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findMidiModules(recursive, nameOrFilterFunction)


Function to find MIDI modules in the specified layer. For example, this.parent specifies the parent layer of the script module as the layer to be searched in. If recursive is set to true, sublayers will also be searched. The function returns an array with the MidiModule objects of the found MIDI modules. Particular MIDI modules can be searched by name or through a filter function. If searching by name, findMidiModules accepts only the MidiModule objects that match the specified name. The filter function uses the MidiModule object of each MIDI module as argument. Only those MidiModule objects that return true for the search criteria defined in the filter function will be accepted by findMidiModules. Without a name or filter function the MidiModule objects of all MIDI modules in the searched layers will be returned.

Available in: Controller, Processor.


ArgumentDescriptionValue Type
recursiveIf set to false, only the current layer will be searched. If set to true, sublayers will also be searched. The default is false.boolean
nameOrFilterFunctionThe name of the MIDI modules searched for or a filter function. Only the MidiModule objects that match the name or return true for the search criteria of the filter function will be accepted. Set this to nil to deactivate any name filter or search criteria.string or function, optional

Return Values

Returns an array with the MidiModule objects of the found MIDI modules. Returns an empty table if no MIDI modules are found.


-- Find all MIDI modules and print their names.

modules = this.program:findMidiModules(true)
if modules[1] then
    for i, module in ipairs(modules) do
    print("Could not find any MIDI modules!")

See also: findBusses, findChildren, findEffects, findLayers, findSlots, findZones, MidiModule