available template parameters depends on the contents and setup of the template, i.e., the number of controls that are used in it and the number of control parameters that are exported. If a Template has an attached UI script, additional script parameters can be exported.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.
Template ParameterIn this section, all parameters that are exported by controls and templates from inside the template are displayed. When using a template, these exported parameters can be set or connected like standard properties.

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Template List

On this page:


A Template List can be used to create child templates from a single referenced template, where each instance of the referenced template can be used to control different parameter scopes, for example. The look of the Template List rows and columns is determined by the referenced template which you can choose in the Template property. Depending on the Layout property, the templates are arranged in a row, a column, or in a grid. The templates are arranged without spacing or graphic separators. If spacing or graphic separators are desired, they must be part of the referenced template.

❕ For a better understanding of template lists, read the tutorial Creating a Template List.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree and it serves as 'viewname' argument in the Template List Callbacks.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
Layout (Since HALion 6.1)
  • Horizontal: Activate this option to arrange the child templates horizontally in a row.
  • Vertical: Activate this option to arrange the child templates vertically in a column.
  • Grid: Activate this option to arrange the child templates in a two-dimensional grid.
Alignment (Since HALion 6.1)Here you can set how the child templates are positioned in the Template List area.
  • Center: The child templates are added to the list in their original size. The row, column, or grid is then centered inside the Template List area.
  • Left: The child templates are added to the list in their original size. The row, column, or grid is then positioned to the left of the Template List area.
  • Right: The child templates are added to the list in their original size. The row, column, or grid is then positioned to the right of the Template List area.
  • Fill Height: The child templates are resized to fill the Template List area vertically. (Since HALion 7.0)
  • Fill Width: The child templates are resized to fill the Template List area horizontally. (Since HALion 7.0)
  • Fill: All cells in the list are resized equally horizontally and vertically to match the Template List area. The content of the child templates is then positioned and resized according to the Scale and Attachment settings of the contained controls.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
ValueAllows you to read the index of the focused child template. This is useful to synchronize the selection focus across several lists, for example.
  • H-Scroll: Shows a horizontal scrollbar. This setting is not available with Alignment set to Fill or Fill Height.
  • V-Scroll: Shows a vertical scrollbar. This setting is not available with Alignment set to Fill or Fill Width.
  • Order: Set this option if you want to be able to change the order of the child templates via drag and drop. This option activates only the graphic reordering and only if at least the Template List callback onTemplateListViewDrop has been implemented. If you want the change of the graphical order to affect the program, e.g., if you want to change the order of alternating layers, this functionality must be programmed in a script. For more information about the available callbacks, see Template List Callbacks.
  • Custom SB: Set this option if you want to use custom scrollbars. For custom scrollbars, you must assign corresponding bitmap resources in the Scrollbars section. The height of the horizontal scrollbar and the width of the vertical scrollbar depend on the maximum width/height in pixels of the Hor Back and Ver Back bitmaps. For example, if Hor Back is set to a height of 30 pixels and Ver Back to 36 pixels, both will use 36 pixels.
    • Note: Scrollbars can only be scaled in their original orientation, i.e., vertical scrollbars scale only vertically and horizontal scrollbars only horizontally.
Focus VarAllows you to specify a variable name, e.g., MyFocusVariable, that can be used inside the referenced template, e.g., to switch the focus of a Stack or an Animation control. You can access this variable inside the referenced template with @MyFocusVariable. It is set to 1, if the element has the focus, 0 otherwise.
Index VarAllows you to specify a variable name, e.g., MyIndexVariable, that can be used inside the referenced template to display the index of the list entry. You can access this variable inside the referenced template with @MyIndexVariable. It is set to the index of the element in the list.
ScrollbarsAllows you to assign the Bitmap resources that are required to draw the custom scrollbars.
  • Up: Up button..
  • Up Press: Up button Pressed.
  • Down: Down button.
  • Down Press: Down button Pressed.
  • Ver Back: Vertical scrollbar background.
  • Ver Handle: Vertical scrollbar handle.
  • Handle Top: Top section of the vertical handle.
  • Handle Bot: Bottom section of the vertical handle.
  • Left: Left button.
  • Left Press: Left button Pressed.
  • Right: Right button.
  • Right Press: Right button Pressed.
  • Hor Back: Vertical scrollbar background.
  • Hor Handle: Vertical scrollbar handle.
  • Handle Left: Left section of the horizontal handle.
  • Handle Right: Right section of the horizontal handle.

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Template List Callbacks

(Since HALion 7.0)

To enable the graphic reordering, the Order option must be active and either onTemplateListViewDrop or onTemplateListDrop must be implemented in a UI script.

❕ In order for the onTemplateListDrop function to be called, the Drag Info property of the template referenced in the Template List must be set.


This callback is called when the drop is done. If you need more advanced control over the drag and drop operation, you can use the callbacks described below as an alternative.

onTemplateListViewDrop(viewname, fromindex, toindex)

ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
viewnameThe name of the Template List. Evaluate this to distinguish between different lists.string
fromindexIndex of the dragged element.integer
toindexNew index of the dropped element.integer

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❕ The callback onTemplateListViewDrop is a simplified callback that replaces the callbacks onTemplateListDropFeedback, onTemplateListDrop and onTemplateListDropDone from below. The callback onTemplateListViewDrop cannot be combined with the callbacks just mentioned.


onTemplateListGetDragInfo(viewname, draginfo, index)


Callback for the source of the drag operation when the operation starts. The string in draginfo is taken from the Drag Info property of the template referenced in the Template List. The Drag Info property must be set inside the referenced template. To enable the graphic reordering of the elements, the Order option must be active and at least the onTemplateListDrop callback must be implemented in a UI script. The onTemplateListDrop callback can be omitted if no graphic reordering is required.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
viewnameThe name of the Template List that started the drag operation. Evaluate this to distinguish between different lists.string
draginfoThe string specified by the Drag Info property of the template referenced in the Template List.string
indexThe index of the dragged element.string

Return Values

The function can return a table with the following keys:

Return ValueDescriptionValue Type
copySet this to true if copying is allowed, false if not. If 'copy' is false the Alt/Cmd-key for copying cannot be used. The default for 'copy' is false.boolean
moveSet this to true if moving is allowed, false if not. If 'move' is false the elements in the list will not be reordered when dragging. The default for 'move' is true.boolean
infoThe draginfo argument of the subsequent callbacks is determined by this return value. By default, 'info' returns the string specified by the Drag Info property of the template referenced in the Template List. By modifying the 'info' return value you can control the response of the subsequent callbacks.string
filesA table with file paths for evaluation by external software when the drop operation is executed there.table with file paths as strings

❕ If both of the 'copy' and 'move' return values are set to true, the 'copy' argument in the callbacks onTemplateListDrop, onTemplateListDropFeedback, and onTemplateListDropDone will depend upon whether the Alt/Cmd-key was utilized during the drag operation. The 'copy' argument in these callbacks will be true if the Alt/Cmd-key was used and false if it was not. If one or both of the 'copy' and 'move' return values are false, the use of the Alt/Cmd-key has no effect, and the 'copy' argument in the mentioned callbacks will depend solely on the 'copy' return value.

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onTemplateListDrop(viewname, draginfo, toindex, offset, copy)


Callback for the target of the drag operation when the drop is executed. In order for the function to be called, the Drag Info property of the template referenced in the Template List must be set. Otherwise, the reordering will not work, even if the Order option of the Template List is active.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
viewnameThe name of the targeted Template List. Evaluate this to distinguish between different lists.string
draginfoThis string is specified by the 'info' return value of the onTemplateListGetDragInfo callback when the drag operation starts.string
toindexIndex of the targeted element.integer
offsetThe value -1, 0, or 1 indicates if the drop is before, on, or behind the targeted element.integer
copyIndicates if the drag is a copy operation.boolean

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onTemplateListDropFeedback(viewname, draginfo, toindex, offset, copy)


Callback for the target of the drag operation when an element is held over it. If implemented it can control the graphical feedback for the potential drop operation by returning a template to indicate the drop destination or reject dropping the element.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
viewnameThe name of the targeted Template List. Evaluate this to distinguish between different lists.string
draginfoThis string is specified by the 'info' return value of the onTemplateListGetDragInfo callback when the drag operation starts.string
toindexThe index of the targeted element.integer
offsetThe value -1, 0, or 1 indicates if the drop is before, on, or behind the targeted element.integer
copyIndicates if drag is a copy operation.boolean

Return Values

The function can return a table with the following keys:

Return ValueDescriptionValue Type
acceptSet this to true to allow or false to reject the drop operation. The default is false.boolean
templateName of a template that will be displayed as 'indicator' for the drop operation. The default is "".string
indexIndex of the targeted element, where the 'indicator' should be displayed.string
insertSet this to true if the 'indicator' should be placed before instead of on the element. The default is false.boolean
resizeSet this to true if the 'indicator' should be resized to the size of the targeted element. The default is false.boolean

❕ When using onTemplateListDropFeedback: Since the default of accept is false, you must at least return accept=true.

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onTemplateListDropDone(viewname, draginfo, index, copy)

This callback is called when the drop operation is complete. Since the arguments of the callback refer to the source of the drag operation, it can be used to make modifications to the corresponding source Template List using additional functions.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
viewnameThe name of the Template List that started the drag operation.string
draginfoThis string is specified by the 'info' return value of the onTemplateListGetDragInfo callback when the drag operation starts.string
indexIndex of the dragged element.integer
copyIndicates if the drag was a copy operation.string

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❕ If you want the change of the order of graphical elements to affect the program structure, e.g. the order of alternating layers or the order of effects within a bus, this must be implemented separately with dedicated functions.


The subsequent example is presented as illustrative guide to kickstart your own solution-building process.

Template List Example

To explore the example:

  1. Load Template List.vstpreset.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, activate Show/Hide Script Output Messages.
  3. Click Test Macro page Edit Element, then drag and drop elements from the left to the right template list and vice versa.
  4. Use the Alt/Cmd-key to copy elements.
  5. Read the output messages of the script.

Reading the output messages of the script should help to understand how the callbacks work and how to use them.

-- Create row names through a parameter.
rowNames = {}
for i = 1, 5 do 
 rowNames[i] = "Row "..tostring(i) 
defineParameter{name="RowNames", strings=rowNames,}

currentViewname = ""

-- The following example accepts dropping of elements only from other template lists.

function onTemplateListGetDragInfo(viewname, draginfo, index)
	print("onTemplateListGetDragInfo:", "viewname = "..viewname, "draginfo = "..draginfo, "index = "..index)
	currentViewname = viewname
	return{info = index, copy=true, move=true}

function onTemplateListDropFeedback(viewname, draginfo, toindex, offset, copy)
	print("onTemplateListDropFeedback:", "viewname = "..viewname, "draginfo = "..draginfo, "toindex = "..toindex, "offset = "..offset, "copy = "..tostring(copy))
	local acceptDrop = false
	if viewname ~= currentViewname then
	acceptDrop = true
	return{accept=acceptDrop, insert=false, template="DropFrame", resize=true,}

function onTemplateListDrop(viewname, draginfo, toindex, offset, copy)
	print("onTemplateListDrop:", "viewname = "..viewname, "draginfo = "..draginfo, "toindex = "..toindex, "offset = "..offset, "copy = "..tostring(copy))
	if viewname ~= currentViewname then
		local fromindex = tonumber(draginfo)
		if copy then
			rowNames[toindex] = rowNames[fromindex]
			local rowName = table.remove(rowNames, fromindex)
			table.insert(rowNames, toindex, rowName)
		defineParameter{name="RowNames", strings=rowNames,}

function onTemplateListDropDone(viewname, draginfo, index, copy)
	print("onTemplateListDropDone:", "viewname = "..viewname, "draginfo = "..draginfo, "index = "..index, "copy = "..tostring(copy))

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The Text control can be used to edit either strings or values, depending on the type of parameter that it is connected to. If a parameter is defined as a value, you can increase and decrease the value by clicking on the text control and dragging up and down. For string parameters, you can enter the string. The Fit String and Fit Path options automatically shorten a string if it is getting too long to be displayed completely. For value parameters, you can add a unit that is displayed behind the value. If you want increment and decrement buttons, you can use the "ValueBox Black Flat" template from the Basic Controls library (in the "Flat" folder found in the "Text and Value" folder). This template contains a text control with up and down buttons.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
  • Fit Strings: Activate this option if you want a string to be shortened automatically if it cannot be fully displayed in the edit field. This method first removes spaces, then vowels.
  • Fit Path: Activate this option if you want a path string to be shortened automatically if it cannot be fully displayed in the edit field. This method keeps the first and last characters of the string and puts "..." in between to indicate that letters were omitted.
  • Wordwrap: Activate this option if you want to write text in more than one line. The text continues on the next line as soon as it does not fit into the current line.
  • Read-Only: Activate this option if you want to use the text as a display-only parameter which cannot be edited. (Since HALion 6.1)
  • Val Meter: Activate this option if you want to display a value meter popup display when dragging the text control. (Since HALion 7.0)
  • Single Click: Activate this option if you want to enter edit mode with a single click. (Since HALion 7.0)
  • Immediate: Activate this option if you want to update values immediately while typing. (Since HALion 7.0)
FontAllows you to select which Font resource to be used to display the text.
UnitsA unit, such as milliseconds (ms) or decibel (dB), can be displayed with the value. Any string can be used. The value must be displayed in the correct value format to match the selected unit.
AlignmentDefines how the text is aligned. You can choose from the following settings:
  • Align Left: Aligns the text to the left side.
  • Align Center (Horizontal): Aligns the text to the horizontal center.
  • Align Right: Aligns the text to the right side.
  • Align Top: Aligns the text to the top.
  • Align Center (Vertical): Aligns the text to the vertical center.
  • Align Bottom: Aligns the text to the bottom.
Val MeterThe following properties are only accessible if the Val Meter style has been activated.
  • Template: Here you can select a template that is shown as value meter when dragging the text control. The template must contain an indicating control like a slider or an animation with an exported Value property. This value appears under Template Parameters and can then be connected to the same parameter as the text control. With no template specified, the HALion value meter popup display is used. (Since HALion 7.0)
  • Placement: Here you can define the relative position in relation to the text control where the Val Meter should be shown.
  • Template Parameter: All exported properties of the selected template will be listed here. However, only the Value property needs to be exported for the value meter functionality. Since the Template Parameters can also be exported, the Value property of the Val Meter template and the Value property of the text control can be combined to be used as a single common template parameter, e.g., on a text control template. (Since HALion 7.0)

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On this page:


The Waveform control allows you to display the sample data of a connected sample file. For simple sample playback, a locator will be shown for the last played note. If you are using the Grain zone instead, the grain locators will be displayed. To display the part of the sample file that is effectively used and not the entire file, you can connect Sample Start/End and Trim Start/End. Furthermore, you can connect the Loop Start/End parameters to display the looped regions with a color overlay. Start Range and Release Start can also be connected to the sample oscillator to display the corresponding markers. In addition, the Waveform control can also display a spectrogram that can be drawn with an adjustable color scheme and opacity. (Since HALion 7.0)

❕ The waveform display does not take into account which loop (A or B) is used or whether the loop is active or not. It will always display markers and regions, as soon as valid connections are made. If you want a waveform display that also reflects the loop states, you can use the Sample Display template instead, because it contains a UI script that manages these states.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
NormalizeActivate this to normalize the sample level. This can be useful to better visualize samples with low level.
Loop MarkerActivate this option to show loop markers as flags instead of overlay rectangles. (Since HALion 7.0)
EditableActivate this option to make markers editable. The responsive editing area for markers depends on whether the Grain Pos parameter is connected. I Grain Pos is enabled, you can drag only the bottom of the marker (20 pixels). This is to avoid conflicts with the Grain Position marker which uses the rest of the display. Otherwise, markers can be dragged along their entire length. (Since HALion 7.0)

Osc Parameters

FilenameAllows you to connect the Filename parameter of the sample oscillator.
Play PosAllows you to connect the PlayPos parameter of the sample oscillator. This will display a locator for the sample playback. If you are using a Grain or Spectral zone, you must connect this to the PlayData parameter of the grain or spectral oscillator (Since HALion 7.0) instead. This will display a locator for each playing grain or each spectral multi-voice.
Grain PosAllows you to connect the Position parameter of the grain or spectral oscillator (Since HALion 7.0). This will display a locator for each playing grain or each spectral multi-voice. The locators only work if PlayPos is connected, too.
Sample StartAllows you to connect the Sample End parameter of the sample oscillator. This is required to display the correct sample region, otherwise the whole sample file is shown.
Sample EndAllows you to connect the Sample End parameter of the sample oscillator. This is required to display the correct sample region, otherwise the whole sample file is shown.
Trim StartAllows you to connect the Trim Start parameter of the sample oscillator. This is required to display the correct sample region if the sample was trimmed in the Sample Editor.
Trim EndAllows you to connect the Trim End parameter of the sample oscillator. This is required to display the correct sample region if the sample was trimmed in the Sample Editor.
SLoop StartAllows you to connect the SustainLoopStart (A or B) parameter of the sample oscillator. This is required if you want to display the sustain loop region.
SLoop EndAllows you to connect the SustainLoopEnd (A or B) parameter of the sample oscillator. This is required if you want to display the sustain loop region.
RLoop StartAllows you to connect the ReleaseLoopStart (A or B) parameter of the sample oscillator. This is required if you want to display the release loop region.
RLoop EndAllows you to connect the ReleaseLoopEnd (A or B) parameter of the sample oscillator. This is required if you want to display the release loop region.
Start RangeAllows you to connect the SampleStartRange parameter of the sample oscillator to show the sample start range marker.
Rel StartAllows you to connect the ReleaseStart parameter of the sample oscillator to show the release start marker.
Fade In LAllows you to connect the FadeInLength parameter of the sample oscillator. This is required if you want to display the influence of a fade in. (Since HALion 7.0)
Fade In CAllows you to connect the FadeInCurve parameter of the sample oscillator. This is required if you want to display the influence of a fade in. (Since HALion 7.0)
Fade Out LAllows you to connect the FadeOutLength parameter of the sample oscillator. This is required if you want to display the influence of a fade out. (Since HALion 7.0)
Fade Out CAllows you to connect the FadeOutCurve parameter of the sample oscillator. This is required if you want to display the influence of a fade out. (Since HALion 7.0)
Play ModeAllows you to connect the PlaybackMode parameter of the sample oscillator. This is required if you want to display the influence of the playback mode. Otherwise, the sample will never be shown reversed. (Since HALion 7.0)
Level EnvAllows you to connect the LevelEnvelope parameter of the sample oscillator. This is required if you want to display the influence of a level envelope. (Since HALion 7.0)


WaveformThe color of the waveform.
PlayPosThe color of the playback locators.
SusLoopThe color of the sustain loop region.
RelLoopThe color of the release loop region.
StartRangeThe color of the start range marker.
RelStartThe color of the release start marker. (Since HALion 7.0)


(Since HALion 7.0)

SchemeSelects the color scheme to be used in the display.
FFT SizeConnect a control using an integer variable or a script parameter to select the FFT size of the window that is used for the analysis of the signal. This allows you to adjust the trade-off between temporal resolution and frequency resolution. Larger FFT sizes analyze more frequencies but with less accuracy in the time domain. See FFT Sizes for details.
OverlapConnect a control using an integer variable or a script parameter to select the number of overlapping FFT windows. Increasing the overlap can reduce artifacts, e.g., loosing details such as transients. See Overlap Factors for details.
Min LevelConnect a control using a float variable or a script parameter to set the minimum value of the scale (-240 to +20 dB).
Max LevelConnect a control using a float variable or a script parameter to set the maximum value of the scale (-220 to +20 dB).
OpacityConnect a control using a float variable or a script parameter to blend between sample and FFT display (-100 to +100) .

❕ For the FFT display settings to be saved and restored with Programs, they must be connected using script parameters.

FFT Sizes

ValueFFT Size in Samples
-1Selects the FFT size automatically depending on the length of the sample.

Overlap Factors

ValueOverlap Factor
0No overlap.
12 x
24 x
38 x
416 x
532 x
664 x
7128 x

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The Wavetable control allows you to display the resulting wave of the wavetable oscillator in real-time. You can connect it directly to the oscillator and configure the line width and colors.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
Play DataAllows you to connect the Play Data parameter of the wavetable oscillator.
Line WidthAdjusts the width of the waveform line from 1 to 3 pixels.


Line 1-8The color of the wavetable display. The first color defines the main wave, 2 to 7 can be used to specify different colors for the additional waves of the unison voices.

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Wavetable 3D

On this page:


The Wavetable 3D control can be connected directly to the oscillator and display a three-dimensional representation of the wavetable in real time. You can configure the appearance of the representation – that is, the shininess of its surface, its brightness, the scaling factors, view angles, lines and colors, etc. – using the available parameters of the control.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
Play DataAllows you to connect the Play Data parameter of the wavetable oscillator.
ScaleXSpecifies the scaling factor of the width of the 3D representation.
ScaleYSpecifies the scaling factor of the height of the 3D representation.
ScaleZSpecifies the scaling factor of the depth of the 3D representation.
Observe ARotates the 3D representation horizontally. This property can be cotrolled by dragging the display with the mouse and/or with a connected control.
Observe HRotates the 3D representation vertically. This property can be cotrolled by dragging the display with the mouse and/or with a connected control.
AmbientSpecifies the amount of ambient light.
DiffuseSpecifies the general brighteness of the material.
SpecularSpecifies the intensity of specular highlights of the material.
ShininessSpecifies the size of specular highlight areas of the material.
LinesCan be activated to draw a line for each wave of the wavetable.
Line WidthAdjusts the width of the lines from 1 to 3 pixels.
LoopCan be activated to draw a line for the loop start and end markers.

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FocusThe color of the wave line that has the focus in the wavetable editor.
BackThe color of the display background.
LineThe color of the wave lines.
PlayThe color of the wave line at the current playback position.
MinThe color for the lowest amplitude value of the waveform.
MaxThe color for the highest amplitude value of the waveform.
LoopThe color of the loop lines.

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/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Controls /



The XY control allows you to control two parameters with one two-dimensional control. You can connect a parameter to the X Value, which is then controlled by horizontal movements of the handle and a parameter to the Y Value which is controlled by the vertical movements of the handle. A bitmap can be assigned to the Handle property. The XY control is transparent, which means that only the handle is drawn on the macro page. If you need a background to indicate the area that is used by the control, you can either put an image behind it or create a template and add a background image to it.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
X ValueDrag and drop a parameter from the Parameter List to this text field to establish a connection. The assigned parameter will be displayed. Alternatively, you can export the property, which can then be used as a template parameter on a template instance.
Y ValueDrag and drop a parameter from the Parameter List to this text field to establish a connection. The assigned parameter will be displayed. Alternatively, you can export the property, which can then be used as a template parameter on a template instance.
Click ValueAllows you to transmit the information that the XY control has been clicked. The value changes from 0 to 1. The main purpose is to connect it to a UI script that needs to react to mouse clicks. It is not intended to be connected to HALion engine parameters.
Hover (Since HALion 7.0)Enable this option to send the X/Y values when moving the mouse cursor above the X/Y control. This mode should be used with X/Y values that are connected to a UI script. Otherwise, when connected to engine parameters, this will result in a large amount of undo entries. For example, the X/Y control could be used to control a SVG animation that changes two properties over X and Y. The X/Y values that are sent to engine parameters could only be evaluated when the mouse is clicked.
HandleAllows you to assign a Bitmap that is used as a handle.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page


A template is a group of control elements that is created to be used multiple times on a macro page, each time with different property values. The Basic Controls library comes with a large number of templates. Most of the templates are generic, such as knobs, sliders, and switches, and do not need any further documentation. However, there are also more complex templates, prepared for specific tasks, like controlling a MIDI Player module or a Step Modulator. For such templates, you will find further information in this documentation.

All templates described in this section can be found in the Basic Controls library. Additional templates for knobs, sliders, switches etc. can be found in the Additional Controls and the Vector Controls library. See Exploring Templates for information on how to access templates.

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About Box

On this page:

About Box


You can use the Aboutbox template to display information about the library manufacturer and the developers, for example. Its default size matches the standard size of a HALion Sonic macro page and it contains several control elements, such as a background bitmap, several example labels, two switches, and a menu. You can adapt these elements to your own needs.

To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. In the Macro Page Designer, examine the "Aboutbox" template in the Templates Tree and the "Popup Views" variable in the GUI Tree.

To open an about box, a Popup List variable is required, see the "Popup Views" variable in the GUI Tree. The first entry of the Popup List variable must refer to the template name of the about box, in this example: Aboutbox. The page switch "Sw_About Box" in the GUI Tree is used to open the about box. The Value of "Sw_About Box" must be set to @Popup Views and the Onvalue must be set to 1. The "Close switch" inside the Aboutbox template is used to close the about box. Its Value must also be set to @Popup Views and its Onvalue must be set to 0. A click on the opened about box will close it.

In addition, the Aboutbox template contains a switch "Steinberg Website" and a menu "Weblinks" that are used to open webpages. These two controls require a UI script that is attached to the Aboutbox template. The Value of "Steinberg Website" is set to @WebLink and the Value of "Weblinks" is set to @WebHome. These values refer to the parameters that are defined in the UI script and they will open the corresponding webpages, also defined in the UI script. You can edit the UI script to change the URLs.

