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insertEnvelopePoint(envelopeArray, index, level, duration, curve)


Function to insert an envelope point in the specified envelope. You specify the envelope by calling getParameter with the EnvelopePoints parameter of the desired envelope as argument. If you call getParameter with the EnvelopePoints parameter as argument, an array with the current envelope points will be returned. Each index of the array represents an envelope point with the fields .level, .duration and .curve. The insertEnvelopePoint function modifies this array. To apply the changes, you must use setParameter with the EnvelopePoints parameter of the envelope as argument and the array as value.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
envelopeArrayAn array with envelope points. Each index of the array represents an envelope point with the fields .level, .duration and .curve. To obtain the envelope array of an envelope, use getParameter with the EnvelopePoints parameter of the desired envelope as argument.table
indexThe index of the point where the new point will be inserted. The new point will be inserted before this point.number
levelThe level of the new point in the range from 0 to 1 for the filter and amplitude envelope or -1 to 1 for the pitch and user envelope.number
durationThe duration of the new point in the range from 0 to 30 seconds. The duration of the first point is always 0 seconds.number
curveThe curve of the new point in the range from -1 to 1.number


 -- Reset the amplitude envelope.
-- Default envelope times in seconds.

attack = 0
decay = 1
sustain = 1
release = 1
zone = this.program:getZone()
-- Get the envelope points of the amplitude envelope.

ampEnvPoints = zone:getParameter("Amp Env.EnvelopePoints")
ampSustainPoint = zone:getParameter("Amp Env.SustainIndex")
-- Set the envelope points to 4.

while #ampEnvPoints > 4 do
    removeEnvelopePoint(ampEnvPoints, #ampEnvPoints)
while #ampEnvPoints < 4 do
    insertEnvelopePoint(ampEnvPoints, #ampEnvPoints, 0, 1, 0)
-- Adjust the position of the sustain point.

ampSustainPoint = #ampEnvPoints - 1
-- Set first point.

ampEnvPoints[1].level = 0
ampEnvPoints[1].duration = 0
ampEnvPoints[1].curve = 0
-- Set second point.

ampEnvPoints[2].level = 1
ampEnvPoints[2].duration = attack
ampEnvPoints[2].curve = 0
-- Set third point.

ampEnvPoints[3].level = sustain
ampEnvPoints[3].duration = decay
ampEnvPoints[3].curve = 0
-- Set fourth point.

ampEnvPoints[4].level = 0
ampEnvPoints[4].duration = release
ampEnvPoints[4].curve = 0
-- Set the envelope points of the amplitude envelope.

zone:setParameter("Amp Env.EnvelopePoints", ampEnvPoints)
zone:setParameter("Amp Env.SustainIndex", ampSustainPoint)

See also: removeEnvelopePoint