Code your first Plug-in
On this page:
Following the previous tutorial Generate a new plug-in with the Project Generator App, this tutorial explains how to code an audio plug-in and how to add some basic features.
The artifact will be an audio plug-in that can compute a gain to an audio signal and can be loaded into VST 3 hosts like Cubase, WaveLab, ...
Part 1: Coding your plug-in
Now you have an automatically generated frame for your plug-in. The following sections explain how to add a new parameter, its associated processing algorithm, and other specific features like saving/loading project or presets, creating a dedicated user interface, etc.
A VST 3 plug-in contains two main classes: its PlugProcessor (performing the processing and persistence) and its PlugController (taking care of communication with the DAW, handling parameters and the UI).
Add a parameter: Gain
In this basic plug-in example, we will add a Gain parameter which modifies the volume of the audio going through the plug-in.
For this, each VST 3 parameter requires a unique identifier (a number).
- Open the file plugids.h and enter a new id kParamGainId. In this example, assign the unique number 102 for example.
#include "pluginterfaces/vst/vsttypes.h"
enum GainParams : Steinberg::Vst::ParamID
kParamGainId = 102, // should be a unique id...
- Open the plugcontroller.cpp file, and add the gain parameter with the parameters.addParameter
// Include the file where some ids are defined
#include "plugids.h"
tresult PLUGIN_API PlugController::initialize (FUnknown*context)
tresult result = EditController::initialize (context);
if (result != kResultOk)
return result;
//---Create Parameters------------
parameters.addParameter (STR16 ("Gain"), STR16 ("dB"), 0, .5, Vst::ParameterInfo::kCanAutomate, GainParams::kParamGainId, 0);
return kResultTrue;
ⓘ Note\
- We add the flag kCanAutomate which informs the DAW/host that this parameter can be automated.
- A VST 3 parameter is always normalized (its value is a floating point value between [0.0, 1.0]), here its default value is set to 0.5.
- Now adapt the processor part for this new parameter. Open the file plugprocessor.h and add a gain value Vst::ParamValue mGain. This value is used for the processing to apply the gain.
// ...
static FUnknown* createInstance (void*)
return (Steinberg::Vst::IAudioProcessor*)new PlugProcessor ();
Steinberg::Vst::ParamValue mGain = 1.;
// ...
Add the process applying the gain
- We need to set our internal mGain with its required value from the host. This is the first step of the process method. Parse the parameter change coming from the host in the structure data.inputParameterChanges for the current audio block to process.
ⓘ Be sure to add #include "public.sdk/source/vst/vstaudioprocessoralgo.h at top of the file plugprocessor.cpp!
This includes some helpers to access audio buffer.
#include "pluginterfaces/vst/ivstparameterchanges.h"
#include "public.sdk/source/vst/vstaudioprocessoralgo.h"
tresult PLUGIN_API PlugProcessor::process (Vst::ProcessData&data)
//--- First: Read inputs parameter changes-----------
if (data.inputParameterChanges)
// for each parameter defined by its ID
int32 numParamsChanged = data.inputParameterChanges->getParameterCount ();
for (int32 index = 0; index < numParamsChanged; index++)
// for this parameter we could iterate the list of value changes (could 1 per audio block or more!)
// in this example, we get only the last value (getPointCount - 1)
Vst::IParamValueQueue* paramQueue = data.inputParameterChanges->getParameterData (index);
if (paramQueue)
Vst::ParamValue value;
int32 sampleOffset;
int32 numPoints = paramQueue->getPointCount ();
switch (paramQueue->getParameterId ())
case GainParams::kParamGainId:
if (paramQueue->getPoint (numPoints - 1, sampleOffset, value) == kResultTrue)
mGain = value;
// ....
ⓘ Note
data.inputParameterChanges can include more than 1 change for the same parameter inside a processing audio block. Here we take only the last change in the list and apply it our mGain.
- The real processing part:
// ...
