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changeVolumedB(noteID, gain_dB, relative, immediateorDuration)


Function to change the volume of a specific note in decibels (dB). Positive values amplify the signal and negative values attenuate the signal.

Available in: Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
noteIDThe ID of the note that you want to change.number
gain_dBThe absolute gain in dB (relative = false) or the value which is added (relative = true).number
relativeThe value is added to the current amount if this is set to true. The default is false.boolean, optional
immediateOrDurationChange the value immediately or in the specified duration. Set this to true to change the value immediately without controller smoothing. Set a duration in milliseconds to change the value with controller smoothing in the specified time. If not set, this setting defaults to false and the controller smoothing setting in the Options editor is used.boolean or number, optional


-- Apply note-on velocity with a dynamic range of 40dB.

function onNote(event)
  local id = postEvent(event)
  local gain_dB = (event.velocity/127) * 40 - 40
  changeVolumedB(id, gain_dB, false, true)

See also: changeVolume, changePan, changeTune, changeNoteExpression