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This callback function is called when saving a subpreset with a corresponding Preset Browser template. The callback will only be called if the scope of the Preset Browser template is set correctly.

  • If the MacroPage with the Preset Browser template is attached to an element other than the script module (e.g., the program), the scope must be set to the script module (e.g., @0:Script Module).
  • If the MacroPage with the Preset Browser template is attached to the script module itself, the scope does not need to be set.

In addition, the Preset Browser Custom template allows to define a section for the subpreset. When you save a subpreset, the section will be passed on from the Preset Browser Custom template to the callback. You can manage different subsets of parameters by using the section as condition for an if statement that stores only the parameters of interest. The data you pass on to the return statement will be stored with the subpreset. The data can be of any type, but it is common practice to use a table that can easily be extended with more fields. When the subpreset is restored, the onLoadSubPreset callback will receive the stored data.

❕ Scope and section are template parameters. You can set them in the MacroPage Designer on the properties pane of the Preset Browser and Preset Browser Custom templates.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
sectionThe section as defined in the Preset Browser Custom template.string

Return Values

The returned data will be stored in a subpreset.


    The corresponding MacroPage needs two Preset Browser templates:
    One with the section set to Pitch and the other with the section set to Filter.
    The Preset Browser template with the section Pitch stores/restores the
    parameters Pitch.Coarse and Pitch.Fine.
    The Preset Brrowser template with the section Filter stores/restores the
    parameters Filter.Cutoff and Filter.Resonance.
-- Get the values of p1 and p2 from the first zone of the program.

function getZoneData(p1, p2)
    local data = {}
    local zone = this.program:findZones(true)
    if zone[1] then
        data.p1 = zone[1]:getParameter(p1)
        data.p2 = zone[1]:getParameter(p2)
    return data
-- Set the values of p1 and p2 in the first zone of the program.

function setZoneData(p1, p2, data)
    local zone = this.program:findZones(true)
    if zone[1] then
        zone[1]:setParameter(p1, data.p1)
        zone[1]:setParameter(p2, data.p2)
-- Save data with the subpreset.

function onSaveSubPreset(section)
    if section == "Pitch" then
        return getZoneData("Pitch.Coarse", "Pitch.Fine" ) -- This is called from the preset template Pitch.
    elseif section == "Filter" then
        return getZoneData("Filter.Cutoff", "Filter.Resonance") -- This is called from the preset template Filter.
-- Restore data from the subpreset.

function onLoadSubPreset(section, data)
    if section == "Pitch" then
        setZoneData("Pitch.Coarse", "Pitch.Fine", data) -- This is called from the preset template Pitch.
    elseif section == "Filter" then
        setZoneData("Filter.Cutoff", "Filter.Resonance", data) -- This is called from the preset template Filter.

See also: onLoadSubPreset