//-- Flush case: we only need to update parameter, noprocessing possible
if (data.numInputs == 0 || data.numSamples == 0)
return kResultOk;
//--- Here, you have to implement your processing
int32 numChannels = data.inputs[0].numChannels;
//---get audio buffers using helper-functions(vstaudioprocessoralgo.h)-------------
uint32 sampleFramesSize = getSampleFramesSizeInBytes(processSetup, data.numSamples);
void** in = getChannelBuffersPointer (processSetup, data.inputs[0]);
void** out = getChannelBuffersPointer (processSetup, data.outputs[0]);
// Here could check the silent flags
// now we will produce the output
// mark our outputs has not silent
data.outputs[0].silenceFlags = 0;
float gain = mGain;
// for each channel (left and right)
for (int32 i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
int32 samples = data.numSamples;
Vst::Sample32* ptrIn = (Vst::Sample32*)in[i];
Vst::Sample32* ptrOut = (Vst::Sample32*)out[i];
Vst::Sample32 tmp;
// for each sample in this channel
while (--samples >= 0)
// apply gain
tmp = (*ptrIn++) * gain;
(*ptrOut++) = tmp;
- VST 3 includes a way for the host to inform the plug-in that its inputs are silent (using the VST 3 silence flags):
// Here could check the silent flags
//---check if silence---------------
// normally we have to check each channel (simplification)
if (data.inputs[0].silenceFlags != 0)
// mark output silence too
data.outputs[0].silenceFlags = data.inputs[0].silenceFlags;
// the plug-in has to be sure that if it sets the flags silence that the output buffer are clear
for (int32 i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
// do not need to be cleared if the buffers are the same (in this case input buffer are
// already cleared by the host)
if (in[i] != out[i])
memset (out[i], 0, sampleFramesSize);
// nothing to do at this point
return kResultOk;
Add store/restore state
The Processor part represents the state of the plug-in, so it is its job to implement the getState/setState method used by the host to save/load projects and presets. The Controller part gets the Processor state too in its setComponentState method which allows to synchronize its parameters too (for example, used by the UI).
- In the file plugprocessor.cpp, add the mGain value to the state stream given by the host in the getState method which will save it as a project or preset.
The helper class IBStreamer could be used for handling the IBStream given by the host.
// add this include at the top of the file
#include "base/source/fstreamer.h"
tresult PLUGIN_API PlugProcessor::getState (IBStream* state)
// here we need to save the model (preset or project)
float toSaveParam1 = mGain;
IBStreamer streamer (state, kLittleEndian);
streamer.writeFloat (toSaveParam1);
return kResultOk;
- In the setState method, the plug-in receives a new state from the host, it is called after a project or preset is loaded.
tresult PLUGIN_API PlugProcessor::setState (IBStream* state)
if (!state)
return kResultFalse;
// called when we load a preset or project, the model has to be reloaded
IBStreamer streamer (state, kLittleEndian);
float savedParam1 = 0.f;
if (streamer.readFloat (savedParam1) == false)
return kResultFalse;
mGain = savedParam1;
return kResultOk;
- In the setComponentState method, the Controller part of the plug-in receives the same state than the one used in PlugProcessor::setState. PlugController::setComponentState is called just after PlugProcessor::setState.
// add this include at the top of the file
#include "base/source/fstreamer.h"
tresult PLUGIN_API PlugController::setComponentState (IBStream* state)
// Here, you get the state of the component (Processor part)
if (!state)
return kResultFalse;
IBStreamer streamer (state, kLittleEndian);
float savedParam1 = 0.f;
if (streamer.readFloat (savedParam1) == false)
return kResultFalse;
// sync with our parameter
if (auto param = parameters.getParameter (GainParams::kParamGainId))
param->setNormalized (savedParam1);
return kResultOk;
Part 2: Advanced Steps
Add an Event Input
In our example we want to modify our current Gain factor with the velocity of a played "MIDI" event (noteOn).
- If you need in your plug-in to receive not only audio but events (like MIDI), you have to add an Event input. For this you just have to add the Event input with addEventInput in the initialize method of the processor:
tresult PLUGIN_API PlugProcessor::initialize (FUnknown* context)
//---always initialize the parent-------
tresult result = AudioEffect::initialize (context);
// if everything Ok, continue
if (result != kResultOk)
return result;
//---create Event In/Out busses (1 bus with only 1 channel)------
addEventInput (STR16 ("Event In"), 1);
return kResultOk;
ⓘ Note
In this example, we add 1 input event bus, receiving only on 1 channel. If you need to receive differentiated events, for example, from different channels, just change it in the following way:addEventInput (STR16 ("Event In"), 4); // here 4 channels
- We create a new internal value mGainReduction (not exported to the host) which is changed by the velocity of a played noteOn, so that the harder you hit the note, the higher is the gain reduction (this is what we want here in this plug-in):
// ...
static FUnknown* createInstance (void*)
return (Steinberg::Vst::IAudioProcessor*)new PlugProcessor ();
Steinberg::Vst::ParamValue mGain= 1.;
Steinberg::Vst::ParamValue mGainReduction = 0.;
// ...
