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Map Samples to Root Key

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This how-to shows how to map sample zones automatically to the root key that matches the analyzed pitch of the sample. Such helper functions can be useful during the production of large scale sample libraries.

Example VST Preset

The script parameters Start, Cancel and Channel can be accessed from the macro page of the example VST preset.

Map Samples to Root Key

❕ The example VST preset requires the factory content of HALion.


  • A Program with sample zones.
  • The samples have a distinct pitch.

Mapping Samples to the Root Key

The example below assumes you have a program with sample zones that are not mapped to the root key yet.

  1. Add a Lua Script module to your program.
  2. Copy the following code to the Lua Script module.
channelNames = { [0] = "All", "Left", "Right" }
defineParameter( "Channel", nil, 0, channelNames)
defineParameter( "Start", nil, false, function() if Start then onStart() end end)
defineParameter( "Cancel", nil, false)
function onPitchAnalysisFinished(audioFile, channelNum)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(channelNames[channelNum].." channel(s) of "..audioFile.fileName.." analyzed.")
function onStart()
    zones = this.parent:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        print("File: "..samplePath)
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        afile:analyzePitch(onPitchAnalysisFinished, Channel)
        while afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel) < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progressPercent = 100 * afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel)
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
        local pitch = afile:getPitch(0, -1, Channel)
        pitch = math.floor(pitch+0.5)
        print("Analyzed Pitch: "..pitch)
        zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.Rootkey", pitch)
        zone.keyLow = pitch
        zone.keyHigh = pitch
    Start = false
  1. Go to the Parameter List and activate "Start".
  2. Open the Mapping editor.

The sample zones will be mapped automatically to the matching root key.