| AudioEffect () |
| Constructor. More...
AudioBus * | addAudioInput (const TChar *name, SpeakerArrangement arr, BusType busType=kMain, int32 flags=BusInfo::kDefaultActive) |
| Creates and adds a new Audio input bus with a given speaker arrangement, busType (kMain or kAux). More...
AudioBus * | addAudioOutput (const TChar *name, SpeakerArrangement arr, BusType busType=kMain, int32 flags=BusInfo::kDefaultActive) |
| Creates and adds a new Audio output bus with a given speaker arrangement, busType (kMain or kAux). More...
AudioBus * | getAudioInput (int32 index) |
| Retrieves an Audio Input Bus by index. More...
AudioBus * | getAudioOutput (int32 index) |
| Retrieves an Audio Output Bus by index. More...
EventBus * | addEventInput (const TChar *name, int32 channels=16, BusType busType=kMain, int32 flags=BusInfo::kDefaultActive) |
| Creates and adds a new Event input bus with a given speaker arrangement, busType (kMain or kAux). More...
EventBus * | addEventOutput (const TChar *name, int32 channels=16, BusType busType=kMain, int32 flags=BusInfo::kDefaultActive) |
| Creates and adds a new Event output bus with a given speaker arrangement, busType (kMain or kAux). More...
EventBus * | getEventInput (int32 index) |
| Retrieves an Event Input Bus by index. More...
EventBus * | getEventOutput (int32 index) |
| Retrieves an Event Output Bus by index. More...
tresult | setBusArrangements (SpeakerArrangement *inputs, int32 numIns, SpeakerArrangement *outputs, int32 numOuts) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | getBusArrangement (BusDirection dir, int32 busIndex, SpeakerArrangement &arr) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | canProcessSampleSize (int32 symbolicSampleSize) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
uint32 | getLatencySamples () SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | setupProcessing (ProcessSetup &setup) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | setProcessing (TBool state) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | process (ProcessData &data) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
uint32 | getTailSamples () SMTG_OVERRIDE |
uint32 | getProcessContextRequirements () SMTG_OVERRIDE |
| Component () |
| Constructor. More...
void | setControllerClass (const FUID &cid) |
| Sets the controller Class ID associated to its component. More...
void | setControllerClass (const TUID &cid) |
tresult | removeAudioBusses () |
| Removes all Audio Busses. More...
tresult | removeEventBusses () |
| Removes all Event Busses. More...
tresult | renameBus (MediaType type, BusDirection dir, int32 index, const String128 newName) |
| Renames a specific bus. More...
tresult | getControllerClassId (TUID classID) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | setIoMode (IoMode mode) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
int32 | getBusCount (MediaType type, BusDirection dir) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | getBusInfo (MediaType type, BusDirection dir, int32 index, BusInfo &info) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | getRoutingInfo (RoutingInfo &inInfo, RoutingInfo &outInfo) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | activateBus (MediaType type, BusDirection dir, int32 index, TBool state) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | setActive (TBool state) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | setState (IBStream *state) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | getState (IBStream *state) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | initialize (FUnknown *context) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | terminate () SMTG_OVERRIDE |
BusList * | getBusList (MediaType type, BusDirection dir) |
tresult | removeAllBusses () |
| ComponentBase () |
| ~ComponentBase () override |
FUnknown * | getHostContext () const |
| Returns the hostContext (set by the host during initialize call). More...
IConnectionPoint * | getPeer () const |
| Returns the peer for the messaging communication (you can only use IConnectionPoint::notify for communicate between peers, do not try to cast peerConnection. More...
IMessage * | allocateMessage () const |
| Allocates a message instance (do not forget to release it). More...
tresult | sendMessage (IMessage *message) const |
| Sends the given message to the peer. More...
tresult | sendTextMessage (const char8 *text) const |
| Sends a simple text message to the peer (max 255 characters). More...
tresult | sendMessageID (const char8 *messageID) const |
| Sends a message with a given ID without any other payload. More...
virtual tresult | receiveText (const char8 *text) |
| Receives a simple text message from the peer (max 255 characters). More...
tresult | initialize (FUnknown *context) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | terminate () SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | connect (IConnectionPoint *other) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | disconnect (IConnectionPoint *other) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | notify (IMessage *message) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
virtual tresult | queryInterface (const TUID _iid, void **obj)=0 |
virtual uint32 | addRef ()=0 |
virtual uint32 | release ()=0 |
Default implementation for a VST 3 audio effect.
Can be used as base class for a VST 3 effect implementation.