/ HALion Developer Resource / HALion Script / Reference /




Function to read the duration of the script execution time-out either for the controller or the processor thread, depending on where getScriptExecTimeOut is called. The duration for the script execution time-out is returned in milliseconds. The default is 5000 ms for the controller thread and 1000 ms for the processor thread.

Available in: Controller, Processor.

Return Values

Returns the duration of the script execution time-out in milliseconds either for the controller or the processor thread.


 -- Print the script execution time-out of the controller and the processor thread.
print("Script execution time-out of "..getContext()..": "..getScriptExecTimeOut().." ms.")
function onInit()
    print("Script execution time-out of "..getContext()..": "..getScriptExecTimeOut().." ms.")

See also: setScriptExecTimeOut