/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /
Bypass Masks
(Since HALion 6.4.0)
Enumerator to determine the values that determine if a bus or effect follows the global inserts and Aux bypass buttons of the plug-in. The values must be applied to the bypassMask
field of the desired Bus or Effect object. See the example below for details.
Available in: Controller.
Bypass Masks
The values are determined with these names:
Value | Name |
0 | BypassMask.noBypass |
2 | BypassMask.bypassInserts |
4 | BypassMask.bypassAux |
bus = this.parent:getBus()
bypassSettings = {
{name = "No Bypass", value = BypassMask.noBypass },
{name = "Follow Inserts", value = BypassMask.bypassInserts },
{name = "Follow Aux", value = BypassMask.bypassAux },
{name = "Follow Inserts & Aux", value = BypassMask.bypassInserts + BypassMask.bypassAux },
bypassSettingsNames = {}
for i = 1, #bypassSettings do
bypassSettingsNames[i] = bypassSettings[i].name
function onBypassSettingChanged()
bus.bypassMask = bypassSettings[GlobalBypass].value
print(bus.name, bus.bypassMask)
defineParameter("GlobalBypass", nil, 1, bypassSettingsNames, onBypassSettingChanged)