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getPitch(start, length, channel)

(Since HALion 6.3)


Function to obtain the pitch of an audio file that has been analyzed with analyzePitch. The audio file you want to obtain the pitch from is specified with the AudioFile object that is returned by the AudioFile.open function. The arguments start and length define the range in the audio file that is used for obtaining the pitch. The channel argument specifies the channel of the audio file that was analyzed. The AudioFile object and the channel argument must match the call to analyzePitch. The function returns two values: The pitch as MIDI note number with decimals for cents and a boolean for voiced/unvoiced detection. If length is greater than 20 ms, the average of the pitches in the specified range is returned. If the audio file has not been analyzed in advance, getPitch returns nil.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
startThe start position in samples.number
lengthThe duration in samples. Set this to less than or equal to 0 to use all samples from the specified start to the end of the file.number
channelUse this to specify the audio channel that was analyzed.number, optional

Return Values

Returns a tuple with two values:

  • A float value representing the pitch as MIDI note number with decimals for cents,
  • a boolean for voiced/unvoiced detection. The return value true means that a pitch was detected in the specified range.

If length is greater than 20 ms, the average of the pitches in the specified range is returned. If the audio file has not been analyzed in advance, getPitch returns nil.


channelNames = { [0] = "All", "Left", "Right" }
defineParameter( "Channel", nil, 0, channelNames)
defineParameter( "Start", nil, false, function() if Start then onStart() end end)
defineParameter( "Cancel", nil, false)
-- Requires the Skylab content.
path = "vstsound://724ACB205EFF46F885735D1B216C37AD/.AppData/Steinberg/Skylab/Sub Presets/Layer Presets/Ambient Pads/Ambient Pad 01.vstpreset"
layer = loadPreset(path)
function onPitchAnalysisFinished(audioFile, channelNum)
    print("Progress: 100%")
    print(channelNames[channelNum].." channel(s) of "..audioFile.fileName.." analyzed.")
function onStart()
    zones = layer:findZones(true)
    for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
        local samplePath = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
        print("File: "..samplePath)
        local afile = AudioFile.open(samplePath)
        afile:analyzePitch(onPitchAnalysisFinished, Channel)
        while afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel) < 1 do
            if Cancel then
            local progressPercent = 100 * afile:getPitchAnalysisProgress(Channel)
            print(string.format("Progress: %2d%%", progressPercent))
        if Cancel then
            Cancel = false
        local pitch = afile:getPitch(0, -1, Channel)
        print("Analyzed Pitch: "..pitch)
    Start = false

See also: analyzePitch, getPitchAnalysisProgress, cancelPitchAnalysis