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analyzePitch(callback, channel)

(Since HALion 6.3)


Function to analyze the pitch of an audio file. You specify the audio file with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. The arguments callback and channel are optional. If called without a callback function, analyzePitch will be executed in the same thread. If called with a callback function as argument, analyzePitch will be executed in a separate, parallel thread. You can specify the channel to be analyzed with the channel argument. Without the channel argument, multiple channels of an audio file will be summed before the pitch is analyzed. The callback function is called with the AudioFile object as the first and the channel as the second argument after the pitch has been analyzed. The results of analyzePitch are cashed for as long as the corresponding AudioFile object exists. The function itself does not return any pitch information. You must use getPitch to obtain the analyzed pitch.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
callbackCallback function that is called with the AudioFile object as argument after the pitch has been analyzed.function, optional
channelUse this to specify the channel of the audio file to be analyzed. Leave this empty or set this to 0 for summing all audio channels before they are analyzed.number, optional


channelNames = { [0] = "All", "Left", "Right" }
defineParameter( "Channel", nil, 0, channelNames)
defineParameter( "Start", nil, false, function() if Start then onStart() end end)
defineParameter( "Cancel", nil, false)
-- Requires the Skylab content.
path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 01.vstpreset"
layer = loadPreset(path)
function onPitchAnalysisFinished(audioFile, channelNum)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(channelNames[channelNum].." channel(s) of "..audioFile.fileName.." analyzed.")
function onStart()
    zones = layer:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        print("File: "..samplePath)
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        afile:analyzePitch(onPitchAnalysisFinished, Channel)
        while afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel) < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progressPercent = 100 * afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel)
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
        local pitch = afile:getPitch(0, -1, Channel)
        print("Analyzed Pitch: "..pitch)
    Start = false

See also: getPitch, getPitchAnalysisProgress, cancelPitchAnalysis