UI Script

-- define web links

links = {
function onWebLinkChanged()  
  openURL (links[WebLink])

defineParameter{name="WebLink", default=1, strings=links, onChanged=onWebLinkChanged,writeAlways=true}

-- define single home web link

function onWebHomeChanged()  
  openURL ("http://www.steinberg.net/de/home.html")

defineParameter("WebHome", nil, true, onWebHomeChanged)

Template Properties

NameThe name of the template. The first entry of the Popup List variable must refer to this name.

Components inside the Template

About Box template

Controls and Subtemplates

WeblinksA Menu control to display a list of web links. The menu is connected to the UI script using @WebLink as Value. The UI script is attached to the Aboutbox template. Edit the script to change the suggested links.
Steinberg WebsiteA Switch control connected to the UI script using @Webhome as Value. The UI script is attached to the Aboutbox template. Edit the script to change the suggested link.
Close switchA Switch control set to exclusive mode. The Value must be set to the same Popup List variable @Popup Views that is used to open the about box. The Onvalue must be set to 0.
Person ..., Role ...Several Label controls that can be used to mention developers. Alternatively, the labels could also be part of the background bitmap.
BackgroundAn Image control for the background bitmap.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Templates /

Animation Script

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Animation Script


The Animation Script template can be added to a macro page to run timer-controlled animations. These can be turned on and off by any parameter and the integrated script can be customized to set animation properties, such as the number of frames and the duration of a frame. There are two templates included in the Basic Controls library, the Animation Script template providing only the UI script and the Animation Script Example template, which includes additional components such as a play button, variables, and an example animation to show how the UI script can be connected.


To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and navigate to "Pages > Animation Page".
  3. Select "Animation Script Example" and click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.

Template Properties

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.

Components inside the Template

Animation Script Example Template

UI Variables

These variables are needed to allow the communication between the Animation control, the Animation Script Template and the PLay button.

FramesA float variable to connect the Out parameter of the Animation Script Template with the Value of the Animation control.float0 - 1.0
OnAn integer variable to connect the On parameter of the Animation Script Template with the Play button.integer0 - 1

Controls and Subtemplates

AnimationA SVG of a rotating star as an example animation. It is connected to the Animation Script Template by @Frames.
Animation Script TemplateThe template view that contains the UI script for controlling the animation. The template provides the following parameters:
  • On: Starts and stops the animation. Connected to the Play button by @On.
  • Out: The output of the script for controlling the animation. It is connected to the Animation control by @Frames.
  • Frames: The number of frames to be displayed (1 to 1000). The number is best set to the actual number of frames in the referenced animation. You can use a different number, e.g., use 50 for an animation with 100 frames, if you want to display only every second frame of the animation.
  • Frame Duration: Here you can specify the duration for each frame to be displayed. The duration is set in milliseconds (20 to 10.000).
PlayA Switch control to start and stop the animation. It is connected to the Animation Script Template by @On.

UI Script

function animate()
 while on do
  if out + inc <= 1  then
    out = out + inc
	out = 0
 out = 0

inc = 0.1
defineParameter{name = "on", default = false, onChanged = animate}
defineParameter{name = "out", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1}
defineParameter{name = "frames", default = 10, min = 1, max = 1000, type = "integer", onChanged = function() inc = 1 / frames end}
defineParameter{name = "frameDuration", default = 50, min = 20, max = 10000, type = "integer"}

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Templates /

Curve Editor

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Curve Editor


The Curve Editor template allows you to display and edit curves, such as the custom curve of the Velocity Curve MIDI module or the modulation matrix, for example. The template contains controls to adjust the values of the selected node and the minimum and maximum of the curve. These controls must be part of the template and they must use the UI variables as defined in the template to connect with the Curve Editor Control.

❕ The Curve Editor Control cannot be created manually in the GUI Tree. Please load the template from the Basic Controls library to use it. You can adapt the look and feel of the template to the requirements of your macro page with the Properties and Colors as described below. If certain controls are not required or wanted, they can be removed.

To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and navigate to "Pages > Curve Editor Page".
  3. Select "Curve Editor" and click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.

Template Properties

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.

Template Parameters

Curve DataConnect this to the FuncData parameter of the Velocity Curve MIDI module, for example.
MinCompresses the curve vertically from the bottom. Connect this to the Minimum parameter of a Velocity Curve MIDI module, for example.
MaxCompresses the curve vertically from the top. Connect this to the Maximum parameter of a Velocity Curve MIDI module, for example.
Play PosAllows you to connect a parameter that sends the current value on the curve, e.g., input to output velocity.

Components inside the Template

Curve Editor Template

UI Variables

The following variables are needed to allow the communication between the curve editor and other controls in the template.

curveThe curvature of the selected node.float-10 - 10
valYThe y-value of the selected node.float0 - 1
valXThe x-value of the selected node.float0 - 1
indexThe index of the selected node.integer0 - 100

Controls and Subtemplates

curveeditorThe Curve Editor control. The properties FuncData, Minimum, and Maximum are exported and thus are available as template parameters. The exported Minimum and Maximum properties and the exported Value property of Slider Min and Slider Max (see below) share the same name for the template parameters and therefore appear only as one template parameter, Min and Max respectively, on the instance level of the template. For more details about the configuration of the control, see Curve Editor Control.
Slider MaxA slider template. The Value property of this slider template is exported and thus available as template parameter. It shares the name Maxwith the exported Maximum property of the Curve Editor control. Therefore, both exported properties appear only as one template parameter.
Slider MinA slider template. The Value property of this slider template is exported and thus available as template parameter. It shares the name Minwith the exported Minimum property of the Curve Editor control. Therefore, both exported properties appear only as one template parameter.
EditA group of valuebox templates for displaying and editing the values of the selected node. The controls are connected to the Curve Editor control by the UI variables defined above. The respective UI variable must be set as Value to establish the connection.
  • ValX: A valuebox template to control the x-value of the selected node. Its Value is set to @valX.
  • ValY: A valuebox template to control the y-value of the selected node. Its Value is set to @valY.
  • Curve: A valuebox template to control the curvature of the selected node. Its Value is set to @curve.
  • Index: A valuebox template to select the index of the node to be edited. Its Value is set to @index.
imageA Bitmap resource for an embedded frame around the curve editor.

Curve Editor Control

The look and feel of the Curve Editor control can be configured with the following properties and colors.


NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
  • Bipolar: Activate this for bipolar curves like pitch or pan.
  • Cross: Shows cross lines when editing a node.
  • Grid: Shows a grid behind the curve.
  • Play Pos: Shows the position of the current value on the curve.
  • Nodes: Shows the nodes.
  • Add/Rem: Allows you to add and remove nodes, otherwise a fixed number of nodes is used.
  • Sel Node: Allows to select a node.
  • No Margins: Activate this if you want to draw the curve using the full rectangle. ScaleX and ScaleY are clipped if No Margins is enabled. Therefore, you should deactivate them.
  • Scale X: Shows a scale for the x-axis.
  • Scale Y: Shows a scale for the y-axis.
FuncDataExport this property to the instance level of the template and connect the corresponding template parameter to the FuncData parameter of the Velocity Curve MIDI module, for example.
  • MinX: Defines the minimum value of the horizontal grid.
  • MaxX: Defines the maximum value of the horizontal grid.
  • MinY: Defines the minimum value of the vertical grid.
  • MaxY: Defines the maximum value of the vertical grid.
Selected Node
  • Index: The index of the selected node. Connected to the valuebox template Index by the UI variable @index.
  • X: The x-value of the selected node. Connected to the valuebox template ValX by the UI variable @valX.
  • Y: The y-value of the selected node. Connected to the valuebox template ValY by the UI variable @valY.
  • Curve: The curvature of the selected node. Connected to the valuebox template Curve by the UI variable @curve.
MinimumCompresses the curve vertically from the bottom. Export this property to the instance level of the template and connect the corresponding template parameter to the Minimum parameter of the Velocity Curve MIDI module, for example.
MaximumCompresses the curve vertically from the top. Export this property to the instance level of the template and connect the corresponding template parameter to the Maximum parameter of the Velocity Curve MIDI module, for example.
Play PosAllows you to connect a parameter that sends the current value on the curve, e.g., input to output velocity. The Play Pos style must be activated to get access to this.


❕ Some colors are only available if the corresponding Style options are active.

LineLine color between the nodes.
FillFill color of the nodes.
FillSelectedFill color of the selected node.
FrameFocusFrame color of the focussed node.
FrameFrame color of the nodes.
HoverHover frame color of the nodes.
CrosshairNode edit crosshair color.
Play PosColor of the position indicator of the current value on the curve.
BorderOverall border color.
Grid VVertical grid color.
Grid V2Vertical fine grid color.
Grid V3Additional vertical fine grid color.
Grid HHorizontal grid color.
Grid H2Horizontal fine grid color.
ScaleScale font color.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Templates /


On this page:



The Envelope template allows you to edit HALion's multi-stage envelopes. The template contains controls for scrolling and zooming the envelope and for setting the envelope mode or the values of the selected node, for example. The controls must be part of the template and they must use the UI variables as defined in the template to connect with the Envelope View Control.

❕ The Envelope View Control cannot be created manually in the GUI Tree. Please load the template from the Basic Controls library to use it. You can adapt the look and feel of the template to the requirements of your macro page with the Properties and Colors as described below. If certain controls are not required or wanted, they can be removed.

To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and navigate to "Pages > Envelope Page".
  3. Select "Envelope" and click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.

Template Properties

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.

Template Parameters

TripletConnect this to the Triplet parameter of the envelope.
ModeConnect this to the Mode parameter of the envelope.
Play PosConnect this to the PlaybackPos parameter of the envelope.
Loop StartConnect this to the LoopStart parameter of the envelope.
Loop EndConnect this to the LoopEnd parameter of the envelope.
Env PointsConnect this to the Envelope Points parameter of the envelope.
SyncConnect this to the Sync parameter of the envelope.
SustainConnect this to the SustainIndex parameter of the envelope.

Components inside the Template

Envelope Template

UI Variables

These variables are needed to allow the communication between the Envelope View and other controls in the template.

beatTime in beats.rationaln.a.
curveCurvature of the selected node segment.float-10 - 10
levelLevel of the selected node.float0 - 100
timeTime of the selected note.float0 - 30000
indexIndex of the selected node.integer0 - 128
fixedFixed mode of the envelope.integer0, 1
syncnoteSpecifies the note grid.stringlist1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128, 1/256

Controls and Subtemplates

EditThis Group contains controls that allow you to draw shapes, adjust the selected node and further options of the envelope.
  • Time: A Stack with two templates to either set the time of a node in ms or fractions of a beat. The Value of the Stack is exported as Sync and should be connected to the Sync parameter of the corresponding envelope in the zone.
    • Time ms/Time Beat: The Value of the "Time ms" and the "Time Beat" templates must be set to the UI variables @time and @beat respectively. This way, they are connected to the corresponding properties of the Envelope View, which use the same UI variables.
  • Mode: A menu template. Its Value is exported as Mode and should be connected to the Mode parameter of the corresponding envelope in the zone.
  • Sync: A switch template. Its Value is exported as Sync and should be connected to the Sync parameter of the corresponding envelope in the zone.
  • Fixed: A switch template. Its Value is connected to the corresponding property of the Envelope View by the UI variable @fixed.
  • Curve: A valuebox template to adjust the curvature of the selected node. Its Value is connected to the corresponding property of the Envelope View by the UI variable @curve.
  • Level: A valuebox template to adjust the level of the selected node. Its Value is connected to the corresponding property of the Envelope View by the UI variable @level.
  • Index: A valuebox template to select the index of the node to be edited. Its Value is connected to the corresponding property of the Envelope View by the UI variable @index.
  • SyncNote: A Disable view with two templates: Sync Note and Triplet. The Value of the Disable view is exported as Sync and should be connected to the Sync parameter of the corresponding envelope in the zone. If Sync is active, the Disable view becomes active too and the contained templates can be used to set the Sync Note and Triplet parameters of the envelope.
    • Sync Note: A menu template. Its Value must be set to @syncnote, a stringlist UI variable that defines the allowed note values. It is also connected to the corresponding property of the Envelope View, which uses the same UI variable.
    • Triplet: A switch template. Its Value is exported as Triplet and should be connected to the Triplet parameter of the corresponding envelope in the zone.
EnvViewThis Group contains a group with controls for scrolling and zooming the envelope and the Envelope View.
  • Scroll & Zoom: This Group contains controls that allow you to scroll and zoom the envelope.
    • Scrollbar: A Range Slider to reach areas of the envelope that are not visible through the zoom. The Low Value of the Range Slider must be set to @ScrollMin and the High Value must be set to @ScrollMax.
    • Background: A background bitmap for the scrollbar.
    • Zoom Out: A switch template that allows you to zoom out the envelope. Its Value must be set to @ZoomOut.
    • Zoom In: A switch template that allows you to zoom in the envelope. Its Value must be set to @ZoomIn.
    • Zoom Alternate: A switch template that toggles between the last zoom state or completely zoomed out. Its Value must be set to @StateA.
    • Zoom1: A switch template to activate zoom state 1. Its Value must be set to @State1.
    • Zoom2: A switch template to activate zoom state 2. Its Value must be set to @State2.
    • Zoom3: A switch template to activate zoom state 3. Its Value must be set to @State3.
  • Envelope View: The graphical envelope editor. The properties EnvValue, Mode, Sync, Triplet, Loop Start, Loop End, Sustain and Play Pos are exported and thus are available as template parameters. They should be connected to the parameters of the corresponding envelope in the zone. The Value of the properties SyncNote, Fixed, Index, Level, Time, Beat and Curve is set to the corresponding UI variable. This way, each property is connected to one of the control templates mentioned above. See Envelope View Control for further details.
Env BackgroundThe background bitmap for the envelope.

Envelope View Control


In addition to standard properties like size, position, etc., the Envelope View provides further properties and colors to customize its appearance and behavior.

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
  • Bipolar: Activate this for bipolar envelopes like pitch or pan.
  • Scrollbar: If this is active, the view can be scrolled and zoomed.
  • Cross: Shows crosslines when editing nodes.
  • Grid: Shows a time grid.
  • Play Pos: Shows the current playback position on the curve.
  • Nodes: Shows nodes.
  • Add/Rem: Allows adding and removing of nodes. Deactivate this option to provide an ADSR envelope with a fixed number of nodes, for example.
  • Sel Node: Allows you to select a node.
  • Sustain: Shows a sustain line. For this, an envelope Mode with sustain must be active.
  • Loop: Shows an overlay for the loop region. For this, the envelope Mode must be set to Loop.
  • Free End: Allows you to move the last node of a unipolar envelope away from the zero line.
Env ValueExported as Env Points. See Template Parameters above.
ModeExported as Mode See Template Parameters above.
SyncExported as Sync See Template Parameters above.
TripletExported as Triplet See Template Parameters above.
SyncNoteConnected to the corresponding control template by the UI variable @syncnote.
FixedConnected to the corresponding control template by the UI variable @fixed.
ToolNot used in this template. See Envelope Shaper template for details of this property.
ShapeSaveNot used in this template. See Envelope Shaper template for details of this property.
ShapeSelectNot used in this template. See Envelope Shaper template for details of this property.
ShapeNot used in this template. See Envelope Shaper template for details of this property.
IndexConnected to the corresponding control template by the UI variable @index.
LevelConnected to the corresponding control template by the UI variable @level.
TimeConnected to the corresponding control template by the UI variable @time.
BeatConnected to the corresponding control template by the UI variable @beat.
CurveConnected to the corresponding control template by the UI variable @curve.
Loop StartExported as Loop Start. See Template Parameters above.
Loop EndExported as Loop End. See Template Parameters above.
SustainExported as Sustain. See Template Parameters above.
Play PosExported as Play Pos. See Template Parameters above.
Min XDefines the minimum value of the horizontal zoom.
Max XDefines the maximum value of the horizontal zoom.
Min YDefines the minimum value of the vertical zoom.
Max YDefines the maximum value of the vertical zoom.


❕ Some colors are available only if the corresponding Style options are enabled.

LineLine color between the nodes.
FillFill color of the nodes.
FillSelectedFill color of the selected nodes.
FrameFocusFrame color of the focussed node.
FrameFrame color of the nodes.
HoverHover frame color of the nodes.
SustainColor of the Sustain node and line.
SyncedDot color of nodes that are aligned to the sync grid.
CrosshairNode edit crosshair color.
Play PosColor of the playback position indicator.
BorderOverall border color.
Grid VVertical grid color.
Grid V2Vertical fine grid color.
Grid V3Vertical fine grid color.
Grid HHorizontal grid color.
Grid H2Horizontal fine grid color.
FontTimeline font color.
SelectorSelection area fill color.
SelFrameSelection area frame color.
ZoomZoom area fill color.
ZoomFrameZoom area frame color.
LoopLoop area fill color.
LoopFrameLoop area frame color.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Templates /

Envelope Shaper

On this page:

Envelope Shaper


The Envelope Shaper template allows you to edit HALion's multi-stage envelopes. The template contains controls for scrolling and zooming the envelope and for setting the envelope mode or the values of the selected node, for example. In addition, it offers tools for drawing shapes. The controls must be part of the template and they must use the UI variables as defined in the template to connect with the Envelope View Control.

❕ The Envelope View Control cannot be created manually in the GUI Tree. Please load the template from the Basic Controls library to use it. You can adapt the look and feel of the template to the requirements of your macro page with the Properties and Colors as described below. If certain controls are not required or wanted, they can be removed.

To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and navigate to "Pages > Envelope Shaper Page".
  3. Select "Envelope ShaperMode" and click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.

Template Properties

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.

Template Parameters

ModeConnect this to the Mode parameter of the envelope.
Play PosConnect this to the PlaybackPos parameter of the envelope.
Loop StartConnect this to the LoopStart parameter of the envelope.
Loop EndConnect this to the LoopEnd parameter of the envelope.
Env PointsConnect this to the Envelope Points parameter of the envelope.
SyncConnect this to the Sync parameter of the envelope.
SustainConnect this to the SustainIndex parameter of the envelope.

Components inside the Template

Envelope Shaper Template

UI Variables

These variables are needed to allow the communication between the Envelope View and other controls in the template.

beatTime in beats.rationaln.a.
curveCurvature of the selected node segment.float-10 - 10
levelLevel of the selected node.float0 - 100
timeTime of the selected note.float0 - 30000
indexIndex of the selected node.integer0 - 128
toolThe tool for drawing shapes.integer0 - 3
shapesaveUsed for saving shapes.integer0 - 1
shapeselectUsed for selecting shapes.integer0 - 1
fixedFixed mode of the envelope.integer0, 1
GridSpecifies the note grid.stringlist1/64, 1/32, 1/16T, 1/16, 1/8T, 1/16D, 1/8, 1/4T, 1/8D, 1/4, 1/2T, 1/4D, 1/2, 1/1T, 1/2D, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 7/4, 8/4, 16/4, 32/4, 64/4

Controls and Subtemplates

EditThis Group contains controls that allow you to adjust the selected node and further options of the envelope.
  • Mode: A menu template. Its Value is exported by @../{Mode}. It should be connected to the Mode parameter of the corresponding envelope in the zone.
  • Toolbar: This Group contains switches for selecting the Edit, Erase, Draw, or Paint tool of the envelope.
    • Edit_1/Erase/Draw/Paint: All switches must use the exclusive mode and be connected to @tool.
    • ToolBarBack: A Decor used as background.
  • Shape: A Group of controls that allow to select and save the shapes for the Draw and Paint tools.
    • SaveShape: A Disable group for the save button. Its Value must be set to @tool, so that saving is only possibe if the Edit tool is active.
      • SaveShape_1: A Switch for saving a shape. Its Value must be set to @shapesave.
    • SelectShape: A Switch for opening the shape selector. Its Value must be set to @shapeselect.
    • Shape Preview: A Curve Editor for displaying the selected shape. Its Value must be set to @shape.
    • ToolBarBack_1: A Decor used as background.
  • Sync: A switch template. Its Value is exported as Sync and should be connected to the Sync parameter of the corresponding envelope in the zone.
  • SyncNote: A Disable view with a Sync Note template. The Value of the Disable view is exported as Sync and should be connected to the Sync parameter of the corresponding envelope in the zone. If Sync is active, the Disable view becomes active too and the contained template can be used to set Sync Note.
    • Sync Note: A menu template. Its Value must be set to @Grid, a stringlist UI variable that defines the allowed note values. It is also connected to the corresponding property of the Envelope View, which uses the same UI variable.
  • Fixed: A switch template. Its Value is connected to the corresponding property of the Envelope View by the UI variable @fixed.
  • Node: This Group contains controls for adjusting the selected node.
    • Index: A valuebox template to select the index of the node to be edited. Its Value is connected to the corresponding property of the Envelope View by the UI variable @index.
    • Level: A valuebox template to adjust the level of the selected node. Its Value is connected to the corresponding property of the Envelope View by the UI variable @level.
    • Time: A Stack with two templates to either set the time of a node in ms or fractions of a beat. The Value of the Stack is exported as Sync and should be connected to the Sync parameter of the corresponding envelope in the zone.
      • Time ms/Time Beat: The Value of the "Time ms" and the "Time Beat" templates must be set to the UI variables @time and @beat respectively. This way, they are connected to the corresponding properties of the Envelope View, which use the same UI variables.
    • Curve: A valuebox template to adjust the curvature of the selected node. Its Value is connected to the corresponding property of the Envelope View by the UI variable @curve.
  • EnableShaperMode: A special invisible Animation control which is only used to transfer the information about the selected envelope mode into the template. Its Value is exported using {Mode}.
EnvViewThis Group contains a group with controls for scrolling and zooming the envelope and the Envelope View. See Envelope View Control for further details.
  • Scroll & Zoom: This Group contains controls that allow you to scroll and zoom the envelope.
    • Scrollbar: A Range Slider to reach areas of the envelope that are not visible through the zoom. The Low Value of the Range Slider must be set to @ScrollMin and the High Value must be set to @ScrollMax.
    • Background: A background bitmap for the scrollbar.
    • Zoom Out: A switch template that allows you to zoom out the envelope. Its Value must be set to @ZoomOut.
    • Zoom In: A switch template that allows you to zoom in the envelope. Its Value must be set to @ZoomIn.
    • Zoom Alternate: A switch template that toggles between the last zoom state or completely zoomed out. Its Value must be set to @StateA.
    • Zoom1: A switch template to activate zoom state 1. Its Value must be set to @State1.
    • Zoom2: A switch template to activate zoom state 2. Its Value must be set to @State2.
    • Zoom3: A switch template to activate zoom state 3. Its Value must be set to @State3.
  • Envelope View: The graphical envelope editor. The properties EnvValue, Mode, Sync, Triplet, Loop Start, Loop End, Sustain and Play Pos are exported and thus are available as template parameters. They should be connected to the parameters of the corresponding envelope in the zone. The Value of the properties SyncNote, Fixed, Index, Level, Time, Beat and Curve is set to the corresponding UI variable. This way, each property is connected to one of the control templates mentioned above. See Envelope View Control for further details.
Env BackgroundThe background bitmap for the envelope.

Envelope View Control


In addition to standard properties like size, position, etc., the Envelope View provides further properties and colors to customize its appearance and behavior.

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
  • Bipolar: Activate this for bipolar envelopes like pitch or pan.
  • Scrollbar: If this is active, the view can be scrolled and zoomed.
  • Cross: Shows crosslines when editing nodes.
  • Grid: Shows a time grid.
  • Play Pos: Shows the current playback position on the curve.
  • Nodes: Shows nodes.
  • Add/Rem: Allows adding and removing of nodes. Deactivate this option to provide an ADSR envelope with a fixed number of nodes, for example.
  • Sel Node: Allows you to select a node.
  • Sustain: Shows a sustain line. For this, an envelope Mode with sustain must be active.
  • Loop: Shows an overlay for the loop region. For this, the envelope Mode must be set to Loop.
  • Free End: Allows you to move the last node of a unipolar envelope away from the zero line.
Env ValueExported as Env Points. See Template Parameters above.
ModeExported as Mode See Template Parameters above.
SyncExported as Sync See Template Parameters above.
TripletNot used in this template. See Envelope template for details of this property.
SyncNoteConnected to the corresponding control template by the UI variable @Grid.
FixedConnected to the corresponding control template by the UI variable @fixed.
ToolConnected to the corresponding controls Edit_1, Erase, Draw, and Paint by the UI variable @tool.
ShapeSaveConnected to the corresponding control SaveShape_1 by the UI variable @shapesave.
ShapeSelectConnected to the corresponding control SelectShape by the UI variable @shapeselect
ShapeConnected to the corresponding control Shape Preview by the UI variable @shape.
IndexConnected to the corresponding control template by the UI variable @index.
LevelConnected to the corresponding control template by the UI variable @level.
TimeConnected to the corresponding control template by the UI variable @time.
BeatConnected to the corresponding control template by the UI variable @beat.
CurveConnected to the corresponding control template by the UI variable @curve.
Loop StartExported as Loop Start. See Template Parameters above.
Loop EndExported as Loop End. See Template Parameters above.
SustainExported as Sustain. See Template Parameters above.
Play PosExported as Play Pos. See Template Parameters above.
Min XDefines the minimum value of the horizontal zoom.
Max XDefines the maximum value of the horizontal zoom.
Min YDefines the minimum value of the vertical zoom.
Max YDefines the maximum value of the vertical zoom.


❕ Some colors are only available if the corresponding Style options are active.

