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[3.1.0] KnobMode, Open Help & Open Aboutbox
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Edit controller component interface extension: Vst:: IEditController2.
- [plug imp]
- [extends Vst:: IEditController]
- [released: 3.1.0]
- [optional]
Extension to allow the host to inform the plug-in about the host knob mode (setKnobMode), and to open the plug-in's about box (openAboutBox) or help documentation (openHelp).
In mycontroller.h
class MyEditController : public ComponentBase, public IEditController, public IEditController2
//---from IEditController2-------
tresult PLUGIN_API setKnobMode (KnobMode mode) SMTG_OVERRIDE { hostKnobMode = mode; return kResultTrue; }
tresult PLUGIN_API openHelp (TBool /*onlyCheck*/) SMTG_OVERRIDE;
tresult PLUGIN_API openAboutBox (TBool /*onlyCheck*/) SMTG_OVERRIDE {return kResultFalse;}
DEF_INTERFACE (IEditController)
DEF_INTERFACE (IEditController2)
In mycontroller.cpp
tresult PLUGIN_API MyEditController::openHelp (TBool onlyCheck)
if (onlyCheck)
// the host just wants to know if i have a help documentation
return kResultTrue;
// here i can open my documentation
// could in my UI documentation or external pdf file
return kResultTrue;
See also Vst:: IEditController, EditController.