/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /


writeMidiFile(path, midiSequence)


Function to write a MIDI file (.mid) to disk.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
pathThe path and file name of the MIDI file.string
midiSequenceThe MIDI sequence table that contains the data. The structure of the table is defined in the MIDI Sequence Table.table

Return Values

Returns true if the MIDI file was written successfully and false if not.


-- Produce a minor scale and write it to a MIDI file.
-- Create the MIDI sequence table.

midiSequence = { tracks = { { events = {} } } }
-- Initialize variables.

minorScaleIntervals = { 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 }
root = 60  -- C3
ppqPosition = 0
-- Produce the events of the minor scale.

for i, interval in ipairs(minorScaleIntervals) do
    local note = root + interval
    -- Create note-on event.

    local noteOn = Event(EventType.noteOn)
    noteOn.note = note
    noteOn.velocity = 100
    noteOn.ppqPosition = ppqPosition
    -- Create note-off event.

    local noteOff = Event(EventType.noteOff)
    noteOff.note = note
    noteOff.ppqPosition = ppqPosition + 1
    -- Insert the events in the MIDI sequence table.

    insertEvent(midiSequence.tracks[1].events, noteOn)
    insertEvent(midiSequence.tracks[1].events, noteOff)
    ppqPosition = ppqPosition + 1
-- Write the MIDI sequence table as .mid file to disk.

saveState = writeMidiFile ("c:/temp/test.mid", midiSequence) --[[ Please set the file path to the desired
                                                                  location on your system before you run
                                                                  the script. ]]
if saveState then
    print("The MIDI file was successfully written.")
    print("The MIDI file could not be written!")

See also: readMidiFile, insertEvent, sortEvents, MIDI Sequence Table, MIDI File Format Types