LineLine color between the nodes.
FillFill color of the nodes.
FillSelectedFill color of the selected nodes.
FrameFocusFrame color of the focussed node.
FrameFrame color of the nodes.
HoverHover frame color of the nodes.
SustainColor of the Sustain node and line.
SyncedDot color of nodes that are aligned to the sync grid.
CrosshairNode edit crosshair color.
PlaybackColor of the playback position indicator.
BorderOverall border color.
Grid VVertical grid color.
Grid V2Vertical fine grid color.
Grid HHorizontal grid color.
Grid H2Horizontal fine grid color.
FontTimeline font color.
SelectorSelection area fill color.
SelFrameSelection area frame color.
LoopLoop area fill color.
LoopFrameLoop area frame color.
ZoomZoom area fill color.
ZoomFrameZoom area frame color.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Templates /


On this page:



The FlexPhaser template contains controls for selecting the phrases, adjusting the performance parameters like Swing, Gate Scale, etc., and for using the eight variations of the FlexPhraser MIDI module. In addition, there are controls for recording the MIDI output of the FlexPhraser and to export the recorded phrase via drag and drop.

Functionality such as using the eight variations, exporting the recorded MIDI output, etc., cannot be realized with standard macro page controls. The Internal control is used if this is the case. The performance parameters like Swing, Gate Scale, Vel Scale, etc. are connected to the eight variations by corresponding UI variables and they must be part of this template. To ensure the operation of the performance parameters, the eight variations and the MIDI phrase export, the preconfigured properties must not be modified. The look and the size of the controls can be modified freely. All controls for functions that are not needed for your instrument can be omitted on your macro page.

To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and navigate to "Pages > FlexPhraser Page > Arp Parameter".
  3. Select "FlexPhraser View" and click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.

❕ The other control templates inside the Arp Parameter group are directly connected to the FlexPhraser MIDI module and do not require detailed explanation. The control template for creating User phrases can be found in the StepSEQ group. See FlexPhraserStepSeq for details.

Template Properties

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.

Template Parameters

ScopeDefines the path to the FlexPhraser MIDI module to be controlled. For example: @0:FlexPhraser controls the first FlexPhraser in the program.
ProductProduct specifies the root folder for the location of the subpresets, both for loading and saving. Set this to HALion if you want to load phrases from the standard file path for subpresets. Load From (see below) must be set to StepSEQ Phrases, which specifies the path to the folder that contains the subpresets for the phrases. When saving User phrases, these will be written to ./Documents/Steinberg/HALion/Sub Presets/StepSEQ Phrases on hard disk. They are displayed with a user icon in the phrase selector.

If you want to deliver your own phrases as part of your library, you can set Product to the name of your instrument, e.g., MyProductName. This way, only the phrases for MyProductName will be shown in the phrase selector. The location of the phrases inside the VST Sound of your library must match the path defined by Product and Load From, otherwise the phrase selector will not see these phrases. Assuming Load From is again set to StepSEQ Phrases: Then, the User phrases must be added to the folder ./MyProductName/Sub Presets/StepSEQ Phrases inside the VST Sound. If the user saves phrases, these will be written to ./Documents/Steinberg/MyProductName/Sub Presets/StepSEQ Phrases on hard disk. They are displayed with a user icon in the phrase selector.

You can also include both, the HALion root folder and the root folder of your instrument, by setting Product to MyProductName|HALion. The phrase selector will then show the content of both locations. The path for saving a User phrase will use the first entry specified by MyProductName as root folder.

Load FromLoad From specifies the subpath to the location of the subpresets inside the root folder. The root folder is set by Product (see above). You can specify this subfolder freely. However, if you want to see the factory phrases, Load From must be set to StepSEQ Phrases and Product must contain HALion.

Any phrases you want to distribute with your library must be added to the corresponding location inside the VST Sound. For example, if Load From is set to StepSEQ Phrases and Product is set just to MyProductName, the subpresets inside the VST Sound must be located at ./MyProductName/Sub Presets/StepSEQ Phrases.

Save ToAllows you to specify the subpath to the location where the subpresets will be saved by default.
  • If Product has only one entry, either Halion or the name of your instrument, e.g., MyProductName, then the path of Load From will be included and prepend the path of Save To. See configurations 1 and 2 in the table below.
  • If Product has two entries, e.g., MyProductName|HALion, then only the path of Save To will be used. In this case it makes sense to set Save To to something like this: MyProductName/MySubfolder. See configuration 3 in the table below.

❕ If you need further control over the content locations, you can specify the required subfolder together with the Product: MyProductName/StepSEQ Phrases|HALion/StepSEQ Phrases. See configuration 4 in the following table.

Content Locations for Different Configurations

#ConfigurationContent in Phrase SelectorDefault Save Path

Product = HALion

Load From = StepSEQ Phrases

Save To = MySubfolder

Only phrases from HALion, including any phrases the user has saved on hard disk../Documents/Steinberg/HALion/Sub Presets/StepSEQ Phrases/MySubfolder

Product = MyProductName

Load From = StepSEQ Phrases

Save To = MySubfolder

Only phrases from the specified library, including any phrases the user has saved with the instrument on hard disk../Documents/Steinberg/MyProductName/Sub Presets/StepSEQ Phrases/MySubfolder

Product = MyProductName|HALion

Load From = StepSEQ Phrases

Save To = MyProductName/MySubfolder

All phrases from HALion, the specified library and any phrases the user has saved on hard disk../Documents/Steinberg/MyProductName/Sub Presets/MyProductName/MySubfolder

Product = MyProductName/StepSEQ Phrases|HALion/StepSEQ Phrases

Load From = deactivate, leave empty

Save To = MySubfolder

All phrases from HALion, the specified library and any phrases the user has saved on hard disk../Documents/Steinberg/MyProductName/Sub Presets/StepSEQ Phrases/MySubfolder

❕ The location of the phrases inside the VST Sound must match the path defined by Product and Load From, otherwise the phrase selector will not see these phrases. If libraries deliver phrases in multiple VST Sounds, all phrases with the same path will be shown together in the phrase selector.

Components inside the Template

FlexPhraser Template

Controls and Subtemplates

To ensure the operation of the controls and subtemplates, the preconfigured properties must not be modified. The look and the size of the controls can be modified freely. All controls for functions that are not needed for your instrument can be omitted on your macro page.

DragMIDIThis Group contains controls for recording the MIDI output of the FlexPhraser and to export the recorded phrase via drag and drop.
  • DragIcon: An Image control that provides the background bitmap of the drag area.
  • DragAvailable: This Animation control indicates if the MIDI phrase is available for exporting it. The Value of the control must be set to @EnableDragMIDI.
  • Drag MIDI recording: An Internal control that provides the drag functionality. The View property of the control must be set to dragzone_midifile.
UserA switch template that allows you to activate the User mode for the current variation. Its Value must be set to @UserMode.
VariationA Group with three subgroups that provide the necessary elements to switch between variations, to drag variations to the trigger pads, and to open the context menu of the variation switches. The aformentioned functionalities are implemented by Internal controls. Their preconfigured properties should not be modified. Also, the z-order of the subgroups in the GUI Tree is not supposed to change. "Drag Zones" must be topmost, followed by "Variation Popup", and then "Variation Selector" as bottommost group.
  • Drag Zones: This group contains the eight Internal controls that provide the functionality for dragging a variation to a trigger pad. The View property of the respective control must be set to DragZone1, DragZone2, ..., or DragZone8 accordingly.
  • Variation Popup: This group contains the eight Internal controls that provide the context menu of the variation switches. The View property of the respective control must be set to ASB1, ASB2, ..., or ASB8 accordingly.
  • Variation Selector: This group contains eight exclusive switches to select the active variation. The Value property of all switches must be set to @ActiveState and the switches must be named ASB1, ASB2, ..., or ASB8 accordingly.
Factory/CustomA Stack containing two pages with controls to manage either the FlexPhraser factory phrases or the User phrases.
  • Factory Phrases: This Group contains the controls required to load and display factory phrases.
    • Select: This Switch control opens the phrase selector. Its Value must be set to @PhraseSelectPopup.
    • Name: This Text control displays the name of the current phrase. Its Value must be set to @phrase.
    • Background: An Image control that provides the background bitmap behind the name of the current phrase.
    • Label: A Label control to display a title.
    • Arp KeySwitchFilter: A switch template that sets the Key Switch and Noises Filter of the FlexPhraser MIDI module. Its Value must be set to @FilterNoises.
  • Custom: This Group contains the controls required to load, save, delete, and display User phrases. Furthermore, there are controls for the additional parameters Arp Mode, Key Replace, Arp Wrap and Arp Quantize of the User mode and there are controls for importing a MIDI file to be used as reference for the Arp Quantize.
    • DropMIDI: This Group contains the controls for importing the MIDI file that is needed for the Arp Quantize.
      • Internal: This Internal control is required to provide the drop functionality and a context menu to clear the MIDI data buffer. Its View property must be set to dropzone_midifile.
      • FileDropped: This Animation control indicates whether a file is present. Its Value must be set to @EnableGrooveQuantize.
      • DropIcon: An Image control that provides the background bitmap of the drop area.
    • Save: This Switch control opens the dialog for saving User phrases. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetSave. The default location for saving User phrases depends on the settings of the Template Parameters.
    • Delete: This Switch control opens the dialog for deleting User phrases. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetDelete.
    • User Phrases: This Group contains the controls required to load and display User phrases.
      • Select: This Switch control opens the phrase selector. Its Value must be set to @PhraseSelectPopup. Any User phrases you want to distribute with your library must be added to the corresponding location inside the VST Sound as specifed by Product and Load From, otherwise the phrase selector will not see these User phrases. See Template Parameters for details.
      • Name: This Text control displays the name of the current User phrase. Its Value must be set to @UsrArp.
      • Background: An Image control that provides the background bitmap behind the name of the current phrase.
      • Label: A Label control to display a title.
    • KeyReplace: A Disable group for the following parameters. Its Value must be set to @showkeyreplace.
      • Key Replace: A menu template to specify the Key Replace mode. Its Value must be set to @KeyReplace.
      • Arp Wrap: A menu template to specify the number of steps for wrapping the arpeggio. Its Value must to be set to @Wrap.
    • Arp Mode: A menu template to select the Arp Mode. Its Value must be set to @UserArpMode.
    • Arp Quantize: A value box template, to set the amount of the groove quantization. Its Value must be set to @GrooveQuantizeDepth.
Arp MuteA switch template that allows you to mute the variation. Its Value must be set to @Mute.
Arp OctavesA knob template that adjusts the octave range of the variation. Its Value must be set to @OctaveRange.
Arp Vel ScaleA knob template that adjusts the velocity scale of the variation. Its Value must be set to @VelocityScale.
Arp Gate ScaleA knob template that adjusts the gate scale of the variation. Its Value must be set to @GateScale.
Arp SwingA knob template that adjusts the swing of the variation. Its Value must be set to @Swing.
Arp TempoScaleA value box template that adjusts the note value of the tempo scale of the variation. Its Value must be set to @TempoScale.
TempoA Disable control that specifies whether the contained "Arp Tempo" template is active. Its Value must be set to @Sync.
  • Arp Tempo: A value box template that adjusts the the tempo in bpm. Its Value must be set to @Tempo.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Templates /


On this page:



The FlexPhaserStepSeq template allows you to control the User phrase editor of the FlexPhraser. It combines several Step Modulator controls with additional value boxes for Key Transpose and Key Replace and switches that modifiy the entire phrase. These controls are all preconfigured within the template and use dedicated parameters which are not supposed to change. The look and the size of the controls can be modified freely. All controls for functions that are not needed for your instrument can be omitted on your macro page.

To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and navigate to "Pages > FlexPhraser Page > StepSEQ".
  3. Select "StepSeq" and click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.

❕ The control templates for selecting phrases and for adjusting the performance parameters can be found in the Arp Parameter group. See FlexPhraser for details.

Template Properties

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.

Template Parameters

ScopeDefines the path to the FlexPhraser MIDI modue that will be controlled. For example: @0:FlexPhraser controls the first FlexPhraser in the program.

Components inside the Template

FlexPhraserStepSeq Template

UI Variables

These variables are needed to allow the communication between the Step Modulator control and other controls in the template.

VarTranspList of transpose variables used by the "templatelistview Transpose" template.string list@Transpose1 - 32
VarKeyList of key variables used by the "templatelistview Key" template.string list@Key1 - 32
VarTieList of tie variables used by the "StepTie" template.string list@Tie1 - 32
VarEnableList of enable variables used by the "Enable" template.string list@Enable1 - 32
VarTransposeKeyUsed to switch between the pages of the "TranspKey" stack.integer0, 1
VarKeyLabelList of numbers used as labels in the "Enable" template.string list1 - 32
VarStepPagesUsed to switch between the pages of the "Step Pages" stack.integer0 - 3

Controls and Subtemplates

DisableA Disable control containing all further elements. It is needed to disable the contained elements if the FlexPhraser variation is not set to User mode. Its Value must be set to @UserMode.
Sw Vel, Sw C1, Sw C2, Sw C3These switches are used to switch between the velocity and controller lane pages. The Value is set to @VarStepPages and the Onvalue is set to the index of the corresponding page.
ArpModA Stack for switching between the pages that contain the controls for selecting the MIDI controller that is sent by the corresponding controller lane. It is switched by the UI Variable @VarStepPages.
  • Empty Page: A Group without content. It is displayed if the velocity lane is selected.
  • Ctrl1/2/3: These Groups contain the templates for selecting the MIDI controller of the corresponding controller lane.
    • MIDI Ctrl1/2/3: The templates for selecting the MIDI controller. Their values must be set to @UsrCC1, @UsrCC1, @UsrCC2, or @UsrCC3 accordingly.
    • MIDI Ctrl Label: The label for the parameters.
LED pagesA Stack that switches between two LED chain bitmap displays, "LED Chain Off" and "LED Chain". They are both identical. "LED Chain Off" is not connected to the engine and is used when User mode is set to off. "LED Chain" is connected to the engine via @CurrentStep.
StepTieA Template List that controls the Tie parameter of the 32 steps. It uses the "StepTie" template as a switch. The switch will be disabled if the length of the phrase is smaller than the index of the corresponding step. This is controlled by @disableStepParams which is defined and managed in the UI script FlexPhraserStepSeq.lua that is attached to the FlexPhraserStepSeq template. See UI Script for details.
EnableA Template List used to control the Enable parameter of the 32 steps. It uses the "StepSwitch OnOff " template as a switch. The switch will be disabled if the length of the phrase is smaller than the index of the corresponding step. This is is controlled by @disableStepParams which is defined and managed in the UI script FlexPhraserStepSeq.lua that is attached to the FlexPhraserStepSeq template. See UI Script for details. The Label parameter uses the stringlist variable @VarKeyLabel to set the label for each step.
TranspKeyA Stack switching between the Key Transpose and Key Replace values. This is controlled by the UI variable @VarTransposeKey. These values are managed by "templatelistview Transpose" and "templatelistview Key". "templatelistview Transpose" uses the string list variable @VarTrans. "templatelistview Key" uses the string list variable @VarKey. Both will be disabled if the length of the phrase is smaller than the index of the corresponding step. This is is controlled by @disableStepParams which is defined and managed in the UI script FlexPhraserStepSeq.lua that is attached to the FlexPhraserStepSeq template. See UI Script for details.
Sw_TranspKeyA Switch that toggles between the Key Transpose and Key Replace values. Connected to the "TranspKey" stack by the UI variable @VarTranposeKey.
DuplicateA push button that duplicates the active steps. Connected by the internal variable @Duplicate. This works only inside the FlexPhraserStepSeq template.
ReverseA push button that reverses the order of the active steps. Connected by the internal variable @Reverse. This works only inside the FlexPhraserStepSeq template.
ShiftRightA push button that shifts the active steps to the right. Connected by the internal variable @ShiftPhraseRight. This works only inside the FlexPhraserStepSeq template.
ShiftLeftA push button that shifts the active steps to the left. Connected by the internal variable @ShiftPhraseLeft. This works only inside the FlexPhraserStepSeq template.
PatternLengthA Slider to change the number of steps. Connected by @PatternLength which is defined and managed in the UI script FlexPhraserStepSeq.lua that is attached to the FlexPhraserStepSeq template. See UI Script for details.
Step PagesA Stack that contains four Step Modulator controls, one for the step velocity and three for the available controller lanes. It is switched by the UI variable @VarStepPages.
  • stepmodulator: A Step Modulator controlling the step velocity. The required setting for Formats is Level%d;Length%d;Enable%d. This allows to control the level, the length, and the enable state of the steps. This setting only works inside the FlexPhraserStepSeq template.
  • stepmodulator C1: A Step Modulator for controlling the first controller lane. The required setting for Formats is Control1_%d. This allows to control the level of each step in the controller lane. This setting only works inside the FlexPhraserStepSeq template.
  • stepmodulator C2: A Step Modulator for controlling the second controller lane. The required setting for Formats is Control2_%d. This allows to control the level of each step in the controller lane. This setting only works inside the FlexPhraserStepSeq template.
  • stepmodulator C3: A Step Modulator for controlling the third controller lane. The required setting for Formats is Control3_%d. This allows to control the level of each step in the controller lane. This setting only works inside the FlexPhraserStepSeq template.

UI Script

-- FlexPhraserStepSeq.lua  (Manages the disable state of the steps)

function onStepCountChanged()  
  step = math.floor (StepCount+0.5)

  for i = 1, step, 1 do
    _G["disableStep"..tostring(i)] = 0

  for i=step + 1, 32, 1 do
	_G["disableStep"..tostring(i)] = 1

defineParameter("StepCount", nil, 1, 1, 32, onStepCountChanged)

disableStepParams = {}
for i=1,32,1 do
	defineParameter("disableStep"..tostring(i), nil, 0,0,1)	

defineParameter("disableStepParams", nil, 1, disableStepParams)

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Templates /

FX Meter

On this page:



The FX Meter template allows you to display input, output, and reduction meters for effects like Compressor, Expander, Limiter, etc. It also contains text controls for peak values and switches for resetting them. The controls are connected by corresponding UI variables. To ensure the operation of the controls, the preconfigured properties must not be modified. The look and the size of the controls can be modified freely including their ressources. Controls that are not needed for your instrument can be omitted on your macro page. For example, if an effect does not need a reduction meter, you can remove it and save this configuration in another template.

To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and navigate to "Pages > Deco and Meter Page".
  3. Select "FX Meter" and click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.

Template Properties

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.

Template Parameters

FXTypeSpecifies the effect type the controls should connect to. See Effect Types for a list of the supported types.
ScopeDetermines to which effect the controls should connect. For example, @bus:0/@0:Tube Compressor connects the controls to the first effect named Tube Compressor in the first bus.

Effect Types

ModuleFX TypeComment
Brickwall LimiterBrickwallLimiter-
Tube CompressorTubeCompressor-
Vintage CompressorVintageCompressor-
GateGateNo reduction meter.
Graph EQGraphicEQ10Only output meter.
Morph FilterMorphFilterOnly output meter.
DJ EQHiFiEqOnly output meter.

❕ The Studio EQ effect requires the specialized template Studio EQ Meter.

Components inside the Template

FX Meter Template

Controls and Subtemplates

In_Meter_LeftA Meter control connected with the left input channel of the effect. Its Value must be set to @VUInL .
In_Meter_RightA Meter control connected with the right input channel of the effect. Its Value must be set to @VUInR .
Reduction_MeterA Meter control connected with the gain reduction output of the effect. Its Value must be set to @GainReduction .
Out_Meter_LeftA Meter control connected with the left output channel of the effect. Its Value must be set to @VUOutL .
Out_Meter_RightA Meter control connected with the right output channel of the effect. Its Value must be set to @VUOutR .
Peak_InputA Group with two elements:
  • Peak_In_Reset: A switch that resets the peak value of the input meter. Its Value must be set to @ResetInputVU.
  • Peak_In_Text: A text control that displays the peak value of the input meter. Its Value must be set to @VUInMax.
Peak_OutputA Group with two elements:
  • Peak_Out_Reset: A switch that resets the peak value of the output meter. Its Value must be set to @ResetOutputVU.
  • Peak_Out_Text: A text control that displays the peak value of the ouput meter. Its Value must be set to @VUOutMax.
Peak_ReductionA Group with two elements:
  • Peak_Reduction_Reset: A switch that resets the peak value of the reduction meter. Its Value must be set to @ResetReduction.
  • Peak_Reduction_Text: A text control that displays the peak value of the reduction meter. Its Value must be set to @maxgainreduction.
BackAn Image control that provides the background bitmap for the meters.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Templates /

MIDI Player

On this page:

MIDI Player


The MIDI Player template contains controls for selecting MIDI files, adjusting the performance parameters like Swing, Gate Scale, etc., and for using the eight variations of the MIDI Player module. In addition, there are controls for exporting the current MIDI File via drag and drop.

Functionality such as using the eight variations, exporting the current MIDI file, etc., cannot be realized with standard macro page controls. The Internal control is used if this is the case. The performance parameters like Swing, Gate Scale, Vel Scale, etc. are connected to the eight variations by corresponding UI variables and they must be part of this template. To ensure the operation of the performance parameters, the eight variations and the MIDI file export, the preconfigured properties must not be modified. The look and the size of the controls can be modified freely. All controls for functions that are not needed for your instrument can be omitted on your macro page.

To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and navigate to "Pages > MIDI Player Page > MIDI Player Parameter".
  3. Select "MIDI Player Template" and click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.

❕ The other control templates inside the MIDI Player Parameter group are directly connected to the MIDI Player module and do not require detailed explanation.

Template Properties

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.

Template Parameters

ScopeDefines the path to the MIDI Player module to be controlled. For example: @0:MIDI Player controls the first MIDI Player module in the program.
ProductProduct specifies the root folder for the location of the MIDI files (.mid). Set this to HALion if you want to load MIDI files from the standard file path for subpresets. Load From (see below) must be set to MIDI Files, which specifies the path to the folder that contains the MIDI files.

If you wish to deliver your own MIDI files as part of your library, you can set Product to the name of your instrument, e.g., MyProductName. Thereby, only the MIDI files for MyProductName will be shown in the MIDI files selector. The location of your MIDI files inside the VST Sound of your library must match the path defined by Product and Load From, otherwise the MIDI file selector will not see them. Assuming Load From is again set to MIDI Files: Then, the MIDI files must be added to the folder ./MyProductName/Sub Presets/MIDI Files inside the VST Sound.

You can also include both, the HALion root folder and the root folder of your instrument, by setting Product to MyProductName|HALion. The MIDI file selector will then show the content of both locations.

Load FromLoad From specifies the subpath to the location of the MIDI files inside the root folder. The root folder is set by Product (see above). You can specify this subfolder freely. However, if you want to see the factory MIDI files, Load From must be set to MIDI Files and Product must contain HALion.

Any MIDI files you want to distribute with your library must be added to the corresponding location inside the VST Sound. For example, if Load From is set to MIDI Files and Product is set just to MyProductName, the subpresets inside the VST Sound must be located at ./MyProductName/Sub Presets/MIDI Files.

Content Locations for Different Configurations

#ConfigurationContent visible in MIDI File Selector

Product = HALion

Load From = MIDI Files

Only MIDI files from HALion, including any MIDI files the user has saved on hard disk.

Product = MyProductName

Load From = MIDI Files

Only MIDI files from the specified library.

Product = MyProductName|HALion

Load From = MIDI Files

All MIDI files from HALion, the specified library and any MIDI files the user has saved on hard disk.

❕ The location of the MIDI files inside the VST Sound must match the path defined by the Product and Load From parameters, otherwise the MIDI File selector cannot access them.

Components inside the Template

MIDI Player Template

Controls and Subtemplates

To ensure the operation of the controls and subtemplates, the preconfigured properties must not be modified. The look and the size of the controls can be modified freely. All controls for functions that are not needed for your instrument can be omitted on your macro page.

DragMIDIThis Group contains controls for exporting the current MIDI file via drag and drop.
  • DragIcon: An Image control that provides the background bitmap of the drag area.
  • DragAvailable: This Animation control indicates if the MIDI file is available for exporting it. The Value of the control must be set to @EnableDragMIDI.
  • Drag MIDI recording: An Internal control that provides the drag functionality. The View property of the control must be set to dragzone_midifile.
VariationA Group with three subgroups that provide the necessary elements to switch between variations, to drag variations to the trigger pads, and to open the context menu of the variation switches. The aformentioned functionalities are implemented by Internal controls. Their preconfigured properties should not be modified. Also, the z-order of the subgroups in the GUI Tree is not supposed to change. "Drag Zones" must be topmost, followed by "Variation Popup", and then "Variation Selector" as bottommost group.
  • Drag Zones: This group contains the eight Internal controls that provide the functionality for dragging a variation to a trigger pad. The View property of the respective control must be set to DragZone1, DragZone2, ..., or DragZone8 accordingly.
  • Variation Popup: This group contains the eight Internal controls that provide the context menu of the variation switches. The View property of the respective control must be set to ASB1, ASB2, ..., or ASB8 accordingly.
  • Variation Selector: This group contains eight exclusive switches to select the active variation. The Value property of all switches must be set to @ActiveState and the switches must be named ASB1, ASB2, ..., or ASB8 accordingly.
MIDI File SelectorThis Group contains controls for selecting MIDI files and for loading MIDI files from disk using drag and drop.
  • Drop MIDI: This Internal control is required to provide the drop functionality for loading MIDI files. Its View property must be set to dropzone_midifile. The dropped MIDI files are always saved to the ./HALion/Subpresets/MIDI Files/User folder.
  • Select: This Switch control opens the MIDI file selector. Its Value must be set to @PhraseSelectPopup.
  • Name: A Text control to display the name of the current phrase. Its Value must be set to @Filename.
  • Background: An Image control that provides the background bitmap for the MIDI file name.
  • Label: A Label control for the file selector.
MIDIP SwingA knob template that adjusts the swing of the variation. Its Value must be set to @Swing.
MIDIP Gate ScaleA knob template that adjusts the gate scale of the variation. Its Value must be set to @GateScale.
MIDIP Vel ScaleA knob template that adjusts the velocity scale of the variation. Its Value must be set to @VelocityScale.
MIDIP Quantize GridA menu template for selecting the note value of the quantization grid of the variation. Its Value must be set to @QuantizeGrid.
MIDIP Quantize AmountA knob template that adjusts the amount of quantization for the MIDI file of the variation. Its Value must be set to @QuantizeAmount.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Templates /

Mixer Channel

On this page:



The Mixer Channel template contains all necessary controls for the parameters of a bus. The controls are connected by corresponding UI variables. To ensure the operation of the controls the preconfigured properties must not be modified. The look and the size of the controls can be modified freely including their ressources. Controls that are not needed for your instrument can be omitted on your macro page.

