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Function to retrieve the number of assignments of a quick control on the specified layer. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer with the desired quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control with the requested assignments.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number

Return Values

Returns the number of assignments of the specified layer and quick control.


-- Print the number of assignments of the first quick control on the parent layer.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
print("Number of assignments on '"..layer.name.."', QC "..qc..": "..layer:getNumQCAssignments(qc)..".")

See also: addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentCurve