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setParameterNormalized(nameOrID, value, undo)


Function to set the value of a parameter in the normalized range from 0 to 1.0. The parameter can be determined by name or ID. This function has no effect if the parameter does not exist or if the value is of the type string.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
nameOrIDThe name or ID of the parameter.string or number
valueThe value you want to set in the normalized range from 0 to 1.0.number
undoDetermines if the parameter change will be part of the undo. This argument is only evaluated in the controller context. A parameter change in the processor context never has undo. If setParameter is called in the controller context it will be part of the undo, unless you set this argument to false. For example, you should set this to false if the call to setParameter is made within a parameter callback that is already part of the undo, and if the order of execution of these parameter changes is important.boolean, optional


-- Set the normalized value of the parent layer's level parameter.

function onLoadIntoSlot()
    this.parent:setParameterNormalized("Level", 0.5) -- Set via name.
    this.parent:setParameterNormalized(38, 0.5)      -- Set via ID.

See also: getParameterNormalized, getParameter, setParameter, hasParameter