To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and navigate to "Pages > Deco and Meter Page".
  3. Select "Mixer Channel" and click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.

Template Properties

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.

Template Parameters

TargetBussesAllows you to specify the selectable output busses. For example, if your instrument contains the busses Bus A, Bus B and Bus C and you set TargetBusses to buslist='Bus A; Bus B', only Bus A and Bus B will be shown in the output selector of the channel. Bus C will not be shown. For more options, see Ch_Output below.
busDetermines to which bus the controls should connect. For example, @bus:0 connects the controls to the first bus in the program.

Components inside the Template

Mixer Channel Template

Controls and Subtemplates

Ch_OutputThis template contains the necessary elements to specify the output of a bus. It contains the following elements:
  • Menu: A Menu control that opens a context menu showing the available outputs. The Value must be set to @TargetBusMenu.
  • Name: A Text control showing the name of the selected output. The Value must be set to @TargetBusMenu.
  • Image: An Image control that provides the background bitmap.
To specify the outputs that are made available in the menu, you can configure Menu by adding one of the following tags to its Value property:
  • {TargetBusses}: Set this to evaluate the busses provided by the TargetBusses parameter of the Mixer Channel template.
  • default: Set this to route the output to the default bus (usually the next bus higher up in the hierarchy).
  • default='name': Same as above, but 'name' is shown as text instead of '--'.
  • local: Set this to show all available busses higher up in the hierarchy.
  • buslist='BusName1; BusName2; ...': Allows to specify a list of busses.
  • aux: Shows the plug-in aux busses.
  • noplug: Hides the plug-in output busses.
For example, @TargetBusMenu local aux noplug shows only the busses higher up in the hierarchy and the aux busses, but none of the plug-in outputs in the menu.
Ch_PanThis template contains the necessary elements to control the pan parameter of the bus. It contains the following elements:
  • Slider: A Slider control. The Value of this control is exported to the Ch_Pan template and must be set to @Pan.
  • Image: An Image control that provides the background bitmap.
Ch_MeterThis template references the Bus Meter V Peak template. The PeakReset and PeakValue template parameters are exported values from inside the template. By using {bus} these parameters evaluate the bus provided by the corresponding parameter of the Mixer Channel template. /@id:21 and /@id:19 connects them to the peak reset and peak value parameters of the specified bus. The template contains the following elements:
  • switch: A Switch control that resets the peak value of the bus. Its Value is exported as PeakReset.
  • text: A Text control that displays the peak value of the bus. Its Value is exported as PeakValue
  • image: An Image control that provides the background bitmap for the text.
  • vumeter: A Meter control for the right channel of a stereo bus. Its Value must be set to @meter1 and its Peak Value to @peak1.
  • vumeter: A Meter control for the left channel of a stereo bus. Its Value must be set to @meter0 and its Peak Value to @peak0.
  • Back: An Image control that provides the background bitmap for the meters.
Ch_LevelA Text control showing the value of the level slider. The Value property must be set to @LogLevel.
Ch_SliderThis template contains the necessary elements to control the level of the bus. It contains the following elements:
  • Slider: A Slider control. The Value is exported to the template and must be set to @LogLevel.
  • Scale: An Image control showing a dB scale.
  • Guide: An Image control showing the slider guidance.
SoloMuteA Group control with two templates: Ch_Solo and Ch_Mute. They provide the solo/mute functionality of the bus.
  • Ch_Solo: This template contains the necessary elements to control and show the solo state of the bus. It contains the following elements:
    • Switch: An invisible Switch control which contains a hover overlay that lights up the underlying VisualState animation control when hovering over it. The Value is exported to the template and must be set to @Solo Layer.
    • VisualState: An Animation control showing the solo state (Solo Off, Solo On, or Implicit Solo). The Value is exported to the template and must be set to @Solo State.
  • Ch_Mute: This template contains the necessary elements to control and show the mute state of the bus. It contains the following elements:
    • Switch: An invisible Switch control which contains a hover overlay that lights up the underlying VisualState animation control when hovering over it. The Value is exported to the template and must be set to @Mute Layer.
    • VisualState: An Animation control showing the mute state (Mute Off, Mute On, or Implicit Mute). The Value is exported to the template and must be set to @Mute State.
Ch_NameThis template references the ObjectName template. It displays the name of the object in which it is located. In this case it will display the name of the connected bus. The template contains only one element:
  • Text: A read-only Text control with Value set to @name. This connection only works inside this template.
Back:An Image control that provides the background bitmap.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Templates /

Path Browser

On this page:



The PathBrowser is a preconfigured template that can be used to open folders and objects, such as sample files, for example. The template can be configured with the available Template Parameters. The look of the controls can be adapted freely by changing the components inside the template. The template also accepts the drop of folders or files from sources like the Explorer or Finder. When clicking the open icon, the OS file browser opens that lets you choose the folder and file. By Clicking OK this file path is set for the parameter that is connected to the Value parameter of the template.

To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and navigate to "Pages > Path & Preset Page".
  3. Select "Sample Path - PathBrowser" and click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.

Template Properties

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.

Template Parameters

ValueAllows you to connect the parameter that requires a path and file name.
TypenameAllows you to specify the name of the file type filter that will be shown in the OS file browser.
ExtensionAllows you to specify a file type filter like .wav or .aiff, so that the OS file browser only shows files of that type.
TitleAllows you to specify the title of the OS file browser that will be shown in the caption.
TagAllows you to specify a unique identifier that is used to memorize the location at which you left the OS file browser the last time. All path browsers that use this tag will point to the same last location.

Components inside the Template

PathBrowser Template

Controls and Subtemplates

switchA Switch that opens the OS file browser. Its Value must be set to @Browser.
dropviewA Drop control for dropping files and folders. Its Value must be set to @Path. The regular expression for the Accept Filter uses the file extension that is specified by the Extension parameter of the template.
textA Text control for displaying the path. Its Value must be set to @Path.
BackAn Image control that provides the background bitmap for the path.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Templates /

Preset Browser

On this page:



PresetBrowser Module is a preconfigured template that can be used to manage subpresets, such as the presets of a MIDI script module or an audio effect, for example. The Scope parameter determines for which module or effect the preset management applies. The look of the controls can be adapted freely by changing the components inside the template. The template contains switches for Load, Save, and Delete which open the corresponding dialogs.

The PresetBrowser Module template uses the default file path for loading and saving subpresets. User subpresets will be saved to the Documents folder of your OS in the folder of the module or effect you specify with the Scope parameter. You can see the full file path by opening the Save dialog. If you want to deliver your own subpresets as part of your library, the location of your subpresets inside the VST Sound must match this path, otherwise the preset selector cannot access them.

To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and navigate to "Pages > Path & Preset Page".
  3. Select "Subpresets Delay - Module" or "Subpresets FlexPhraser - Module" and click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.

Template Properties

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.

Template Parameters

ScopeThe Scope parameter determines for which module or effect the preset management applies. For example, by setting Scope to @bus:0/@0:Tube Compressor the preset management applies to the first effect named Tube Compressor in the first bus.

Components inside the Template

PresetBrowser Module Template

Controls and Subtemplates

PrevA Switch control to load the previous preset. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetPrev.
NextA Switch control to load the next preset. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetPrev.
SelectorA Switch control to open the preset selector. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetSelectPopup.
NameA Text control to display the name of the preset. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetName.
SaveA Switch control to open the save dialog. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetSave.
SelectA Switch control to open the preset selector. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetSelectPopup.
DeleteA Switch control to open the delete dialog. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetDelete.
BackAn Image control that provides the background bitmap for the preset name.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Templates /

Preset Browser Custom

On this page:



PresetBrowser Custom is a preconfigured template that can be used to manage subpresets, such as the presets of a MIDI script module or an audio effect, for example. The Scope parameter determines for which module, effect, or zone the preset management applies. The optional Section parameter determines for which part of a zone the preset management applies. The parameters Product, Load From, and Save To define the locations for loading and saving presets. The look of the controls can be adapted freely by changing the components inside the template. The template contains switches for Load, Save, and Delete which open the corresponding dialogs.

To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and navigate to "Pages > Path & Preset Page".
  3. Select "Subpresets LFO - Custom" and click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.

Template Properties

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.

Template Parameters

The template provided with the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset uses LFO1 of the zone as example. The following description uses the Multi Delay effect as example. This way you have two examples you can try out for getting a better understanding of the PresetBrowser Custom template.

ScopeThe Scope parameter determines for which module or effect the preset management applies. For example, by setting Scope to @bus:0/@0:Multi Delay the preset management applies to the first effect named Multi Delay in the first bus.
ProductProduct specifies the root folder for the location of the subpresets, both for loading and saving. Set this to HALion if you want to load presets from the standard file path for subpresets. Load From (see below) must be set to the path of the folder that contains the subpresets for the specified effect, e.g., Fx/Delay/Multi Delay for the subpresets of the Multi Delay effect. When saving User subpresets, these will be written to ./Documents/Steinberg/HALion/Sub Presets/ plus the path specified by Load From, e.g., ./Documents/Steinberg/HALion/Sub Presets/Fx/Delay/Multi Delay. They are displayed with a user icon in the preset selector.

If you want to deliver your own subpresets as part of your library, you can set Product to the name of your instrument, e.g., MyProductName. This way, only the subpresets for MyProductName will be shown in the preset selector. The location of the subpresets inside the VST Sound of your library must match the path defined by Product and Load From, otherwise the preset selector cannot access these subpresets. Assuming Load From is set to Fx/Delay/Multi Delay: Then, the subpresets must be added to the folder ./MyProductName/Sub Presets/Fx/Delay/Multi Delay inside the VST Sound. If the user saves subpresets, these will be written to ./Documents/Steinberg/MyProductName/Sub Presets/Fx/Delay/Multi Delay on hard disk. They are displayed with a user icon in the preset selector.

You can also include both the HALion root folder and the root folder of your instrument by setting Product to MyProductName|HALion. The preset selector will then show the content of both locations. The path for saving a User subpreset will use the first entry specified by MyProductName as root folder.

SectionSections divide parameters into related units. For example, the parameters of zones are divided into sections like Filter, Amp, etc. The Section determines for which parameters the preset management applies. The section names can be found in the Parameter List. For example, set Section to Amp Env to load/save subpresets only for the amp envelope of a zone. If Section is not set, the preset management applies for the entire module, effect, or zone. Defining Section creates a subfolder in the subpreset path that corresponds to the name of the section. Sections can also be used within scripts. See onLoadSubPreset and onSaveSubPreset for details.
Load FromLoad From specifies the subpath to the location of the subpresets inside the root folder. The root folder is set by Product (see above). You can specify this subfolder freely. However, if you want to see the factory subpresets, Load From must be set to the path that corresponds to the module or effect specified by Scope and Product must contain HALion.

Any subpresets you want to distribute with your library must be added to the corresponding location inside the VST Sound. For example, if Load From is set to Fx/Delay/Multi Delay and Product is set to MyProductName, the subpresets inside the VST Sound must be located at ./MyProductName/Sub Presets/Fx/Delay/Multi Delay.

Save ToAllows you to specify the subpath to the location where the subpresets will be saved by default.
  • If Product has only one entry, either Halion or the name of your instrument, e.g., MyProductName, then the path of Load From will be included and prepend the path of Save To. See configurations 1 and 2 in the table below.
  • If Product has two entries, e.g., MyProductName|HALion, then only the path of Save To will be used. In this case it makes sense to set Save To to something like this: MyProductName/MySubfolder. See configuration 3 in the table below.
ExtensionAllows you to specify a file type filter, so that preset browser only shows files of that type. By default, the preset selector uses .halpreset as file type, which is the common file type for HALion subpresets. If you want to load VST presets, e.g., to exchange layers using a script, set the file type to .vstpreset.

❕ If you need further control over the content locations, you can specify the required subfolder together with the Product: MyProductName/Fx/Delay/Multi Delay|HALion/Fx/Delay/Multi Delay. See configuration 4 in the following table.

Content Locations for Different Configurations

#ConfigurationContent in Preset SelectorDefault Save Path

Product = HALion

Load From = Fx/Delay/Multi Delay

Save To = MySubfolder

Only subpresets from HALion, including any subpresets the user has saved on hard disk../Documents/Steinberg/HALion/Sub Presets/Fx/Delay/Multi Delay/MySubfolder

Product = MyProductName

Load From = Fx/Delay/Multi Delay

Save To = MySubfolder

Only subpresets from the specified library, including any subpresets the user has saved with the instrument on hard disk../Documents/Steinberg/MyProductName/Sub Presets/Fx/Delay/Multi Delay/MySubfolder

Product = MyProductName|HALion

Load From = Fx/Delay/Multi Delay

Save To = MyProductName/MySubfolder

All subpresets from HALion, the specified library and any subpresets the user has saved on hard disk../Documents/Steinberg/MyProductName/Sub Presets/MyProductName/MySubfolder

Product = MyProductName/Fx/Delay/Multi Delay|HALion/Fx/Delay/Multi Delay

Load From = deactivate, leave empty

Save To = MySubfolder

All subpresets from HALion, the specified library and any subpresets the user has saved on hard disk../Documents/Steinberg/MyProductName/Sub Presets/Fx/Delay/Multi Delay/MySubfolder

❕ The location of the subpresets inside the VST Sound must match the path defined by Product and Load From, otherwise the preset selector cannot acces these subpresets. If libraries deliver subpresets in multiple VST Sounds, all subpresets with the same path will be shown together in the preset selector.

Components inside the Template

PresetBrowser Custom Template

Controls and Subtemplates

PrevA Switch control to load the previous preset. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetPrev.
NextA Switch control to load the next preset. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetPrev.
SelectorA Switch control to open the preset selector. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetSelectPopup.
textA Text control to display the name of the preset. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetName.
SaveA Switch control to open the save dialog. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetSave.
SelectA Switch control to open the preset selector. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetSelectPopup.
DeleteA Switch control to open the delete dialog. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetDelete.
BackAn Image control that provides the background bitmap for the preset name.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Templates /

Sample Display

On this page:



The Sample Display template contains a Waveform control for displaying the sample data of the connected zone. A script that matches the display of the Waveform control with the corresponding SampleOsc parameters of the zone is attached to the template. For example, this script shows or hides the looped regions, depending on whether the loop is active or not, and it decides which loop regions to display, depending on the selected loop (A or B) for the release and sustain loops, respectively. The template itself only provides a Scope parameter to determine which zone to display. The template works for Sample and Grain Zones.

To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and navigate to "Pages > Sample Page".
  3. Select "Sample Display" and click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.

Template Properties

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.

Template Parameters

ScopeAllows you to determine the zone with the sample data to be displayed. The template works for Sample and Grain Zones. If a Sample Zone is connected, the Play Pos property on the Waveform control inside the template must be set to @id:a0064, for Grain Zones this must be set to @id:100064.
FFTSets the block size of the window that is used for the analysis. This allows you to adjust the trade-off between temporal resolution and frequency resolution.
OverlapSets the number of overlapping FFT windows. Increasing the overlap can be used to reduce analysis limitations of the FFT windows, which can lead to a loss of details, such as transients.
Min LevelSets the minimum signal level for the FFT. The colors of the FFT are sclaed accordingly reveiling more or less details.
Max LevelSets the maximum signal level for the FFT. The colors of the FFT are sclaed accordingly reveiling more or less details.
OpacityAllows you to seamlessly blend between sample and FFT display.

The template parameters FFT, Overlap, Min Level, Max Level, and Opacity are connected to their respective control templates through the corresponding parameters of a MIDI script. This configuration ensures that the FFT settings are saved with the presets. However, if you prefer not to include FFT settings in presets, you can connect the template parameters with the control templates by using UI variables. In this manner, the settings will only be preserved with the current project.

MIDI Script

-- define parameters for sample display

defineParameter("FFT", nil, 6, {"32", "64", "128", "256", "512", "1024", "2048", "4096", "8192", "16384", "32768", "65768"})
defineParameter("Overlap", nil, 4, { "No", "2x", "4", "8x", "16x", "32x", "64x", "128x"})
defineParameter("MinLevel", nil , -120, -240, 20, 1.0)
defineParameter("MaxLevel", nil, 0, -220, 0, 1.0)
defineParameter("Opacity", nil, 0, -100, 100, 1.0)

Components inside the Template

Sample Display Template

Controls and Subtemplates

waveformThe Waveform control for displaying the sample data. If a Sample Zone is connected, the Play Pos property must be set to @id:a0064, for Grain Zones this must be set to @id:100064. The loop properties must be connected to the corresponding parameters of the included UI script: @SusLoopStart, @SusLoopEnd, @RelLoopStart, and @RelLoopEnd. All other properties must be connected to the corresponding parameters of the zone.
ZeroLineAn Image control that provides the bitmap for the zero line of the sample display.

UI Script

kSamplesMax = 0x7fffffff;

function onLoopChanged()
	local susMode, susStart, susEnd, relMode, relStart, relEnd;
	if LoopSel == 0 then
		susMode, susStart, susEnd = SustainLoopModeA, SustainLoopStartA, SustainLoopEndA;
		relMode, relStart, relEnd = ReleaseLoopModeA, ReleaseLoopStartA, ReleaseLoopEndA;
		susMode, susStart, susEnd = SustainLoopModeB, SustainLoopStartB, SustainLoopEndB;
		relMode, relStart, relEnd = ReleaseLoopModeB, ReleaseLoopStartB, ReleaseLoopEndB;
	if susMode == 0 then
		susStart, susEnd = 0, 0;
	if relMode == 0 then
		relStart, relEnd = 0, 0;
	SusLoopStart, SusLoopEnd = susStart, susEnd;
	RelLoopStart, RelLoopEnd = relStart, relEnd;

defineParameter("LoopSel", "Loop Select", 0, 0, 1, onLoopChanged);

defineParameter("SustainLoopStartA", "Zone Sustain Loop Start A", 0, 0, kSamplesMax, onLoopChanged);
defineParameter("SustainLoopEndA",   "Zone Sustain Loop End A",   0, 0, kSamplesMax, onLoopChanged);
defineParameter("SustainLoopModeA",  "Zone Sustain Loop Mode A",  0, 0, 10, onLoopChanged);

defineParameter("SustainLoopStartB", "Zone Sustain Loop Start B", 0, 0, kSamplesMax, onLoopChanged);
defineParameter("SustainLoopEndB",   "Zone Sustain Loop End B",   0, 0, kSamplesMax, onLoopChanged);
defineParameter("SustainLoopModeB",  "Zone Sustain Loop Mode B",  0, 0, 10, onLoopChanged);

defineParameter("ReleaseLoopStartA", "Zone Release Loop Start A", 0, 0, kSamplesMax, onLoopChanged);
defineParameter("ReleaseLoopEndA",   "Zone Release Loop End A",   0, 0, kSamplesMax, onLoopChanged);
defineParameter("ReleaseLoopModeA",  "Zone Release Loop Mode A",  0, 0, 10, onLoopChanged);

defineParameter("ReleaseLoopStartB", "Zone Release Loop Start B", 0, 0, kSamplesMax, onLoopChanged);
defineParameter("ReleaseLoopEndB",   "Zone Release Loop End B",   0, 0, kSamplesMax, onLoopChanged);
defineParameter("ReleaseLoopModeB",  "Zone Release Loop Mode B",  0, 0, 10, onLoopChanged);

defineParameter("SusLoopStart", "Display Sustain Loop Start", 0, 0, kSamplesMax);
defineParameter("SusLoopEnd",   "Display Sustain Loop End",   0, 0, kSamplesMax);
defineParameter("RelLoopStart", "Display Release Loop Start", 0, 0, kSamplesMax);
defineParameter("RelLoopEnd",   "Display Release Loop End",   0, 0, kSamplesMax);

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Templates /

Step Modulator(Template)

On this page:

Step Modulator


The StepModulator template contains controls for adjusting the steps and their slopes, for shifting the steps left or right and for reversing the steps. To ensure the operation of these controls, the preconfigured properties must not be modified. The look and the size of the controls can be modified freely. All controls for functions that are not needed for your instrument can be omitted on your macro page.

To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and navigate to "Pages > Step Modulator Page".
  3. Select "StepModulator" and click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.

❕ The other control templates inside the Step Modulator Page group are directly connected to the Step Modulator of the zone and do not require detailed explanation.

Template Properties

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.

Template Parameters

Step1-32Connect these to the corresponding steps (Step1 to Step32) of the StepMod section of the zone.
StepsConnect this to the Steps parameter of the StepMod section of the zone.
SlopeConnect this to the Slope parameter of the StepMod section of the zone.
Slope AmtConnect this to the SlopeAmount parameter of the StepMod section of the zone.

Components inside the Template


UI Variables

These variables are defined to allow the communication between the stepmodulator control and other controls in the template.

level12Level in fractions of -12 to 12 semitones (used when Snap is on).float-12.0 - 12.0
levelLevel of the selected node.float0 - 100.0
indexIndex of the selected node.integer1 - 32
snapActivates snap lines.integer0, 1
shiftleftShifts the pattern to the left.integer0, 1
shiftrightShifts the pattern to the right.integer0, 1
reverseReverses the pattern.integer0, 1

Controls and Subtemplates

To ensure the operation of the controls and subtemplates, the preconfigured properties must not be modified. The look and the size of the controls can be modified freely. All controls for functions that are not needed for your instrument can be omitted on your macro page.

SnapA Switch control to activate the Snap option. Its Value must be set to @snap.
Lev/Lev12This Stack contains two value box templates. The Stack switches between Level100 and Level12 using the UI variable @snap.
  • Lev100: A value box template that is connected to the step modulator by the UI variable @level. It controls the level of the selected step in the range from 0 to 100 %. The template is active if Snap is off.
  • Lev12: A value box template that is connected to the step modulator by the UI variable @level12. It controls the level of the selected step in fractions of -12 to 12 semitones. The template is active if Snap is on.
IndexA value box template that is connected to the step modulator by the UI variable @index. It selects the step to be edited by the value boxes.
stepmodulatorFor details see Step Modulator control.
imageAn Image control that provides the bitmap for the frame of the step modulator.
ShiftLeftA Switch control that is connected to the Shift Left parameter of the step modulator by the UI variable @shiftleft.
ShiftRightA Switch control that is connected to the Shift Right parameter of the step modulator by the UI variable @shiftright.
ReverseA Switch control that is connected to the Reverse parameter of the step modulator by the UI variable @reverse.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Templates /

Studio EQ Meter

On this page:



The Studio EQ Meter template contains all necessary controls for displaying the output meters of the Studio EQ effect module. The controls are connected by corresponding UI variables. To ensure the operation of the controls, the preconfigured properties must not be modified. The look and the size of the controls can be modified freely, including their ressources. Controls that are not needed for your instrument can be omitted on your macro page.

To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and navigate to "Pages > Deco and Meter Page".
  3. Select "Studio EQ Meter" and click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.

Template Properties

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.

Template Parameters

ScopeDetermines to which EQ the controls should connect. For example, @bus:0/@0:Studio EQ connects the controls to the first EQ named Studio EQ in the first bus.

Components inside the Template

Studio EQ Meter Template

Controls and Subtemplates

Out_Meter_LeftA Meter control that is connected by @VUOutL with the left output channel of the EQ.
Out_Meter_RightA Meter control that is connected by @VUOutR with the right output channel of the EQ.
Peak_OutputA Group with three elements:
  • Peak_Out_Reset: A Switch control that resets the peak value of the ouput meter. Its Value must be set to @ResetOutputVU.
  • Peak_Out_Text: A Text control that displays the peak value of the output meter. Its Value must be set to @VUOutMax.
  • Peak_Back: An Image control that provides the background bitmap for the peak value.
BackAn Image control that provides the background bitmap for the meter.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Templates /

Wavetable Noise Selector

On this page:



The Wavetable Noise Selector is a preconfigured template that can be used to select sample files for the noise of a Wavetable Zone. The template can be configured with the available Template Parameters. The Scope parameter determines for which Wavetable Zone the noise selector applies. The Product parameter defines the source folders of the sample files to be displayed in the noise selector. The look of the controls can be adapted freely by changing the components inside the template.

