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Using External Files

(Since HALion 7.0)

The functions of the i/o and the os library of Lua allow you to manipulate external files. External files are files that are managed by the operating system. For example, while developing large scale sample instruments, it can be helpful to read or write files with comma separated values (.csv). To protect private data, the location for reading and writing files is limited to the folders ./Documents/Steinberg and ./Documents/tmp of the user. In addition, you can read files from the VST sound that contains the executed script. Lua's i/o functions allow you to manipulate files. The functions os.remove and os.rename from the os library allow you to delete or rename files. See Input and Output Facilities and Operating System Facilities for a description of the respective functions.

❕ The functions io.popen, io.tmpfile, os.execute, os.exit, os.getenv, os.setlocale and os.tmpname are not supported.

Retrieving the File Path of ./Documents/Steinberg

You can use the function getUserSubPresetPath to retreive the file path of ./Documents/Steinberg on your system.


-- Retrieve ./Documents/Steinberg/ and try to open a file.

fileLocation = getUserSubPresetPath()
posStart, posEnd = string.find(getUserSubPresetPath(), "Steinberg/")
fileLocation = string.sub(fileLocation, 1, posEnd)