- Now we have to receive the event changes in the process method:
tresult PLUGIN_API PlugProcessor::process (ProcessData& data)
//--- First: Read inputs parameter changes-----------
//---Second: Read input events-------------
// get the list of all event changes
Vst::IEventList* eventList = data.inputEvents;
if (eventList)
int32 numEvent = eventList->getEventCount ();
for (int32 i = 0; i < numEvent; i++)
Vst::Event event;
if (eventList->getEvent (i, event) == kResultOk)
// here we do not take care of the channel info of the event
switch (event.type)
case Vst::Event::kNoteOnEvent:
// use the velocity as gain modifier: a velocity max (1) will lead to silent audio
mGainReduction = event.noteOn.velocity; // value between 0 and 1
case Vst::Event::kNoteOffEvent:
// noteOff reset the gain modifier
mGainReduction = 0.f;
- Make use of this mGainReduction in our real processing part:
tresult PLUGIN_API PlugProcessor::process (Vst::ProcessData&data)
float gain = mGain - mGainReduction;
if (gain < 0.f) // gain should always positive or zero
gain = 0.f;
// for each channel (left and right)
for (int32 i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
int32 samples = data.numSamples;
Vst::Sample32* ptrIn = (Vst::Sample32*)in[i];
Vst::Sample32* ptrOut = (Vst::Sample32*)out[i];
Vst::Sample32 tmp;
// for each sample in this channel
while (--samples >= 0)
// apply gain
tmp = (*ptrIn++) * gain;
(*ptrOut++) = tmp;
Add a mono audio Side-chain
In our example we want to modulate our main audio input with a Side-chain audio input.
- First, add a new side-chain audio input (busType: kAux) in the initialize call of our processor:
tresult PLUGIN_API PlugProcessor::initialize (FUnknown*context)
//---always initialize the parent-------
tresult result = AudioEffect::initialize (context);
// if everything Ok, continue
if (result != kResultOk)
return result;
//---create Event In/Out busses (1 bus with only 1 channel)------
addEventInput (STR16 ("Event In"), 1);
// create a Mono SideChain input bus
addAudioInput (STR16 ("Mono Aux In"), Steinberg::Vst::SpeakerArr::kMono, Steinberg::Vst::kAux, 0);
return kResultOk;
- We want to be sure that our side-chain is handled as mono input. For this we need to overwrite the AudioEffect::setBusArrangements function:
class PlugProcessor: public AudioEffect
PlugProcessor ();
// overwrite this function
Steinberg::tresult PLUGIN_API setBusArrangements (Steinberg::Vst::SpeakerArrangement* inputs,
Steinberg::int32 numIns,
Steinberg::Vst::SpeakerArrangement* outputs,
Steinberg::int32 numOuts) SMTG_OVERRIDE;
tresult PLUGIN_API PlugProcessor::setBusArrangements(Vst::SpeakerArrangement* inputs, int32 numIns,
Vst::SpeakerArrangement* outputs,
int32 numOuts)
// the first input is the Main Input and the second is the SideChain Input
// be sure that we have 2 inputs and 1 output
if (numIns == 2 && numOuts == 1)
// we support only when Main input has the same number of channel than the output
if (Vst::SpeakerArr::getChannelCount (inputs[0]) != Vst::SpeakerArr::getChannelCount (outputs[0]))
return kResultFalse;
// we are agree with all arrangement for Main Input and output
// then apply them
getAudioInput (0)->setArrangement (inputs[0]);
getAudioOutput (0)->setArrangement (outputs[0]);
// Now check if sidechain is mono (we support in our example only mono Side-chain)
if (Vst::SpeakerArr::getChannelCount (inputs[1]) != 1)
return kResultFalse;
// OK the Side-chain is mono, we accept this by returning kResultTrue
return kResultTrue;
// we do not accept what the host wants: return kResultFalse !
return kResultFalse;
- Adapt our process using the side-chain input as modulation:
tresult PLUGIN_API PlugProcessor::process (ProcessData& data)
//--- First: Read inputs parameter changes-----------
//---Second: Read input events-------------
float gain = mGain - mGainReduction;
if (gain < 0.f) // gain should always positive or zero
gain = 0.f;
void** auxIn = nullptr;
// Check if the Side-chain input is activated
bool auxActive = false;
if (getAudioInput (1)->isActive ())
auxIn = getChannelBuffersPointer (processSetup, data.inputs[1]);
auxActive = true;
if (auxActive)
// for each channel (left and right)
for (int32 i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
int32 samples = data.numSamples;
Vst::Sample32* ptrIn = (Vst::Sample32*)in[i];
Vst::Sample32* ptrOut = (Vst::Sample32*)out[i];
// Side-chain is mono, so take auxIn[0]: index 0
Vst::Sample32* ptrAux = (Vst::Sample32*)auxIn[0];
Vst::Sample32 tmp;
// for each sample in this channel
while (--samples >= 0)
// apply modulation and gain
tmp = (*ptrIn++) * (*ptrAux++) * gain;
(*ptrOut++) = tmp;
// for each channel (left and right)
for (int32 i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
int32 samples = data.numSamples;
Vst::Sample32* ptrIn = (Vst::Sample32*)in[i];
Vst::Sample32* ptrOut = (Vst::Sample32*)out[i];
Vst::Sample32 tmp;
// for each sample in this channel
while (--samples >= 0)
// apply gain
tmp = (*ptrIn++) * gain;
(*ptrOut++) = tmp;
That´s it!