To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and navigate to "Pages > Wavetable Page".
  3. Select "WT Noise Selector" and click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.

Template Properties

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.

Template Parameters

ScopeDetermines for which Wavetable Zone the noise selector applies. For example, by setting Scope to @0:Zone 1 the noise selector applies to the first zone with the name Zone 1 that is found in the Program Tree.
ProductThe Product parameter defines the source folders of the sample files to be displayed in the noise selector. Set this to HALion if you want to load sample files from the default file paths, which includes factory and user sample files. If you wish to deliver your own sample files as part of your library, you can set Product to the name of your instrument, e.g., MyProductName. Thereby, only the sample files for MyProductName will be shown in the noise selector. If Product is set to MyProductName: Then, the sample files must be added to the folder ./MyProductName/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Noises inside the VST Sound, otherwise the noise selector will not see these sample files. You can also include both, the HALion root folder and the root folder of your instrument, by setting Product to MyProductName|HALion. The noise selector will then show the content of both locations.
LabelA Label control for displaying a label above the menu.

❕ If you need further control over the content locations, you can specify the required subfolder together with the Product: MyProductName/MyNoises|HALion/MyNoises. See configuration 4 in the following table.

Content Locations for Different Configurations

#Product/ContentDefault File Paths

Product = HALion

Only sample files from HALion, including any sample files the user has saved on hard disk.

Hard Disk:

./Documents/Steinberg/HALion/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Noises


Product = MyProductName

Only sample files from the specified library, including any sample files the user has saved on hard disk.

VST Sound:

./MyProductName/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Noises

Hard Disk:

./Documents/Steinberg/MyProductName/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Noises


Product = MyProductName|HALion

All sample files from HALion, the specified library and any sample files the user has saved on hard disk.

VST Sound:

./MyProductName/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Noises

Hard Disk:

./Documents/Steinberg/HALion/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Noises

./Documents/Steinberg/MyProductName/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Noises


Product = MyProductName/MyNoises|HALion/MyNoises

All sample files from HALion, the specified library and any sample files the user has saved on hard disk.

VST Sound:

./MyProductName/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Noises/MyNoises

Hard Disk:

./Documents/Steinberg/HALion/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Noises/MyNoises

./Documents/Steinberg/MyProductName/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Noises/MyNoises

❕ The location of the sample files inside the VST Sound must match the path defined by Product, otherwise the noise selector will not see these sample files. If libraries deliver sample files in multiple VST Sounds, all sample files with the same path will be shown together in the noise selector.

Components inside the Template

Wavetable Noise Selector Template

Controls and Subtemplates

group WTA Group that contains all necessary elements for the noise selector.

group noise: Another Group that contains:

  • switch select: A Switch control for opening the noise selector. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetSelectPopup.
  • text: A Text control for displaying the name of the selected sample file. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetName.
  • Back: An Image control that provides the background bitmap for the name of the sample file.

labelA Label control for displaying a label above the menu. Its Text property is exported and the default is set to Wavetable Noises.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Macro Page / Templates /

Wavetable Selector

On this page:



The Wavetable Selector is a preconfigured template that can be used to select the wavetables for Osc 1 and Osc 2 of the Wavetable Zone. The template can be configured with the available Template Parameters. The Scope parameter determines for which Wavetable Zone the wavetable selector applies. The Product and Load From parameters define the source folders of the wavetables to be displayed in the selector. The Osc parameter determines the oscillator of the Wavetable Zone for which the wavetable selector applies. The look of the controls can be adapted freely by changing the components inside the template.

To explore the functionality and connections:

  1. Load the Init Basic Controls.vstpreset from the Basic Controls library.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and navigate to "Pages > Wavetable Page".
  3. Select "WT Selector Osc1" or "WT Selector Osc2" and click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.

Template Properties

NameThe name of the element. This name will be displayed in the GUI Tree.
Position/SizePosition X, Position Y, Width, Height: Position and size of the element in pixels. Position X/Y defines the position of the upper left corner.
AttachDefines how an element behaves when its parent element is resized. You can set the following parameters:
  • Left: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to left edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Right: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the right edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Top: If the parent element is resized, the element remains attached to top edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Bottom: If the parent element is resized, the element moves relatively to the bottom edge, with the specified ratio.
  • Left + Right: If the parent element is resized, the element is resized horizontally relatively to the left and right edges, with the specified ratio.
TooltipText that appears as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.
TemplateDetermines the template to be referenced.

Template Parameters

ScopeDetermines for which Wavetable Zone the noise selector applies. For example, by setting Scope to @0:Zone 1 the noise selector applies to the first zone with the name Zone 1 that is found in the Program Tree.
ProductThe Product parameter defines the root folder of the wavetables to be displayed in the noise selector. Set this to HALion if you want to load wavetables from the default file paths, which includes factory and user wavetables. If you wish to deliver your own wavetables as part of your library, you can set Product to the name of your instrument, e.g., MyProductName. Thereby, only the wavetables for MyProductName will be shown in the noise selector. If Product is set to MyProductName: Then, the sample files must be added to the folder ./MyProductName/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Wavetables inside the VST Sound, otherwise the noise selector cannot access these sample files. You can also include both, the HALion root folder and the root folder of your instrument, by setting Product to MyProductName|HALion. The noise selector will then show the content of both locations.
Load FromLoad From specifies the subpath to the location of the wavetables inside the root folder. The root folder is set by Product (see above). You can specify this subfolder freely. However, if you want to see the factory subpresets, Load From must be left empty and Product must contain HALion.

Any subpresets you want to distribute with your library must be added to the corresponding location inside the VST Sound. For example, if Load From is set to MyWavetables and Product is set just to MyProductName, the subpresets inside the VST Sound must be located at ./MyProductName/Sub Presets/MyWavetables.

OscDetermines the oscillator of the Wavetable Zone for which the wavetable selector applies. This must be set either to 1 or 2, which refers to Osc 1 or Osc 2 respectively.
LabelA Label control for displaying a label above the menu.

❕ If you need further control over the content locations, you can specify the required subfolder together with the Product: MyProductName/MyWavetables|HALion/MyWavetables. Load From must not be set in this case. See configuration 4 in the following table.

Content Locations for Different Configurations

#Configuration/ContentDefault File Paths

Product = HALion

Load From = MyWavetables

Only wavetables from HALion, including any wavetables the user has saved on hard disk.

Hard Disk:

./Documents/Steinberg/HALion/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Wavetables/MyWavetables


Product = MyProductName

Load From = MyWavetables

Only wavetables from the specified library, including any wavetables the user has saved on hard disk.

VST Sound:

./MyProductName/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Wavetables/MyWavetables

Hard Disk:

./Documents/Steinberg/MyProductName/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Wavetables/MyWavetables


Product = MyProductName|HALion

Load From = MyWavetables

All wavetables from HALion, the specified library and any wavetables the user has saved on hard disk.

VST Sound:

./MyProductName/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Wavetables/MyWavetables

Hard Disk:

./Documents/Steinberg/HALion/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Wavetables/MyWavetables

./Documents/Steinberg/MyProductName/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Wavetables/MyWavetables


Product = MyProductName/MyWavetables|HALion/MyWavetables

Load From = deactivate, leave empty

All wavetables from HALion, the specified library and any wavetables the user has saved on hard disk.

VST Sound:

./MyProductName/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Wavetables/MyWavetables

Hard Disk:

./Documents/Steinberg/HALion/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Wavetables/MyWavetables

./Documents/Steinberg/MyProductName/Sub Presets/Wavetable/Wavetables/MyWavetables

❕ The location of the wavetables inside the VST Sound must match the path defined by Product and Load From, otherwise the wavetable selector cannot access these wavetables. If libraries deliver wavetables in multiple VST Sounds, all wavetables with the same path will be shown together in the wavetable selector.

Components inside the Template

Wavetable Selector Template

Controls and Subtemplates

groupA Group that contains all necessary elements for the noise selector.
  • switch select: A Switch control for opening the wavetable selector. Its Value must be set to @SubPresetSelectPopup.
  • text: A Text control for displaying the name of the selected wavetable. Its Value must be set to @WavetableName.
BackAn Image control that provides the background bitmap for the name of the sample file.
labelA Label control for displaying a label above the menu. Its Text property is exported and the default is set to Wavetable.

/ HALion Developer Resource /

HALion Tutorials & Guidelines

Getting Started

This section provides general information about HALion Libraries and how to create instruments.


The tutorials explain common techniques and best practices for building your instruments.


In this section your find short examples focusing on a specific task.


In this section you find Steinberg's guidelines for creating libraries and many details on how to build your own instruments that work in HALion Sonic.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Tutorials & Guidelines /

Getting Started

This section provides general information about HALion Libraries and how to create instruments.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Tutorials & Guidelines / Getting Started /

HALion Libraries

On this page:

HALion allows you to create your own libraries and distribute them as VST Sound files. VST Sound is a Steinberg file format that can be compared to ZIP or ISO files, for example. It contains a file structure with folders and files. The Library Manager allows you to manage the VST Sound files of a library on your computer and to register them to the MediaBay. Once a VST Sound file is registered in the MediaBay, it is mounted, and all compatible Steinberg products can access the folders and files within it. For more details regarding the Library Manager, see steinberg.help / VST Manuals / Library Manager.

HALion libraries incorporate many source files, such as presets, samples, macro pages, MIDI modules, scripts, and sub presets. The Library Creator allows you to write VST Sound files that contain all the necessary source files of a library. A library can be created as a single VST Sound file or as a combination of VST Sound files. For example, you might want to put the presets into one VST Sound file and the samples into another. For more details on using the Library Creator, see steinberg.help / HALion 7 / Library Creator.

Defining Your Target Users

The HALion family consists of the plug-ins HALion and HALion Sonic. HALion allows you to create libraries for both plug-ins.

Before you create a library, you must decide who your target users or customers are and in which plug-in you want the library to work. Please note the following:

  • HALion Sonic has restrictions regarding the program structure. The number of instrument layers is limited to four and certain MIDI modules are always needed. HALion does not have these restrictions.
  • HALion Sonic libraries are compatible with HALion. HALion libraries are only compatible with HALion.

You could build a library that only HALion users can use, which gives you the freedom to build a program with a different structure, for example. However, this limits the number of potential users.

Most often, you will probably want to build your library so that it works with HALion Sonic, which means that it can be used by everybody. HALion Sonic is freely available for download on the Steinberg website.

HALionHALion libraries have no restrictions.HALion
HALion SonicHALion Sonic libraries have restrictions regarding the program structure. The number of instrument layers is limited to four and certain MIDI modules are always needed. See HALion Sonic Program Structure for details.HALion, HALion Sonic

❕ In previous versions of HALion Sonic (< 3.2) the maximum size of the macro page was limited to 595 x 390 pixels. The versions 3.2 and higher do not have this restiction. The macro page can be of any reasonable size.

Library Creation Process

Library Creation Workflow

To build a library that works in HALion Sonic, proceed as follows:

  1. Build the instrument in HALion. In this step, you add sublayers and samples, adjust the mapping, write scripts, build the macro page, etc. When creating the macro page, you must select Create HALion Sonic Macro Page. This creates a canvas with the default size for the HALion Sonic macro page. While working in HALion, the instrument is saved as Program preset.
  2. Export the program as HALion Sonic Layer preset. This step makes it possible to load the instrument you created in HALion as a Layer in HALion Sonic.
  3. Load the exported Layer in HALion Sonic. In this step, you should test your instrument thoroughly. If you find issues, you need to go back to the original HALion Program preset from step 1 and correct whatever you found. Then, you must export the instrument again as HALion Sonic Layer preset, load it in HALion Sonic, test it, etc. This is an iterative process. Once your instrument is set up correctly and works the way you want it, you can move on to the next step.
  4. Load the Layer in HALion Sonic and do the sound design. In this step, you tweak parameters on the macro page, add effects on the Inserts tab, assign quick controls, etc. You can even load more than one layer of your instrument and adjust the parameters on the Program tab. The macro pages of the Layers can be accessed in HALion Sonic via the L1 to L4 tabs.
  5. Save the sound as HALion Sonic Program. In this step, you should set the MediaBay tags.
  6. In the Library Creator, build your VST Sound file(s) as HALion Sonic library. The HALion Sonic presets and all the necessary source files of the library are written into the VST Sound files.

Regarding the steps above, designing a library can be divided into three phases:

I.The main part of the work usually happens in step 1.
II.Steps 2 through 5 are mainly testing and sound design.
III.Step 6 is the final step, just before the release.

Library Creation Flowchart

This flowchart shows the complete library creation process from start to end.

Library Creation process

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Creating Instruments

On this page:

This page provides you with more details on how to build instruments in HALion that work in HALion Sonic, why you must export them as HALion Sonic Layer preset, and why you should do the final sound design in HALion Sonic.

HALion Sonic has one compact, easy-to-use interface, as opposed to HALion, which has a much more advanced interface that is fully customizable. HALion Sonic's streamlined interface hides any parameters of HALion that are not needed for a VST workstation. Apart from the visible differences on the interface, there are also differences in the program structure between HALion Sonic and HALion. The program structure of the instrument that you build in HALion must fulfill some requirements in order to work in HALion Sonic.

HALion Program Structure

Libraries usually contain instruments that are designed for a special purpose.

A typical instrument consists of the following:

  • Several zones organized in layers.
  • A macro page that gives access to the most important parameters.
  • A Lua Script MIDI module and/or other MIDI modules.
  • A bus and insert effects.

The program structure of your instrument in the Program Tree of HALion might look as simple as this:

HALion Program Structure

HALion Sonic Requirements

The program structure of your instrument must fulfill the following requirements to work in HALion Sonic:

  • The macro page must be attached to the top element in the Program Tree. In the example above, this would be the element Instrument. HALion Sonic cannot access the macro page if it is not attached to the top element.

❕ In previous versions of HALion Sonic (< 3.2) the maximum size of the macro page was limited to 595 x 390 pixels. The versions 3.2 and higher do not have this restiction. The macro page can be of any reasonable size.

  • The last element in the Program Tree must be one bus with a maximum of four insert effects. In the example above, this would be the element Instrument-Bus. There must be only one bus at the top level. Several busses at the top level are not allowed. The maximum number of insert effects per Layer in HALion Sonic is limited to four. The insert effects are optional. In the example above, the Instrument-Bus does not have any insert effects. In fact, it is good practice to leave the bus empty in HALion and assign the insert effects later on the Inserts tab in HALion Sonic.

❕ HALion Sonic does not accept layer presets that do not match the requirements. When exporting a Program as HALion Sonic Layer preset, please activate Verify HALion Sonic Layer Structure. By activating this option, HALion will warn you if the program structure does not meet the requirements.

The following elements can be added freely to the program structure:

  • You can add as many sublayers and zones as you want.
  • You can place MIDI modules below the top element or inside of sublayers as needed.
  • You can add additional busses with insert effects inside of sublayers. These effects become an integral part of your instrument. To adjust the effect, you must add controls on the macro page and connect them to the effect parameters.

The following picture shows the instrument from above, with an additional bus and insert effect.

Program Structure with Effect

If you follow these guidelines, your instrument will be compatible with HALion Sonic:

  • Except for the topmost and the last element in the Program Tree, the program structure can be set up as needed for your instrument.
  • Inside the "Instrument" element, you are free to add any element you want.
  • You must set up a macro page that provides access to the important parameters. The macro page must be attached to the topmost element.
  • The "Instrument-Bus" is already part of the HALion Sonic program structure. You can assign up to four insert effects to it.

HALion Sonic Program Structure

When you design your instrument in HALion, it is created as a Program and saved as VST3 Program preset. The final sound design is usually done in HALion Sonic. However, before you can load your instrument in HALion Sonic, you must export it as HALion Sonic Layer preset. The export in HALion Sonic format allows you to load and test your instrument in HALion Sonic.

To export the program as HALion Sonic Layer preset:

  1. In HALion in the Program Tree, right-click the top-most element and select Import/Export > Export Program as VST3 Preset...

Export HS Layer Preset

  1. Choose a location and a file name.
  2. Activate the options Export as HALion Sonic Layer and Verify HALion Sonic Layer Structure.
  3. Finally, click OK.

Export HS Layer Preset Dialog

The layout of HALion Sonic's interface and features requires some specific MIDI modules and busses. When you load a Layer preset in HALion Sonic, any missing MIDI modules, busses, etc. that are required for HALion Sonic to operate are added automatically. For example, if the Instrument-Bus was missing in the example above, HALion Sonic would add this bus when loading the Layer preset, because it is needed for the Inserts tab in HALion Sonic.

The following picture shows the program structure of the example instrument after these steps:

  • In HALion, export the instrument with Export Program as VST3 Preset...
  • Load the exported Layer in HALion Sonic and save it as Program preset.
  • Load this Program preset in HALion.

Internal HS Program Structure

The Trigger Pads, two FlexPhrasers and a Program-Bus were added, because HALion Sonic requires them.

❕ If you load a Program preset from HALion Sonic in HALion, do not export the Program preset as HALion Sonic Layer preset again. If you do so and load this preset in HALion Sonic, the MIDI modules will be added again and the preset will not be compatible anymore. You must use the HS Edit mode instead. See Using HS Edit Mode for details.

Once your instrument is finished, the final sound design can start.

Final Sound Design

The exported HALion Sonic Layer preset usually serves as your init preset for doing the final sound design in HALion Sonic.

Doing the final sound design in HALion Sonic has the following advantages:

  • The required elements are added automatically.
  • You have access to the Program tab, which allows you to combine up to four instruments, for example.
  • You have access to the Inserts tab, which allows you to assign insert effects to the layers and the program.
  • Additional parameters from HALion are hidden and cannot be adjusted by mistake.

After the sound design, you can save your finished sound as HALion Sonic Program preset. In this step you should tag your presets in the MediaBay. See the MediaBay Guideline for more details.

It is recommended to save your sounds as Program presets rather than HALion Sonic Layer presets, because Steinberg users mainly use the Program filter when browsing for presets in the MediaBay.

Finally, in HALion's Library Creator, add your presets to a VST Sound and choose to build your library as HALion Sonic library.

Correcting Settings

To correct settings in your instrument, choose one of the two following ways:

Using Export Program as VST3 Preset...

If you need to correct settings in the phase of testing your instrument in HALion Sonic and if you have not done any serious sound design or saved further presets yet:

  1. Go back to the original HALion Program preset of your instrument.
  2. Correct settings as required and save the edits to the original HALion Program preset.
  3. Export the instrument again as HALion Sonic Layer preset.

Using HALion Sonic Edit Mode

If you need to correct settings in the phase of sound design and you already created HALion Sonic Program presets:

  1. Load the HALion Sonic Program preset of your instrument. The HALion Sonic Edit Mode will be activated. This ensures that you cannot accidentally change the program structure that is required by HALion Sonic.

❕ Do not deactivate HS Edit mode, it cannot be activated manually.

  1. Correct settings as appropriate and save the Program preset. If the HALion Sonic Edit Mode is active, the preset will be saved in the HALion Sonic preset format.

The HALion Sonic Edit Mode can be switched off permanently with the corresponding setting on the Options page. When loading HALion Sonic Program presets, the HALion Sonic Edit Mode will only be activated if the setting on the Options page is turned on. See HALion Sonic Edit Mode for details.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Tutorials & Guidelines / Getting Started /

Exploring the Turorials and How-tos

On this page:

Many of the tutorials and how-tos provide downloadable VST presets either as starting point or as fully working example for the introduced topic.

❕ The minimum version for using the example VST presets is HALion 6.3.

Using the Example VST Presets

It is recommended to import the VST preset to the user presets folder.

  1. Right-click the link to the VST preset and download it.
  2. Open the download location and drag the preset to HALion's MediaBay. This will import the VST preset to the user presets folder.
  3. Go to MediaBay, use the Select Content Set pop-up to select HALion Tutorials or HALion How-tos.

    Select Content Set

  4. In the MediaBay, set the View Filter to Program Filter Program Filter and the Content Filter to User Content User Content.
  5. Drag the preset from the result list to the Slot Rack.

If you do not want to import the VST preset to the user presets folder, just drag it from the download location to the Slot Rack.

Using the Example Macro Pages

The example VST presets come with a basic macro page.

How-tos Macro Page

The functionality is as follows:

  • The title in the top left tells you if the VST preset belongs to a tutorial or a how-to.
  • A click on the Steinberg logo brings you to the Steinberg website.
  • The title in the middle tells you the topic the VST preset belongs to. Click this title to open the accompanying page on developer.steinberg.help.
  • The lower area often contains controls to try out the described functionality.

Accessing the Code Examples

It is an advantage if you read the accompanying page while you examine the example VST Preset. The accompanying page usually lists MIDI Scripts or UI Scripts or both. You find the scripts in the VST preset as follows:

MIDI Scripts can be found in the Lua Script MIDI module.

  • Go to the Program Tree, select the Lua Script MIDI module and open the internal script editor.

MIDI Script in Lua Script MIDI Module

UI Scripts can be found in the Macro Page Designer.

  • Go to the Macro Page Designer and open the internal script editor of the macro page.

UI Script in Macro Page Designer.png

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Tutorials & Guidelines /


The tutorials explain common techniques and best practices for building your instruments. By following the instructions step by step you will learn important workflows and skills that make your sound designer life easier.

❕ The minimum version for working through the tutorials is HALion 6.3.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Tutorials & Guidelines / How-tos /

Creating a Template List

On this page:

Template Lists are a versatile and powerful tool for creating controls with repeating elements, such as an effects rack with multiple slots, or a list of articulations that share a set of parameters. The main concept behind Template Lists is based on creating repeating controls from a single template that is referenced and instantiated multiple times. Similar to programming where for-loops can save many lines of code, Template Lists save you from creating many individual templates. This tutortial describes the creation of a Template List step by step. The following preset already contains the ready solution. For better understanding, it is recommended to try the steps described below by yourself.

Example VST Preset


  1. Create a program with a synth zone.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer and click Create New Macro Page/Library.

Overview of Workflows

  • Add a Template List control.
  • Create a template for the entries of the list.
  • Add controls to the template and export the desired values as template parameters.
  • Create variables for the desired entries in the list and connect them to the corresponding template parameters.

Creating a Basic Template List

This first part of the tutorial illustrates only the creation of a basic template list without furthergoing functionality.

  1. In the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and create a Template List. Name it 'BasicList', for example.
  2. Go to the Templates Tree and create a Template. Name it 'RowEntry'.
  3. Click Edit Element Edit Element to open the template.
  4. Add a Label and a Decor control. The look of an entry is defined by the properties of the controls inside the template. Adjust the size and other properties of the controls as desired.
  5. Select the Label control and go to the Properties editor. Next to the Text property, click Export Property Export Property to export it. This exported Text becomes a template parameter of the BasicList template list.
  6. It's advanteagous to rename the exported Text property. Select RowEntry and go to the Template Parameter section of the Properties editor, change the name of the exported Text property to 'Name'.

    Creating a Template List RowEntry RowName

  7. Close the template and go back to the to the GUI Tree. Select the BasicList item, go to the Properties editor and set Template to 'RowEntry'.
  8. Create a Variables folder, right-click it and create a String List variable. Name it 'RowNames'.
  9. Select the String List variable, go to the Properties editor and create entries for each row you want to display. Name the entries 'Zone 1', 'Zone 2', and 'Zone 3'.

    Creating a Template List RowNames Variable

  10. Select the BasicList item, go to the Properties and set the Name template parameter to '@RowNames'. The list entries you defined in step 9 should now display with the look you defined in step 4.
  11. Adjust the position and size of the BasicList template list, if needed.

    Creating a Template List BasicList

Adding Functionality

In this part of the tutorial, the variables Focus Var and Index Var of the Template List will be used to highlight the selected row and to display the row index. We will also add two more synth zones to the program and further controls to the Template List for adjusting these zones. The synth zones are used only as a substitute for the different articulations of an instrument, which are normally provided by different layers with samples for each articulation.

❕ To follow the subsequent steps, Creating a Basic Template List must be completed first.

  1. Go to the Program Tree and add two more synth layers.
  2. Open the Zone Editor and got to the Oscillator section, then switch off all oscillators except oscillator 1. Do this for all three zones. Choose different waveforms for oscillator 1 in each of the three zones.
  3. Open the Macro Page Designer, select the BasicList template list and go to the Properties editor. Set Focus Var to 'RowFocus' and Index Var to 'RowIndex'. These two variables will be used later inside the RowEntry template to highlight the selected row and to display the row index.

    Creating a Template List RowFocus RowIndex

  4. Select the Variables folder and create a String List variable. Name it 'ZoneMute'. Go to the Properties editor and create the following entries: '@0:Zone 1/@id:66', '@0:Zone 2/@id:66', and '@0:Zone 3/@id:66'. The ZoneMute variable will be used later inside the RowEntry template to control the mute of the focused zone.

    Creating a Template List ZoneMute

  5. Create another String List variable and name it 'ZoneCoarse'. Go to the Properties editor and create the following entries: '@0:Zone 1/@id:330002', '@0:Zone 2/@id:330002', and '@0:Zone 3/@id:330002'. The ZoneCoarse variable will be used later inside the RowEntry template to control the coarse tune of the focused zone.

