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Function to load the elements of a VST preset. Depending on whether you load a layer, program or multi-program VST preset, the function returns either an Element object of the type Layer, Program or Instance. You can use the returned Element object to insert layers, zones, MIDI modules, busses, effects, etc. from the VST preset into the program or HALion instance where the script is executed.

Available in: Controller.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
pathThe path and file name of the VST preset.string

Return Values

Returns an Element object of the type Layer, Program or Instance, depending on whether a layer, program or multi-program VST preset was loaded.


To explore the following script:

  1. Download Layer.vstpreset.
  2. Drag the preset on the MediaBay to import it to the user folder for VST presets.
  3. Create an empty program and add a script module.
  4. Paste the script into the text editor of the script module and execute the script.
-- Insert Layer.vstpreset as sublayer into the current program.
-- Get the file path for user VST presets.
path = getUserPresetPath()
-- Load the VST preset
layer = loadPreset(path.."/Layer/Layer.vstpreset")
program = this.program
-- Insert the previously loaded VST preset as sublayer.
if layer then
    program:insertLayer(layer, 1)

See also: loadPresetAsync