1. VST
  2. VST Overview
  3. What is VST?
    1. Use cases
  4. Main benefits of VST 3
  5. What is the VST 3 SDK?
    1. VST 3 Plug-in Examples
    2. VST 3 Plug-in Test Host
    3. VST 3 Project Generator
    4. Validator command line
    5. AudioHost Application
    6. EditorHost Application
    7. VST 3 Inspector Application
    8. AAX, AUv3 and AU Wrappers
      1. AAX Wrapper
      2. AudioUnit v3 Wrapper
      3. AudioUnit v2 Wrapper
    9. iOS Inter-App Audio Support
    10. VSTGUI
  6. VST 3 Licensing
    1. Steinberg VST usage guidelines
    2. What are the licensing options
    3. Which files fall under which license?
    4. Developer use cases (FAQs)
  7. Getting Started with VST
  8. Getting Started
    1. VST 3 Links
    2. How to set up my system for VST 3
    3. Preparation on Windows
  9. Tutorials
    1. Building the examples included in the SDK
      1. Building the examples included in the SDK on Windows
      2. Building the examples included in the SDK on macOS
      3. Building the examples included in the SDK on Linux
    2. Using cmake for building VST 3 plug-ins
    3. Generate a new plug-in with the Project Generator App
    4. Code your first plug-in
    5. Use VSTGUI to design a User Interface
    6. Data Exchange
    7. Advanced VST 3 techniques
    8. How to use the silence flags
    9. Guideline for replacing a VST 2 plug-in by a VST 3 plug-in
    10. Strings Conversion Helper
    11. Creating a cmake plug-in project from scratch
    12. Creating a plug-in with VST 3 SDK as an external project
    13. Switching to another VSTGUI submodule or branch
    14. How to add AUv2 support to your VST 3 plug-in
  10. Technical Documentation
    1. VST 3 API Documentation
    2. VST Module Architecture
      1. How the host will load a VST-MA based Plug-in
      2. How to derive a class from an interface
      3. Interface Versions and Inheritance
      4. Moduleinfo
    3. Parameters and Automation
    4. VST 3 Units
    5. Presets & Program Lists
    6. Complex Plug-in Structures / Multi-timbral Instruments
    7. Data Exchange
    8. VST 3 Workflow Diagrams
      1. Audio Processor Call Sequence
      2. Edit Controller Call Sequence
      3. Get Latency Call Sequence
      4. Resize View Call Sequence
      5. Bus Arrangement Setting Sequence
    9. VST 3 Locations / Format
      1. Plug-in Format Structure
      2. Plug-in Locations
      3. Preset Format
      4. Preset Locations
      5. Snapshots
    10. About MIDI in VST 3
    11. Provide A Runloop On Linux
    12. Host Requirements for VST 3 Support
    13. <<<<<<<< Features History >>>>>>>>
    14. [3.0.0] Interfaces supported by the plug-in
    15. [3.0.0] Multiple Dynamic I/O Support
    16. [3.0.0] Silence flags
    17. [3.0.0] Interfaces supported by the host
    18. [3.0.1] Parameter MIDI Mapping
    19. [3.0.2] Parameter Finder
    20. [3.1.0] Audio Presentation Latency
    21. [3.1.0] Dirty State, Open Editor Request and UI Group Editing Support
    22. [3.1.0] KnobMode, Open Help & Open Aboutbox
    23. [3.5.0] Note Expression
    24. [3.5.0] Key Switch
    25. [3.5.0] Remote Presentation of Parameters
    26. [3.5.0] Context Menu
    27. [3.5.0] Enhanced Linked Parameters
    28. [3.6.0] iOS Inter-App Audio
    29. [3.6.0] Preset Meta-Information
    30. [3.6.5] Channel Context Info
    31. [3.6.5] Unit-Bus Assignment Change
    32. [3.6.5] Prefetchable
    33. [3.6.5] Automation State
    34. [3.6.6] PlugView Content Scaling
    35. [3.6.8] Request Bus Activation
    36. [3.6.10] UI Snapshots
    37. [3.6.11] NoteExpression Physical UI Mapping
    38. [3.6.12] Legacy MIDI CC Out Event
    39. [3.6.12] MIDI Learn
    40. [3.6.12] Host Query Interface support
    41. [3.6.12] MPE support for Wrappers
    42. [3.7.0] Parameter Function Name
    43. [3.7.0] Progress display
    44. [3.7.0] Process Context Requirements
    45. [3.7.0] Control Voltage Bus Flag
    46. [3.7.5] Module Info and Plug-in Compatibility
    47. [3.7.9] Get Current SystemTime
    48. [3.7.9] Data Transfert Between Processor/Controller
    49. [3.7.11] Remap Parameter ID
  11. Additional Resources
  12. Change History
    1. Version 3.7.13 (2025/02/28)
    2. Version 3.7.12 (2024/07/23)
    3. Version 3.7.11 (2024/04/22)
    4. Version 3.7.10 (2024/01/18)
    5. Version 3.7.9 (2023/10/09)
    6. Version 3.7.8 (2023/05/15)
    7. Version 3.7.7 (2022/12/12)
    8. Version 3.7.6 (2022/09/05)
    9. Version 3.7.5 (2022/05/16)
    10. Version 3.7.4 (2021/12/14)
    11. Version 3.7.3 (2021/08/10)
    12. Version 3.7.2 (2021/03/30)
    13. Version 3.7.1 (2020/11/17)
    14. Version 3.7.0 (2020/07/29)
    15. Version 3.6.14 (2019/11/29)
    16. Version 3.6.13 (2019/04/08)
    17. Version 3.6.12 (2018/12/03)
    18. Version 3.6.11 (2018/10/22)
    19. Version 3.6.10 (2018/06/11)
    20. Version 3.6.9 (2018/03/01)
    21. Version 3.6.8 (2017/11/08)
    22. Version 3.6.7 (2017/03/03)
    23. Version 3.6.6 (2016/06/17)
    24. Version 3.6.5 (2015/08/28)
    25. Version 3.6.0 (2013/11/22)
    26. Version 3.5.2 (2012/09/25)
    27. Version 3.5.1 (2011/11/11)
    28. Version 3.5.0 (2011/02/04)
    29. Version 3.1.0 (2010/06/25)
    30. Version 3.0.2 (2009/01/15)
    31. Version 3.0.1 (2008/03/19)
    32. Version 3.0.0 (2008/01/17)
  13. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. Communication
    2. Processing
    3. GUI-Editor
    4. Compatibility with VST 2.x or VST 1
    5. Persistence
    6. Miscellaneous
    7. Licensing
    8. Hosting
  14. VST 3 Forum
  15. Miscellaneous