    Creating a Template List ZoneCoarse

  6. Create on more String List variable and name it 'ZoneLevel'. Go to the Properties editor and create the following entries: '@0:Zone 1/@id:320001', '@0:Zone 2/@id:320001', and '@0:Zone 3/@id:320001'. The ZoneLevel variable will be used later inside the RowEntry template to control the level of the focused zone.

    Creating a Template List ZoneLevel

  7. Go to the Templates Tree, select the RowEntry template and click Edit Element Edit Element to open it.
  8. Add a Text control and name it 'RowIndex'. Position it before the Label control that displays the row names. Set the Value to '@RowIndex'. Now, the index of the row should display in the list.

    Creating a Template List ZoneLevel

  9. Create a Stack control and drag the Decor control into it. Rename the decor to 'DecorOff'. Copy the decor and rename it to 'DecorOn'. Go to the Properties editor and change the color of the DecorOn control to fully white. Select the Stack control and set its Value property to '@RowFocus'. Now, a row will highlight if you click it.

    Creating a Template List RowEntry Stack

  10. Add a Switch control and set Mode to 'onoff'. Assign bitmaps for the different states of the switch. Alternatively, you can use a preconfigured switch template from the Basic Controls library. Postition the switch between the RowIndex and the RowName controls. Next to the Value property, click Export Property Export Property to export it. Select RowEntry and change the name of the exported Value property to 'Mute'.

    Creating a Template List RowEntry Switch

  11. Add a Text control and name it 'CoarseVal'. Postition the control after the RowName control. Next to the Value property, click Export Property Export Property to export it. Select RowEntry and change the name of the exported Value property to 'Coarse'.

    Creating a Template List RowEntry CoarseVal

  12. Add another Text control and name it 'LevelVal'. Postition the control after the CoarseVal control. Next to the Value property, click Export Property Export Property to export it. Select RowEntry and change the name of the exported Value property to 'Level'.

    Creating a Template List RowEntry LevelVal

  13. Close the RowEntry template and go back to the to the GUI Tree. Select the BasicList item, go to the Properties editor and set the Template Parameters as follows: Set 'Mute' to '@ZoneMute', 'Coarse' to '@ZoneCoarse', and 'Level' to '@ZoneLevel'. Now, the rows will show the values of the connected parameters of the corresponding zones.

    Creating a Template List BasicList Template Parameter

❕ The Stack from step 9 could contain further controls and thus change the appearance of a rowcompletely, e.g., Label and Text controls with different colors, etc. To display the same parameters, their exported Value properties must share the same name.

Setting the Scope for Controls outside the Template List

This last part of the tutorial describes how to use a Template List for managing a common set of controls for different zones, or the different articulations of an instrument, for example. The common controls exist only once and are not part of the template list. The focus of the template list is used to switch the scope of these controls, which connects them to the corresponding zone, or layer of an articulation.

❕ To follow the subsequent steps, Creating a Basic Template List and Adding Functionality must be completed beforehand.

  1. Open the Macro Page Designer, select the Variables folder and create a String List variable. Name it 'ZoneList'. Go to the Properties editor and create the following entries: '@0:Zone 1/', '@0:Zone 2/', and '@0:Zone 3/'. The ZoneList variable will be used later to set the focus for a set of common controls.

    Creating a Template List ZoneList Variable

  2. Create a Group and set the Scope property to '@ZoneList'.
  3. Add two knobs from the Basic Controls library to the group, one for the Coarse and one for the Level parameter of the zones. Set the Value property of the Coarse knob to '@id:330002' and the Value property of the Level knob to '@id:320001'. Name the labels of the respective knobs 'Coarse' and 'Level'.

    Creating a Template List Group

  4. Select the BasicList template list and set its Value property also to '@ZoneList'. Now, the scope of the knob controls is determined by the focussed row in the template list.

    Creating a Template List BasicList ZoneList

  5. Finally, create four Label controls, name them 'Mute', 'Name', 'Coarse', and 'Level', and place them above the corresponding columns of the Template List.

    Creating a Template List Labels

Using UI Script Parameters Instead of UI Variables

Instead of using UI Variables for defining the entries of the Template List you can use a string list parameter that you have defined in an UI script.

  1. Create a UI script and define a string list parameter.
  2. Connect the string list parameter with the corresponding template parameter of the Template List.

Creating a Template List UI Script


rowsList = {}

for i = 1, 4 do
	rowsList[i] = "Zone "..tostring(i)

defineParameter("RowNames", nil, 1, rowsList)

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Tutorials & Guidelines / Tutorials /

Using Relative Paths

On this page:

Abolute Paths vs. Relative Paths

Absolute paths use the full file path starting from the root directory of your system. If the source files of your library use absolute paths, you have to relocate them when moving the library to another directory or system. If you work in a team and you need to share your library with your teammates, you must work with relative paths. Relative paths start from a specific working directory, avoiding the need to provide the full file path. If the source files of your library use relative paths, you can move the library to another directory or system without having to relocate the files. Therefore, it is recommended to work with relative paths when creating libraries.

Creating a Working Directory

Libraries and their source files can be moved and shared easily if you keep all files in one place: your working directory. It is recommended that you create one working directory for each library. This directory contains the required subfolders for the different types of source files. Typical subfolders are: VST presets, macropages, samples, scripts, etc. The working directory can be located anywhere on your system.

  • To create a working directory and subfolders, use the file browser of your system.

A typical folder structure could look like this:

Folder Structure

Achieving Relative Paths

Overview of Workflows

  • To export the VST preset to the working directory, you must use Export Program as VST3 Preset...
  • Place the source files in the subfolders of the working directory and load them from there.
  • Load the source files from any location, then export them into the respective subfolders of the working directory using one of HALion's export functions. There are different functions for exporting samples, macro pages, etc. Then relocate the files with a replace function or load them from their new location.

The different workflows will be explained in detail below.

❕ You cannot create a working directory simply by moving the VST preset and all source files into one directory, because the file paths within the VST preset still point to the locations of the source files that were used when you saved the preset.

Exporting VST Presets to the Working Directory

If you want to save your VST preset for the first time, you might be tempted to use Save Program or Save Program As... The save functions only allow you to save in the default location for VST presets. However, the default location is scanned by the MediaBay and is therefore not the adequate location for working directories. The export function allows you to choose the location freely. You must use Export Program as VST3 Preset... at least once to export your VST preset to the working directory. After loading the exported VST preset from the working directory, you can save your VST preset using the Save Program command or the export function. Save Program will not ask for a location or file name if the preset was loaded from the working directory.

To achieve relative paths for your VST preset:

  1. Export the VST preset with Export Program as VST3 Preset... to the working directory.
  2. Load the VST preset from the working directory.

From now on, you can either use Save Program or the export function to save your VST preset.

❕ If you are working on a HALion Sonic library, you usually want to save HALion Sonic Layers and not HALion Programs. In this case Save Program cannot be used and you must use Export Program as VST3 Preset... with the options As HS Layer and Verify activated.

Using Source Files from the Working Directory

A practical way to achieve relative paths for your library is to place the source files, e.g., samples, bitmaps, scripts, etc., in the working directory before loading them. This is especially recommended if you already know which files you want to use in your library.

  • Place the source files in the subfolders of the working directory and load them from there.

❕ Do not forget to save or export your VST preset after adding new ressources to it.

Using Export Program as VST3 Preset... with Export Files

Export Program as VST3 Preset... with Export Files activated allows you to create a working directory and export all the required files to it in a single operation.

  1. In the Program Tree, right-click the program and select Import/Export > Export Program as VST3 Preset...
  2. Activate Export files.
  3. If you are working on a HALion Sonic library, activate As HS Layer and Verify.
  4. Choose a location and a file name. The location becomes your working directory. The file name should correspond to the name of your instrument.
  5. Click OK to start the export.

HALion now creates a VST preset and several subfolders in the working directory. The subfolders store all the ressources that were in use when you exported the program.

Export Program with Files

Subfolders containing ressources typically look like this:

Folder Structure

To activate the relative paths, you must load the exported VST preset:

  • Load the exported preset from the working directory. It uses only the exported files in the respective subfolders.

Moving a Library

If you need to move the library to a new location, you must move the whole working directory with contents. As long as you do not change the folder structure inside the working directory, HALion will be able to load your library, even after moving it.

Achieving Relative Paths in Script

Functions like loadPreset require a file path as argument. The function debug.getinfo from the Lua debug library returns the file path of the running script. You can use this information to create a relative file path for your script. The folders in the if branch of the following script example must match the working directory on your hard disk. How to create a working directory is described in Using Relative Paths. The folders in the else branch must match the folders that you specified in the Library Creator. If the folder on the hard disk cannot be found, the file path of the VST sound will be used instead. Note that the VST sound must be mounted for this to work.


-- Load a sub preset from hard disk or VST sound.
-- Find relative path on hard disk.
local info = debug.getinfo(1,'S') -- Function from the Lua debug library.
local source = info.source
local pos = string.find(source, "/library/") -- Assumes the folder "/library/" contains subfolders like "/samples/", "/scripts/", "/VST3 Sub Presets/", etc.
if pos then
    contentPath = string.sub(source, 1, pos - 1).."/library/VST3 Sub Presets/"  -- The folder on disk with sub presets, for example.
    -- Extract VST sound GUID, e.g. "vstsound://ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456".
    -- The GUID of the VST sound can be found in the library creator.
    -- "SomeFolderName" is defined in the library creator.
    -- The library creator prepends "/.AppData/Steinberg/" when building the library.
    -- The content must be in the same VST sound as the script.
    contentPath = source:sub(1, 43) .. "/.AppData/Steinberg/SomeFolderName/" -- The location of the sub presets inside the vstsound.
-- Load the sub preset from the respective contentPath.
layer = loadPreset(contentPath.."SomePreset.vstpreset")

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Using Velocity Crossfades

On this page:

The sampled velocities of an instrument usually have differences in timbre and level. Velocity crossfades allow you to blend between adjacent velocities for smoothing out these differences, which makes the instrument more playable and realistic.


To set up velocity crossfades, you need a multi-sample with two or more velocity layers. The following example program has three velocity layers.

Loading the Example VST Preset

  1. Download Using Velocity Crossfades 01.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the VST preset to the Slot Rack.

❕ The example VST preset requires the factory content of HALion.

Activating Velocity Crossfades

Overview of Workflows

  • Individual Velocity Mode and Velocity Fade must be activated for the layer containing the zones that you want to crossfade.
  • Enable Crossfade on Velocity Axis must be activated for all zones that you want to crossfade.
  • Adjust the fade handles in the mapping using Crossfade: Symmetric.

Activating the Layer

The options Individual Velocity Mode and Velocity Fade can be found in the Sound editor.

  1. In the Program Tree, select the layer containing the zones that you want to crossfade.
  2. Open the Sound editor, go to the Trigger section and activate Individual Velocity Mode and Velocity Fade.

Using Velocity Crossfades Trigger Section

Activating the Zones

The option Enable Crossfade on Velocity Axis can be found in the context menu of the Mapping editor.

  1. Open the Mapping editor and select all zones.
  2. Right-click a zone and select Crossfades > Enable Crossfade on Velocity Axis.

❕ The Enable Crossfade on Velocity Axis option is grayed out and cannot be used if Individual Velocity Mode or Velocity Fade are not activated.

Using Velocity Crossfades Enable Crossfades

Adjusting the Velocity Crossfades

Velocity crossfades are adjusted with the fade handles in the Mapping editor.

❕ The fade handles are only visible if the options for the layer and zones have been activated, as described above. In addition, the zones must be selected and the zoom level must be high enough.

  1. In the toolbar of the Mapping editor, activate Crossfades: Symmetric Using Velocity Crossfades Symmetric.
  2. Select the zones that you want to crossfade or select all zones.
  3. Zoom in until you see the fade handles.
  4. Drag a fade handle to adjust the range of the crossfade.
  5. Drag one of the fade handle's lines to adjust the curvature of the crossfade.

Using Velocity Crossfades Fade Handles

Using the Velocity Options

Once the velocity crossfades are set up in the mapping, they can be used. You can crossfade the zones using the note-on velocity or by using the value of a MIDI controller, for example. The different usages are configured with the velocity options in the Trigger section of the corresponding layer. Which settings you must use depends on the requirements of your content. The following table lists the different requirements and the settings for the velocity options.

#Content RequirementsVelocity ModeVelocity FadeDescription
  • Timbre and level only need to change at the note-on.
  • Crossfades are not required.
  • Only the zones that belong to a specific note and velocity will be triggered.
  • The crossfades in the mapping are not applied (velocity switching).
  • The level of the triggered zones is set at the note-on.
  • Timbre and level only need to change at the note-on.
  • Crossfades are required.
  • Only the zones that belong to a specific note and velocity will be triggered.
  • If the velocity lies within a crossfade, the crossfading zones will be triggered simultaneously.
  • The crossfades in the mapping are applied at the note-on (velocity crossfading).
  • The level of the triggered zones is set at the note-on.
  • Timbre only needs to change at the note-on.
  • Level needs to change also after the note-on.
  • Crossfades are not required.
  • The velocity of the note-on event is replaced by the value of the MIDI controller.
  • Only the zones that belong to a specific note and velocity will be triggered.
  • The crossfades in the mapping are not applied (velocity switching).
  • After the note-on, the MIDI controller cannot switch between the velocities.
  • The MIDI controller can change the level of the triggered zones, even after the note-on.
  • Timbre only needs to change at the note-on.
  • Level needs to change also after the note-on.
  • Crossfades are required.
  • The velocity of the note-on event is replaced by the value of the MIDI controller.
  • Only the zones that belong to a specific note and velocity will be triggered.
  • If the velocity lies within a crossfade, the crossfading zones will be triggered simultaneously.
  • The crossfades in the mapping are applied at the note-on (velocity crossfading).
  • After the note-on, the MIDI controller cannot crossfade between the velocities.
  • The MIDI controller can change the level of the triggered zones, even after the note-on.
  • Timbre and level need to change freely.
  • Crossfades are not required..
  • The velocity of the note-on event is replaced by the value of the MIDI controller.
  • The velocity of the note-on event is replaced by the value of the MIDI controller.
  • All zones that belong to the same note are triggered simultaneously regardless of their velocity.
  • The crossfades in the mapping are not applied (velocity switching).
  • The MIDI controller can switch between the velocities of the triggered zones and change their level, even after the note-on..
  • Timbre and level need to change freely.
  • Crossfades are required.
  • The velocity of the note-on event is replaced by the value of the MIDI controller.
  • All zones that belong to the same note are triggered simultaneously regardless of their velocity.
  • The crossfades in the mapping are applied (velocity crossfading).
  • The MIDI controller can crossfade between the velocities of the triggered zones and change their level, even after the note-on.

We will use Velocity Mode Continuous and Velocity Fade On for the example VST preset.

  1. In the Program Tree, select the layer on which you activated the Individual Velocity Mode and Velocity Fade options.
  2. Open the Sound editor, go to the Trigger section and set Velocity Mode to "Continuous" and Controller to ""Modulation Wheel"".

Using Velocity Crossfades Continuous

  • Play a note and use the modulation wheel.

Setting the Level Velocity

The overall dynamic range and response is determined by the Level Velocity settings of the amplitude envelope of the zone.

Using Velocity Crossfades Amp Env

Depending on whether your samples are normalized or not, there are two basic concepts for setting up the level velocity.

If your samples are normalized:

  1. Choose a Level Velocity Curve. The Squared velocity curve is the most commonly used curve.
  2. Adjust the dynamic range with the Level Velocity parameter. The higher the value, the greater the dynamic range.

Using Velocity Crossfades Vel

With these settings, the dynamic range and response is mainly determined by the level velocity settings of the zones.

If your samples are not normalized:

  1. Set the Level Velocity Curve to Linear.
  2. Activate Use Normalized Velocity.
  3. Increase the Level Velocity parameter for each velocity layer only as much as necessary until the crossfades sound smooth.

Using Velocity Crossfades Vel Norm

With these settings, the dynamic range and response is determined by the combination of the gains of the samples and the Level Velocity settings of the zones.

Fine-Tuning the Velocity Crossfades

To make the crossfades as seamless as possible, the pitches and the levels of the samples must match as closely as possible. For example, you might hear flanging or breaks in the level during the crossfade if the pitches and the levels of adjacent samples do not match. In the Mapping editor, you can adjust the pitch and the level for each sample individually.

  1. Go to the Mapping editor and select the sample that you want to adjust.
  2. Adjust the Tune and Gain parameters until the crossfade of adjacent samples sounds smooth.

Tips for adjusting the Pitches of the Samples

The velocity fades should be activated while adjusting the pitches.

  1. Play a note with a velocity within the range of a crossfade.
  2. Adjust the pitches of the adjacent samples until the flanging is minimized or gone.

Tips for adjusting the Gains of the Samples

When using normalized samples, it can be useful to switch off any velocity fades and level velocity settings while adjusting the gains in the mapping.

  1. In the Program Tree, select the layer on which you activated the Individual Velocity Mode and Velocity Fade options.
  2. Open the Sound editor, go to the Trigger section and deactivate the Velocity Fade option.
  3. Open the Zone editor, go to the amplitude envelope and set Level Velocity to 0%.

Now, you hear only the differences in level and timbre between adjacent samples.

  • Adjust the sample gains until you hear only changes in timbre.

Once you are happy with the gains, activate the Velocity Fade option on the layer and set the Level Velocity of the zones as desired.

Example VST Preset

In the finished example VST preset, the pitch and gain of each zone was adjusted in the mapping for smoother crossfades.

  1. Download Using Velocity Crossfades 02.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset to the Slot Rack.
  3. Play a note and use the modulation wheel.

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Working with Exported Properties

On this page:

When creating universally reusable control templates, it is necessary to export all control properties that need to be accessible on the template level from the controls that are located inside the template.

The properties that can be exported have an Export Property option Export Property. The parameter is exported if this option is activated. You can see all exported parameters by selecting the topmost element in the GUI Tree of the template. The following screenshot shows this for the Knob H6 template from the Basic Controls library.

Working with Exported Properties Knob H6


  • A program with a macro page.

Creating a Simple Template

  1. Go to the Macro Page Designer, create a Knob control on the macro page and assign an animation bitmap.

❕ If you do not have an animation bitmap at hand: You can add temporarily a knob template from the Basic Controls or Additional Controls libraries. This adds the necessary resources and you can assign the respective animation bitmap to your knob.

  1. Select the Knob control in the GUI Tree, open the context menu and select Create template 'Knob' from 'Knob'.
  2. In the GUI Tree of the template, change the name of the topmost element to "MyKnob".
  3. Select the Knob control and export the Value property by clicking Export Property Export Property.
  4. Select "MyKnob" in the GUI Tree and give the Value parameter in the Template Parameter section a meaningful name, e.g., "Value".
  5. Go back to the GUI Tree of the macro page by clicking Switch back to Macro Page/Parent Template Switch Back to Macro Page.

Result: You have created a simple knob template with a Value parameter.

You can add further elements such as labels and text fields to the template and export their relevant parameters, too. Giving exported parameters the same name will combine them on the template level. This way, the template shows a single Value parameter on template level, which could be connected with a knob and a text control inside the template, for example. For more suggestions, try out the knob templates that come with the Basic Controls and Additional Controls libraries.

Connecting Template Parameters

You can connect template parameters like parameters of standard controls. There are multiple ways you can do this:

  • Drag and drop an engine or script parameter from the parameter list to the template parameter.
  • Open the context menu on a HALion control and select Connect to Macro Page, then do the same for the template and select Connect to Parameter '...' or open the context menu on the Value property and select Connect to Parameter '...'.
  • Type in @example to connect the template to a script parameter or a UI variable of that name.
  • Type in a path to layers, zones, busses, etc., for example, @type:zone/@id:nn

Changing the Template While It Is Connected

You can exchange the used template at any time, even if it has already been connected. For this, change the template reference in the Template Parameter section in the Properties view.

  • If the newly assigned template shares the same parameters, the connections remain intact.
  • If the new template does not use the same parameters, a warning message is shown. You can delete the obsolete connections or keep them.

Keeping the connections is useful if you want to switch back to the previous template at a later stage. In this case, all connections are automatically re-established. This is particularly useful if you are working with Dynamic Template References, because in this case, you want to keep exported parameters and their connections even when the template is temporarily not used.

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In this section your find short examples focusing on a specific task. The how-tos often feature small code examples you can adapt for your own solutions.

❕ The minimum version for exploring the how-tos is HALion 6.3.

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Animating and Modifying SVGs

(Since HALion 7.0)

On this page:

By harnessing the capabilities of Lua expressions, you can animate controls that incorporate Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs). Through the manipulation of SVG properties using Lua expressions, you gain control over how the values of these properties are modified within the control itself. This enables you to create dynamic and visually appealing animations that enhance the user experience.

Lua Expressions

An expression begins with $ followed by (). Everything inside the brackets will be evaluated and returns the effective value for the property.


You can use the following variables in Lua expressions:

NThe normalized value (0 to 1.0) of the control itself.
VThe value as sent by the connected engine parameter.
SA string as sent by the connected parameter.

The string of a S variable is set either by a stringlist variable or by MIDI script or UI script parameters. The ability to use the string output of a parameter allows you to transmit even a full sequence of values, such as the path of an object, for example.

Animating and Modifying SVG Properties

The subsequent examples are presented as illustrative guides to kickstart your own solution-building process.

Example VST Preset

Animating and Modifying SVGs

To explore the templates in this example:

  1. Load Animating and Modifying SVGs.vstpreset.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and select the template you wish to explore.
  3. Click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.
  4. Inside the template, select a Knob control, for example. Look which Bitmap resource has been assigned.
  5. Go to the Resources Tree and select the corresponding SVG resource. Look for the IDs, properties and values as listed below.

Changing the Fill Color of an Object

Knob Black

Resource: Knob11_Scale2_Green.


Description: Static color, in this case black. The original color of the control was green.

Knob Red to Black

Resource: Knob11_Scale2_Red.


Description: The normalized value (0 to 1.0) of the control scales the red channel from 255 to 0. This creates a fade from red to black.

Knob Black to White

Resource: Knob11_Scale2_Blue.


Description: The normalized value (0 to 1.0) of the control scales all channels from 0 to 255. This creates a fade from black to white.

❕ rgb values must be integer values, therefore math.floor is used in the examples above.

Knob Opacity

Resource: Knob11_Scale2_Blue_1.

Knobfillhsla (220,75%,62%,$(1-N))

Description: The normalized value of the control scales the opacity from 1.0 to 0.

Rotating Star

Resource: Rotating Star


Description: An animation control changes its color to the value set by the string output of the connected script parameter. $(SColor)is an additional SVG Parameter, see Animating SVGs with Additional Parameters for details. The following script switches between two colors.

function onSwitchChanged() 
    if Switch then
        this:setParameter("FillColor", "rgb(255,0,0)")
        this:setParameter("FillColor", "rgb(255,255,255)")

defineParameter("Switch", nil, false, onSwitchChanged)
defineParameter("FillColor", nil, "rgb(255,255,255)")

Changing the Rotation of an Object

Knob Black

Resource: Knob11_Scale2_Green.


Description: The object is rotated by a fixed amount of 180 degrees around the center at x,y = 32,32 pixels. In this case, the scale is turned up side down.

Knob Black, Knob Red to Black, Knob Black to White, Knob Opacity

Resource: Knob11_Scale2_Green, Knob11_Scale2_Red, Knob11_Scale2_Blue and Knob11_Scale2_Blue_1.


Description: A knob control rotates the object by 270 degrees with a start offset of -135 degrees, around the center at x,y = 32,32 pixels. In this case, the indicator of the control is rotated displaying the current value.

Changing the Position of an Object


Resource: Circle.


Description: The upper left corner of the object is moved by a fixed amount, -0.5 pixels down and 0.5 pixels to the right. Here, it places the handle of the slider at the correct position.

Changing the Path of an Object


Resource: LightStrip H3Uni.

PathdM 0 9.5 L $(N*100) 9.5

Description: Draws a horizontal line using the normalized value of the control.

/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Tutorials & Guidelines / How-tos /

Animating SVGs with Additional Parameters

(Since HALion 7.0)

On this page:

Animation controls can have more than one animatable SVG property.

Defining Additional SVG Parameters

To define additional parameters, you must use a Lua expression with the V, N, or S variable extended by a name variable. An expression begins with $ followed by (). Everything inside the brackets will be evaluated and returns the effective value for the property.


You can use the following variables in Lua expressions:

NThe normalized value (0 to 1.0) of the control itself.
VThe value as sent by the connected engine parameter.
SA string as sent by the connected parameter.
NameA definable name for the variable.

The string of a S variable is set either by a stringlist variable or by MIDI script or UI script parameters. The ability to use the string output of a parameter allows you to transmit even a full sequence of values, such as the path of an object, for example.

$(VName) | $(NName) | $(SName)

The additional parameters must be defined in the respective SVG resource like this.

SVG Properties with Additional Parameters

These additional SVG resource attributes are introduced as supplementary values within an Animation control. They can be connected to engine, MIDI script, or UI script parameters, analogous to other control values.

Animation Properties with Additional Parameters

This integration empowers the manipulation of SVG elements and their subordinate objects through diverse avenues. Each associated parameter governs a specific facet of the animation. For instance, one parameter might change object rotation, while another parameter concurrently adjusts dimensions, color properties, and so forth.

❕ To animate SVGs without the utilization of UI scripts, see Animating Switches Using SVGs for details.

Animating Additional SVG Parameters

The subsequent example is presented as illustrative guide to kickstart your own solution-building process.

