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Strings Conversion Helper

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The SDK provides some helpers functions to convert from UTF16 (use in VST 3 interfaces) to UTF8 (used by std::string).

Here some code examples:

Convert a String128 string to an UTF-8 string

#include "public.sdk/source/vst/utility/stringconvert.h"

if (auto hostApp = Steinberg::U::cast<IHostApplication> (hostContext))
    Vst::String128 name;
    if (hostApp->getName (name) == kResultTrue)
        // Here we convert a Vst::String128 to a std::string (UTF8)
        std::string str = VST3::StringConvert::convert (name);

Convert an UTF-8 string to a String128 string

#include "public.sdk/source/vst/utility/stringconvert.h"

std::string str ("My Title");
Vst::String128 vstStr;
VST3::StringConvert::convert (str, vstStr);