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setQCAssignmentCurve(qc, assignment, curve)


Function to set the curve value of the specified quick control assignment. The quick control assignment is determined by the Layer object, the index of the quick control and the index of the assignment itself. For example, this.parent defines the parent layer of the script module as the layer that contains the quick control. The qc argument is the index of the quick control and the assignment argument is the index of the assignment. The indices of the quick controls and the assignments both start counting from 1. The curve argument sets the curve value of the quick control assignment.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
qcThe index of the quick control.number
asignmentThe index of the quick control assignment.number
curveThe curve value in the range -100 % to +100 %.number


-- Set the curve of the quick control assignment to -100 %.

layer = this.parent
qc = 1
assignment = 1
layer:setQCAssignmentCurve(qc, assignment, -100)

See also: setQCAssignmentParamId, setQCAssignmentScope, setQCAssignmentMin, setQCAssignmentMax, setQCAssignmentMode, setQCAssignmentBypass, addQCAssignment, removeQCAssignment, getNumQCAssignments, getQCAssignmentParamId, getQCAssignmentScope, getQCAssignmentMin, getQCAssignmentMax, getQCAssignmentCurve, getQCAssignmentMode, getQCAssignmentBypass, Quick Control Assignment Modes