Example VST Preset

Animating SVGs with Additional Parameters

To explore the templates in this example:

  1. Load Animating SVGs with Additional Parameters.vstpreset.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and select the Animation Script Example template.
  3. Click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.
  4. Inside the template, select the Animation control. Look which Bitmap resource has been assigned.
  5. Go to the Resources Tree and select the corresponding SVG resource. Look for the IDs, properties and values as listed below.

Changing Multiple SVG Properties

Resource: Rotating Star.


Description: The star is faded out by scaling it from original to minimum size. The name of the additional parameter is 'Scale'.

Sterntransformrotate($(N*360), 50,50)

Description: The star is rotated by 360 degrees. It does not need a name variable, because it uses the 'Value' parameter of the Animation control.


Description: The color fades from white to red. The name of the additional parameter is 'Color'.

The script has three outputs which are connected to the corresponding SVG properties. The speed for each animation is defined inside the script. The script is attached to the Animation Script Example Template.

Animation Script Example Template

defineParameter{name = "on", default = false, onChanged = function() animate() end}   
defineParameter{name = "out1", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1}   
defineParameter{name = "out2", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1}   
defineParameter{name = "out3", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1}   
defineParameter{name = "frames", default = 65, min = 1, max = 1000, type = "integer"}   
defineParameter{name = "frameDuration", default = 50, min = 20, max = 10000, type = "integer"}   
-- The calcPhasor function returns a closure that maintains the counter value
-- and increments it by the specified increment.  
function calcPhasor(increment)  
    local counter = 0  
    return function()  
        counter = (counter + increment) % 1  
        return counter  

function animate()
    -- Create phasors with different speed.
    local phasor1 = calcPhasor(1/frames)        -- Full speed.  
    local phasor2 = calcPhasor(1/(frames*2))    -- Half speed. 
    local phasor3 = calcPhasor(2*1/frames)      -- Double speed. 
    -- Call the phasor functions repeatedly. 
    while on do  
        out1 = phasor1()  
        out2 = phasor2()  
        out3 = phasor3()  
    out1, out2, out3 = 0, 0, 0  

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Animating Switches Using SVGs

(Since HALion 7.0)

On this page:

By using SVGs as resources for the different states of a Switch control, you can facilitate state-specific animations to enhance the visibility of each state. The state-specific animations are defined by using Lua expressions in the resource properties of the SVG that is assigned to each state. The SVG resources to be animated require an animation object that defines the duration and number of cycles for the animation. This integration enables the manipulation of SVG objects without necessitating the utilization of UI scripts.

❕ See Animating SVGs with Additional Parameters for details on using UI scripts for animations.

Adding an Animation Object

Before you can define the animation in the SVG resource properties, you must add an additional animation object to the SVG resource you want to animate.

  1. Go to the Resource Tree and select the SVG resource you want to animate.
  2. In the the Objects line, click +.

Adding Objects

  1. Set the ID of the object to animation.
  2. Add a duration property and set its value to '1'.
  3. Add a cycles property and set its value to '200'.

Animation Object

In this example, one cycle of the animation takes 1 second and the animation is played for 200 cycles. The settings should be sufficient to keep the animation running, even if you hover the mouse over the switch for a longer time, for example. Depending on the application of your animation, you can increase or decrease these values.

durationThis property defines how long it takes to play one cycle of the animation in seconds.float
cyclesThis property defines how often the animation is played. The minimum number of cycles must be greater 0.integer

Defining the Animation

The animations are defined in the SVG resource properties by using Lua expressions. An expression begins with $ followed by (). Everything inside the brackets will be evaluated and returns the effective value for the property.


Assuming the presence of an animation object, you can use the following variables in Lua expressions:

DurationCorresponds to the value set by the duration property.
TThe overal time since the start of the animation in seconds.
tThe normalized time (0 to 1.0) within the current cycle.
CycleThe number of completed cycles, starting at 0. The cycles property defines the maximum.

Animating Switches

The subsequent examples are presented as illustrative guides to kickstart your own solution-building process.

Example VST Preset

Animating Switches Using SVGs

To explore the templates in this example:

  1. Load Animating Switches Using SVGs.vstpreset.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and select the template you wish to explore.
  3. Click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.
  4. Inside the template, select the Switch control. Look which Bitmap resources have been assigned to the different states of the switch.
  5. Go to the Resources Tree and select the corresponding SVG resource. Look for the IDs, properties and values as listed below.

Animated Dashed Line

Dashes Switch

In this example, the same animation is used for the on and off states of the switch.

Resources: AniRect SW1_Off_Hover, AniRect SW1_On_Hover.


Description: A dashed line moves counterclockwise around the switch when you hold the mouse over the switch. By using $(1-t*20) the dashed line moves clockwise around the switch.

Animated Colors

In this example, different animations are used for the on and off states of the switch.

Colors Switch

Resource: AniRect SW2_Off_Hover.


Description: The color periodically fades between grey and white when you hold the mouse over the switch while the switch is in the off state.

Resource: AniRect SW2_On_Hover.

Rectfillhsla(214, $(100-math.cos(t*6.28)*40)%, $(80-math.cos(t*6.28)*20)%, 1)

Description: The color periodically fades between white and blue when you hold the mouse over the switch while the switch is in the on state.

Animated Size

In this example, different animations are used for the on and off states of the switch.

Size Switch

Resource: AniRect SW5_Off_Hover.


Description: The radius of the circle and the deviation of the blur change periodically when you hold the mouse over the switch while the switch is in the off state. The color is grey and the inner circle is smaller than the blur. The 'r' property describes the radius of the 'Circle' element. A negative value for 'r' must be avoided with math.abs. The 'stdDeviation' attribute defines the standard deviation for the blur.

Resource: AniRect SW5_On_Hover.


Description: The radius of the circle and the deviation of the blur change periodically when you hold the mouse over the switch while the switch is in the on state. The color is green and the inner circle is larger than in the off state. The 'r' property describes the radius of the 'Circle' element. A negative value for 'r' must be avoided with math.abs. The 'stdDeviation' attribute defines the standard deviation for the blur.

Animated Brackets

In this example, multiple properties get animated for each state and different animations are used for the on and off states of the switch.

Brackets Switch

Resource: AniRect SW6_Off_Hover.

ArrowLtransformtranslate ($(-10+t*20))
ArrowRtransformtranslate ($(10-t*20))

Description: The switch blinks periodically in white and round brackets are moving from the outside to the inside when you hold the mouse over the switch while the switch is in the off state. The 'r' property describes the radius of the 'Circle' element. A negative value for 'r' must be avoided with math.abs.

Resource: AniRect SW6_On_Hover.

ArrowLtransformtranslate ($(-10+t*20))
ArrowRtransformtranslate ($(12-t*20))

Description: The switch blinks periodically in green and round brackets are moving from the outside to the inside when you hold the mouse over the switch while the switch is in the off state. The 'r' property describes the radius of the 'Circle' element. A negative value for 'r' must be avoided with math.abs.

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Custom Multi-Level Menus

On this page:

The standard menu control can be used to control parameters offering a list of options, for example, the oscillator type of a synth oscillator. Although the menu control is a fast way to implement selection menus, its disadvantage is that it cannot be customized in its appearance and always uses the look of the operating system menus. If you want to implement a menu that follows the look and design language of your instrument, you can create menu templates that can be opened via switches using the popup style.

This custom popup menu can be extended to a custom multi-level menu: The template for the first level of the menu provides exclusive switches that open further popup templates for the next level of the menu. The exclusive switches on the first level must be connected to the same Popup List variable. On the next level, the menu provides exclusive switches that are connected to the desired parameter.

Creating menus with this structure is very flexible and you can configure them freely in every detail. For example, you can reduce the available options by leaving them out. This structure also allows you to create menus that have a completely different look than standard menus. You can create menus with entries that are arranged in a circle or use icons instead of text, for example.

The example below demonstrates how to build a custom multi-level menu for the oscillator type of the synth oscillator. The example is presented as illustrative guide to kickstart your own solution-building process. You can adapt the look and feel, the number of menu entries, etc. by editing the corresponding templates.

❕ The menu in the example below structures the oscillator types into four subgroups. If you want to show the oscillator types in a single list, please refer to Custom Popup Menus.

❕ HALion 7 introduced another method for creating custom multi-level menus. See Custom Multi-Level Menus II for details.

Example VST Preset

Custom Multi-Level Menus

To explore the templates in this example:

  1. Load Custom Multi-Level Menus.vstpreset.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the Templates Tree and select the template you want to explore.
  3. Click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.


  • A program with a synth zone and a macro page.
  • A group with a Switch, a Text and an Image control.
  • A Menu Root template for the first level of the menu.
  • A RootMenuEntry template for creating the entries of the first level menu.
  • A SubMenu_1, 2, 3, 4 template for each second level menu.
  • A MenuEntry template for creating the entries of the second level menu.

Custom Multi-Level Menu Templates

How the Elements Interact

Multi-Level Menu Selector

The Multi-Level Menu Selector Group in the GUI Tree contains the elements Menu Switch, Menu Value and Menu Back.

Custom-Multi-Level Menu Selector

Menu Switch is a Switch control that is configured to open the popup menu. It uses the Popup style with the Menu Root template which contains a Popup List variable and entries for each submenu. The entries for the submenus use the RootMenuEntry template to determine the entries in the root menu. All entries must be connected to the same Popup List variable which selects the SubMenu_1,2,3,or 4 template for the respective entry. The RootMenuEntry template uses the hover exclusive mode to open the respective submenu template when you hover over an entry. The SubMenu_1,2,3,4 and MenuEntry templates determine the entries of the submenus. All aforementioned templates will be explained in more detail below. Menu Value is a text control for displaying the current value and Menu Back is an image control for the background picture.

This Switch control is used to open the Menu Root template as a pop-up. Since it is combined with a background image and a text, the switch itself does not require any graphics. To open the pop-up menu, the properties of the switch must be set to the following values:

TemplateMenu Root
Close on ClickOutside
PlacementPlace Left, Place Right, Place Below

This Text control is connected to the oscillator type parameter and displays the selected type.

This Image control displays a backgroud picture, which is simply a black panel.

This template contains four instances of the RootMenutEntry template, one for each oscillator subgroup. The entries are determined by their Template Parameters: The names of the entries is set with the MenuText (Standard, Sync, Cross, or XOR). All four entries must be connected to the same Popup List variable @submenus and the OnValues must be set accordingly (1-4). When hovering the mouse over a menu entry, it will open the submenu template that refers to the OnValues 1-4.

Custom Multi-Level Menu Root Entry

Variables submenus

The Popup List variable "submenus" selects the SubMenu_1,2,3,4 templates for the respective entry. The order of the list refers to the OnValues 1-4.

Custom Multi-Level Menu Popup List


This template represents one entry of the root menu. It consists of four elements:

Custom Multi-Level RootMenuEntry


This Image control displays a open menu triangle.


This Text control displays the name of the entry. The Style of the control is set to Read-Only so that the text cannot be edited. The Value of the text is exported and the name is set to MenuText on the template level.


This Switch control uses the hover exclusive mode to open the respective submenu template when you hover over an entry. Since it is combined with a background image and a text, the switch itself does not require any graphics. To open the submenu template, the properties of the switch must be set to the following values:

ValueExported to the template level.
Modehover exclusive
StylePopup, Scalable
Close on ClickInside, Outside
PlacementPlace Right, Place Below
Bmp OnMenuHover
OnvalueExported to the template level.


This Image control displays a background picture for the entry.

Each of these templates contains four instances of the MenuEntry template, one for each oscillator type. The entries are determined by their Template Parameters: The names of the entries is set with the MenuText (e.g., Sine, Triangle, Saw, or Squ PWM). All four entries must be connected to the type parameter of the desired oscillator and the OnValues must be set accordingly (0-15).

For example:

Value@0:Zone 1/@id:b0001

for the Sine oscillator or

MenuTextSine Sync
Value@0:Zone 1/@id:b0001

for the Sine Sync oscillator.

Custom Multi-Level Menu SubMenu 2

This template represents one menu entry of the SubMenu_1,2,3,4 templates and must be instantiated for each oscillator type. It consists of three elements:

Custom Multi-Level MenuEntry


This Text control displays the name of the entry. The Style of the control is set to Read-Only so that the text cannot be edited. The Value of the text is exported and the name is set to MenuText on the template level.


This Switch control uses the exclusive mode to set the respective oscillator type when you select an entry. Since it is combined with a background image and a text, the switch itself does not require any graphics. The properties of the switch must be set to the following values:

ValueExported to the template level.
StyleHover, Scalable
Bmp HovMenuHover
OnvalueExported to the template level.


This Image control displays a background picture for the entry.

❕ Popup menus can only be displayed within the dimensions of the macro page. If a popup menu is too large, it will be clipped. To prevent this, you can either change the direction in which the popup menu opens, e.g., open it to the top instead of to the bottom, or you can change the size of the template, so that it fits, and then activate the scrollbar to be able to scroll to the available entries.

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Custom Multi-Level Menus II

(Since HALion 7.0)

On this page:

This how-to describes another way to build custom popup menus. The solution shown can be used to build single-level or multi-level popup menus. An example of a single-level popup menu can be found in Working with Exported Variables.

The example below demonstrates how to build a custom multi-level menu for the oscillator type of the synth oscillator. The example is presented as illustrative guide to kickstart your own solution-building process. You can adapt the look and feel, the number of menu entries, etc. by editing the corresponding templates.

Example VST Preset


  1. Load a program with a synth zone.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer and click Create New Macro Page/Library.

Overview of Templates

In the subsequent example you will add the following templates from the Basic Controls library to the Template List:

Custom Multi-Level Menus II Templates

Importing the Templates

  1. In the Resource/Library Browser, open the Basic Controls library and navigate to ./Menus/Custom.
  2. Drag the Selector template to your macro page.
  3. Set the Template Parameters of the Selector template as follows:
    • Set Popup to 'RootMenu'.
    • Connect Value to the Osc1 Type parameter, e.g., @0:Zone 1/@id:b0001.
    • Set Label to 'WAVEFORM'.
  4. Go to the Template List. Drag the following templates from the Resource/Library Browser to the Template List:
    • Basic Controls/Menus/Custom/Nested Menu/RootMenu
    • Basic Controls/Menus/Custom/Nested Menu/Sub Menus/Menu_Standard
    • Basic Controls/Menus/Custom/Nested Menu/Sub Menus/Menu_Sync
    • Basic Controls/Menus/Custom/Nested Menu/Sub Menus/Menu_Crossmod
    • Basic Controls/Menus/Custom/Nested Menu/Sub Menus/Menu_XOR

The following templates will be added automatically:

If you have followed the described steps exactly, the menu should already work.

How the Elements Interact


The Selector template contains the elements which are required to open the RootMenu template and display the selected value.

Custom Multi-Level Menus II Selector

UI Variables

selThis variable is used by all menu entries of the popup menu. sel is exported as 'Value' and combined with the Value property of the Text control. Through this the display string of the connected engine parameter will be displayed instead of the integer value.Integer

❕ For further information about exported variables, see Working with Exported Variables.

Controls and Subtemplates

SwitchA Switch control that opens the popup menu. Its Popup Template property is exported as 'Popup'. This allows you to select which popup menu to open for each instance of the Selector template.
TextA Text control for displaying the display string of the connected engine parameter. This is achieved by exporting the Value property as 'Value'. Since the sel UI variable is also exported as 'Value', both are combined into one template parameter, creating the interface for connecting the engine parameter.
TriangleAn Image control to indicate that a popup menu can be opened.
DecorA Decor control used as background.
LabelA Label control for displaying the name of the connected parameter. Its Text property is exported as 'Label'. This allows you to name the Selector template differently for each instance.


The RootMenu template displays when clicking the selector on the macro page. It defines the menu entries and opens the assigned Submenu templates when navigating through the menu.

Custom Multi-Level Menus II RootMenu

UI Variables

submenusThis Popup List variable is required to assign the Submenu templates to the entries of the RootMenu template. The entries in the Popup List correspond to the names of the Submenu templates to be opened when navigating through the menu. The Popup List variable opens the assigned Submenu template, when it receives the OnValue of the corresponding RootMenuEntry template.StringMenu_Standard, Menu_Sync, Menu_Crossmod, Menu_XOR

Custom Multi-Level Menus II PopupListVariable

Controls and Subtemplates

Standard, Sync, Crossmod, XORThese represent the four entries of the menu. They use the RootMenuEntry template which defines the look and functionality of an entry. The Value parameter of all RootMenuEntry templates must be set to @submenus. The OnValue parameters of the specific RootMenuEntry templates must be set to the index of the corresponding entry in the Popup List variable. The OnValue will be sent to the Value parameter which is sent to the submenu Popup List variable which opens the corresponding RootMenuEntry template. The Label parameter defines the name of the entry to be displayed in the menu.


This template represents one entry in the RootMenu template. It consists of two elements:

Custom Multi-Level Menus II RootMenuEntry

Controls and Subtemplates

LabelA Label control to display the name of the menu entry. Its Text property is exported as 'Label'. This allows you to name the template differently for each instance.
SwitchA Switch control with hover exclusive mode which sends its OnValue when the mouse is above the menu entry. The OnValue and Value properties are exported to be set by each instance of the template. See RootMenu for details.

There are four submenu templates in the Template List: Menu_Standard, Menu_Sync, Menu_Crossmod, and Menu_XOR. Each Submenu template contains four MenuEntry templates that define the entries of the submenu.

Custom Multi-Level Menus II Menu_Standard

Sine, Triangle,Saw, SquareThese represent the four entries of the submenu. They use the MenuEntry template which defines the look and functionality of an entry. The OnValue parameter of each MenuEntry template must be set to the corresponding value of the engine parameter it selects. This value will be sent to the sel variable. See MenuEntry and Selector/UI Variables for details. The Label parameter defines the name of the entry to be displayed in the menu.

This template represents one entry in the Submenu template. It consists of two elements:

Custom Multi-Level Menus II MenuEntry

Controls and Subtemplates

LabelA Label control to display the name of the menu entry. Its Text property is exported as 'Label'. This allows you to name the template differently for each instance.
SwitchA Switch control with exclusive mode. The OnValue property is exported to be set by each instance of the template. See Submenu for details. The Value property must be set to @sel, the UI variable of the Selector template. The OnValue will be sent to the Value parameter which is sent to the sel variable. Through this the currently selected value will be sent to the Selector template which is connected to the engine parameter and the Text control within the Selector template shows the display string of the engine parameter.

❕ Popup menus can only be displayed within the dimensions of the macro page. If a popup menu is too large, it will be clipped. To prevent this, you can either change the direction in which the popup menu opens, e.g., open it to the top instead of to the bottom, or you can change the size of the template, so that it fits, and then activate the scrollbar to be able to scroll to the available entries.

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Custom Popup Menus

On this page:

The standard menu control can be used to set parameters offering a list of options, e.g., the oscillator type of a synth oscillator. Allthough the menu control is a fast way to implement selection menus, its disadvantge is that it always uses the look of the operating system menus. If you want to implement a menu that follows the look and design language of your instrument, you can create menu templates that are openend via a switch using the popup style.

This how-to demonstrates how to build a custom popup menu for the ocillator type of a synth oscillator. This is how it looks on the macro page if the pop-up menu is opened:

Custom Popup Menu Opened

❕ The menu in the example below shows all oscillator types in a long list. If you want to create a menu with mutiple levels, please refer to Custom Multi-Level Menus, Custom Multi-level Menus II or Multi-Level System Menus.

❕ HALion 7 introduced another method for creating custom popup menus making use of exported variables. See Working with Exported Variables for details.

Example VST Preset

Custom Popup Menus

To explore the templates in this example:

  1. Load Custom Popup Menus.vstpreset.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the Templates Tree and select the template you want to explore.
  3. Click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.


Custom Popup Menu Templates

How the Elements Interact

Custom Popup

The Custom Popup Group contains the elements that are needed to open the pop-up menu and to display the selected value.

Custom Popup Group

Menu Switch is a Switch control that is configured to open the popup menu. It uses the Popup style with the Simple Menu template which contains a Template List that uses the SimpleMenuEntry template for displaying the available options. Menu Value is a Text control for displaying the current value and Menu Back is an Image control for the background picture.

This Switch control is used to open the Simple Menu template as a pop-up. Since it is combined with a background image and a text, the switch itself does not require any graphics. To open the pop-up menu, the properties of the switch must be set to the following values:

TemplateSimple Menu
Close on ClickInside, Outside
PlacementPlace Left, Place Right, Place Below

This Text control is connected to the oscillator type parameter and displays the selected type.

This Image control displays a background picture, which is simply a black panel.

Simple Menu

This template contains a template list view that uses the SimpleMenuEntry template to create the entries of the pop-up menu.

Custom Popup Menu Simple Menu

The Value is connected to the oscillator type for switching the types. To create the entries for the available types, the template parameter MenuText must be connected to the oscillator type. The look of the entries is defined in the SimpleMenuEntry template.


This template represents one entry in the pop-up menu and is instanciated for each oscillator type.

Custom Popup Menu SimpleMenuEntry


This Text control displays the name of an entry. The control is set to Read-only so that the text cannot be edited. The Value property is exported and named to MenuText on the template level. The entries in the pop-up are created by connecting the exported parameter in the template list view to the oscillator type.


This Switch control provides the hover image when moving the mouse over an entry.


This Image control displays the gray background for an entry.

❕ Popup menus can only be displayed within the dimensions of the macro page. If a popup menu is too large, it will be clipped. To prevent this, you can either change the direction in which the popup menu opens, e.g., open it to the top instead of to the bottom, or you can change the size of the template, so that it fits, and then activate the scrollbar to be able to scroll to the available entries.

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Dynamic Template References

On this page:

When building macro pages that use multiple, switchable editors, e.g., for different articulations of an instrument, it is advanteageous to use dynamic template references instead of stacked pages. The convenience of a stack is that you always have access to all subpages from the GUI Tree and that you can establish connections with engine parameters easily. The disadvantage of a stack is that the entire macro page with all subpages must be kept in memory, even if only parts of it get displayed. A more economic way to deal with multiple editors is to work with template views and to switch the template reference using a script or a stringlist variable.

This how-to demonstrates how to use a stringlist variable with template references for switching between two templates.

Example VST Preset

Dynamic Template References

To explore the templates in this example:

  1. Load Dynamic Template References.vstpreset.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the Templates Tree and select the template you want to explore.
  3. Click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.


  • A macro page with a template view.
  • Two templates, One and Two, to be shown alternatively in the template Dynamic Editor.
  • A stringlist variable t determining the names of the templates.
  • A Menu template to select the template to be displayed.

Dynamic Template References GUI Tree

How the Elements Interact

The UI variable defines the names of the templates, One and Two, that are to be switched. The templates One and Two have been setup separately. You find them in the Templates Tree. They are referenced by the template Dynamic Editor, which displays only one of them, depending on which template is selected by the Menu template. This is achieved by setting the Template property of the Dynamic Editor and the Value property of the Menu template both to the UI variable @t.

UI Variables

This variable defines the templates to be switched and it connects the Menu and Dynamic Editor templates.

tSwitches between the defined templates.stringlistOne, Two

This Menu template switches between the templates One and Two. Its Value must be set to the UI Variable @t.

Dynamic Editor

This Template control references and displays the templates One or Two, depending on which template is selected by the Menu template. The Template property must be set to the UI variable @t.

More Options

  • Instead of using a stringlist variable, you can control the template reference using a UI script parameter.
  • When using a UI variable or a UI script parameter, the selected template reference will not be saved with the preset, instead the state will only be saved and restored with projects. If you want to save and restore the state with presets, you must use a Lua Script MIDI module with a corresponding parameter defined.
  • Instead of using a Menu control, you can also use exclusive switches to select the template reference.

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Map Samples to Root Key

On this page:

This how-to shows how to map sample zones automatically to the root key that matches the analyzed pitch of the sample. Such helper functions can be useful during the production of large scale sample libraries.

Example VST Preset

The script parameters Start, Cancel and Channel can be accessed from the macro page of the example VST preset.

Map Samples to Root Key

❕ The example VST preset requires the factory content of HALion.


  • A Program with sample zones.
  • The samples have a distinct pitch.

Mapping Samples to the Root Key

The example below assumes you have a program with sample zones that are not mapped to the root key yet.

  1. Add a Lua Script module to your program.
  2. Copy the following code to the Lua Script module.
channelNames = { [0] = "All", "Left", "Right" }
defineParameter( "Channel", nil, 0, channelNames)
defineParameter( "Start", nil, false, function() if Start then onStart() end end)
defineParameter( "Cancel", nil, false)
function onPitchAnalysisFinished(audioFile, channelNum)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(channelNames[channelNum].." channel(s) of "..audioFile.fileName.." analyzed.")
function onStart()
    zones = this.parent:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        print("File: "..samplePath)
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        afile:analyzePitch(onPitchAnalysisFinished, Channel)
        while afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel) < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progressPercent = 100 * afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel)
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
        local pitch = afile:getPitch(0, -1, Channel)
        pitch = math.floor(pitch+0.5)
        print("Analyzed Pitch: "..pitch)
        zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.Rootkey", pitch)
        zone.keyLow = pitch
        zone.keyHigh = pitch
    Start = false
  1. Go to the Parameter List and activate "Start".
  2. Open the Mapping editor.

The sample zones will be mapped automatically to the matching root key.

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MIDI Note Parameters

On this page:

In HALion, value boxes for MIDI notes display the name of the MIDI note. You can set the value of a MIDI note in one of the following ways:

  • Enter the MIDI note number (0 - 127),
  • Enter the MIDI note name (C-2 - G8),
  • Play the key on your MIDI keyboard.

By using the parameter definition of a MIDI note parameter, you can create a script parameter for this.

Example VST Preset

MIDI Note Parameters


  • A Program with a Lua Script module and a Synth zone.
  • A macro page with a value box.

Defining a Parameter for MIDI Notes

The following example assumes that you want to split the MIDI keyboard with a split key.

  1. Copy the following code to the Lua Script module.
-- Get a parameter definition of a MIDI note parameter, e.g., the LowKey parameter of the parent layer.

local paramDef = this.parent:getParameterDefinition("LowKey")

-- Define a SplitKey parameter with this parameter definition.
-- By using the parameter definition of the LowKey parameter, the script parameter will act the same.

defineParameter("SplitKey", "Split Key", paramDef, function() onSplitKeyChanged() end)
function onSplitKeyChanged()
  1. Connect the script parameter to the value box on the macro page.

The SplitKey parameter will act like any MIDI note parameter in HALion: The value box displays the name of the MIDI note and you can enter values as MIDI note number, MIDI note name, or by playing the key on your MIDI keyboard.

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Modifying SVGs with Multiple Objects

(Since HALion 7.0)

On this page:

Creating a Checkbox Control

The example below demonstrates how to build a checkbox with two states, the off-state and on-state, from a single SVG file.

Creating a SVG file

Before you can build the checkbox in HALion, you need an SVG file with the representation of a typical checkbox, e.g. two concentric circles.

  1. Create an SVG file, for example with Inkscape, an open source SVG editor.
  2. Add two concentric circles and name them 'Back' for the background of the checkbox and 'Check' for the dot that indicates the checked state.

Modifying SVGs with Multiple Objects Checkbox

By viewing SVG files in a text editor you gain insight about the available objects and their values. If you open the SVG file in a text editor, it might look like this:

Modifying SVGs with Multiple Objects Text Editor

  1. In HALion, open the Macro Page Designer, add an SVG resource in the Resources Tree and set the Path to the SVG file.

In this example, the added SVG resource is named 'SVG original' and looks the same as in the SVG editor.

Modifying SVGs with Multiple Objects Original

Adding Objects

To edit the objects, you must enter the ID of the object, the property you wish to change and the corresponding values. If an SVG file contains more than one object, these objects and their properties can be added for further editing like this.

  1. Go to the Resource Tree and select the SVG resource your want to edit.
  2. In the Objects line, click +.
  3. Set the ID of the additional object.
  4. Set the properties and values of the object.

Creating Multiple Checkbox States


  • A program with a macro page.

Creating the Checkbox States

  1. Duplicate the SVG resource 'SVG original' and name it 'SVG Checkbox Off'.
  2. In the 'SVG Checkbox Off' resource, add the objects 'Back' and 'Check' as described above in Adding Objects.
  3. Adapt the look to your liking. In this example, 'Back' is set to fill and orange and 'Check' is set to fill and rgba (0,0,0,0.4) which is black with an opacity of 40 %.

    Modifying SVGs with Multiple Objects Off

  4. Duplicate the SVG resource 'SVG Checkbox Off' and name it 'SVG Checkbox On'.
  5. In the 'SVG Checkbox On' resource, set the fill property of the 'Check' circle to black.

    Modifying SVGs with Multiple Objects On

  6. In the GUI Tree, add a Switch control and set its Mode to 'onoff'.
  7. Assign the 'SVG Checkbox Off' and 'SVG Checkbox On' resources to the Bitmaps Off and On respectively.

    Modifying SVGs with Multiple Objects Switch

If you want, you can create more variants to implement additional hover-state resources, for example.

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Multi-Level System Menus

On this page:

For most applications, standard menus are well suited to select options from a list of strings, e.g., a menu that contains various filter types. If the number of entries is too high, one loses the overview and a subdivided menu would be advantageous. To achieve a subdivided menu, you must implement the menu entries as a stringlist parameter with strings in the following notation:

/Folder/Subfolder/../Menu Entry

Please see the example below for details.

❕ This how-to demonstrates multi-level menus using the generic look of the operating system. If you want to create menus with a customized look, please refer to Custom Multi-Level Menus, Custom Multi-Level Menus II or Custom Popup Menus.

Example VST Preset

Multi-Level System Menu.vstpreset

Multi-Level System Menu

To explore the templates in this example:

  1. Load Multi-Level System Menu.vstpreset.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the Templates Tree and select the template you want to explore.
  3. Click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.


  • A macro page with a Menu, a Text, and a Label control, optionally combined as a template.
  • A MIDI or UI script that provides parameter definitons and functions

Defining Parameters for the Menu

The following code example shows how to create the menu entries and the resulting display string using a UI script.


 -- Create tables for menu entry strings and display output strings
entry_and_output = {
    { "/Folder1/Entry1", "Value 1" },
    { "/Folder1/Entry2", "Value 2" },
    { "/Folder2/Entry1", "Value 3" },
    { "/Folder2/Entry2", "Value 4" },
entries = {}
outputs = {}
for i,v in ipairs(entry_and_output) do
 entries[i] = v[1]
 outputs[i] = v[2]
-- Define the parameter "Entry" to be connected to a menu control and the parameter "Output" to display the selected menu entry
defineParameter("Entry", nil, 1, entries, function() Output = Entry end)
defineParameter("Output", nil, 1, outputs)

In the Example VST Preset the UI script is attached to the macro page.

Multi Level System Menu UI Script

System Menu

The System Menu contains the elements that are needed to display the selected value. The template parameters Text Output and Menu Entries must be connected to the corresponding parameters @Output and @Entry of the UI script.

Multi Level System Menu Template

In this example the Output parameter is not connected to a physical parameter. To set the value of the desired parameter, the Output parameter of the UI script must be connected to the respective parameter in the program.

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Relative Paths

On this page:

Functions like loadPreset require a file path as argument. The function debug.getinfo from the Lua debug library returns the file path of the running script. You can use this information to create a relative file path for your script. The folders in the if branch of the following script example must match the working directory on your hard disk. How to create a working directory is described in Using Relative Paths. The folders in the else branch must match the folders that you specified in the Library Creator. If the folder on the hard disk cannot be found, the file path of the VST sound will be used instead. Note that the VST sound must be mounted for this to work.


-- Load a sub preset from hard disk or VST sound.
-- Find relative path on hard disk.

local info = debug.getinfo(1,'S') -- Function from the Lua debug library.
local source = info.source
local pos = string.find(source, "/library/") -- Assumes the folder "/library/" contains subfolders like "/samples/", "/scripts/", "/VST3 Sub Presets/", etc.

if pos then
    contentPath = string.sub(source, 1, pos - 1).."/library/VST3 Sub Presets/"  -- The folder on disk with sub presets, for example.
    -- Extract VST sound GUID, e.g. "vstsound://ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456".
    -- The GUID of the VST sound can be found in the library creator.
    -- "SomeFolderName" is defined in the library creator.
    -- The library creator prepends "/.AppData/Steinberg/" when building the library.
    -- The content must be in the same VST sound as the script.
    contentPath = source:sub(1, 43) .. "/.AppData/Steinberg/SomeFolderName/" -- The location of the sub presets inside the vstsound.
-- Load the sub preset from the respective contentPath.
layer = loadPreset(contentPath.."SomePreset.vstpreset")

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Switching Control Templates

On this page:

Usually, parameters are connected to specific controls that have a certain look which never changes during the usage of the macro page. However, in some cases it might be useful to be able to change the look at runtime, either to allow the user to choose between different styles, or because one editor template is used to edit different parameters with different scopes which should be indicated by different controls. A simple example would be a template that provides several knobs to control oscillators 1, 2, and 3 of a synth zone, where each set of knobs has a different color to better distinguish between them.

This example demonstrates how to use a Lua Script MIDI module with a KnobType parameter to switch between two different knob templates. The parameter is defined in a MIDI module, which saves and restores the state with the preset.

❕ If it is not desired to save and restore the KnobType with the preset, but only with a project, you can implement this parameter in a UI script.

Example VST Preset

Switching Control Templates.vstpreset

Switching Control Templates


  • A macro page with a Switchable Knob template.
  • A MIDI module script with a KnobType parameter.
  • Two knob templates: KnobLC1 and Knob BB.
  • A Menu template to select the knob template that should be displayed.

Switcing Control Templates GUI Tree

Connecting the Controls

  1. Add a Lua Script MIDI module to the program and define the parameter KnobType.
    name = "KnobType",
    default = 1,
    strings = { "Knob BB", "Knob LC1" },
  1. Edit the knob templates and export the parameters that you want to use on the template level, e.g., Value, Label, Text.
  2. Connect the Switchable Knob template with the script parameter by setting its Template property to @0:Lua Script/@par:KnobType.
  3. Connect the Menu template with the script parameter by setting its Value property to @0:Lua Script/@par:KnobType.
  4. Connect the Value of the Switchable Knob template to an engine parameter.

Result: You can use the menu to switch the template reference between Knob LC1 and Knob BB. If you save the program, the knob type is saved and restored with the preset.

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Using Mouse States in SVGs

On this page:

You can use variables related to mouse actions to modify a SVG resource that is assigned to a Switch control. The advantage is that you don't have to assign separate resources to the different states of a Switch control to indicate its current state. The indication of a particular state is defined within the SVG resource itself using Lua expressions. Please note that this cannot be used in combination with animations, as these are only executed when switching between the different states of a switch and the assigned resources.

❕ See Animating Switches Using SVGs for details on using animations with Switch controls.

Defining Mouse States

The mouse states are defined in the SVG resource properties by using Lua expressions. An expression begins with $ followed by (). Everything inside the brackets will be evaluated and returns the effective value for the property.


You can use the following variables in Lua expressions:

OnThe on-state of the switch.
DownThe down-state of the switch.
HoverThe down-state of the switch.

Using Mouse States

The subsequent example is presented as illustrative guide to kickstart your own solution-building process.

Example VST Preset

Using Mouse States in SVGs

To explore the template in this example:

  1. Load Using Mouse States in SVGs.vstpreset.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the GUI Tree and select the 'SVG Mod Switch' template.
  3. Click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.
  4. Inside the template, select the Switch control. Look which Bitmap resource has been assigned to the off-state of the switch.
  5. Go to the Resources Tree and select the corresponding SVG resource. Look for the IDs, properties and values as listed below.

Indicating Mouse States

Mouse States

Resources: SVGMod_Rect SW.


Description: Each state of the switch shows a different color, including the hover-states for the on- and off-states.

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Working with Exported Variables

(Since HALion 7.0)

On this page:

UI variables can be defined within any template. The UI variables inside a template can be used to connect multiple controls, for example. By exporting the value of a property and the UI variable itself to the same template parameter, you create an interface for connecting engine parameters outside of the template to the property and UI variable within the template. The subsequent example illustrates this with a single-level popup menu. An example of a multi-level popup menu using an exported variable can be found in Custom Multi-Level Menu II.

Single-Level Popup Menu

The single-level popup menu is implemented through a combination of a Selector, a Menu and a MenuEntry template. The Selector template opens the Menu template for selecting the values and contains the controls for displaying the display string of the connected engine parameter. The Menu template contains four MenuEntry templates which represent the selectable the values.

Example VST Preset

Working with Exported Variables

To explore the templates in this example:

  1. Load Working with Exported Variables.vstpreset.
  2. Open the Macro Page Designer, go to the Templates Tree and select the template you want to explore.
  3. Click Edit Element Edit Element to examine the template.


In this example, there is one exported UI variable. Look for the the sel UI variable inside the Selector template.

Working with Exported Variables sel Variable

Within the Selector template the sel UI variable and the Value property of the Text control are exported both as 'Value'. This creates the interface for connecting the engine parameter, the oscillator type of Zone 1 in this case.

Working with Exported Variables GUI Tree

The Popup parameter of the Selector template is defined to open the Menu template. The Menu template contains four MenuEntry templates which represent the values you can select.

Working with Exported Variables Menu

The Value property of the MenuEntry template has the sel UI variable assigned. Through this the currently selected value will be sent to the Selector template which is connected to the engine parameter and the Text control within the Selector template shows the display string of the engine parameter.

Working with Exported Variables MenuEntry

How the Elements Interact


The Selector template contains the elements which are required to open the Menu template and display the selected value.

Working with Exported Variables Selector

UI Variables

selThis variable is used by all menu entries of the popup menu. sel is exported as 'Value' and combined with the Value property of the Text control. Through this the display string of the connected engine parameter will be displayed instead of the integer value.Integer

Controls and Subtemplates

SwitchA Switch control that opens the popup menu. Its Popup Template property is exported as 'Popup'. This allows you to select which popup menu to open for each instance of the Selector template.
TextA Text control for displaying the display string of the connected engine parameter. This is achieved by exporting the Value property as 'Value'. Since the sel UI variable is also exported as 'Value', both are combined into one template parameter, creating the interface for connecting the engine parameter.
TriangleAn Image control to indicate that a popup menu can be opened.
DecorA Decor control used as background.
LabelA Label control for displaying the name of the connected parameter. Its Text property is exported as 'Label'. This allows you to name the Selector template differently for each instance.

The Menu template contains four MenuEntry templates that define the entries of the menu.

Working with Exported Variables Menu

Sine, Triangle,Saw, SquareThese represent the four entries of the submenu. They use the MenuEntry template which defines the look and functionality of an entry. The OnValue parameter of each MenuEntry template must be set to the corresponding value of the engine parameter it selects. This value will be sent to the sel variable. See MenuEntry and Selector/UI Variables for details. The Label parameter defines the name of the entry to be displayed in the menu.

This template represents one entry in the Menu template. It consists of two elements:

Working with Exported Variables MenuEntry

Controls and Subtemplates

LabelA Label control to display the name of the menu entry. Its Text property is exported as 'Label'. This allows you to name the template differently for each instance.
SwitchA Switch control with exclusive mode. The OnValue property is exported to be set by each instance of the template. See Menu for details. The Value property must be set to @sel, the UI variable of the Selector template. The OnValue will be sent to the Value parameter which is sent to the sel variable. Through this the currently selected value will be sent to the Selector template which is connected to the engine parameter and the Text control within the Selector template shows the display string of the engine parameter.

❕ Popup menus can only be displayed within the dimensions of the macro page. If a popup menu is too large, it will be clipped. To prevent this, you can either change the direction in which the popup menu opens, e.g., open it to the top instead of to the bottom, or you can change the size of the template, so that it fits, and then activate the scrollbar to be able to scroll to the available entries.

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In this section you find Steinberg's guidelines for creating libraries and many details on how to build your own instruments that work in HALion Sonic. Following these guidelines ensures an equal quality of the libraries and, therefore, improves the user experience and the success of your library.

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HS Preset Guideline

On this page:

When you create the final HALion Sonic Program presets, you should follow the guideline below. For example, if the library manufacturers adjust preset levels using different standards, the user might have to adjust the mixer level with every preset to compensate for this. Following the guideline below ensures an equal quality of the libraries and, therefore, improves the user experience and the success of your library.

Sound Design Conventions

Modulation Wheel, MIDI CCs and Quick Controls

  • The modulation wheel should always be assigned. You can assign the modulation wheel as MIDI CC in the modulation matrix or as a quick control.
  • Do not assign any MIDI CCs to controls on the interface. They are not saved with VST3 presets.
  • For details how to assign the quick controls, see the Quick Controls Guideline.

Trigger Pads

  • Please assign the Trigger Pads where you think it is useful. For example, to trigger different chords or phrases.
  • If you assign the Trigger Pads, please always start with the top row and assign the pads from left to right. If you assign a mix of variations and chords, please use the top row for the variations and the bottom row for the chords.
  • If you assign chords to the Trigger Pads, please use the chord as pad name, e.g., Cm, C, CMaj7, C7, etc. If you assign variations to the Trigger Pads, please use Vari 1, Vari 2, Vari 3, etc., as pad name. Arp 1, Arp 2, Arp 3, etc., is also allowed.

Level Settings

  • If you use the plug-in in a sequencer: Start a default project. The Slot Level of the Program in HALion Sonic should be set to default. The master fader and any other levels in the project should be set to default. To check the level, open the mixer in the sequencer and check the peak level of the master channel. The clipping LED should not light up.
  • If you use the standalone version of the plug-in: Start the plug-in with the factory defaults. The Master Volume of the plug-in and and the Slot Level should be set to default. The clipping LED of the slot should not light up.
  • Bass and lead sounds should be between -1 dB and 0 dB if you play a single note at full velocity.
  • Polyphonic sounds, e.g., pads, should be at -6 dB if you play a single note at full velocity.

Transpose Settings

  • Sounds like leads, pads, and comps should not be transposed. A3 (69) should play 440 Hz.
  • (Synth) Bass sounds can be transposed -2 octaves below the normal sounds. This allows for playing bass sounds without transposing, e.g., on small two octaves MIDI controller keyboards.

Effect Settings

  • You can assign insert effects to the layers and the program on the Inserts tab in HALion Sonic. Please do not use any AUX effects, because they are not saved with Program presets.
  • If you use REVerence for your presets, remember that it can be quite heavy on the CPU. Please consider to use the algorithmic reverb instead.
  • Remove any effects that you do not use anymore.
  • Avoid empty slots in the insert rack.

HS Inserts Tab

In the example above, the second insert is deactivated and the third is empty. This should be avoided.

Tempo Sync

  • Sounds that typically play in sync with the song tempo, e.g., dance and sequencer sounds, should make use of the sync settings for the LFOs and effects. Use 120 BPM as your base song tempo.

Orphaned Settings

  • Oscillators and other settings that are not in use should be switched off. However, if a setting is switched off and the user activates this setting, the sound should still be OK.
  • If you copy and modify a preset, an orphaned setting might not sound OK. Please set these settings to useful default values.

Preset Naming Conventions

  • Please use only English names.
  • Avoid names of companies, artists, or song names.
  • Decades in preset names should always be named like this: 70s, 80s, 90s, etc. Not 70ies or 80's, etc.
  • Presets should not start with numbers. Otherwise, they will be listed at the beginning of the results list. Instead of "80s Glamor", you should use "Glamorous 80s ", for example.
  • Avoid childish or offending play on words in your preset names.
  • Avoid generic names, e.g., Digi Bass, Ana Lead, Smooth Pad, etc. It is likely that such names are already used.
  • Do not use the instrument category in the name. For example, bass, lead, pad, synth brass, etc. are already covered by the MediaBay’s category and subcategory. Therefore, these words should not be used in the preset name. It would be redundant information.

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Quick Controls Guideline

On this page:

In previous releases of HALion Sonic (< 3.0.10), parameters of layers could only be assigned to layer quick controls and direct assignments to program quick controls were not possible. This restraint was removed for more flexibility and to simplify the sound design process.

Show Layer QC

On HALion Sonic's Options page, there is a new option in the Global section: Show Layer QC.

If Show Layer QC is switched off:

  • The quick control section shows only the program quick controls.
  • New quick control assignments can only be made for the Program.

Show Layer QC Off

If Show layer QC is switched on:

  • The quick control section of HALion Sonic shows program or layer quick controls. You can switch between those quick controls using the buttons on the left.
  • New quick control assignments can be made for the Program or for Layers 1-4.

Show Layer QC On

By default, Show Layer QC is switched off.

Quick Controls Conventions

  • If possible, all quick controls of the Program should be assigned. They can be used to control the most important parameters of the insert effects, for example.
  • Please also assign the sphere control of the Program. Try to keep the sphere always centered. This way, the user can default the sphere, if needed. This is not possible if the sphere has an offset from its center position.
  • The quick controls and spheres of the layers do not have to be assigned. They can be left empty.
  • The quick controls should be assigned from left to right with no empty quick controls in between.
  • Sound parameters should be assigned to the first quick controls (QC 1 to QC 4) and effect parameters should be assigned to the last quick controls (QC 5 to QC 8).
  • Keep the layout of the quick control assignments consistent. For example, if you assign Filter Cutoff and Fitler Resonance for all your presets, always assign them to the same quick controls.
  • Assign effect parameters in groups with the Mix parameter as last quick control assignment. For example, like this:
[...]Delay TimeDelay MixReverb TimeReverb Mix

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MediaBay Guideline

On this page:

With the help of MediaBay attributes, you can quickly and easily browse and search presets. Attributes are descriptive keywords that you can assign to your presets. Good search results in the MediaBay highly depend on accurately set attributes. When you specify attributes for your final HALion Sonic Program presets, you should follow the guideline below. This ensures an equal quality of the attributes and, therefore, improves browsing and searching in the MediaBay.

❕ Please use the MediaBay of HALion Sonic to specify attributes for your presets. Do not use the MediaBay of Cubase, because it contains attributes that are not supported by HAlion Sonic presets.

Library Creator Properties

The following attributes are assigned automatically to all your presets when you build your libraries using the Library Creator:

Library Creator PropertyMediaBay AttributeDescription
Long NameLibrary NameIf the Long Name is too long, the Name property is used instead.
ManufacturerLibrary ManufacturerYour name or company name.
FamilyPlugIn NameThe target plug-in that the library was designed for.

Any other attributes must be set manually.

Which Media Files Must Get Attributes?

  • The MediaBay scans only those VST3 presets that are located in the VST3 Presets folder of your library. This means that you must specify attributes for all VST3 presets that are located in this folder. Otherwise, the users cannot find the presets. In the Library Creator, a warning message is displayed if attributes were not set.
  • The subpresets in the VST3 Sub Presets folder are not scanned by the MediaBay and do not need attributes. These subpresets are loaded via a script and not with the MediaBay.
  • All samples of your library are located in a Private Audio folder. Private means that the MediaBay does not scan these samples and you do not need to add attributes to them. The samples are loaded together with the VST3 preset or via a script.

Library Creator Structure

VST3 Preset Attribute Conventions

The different preset categories require different sets of attributes. This guideline gives you advice on how to add the correct attributes.

  • For regular instrument presets, the common attributes should be set.
  • For categories like Drum&Perc > Beats, for example, you should add additional attributes.

Common Attributes

The following MediaBay attributes must be set for each preset manually:

MediaBay AttributeDescription
AuthorThe name of the company or of the sound designer.
Category/Sub CategoryUse this attribute to classify the sound. If you set the Sub Category first, the Category is set automatically.
PropertiesSee Properties, Moods and Articulations.
MoodsSee Properties, Moods and Articulations.
ArticulationsSee Properties, Moods and Articulations.
RatingA rating of three stars is recommended as starting point for presets. The users can then lower or raise the rating.
NameThis attribute is defined with the preset filename when the preset is saved.

The following MediaBay attributes are set automatically by the Library Creator. You must set the corresponding properties in the Library Creator before you build the library.

MediaBay AttributeDescription
Library ManufacturerThis attribute is defined with the Manufacturer property in the Library Creator.
Library NameThis attribute is defined with the Long Name property in the Library Creator.
PlugIn NameThis attribute is defined with the Family property in the Library Creator.

Properties, Moods and Articulations

Properties, Moods and Articulations describe the character of a sound with labels. As soon as you type, you get a suggestion of labels. You can select a suggested label to auto complete it. This also helps to avoid spelling mistakes. You should at least set some Properties that describe the sound as you hear it. Moods and Articulations are optional. The difference between Properties and Moods is that the Properties describe a sound acoustically without judging it. The Moods describe a sound emotionally and therefore judge it at the same time. Articulations describe the way the sound or instrument is played, as a composer would describe it.

The libraries of FM Lab and Tales both use Properties. FM Lab even uses Articulations on some presets. You can use these two libraries as examples for your own productions.

FM Lab MediaBay

  • Set the Properties, Moods and Articulations so that they describe the preset as precisely as possible.
  • Labels that do not match what you hear should be avoided.
  • Fewer labels that perfectly match are much better than too many labels that only partially match.
  • Use the auto complete feature to avoid spelling mistakes.

❕ Presets that use an arpeggiator should not get the Category Synth Lead > Arpeggio by default. You should use this Category only for classic arpeggio sounds. If you have a synth bass with a step sequencer or arpeggio, you should set the Category Bass > Synth Bass. To indicate that the preset contains an arpeggio or a sequence, set Arpeggio or Sequenced as label for the Properties, instead.

Additional Attributes

These attributes can be set in addition, e.g., for VST3 presets with the Category Drum&Perc > Beats.

MediaBay AttributeDescription
SignatureThe time signature as numerator and denominator.
StyleUse this attribute to classify the musical style. If you set the Sub Style first, the Style is set automatically.
Sub StyleUse this attribute to classify the musical style. If you set the Sub Style before the Style, the Style is set automatically.
TempoThe tempo in beats per minute (bpm).

Special Attributes

These attributes are mainly needed to display information in HALion's Browser.

MediaBay AttributeDescription
Bars & BeatsThe number of bars and beats in a loop, for example. This attribute is set for samples, not for presets.
CommentUse this attribute to add a comment to each preset.
Family NameThis attribute is used for sample sets. Samples with the same Family Name belong to the same sample set.
Follow TempoThis attribute defines whether a loop uses AudioWarp to follow the host tempo.
GM SoundThis attribute defines the program number of a GM Sound.
KeyThe key in which a loop was written, for example, a loop with chords or a loop with a melody.
KeywordsThis attribute is set by HALion when you import third-party sampler programs.