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[3.5.0] Key Switch

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Allows information exchange between the plug-in and the host about which key switches are currently used.

Extended plug-in interface Vst:: IEditController for key switches support: Vst:: IKeyswitchController

Some instrument plug-ins support key switching functionality, which allows users to switch between different layered sounds while playing notes. To achieve this, users have to press a specific key associated with the desired layer before playing new notes.

A typical example is a sample-based player plug-in with a violin sound, which can include different layers or articulations: pizzicato, legato, tremolo, etc. By pressing and/or holding a specific key, for example, C-1, before playing new notes, the plug-in will choose to play pizzicato. By using D-1, it will play legato, and so on.

With VST Expression Map (introduced by Steinberg in Cubase 5), these key switches can be used in the Score Editor, to associate a symbol (articulation) to a note. Each time this note is played, the corresponding key switch will be used (sent to the plug-in as noteOn event).


In order to help the creation of such a map, VST 3.5 defines a new interface Vst:: IKeyswitchController. If an (instrument) plug-in supports such an interface, the host can get the current set of used key switches from the plug-in (megatrigg / articulation: Vst::KeyswitchInfo) for a given channel of an event bus, and then automatically use them (like in Cubase 6) to create a VST Expression Map.

How does it work?

Here the step by step example. We want a plug-in with 1 event bus, which is mono-timbral (1 channel), and which supports 2 key switches:

  1. The instrument plug-in should have one input event bus (could be more):
tresult PLUGIN_API MyExampleProcessor::initialize (FUnknown* context)
    //---always initialize the parent-------
    tresult result = AudioEffect::initialize (context);
    if (result == kResultTrue)
        // we want a Stereo Output
        addAudioOutput (STR16 ("Stereo Output"), SpeakerArr::kStereo);

        // create Event In bus (1 bus with only 1 channel)
        addEventInput (STR16 ("Event Input"), 1);
    return result;
  1. The controller should have the interface Vst:: IKeyswitchController, here in the class declaration:
class MyExampleController: public EditController, public IKeyswitchController
    //---from IKeyswitchController
    virtual int32 PLUGIN_API getKeyswitchCount (int32 busIndex, int16 channel);
    virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getKeyswitchInfo (int32 busIndex, int16 channel, int32 keySwitchIndex, KeyswitchInfo& info);

    OBJ_METHODS (MyExampleController, EditController)
        DEF_INTERFACE (IKeyswitchController)
    END_DEFINE_INTERFACES (EditController)

  1. Now we have to implement the interface Vst:: IKeyswitchController (only 2 functions), in our example Vst:: IKeyswitchController::getKeyswitchCount should return 2 (2 key switches):
int32 MyExampleController::getKeyswitchCount (int32 busIndex, int16 channel)
    // we accept only the first bus and 1 channel
    if (busIndex == 0 && channel == 0)
        return 2;
    return 0;
  1. Then, we have to implement Vst:: IKeyswitchController::getKeyswitchInfo, which allows to inform the host about what the plug-in supports:
tresult PLUGIN_API MyExampleController::getKeyswitchInfo (int32 busIndex, int16 channel, int32 keySwitchIndex, KeyswitchInfo& info)
    // we accept only the first bus and 1 channel and only 2 keyswitches
    if (busIndex == 0 && channel == 0 && (keySwitchIndex == 0 || keySwitchIndex == 1)
        memset (&info, 0, sizeof (KeyswitchInfo));

        // in this case we want that Keyswitch should be maintained pressed for playing
        info.typeId = kKeyRangeTypeID;

        // we could use keyRemapped to make easier the use of the keyswitch (near the available instrument key range)
        // take care that there are no overlap between keyswitches and real key (playing sound)

        if (keySwitchIndex == 0)
            USTRING ("Accentuation").copyTo (info.title, 128);
            USTRING ("Acc").copyTo (info.shortTitle, 128);

            // if the user keeps pressed C-1 or C#-1 or C-0 then the Accentuation sound should be played
            info.keyswitchMin = 12; // C-1
            info.keyswitchMax = 13; // C#-1
            info.keyRemapped  = 24; // C-0
            USTRING ("Softly").copyTo (info.title, 128);
            USTRING ("Soft").copyTo (info.shortTitle, 128);

            // if the user keeps pressed D-1 or D#-1 or D-0 then the Softly sound should be played
            info.keyswitchMin = 14; // D-1
            info.keyswitchMax = 15; // D#-1
            info.keyRemapped  = 26; // D-0

        info.unitID = -1; // not used
        info.flags = 0;  // not used

        return kResultTrue;
    return kResultFalse;
  1. Last step, in the processor component, we have to adapt the process call to switch to the wanted articulation:
tresult MyExampleProcessor::process (ProcessData& data)
    // ....

    // get the input event queue
    IEventList* inputEvents = data.inputEvents;
    if (inputEvents)
        Event e;
        int32 numEvents = inputEvents->getEventCount ();

        // for each events check it..
        for (int32 i = 0; i < numEvents; i++)
            if (inputEvents->getEvent (i, e) == kResultTrue)
                switch (e.type)
                    case Event::kNoteOnEvent:
                        // here a note On
                        // check if this is a Keyswitch
                        switch (e.noteOn.pitch)
                            // Accentuation Keyswitch
                            case 12:
                            case 13:
                            case 24:
                                currentLayer = kAccentuationLayer;

                            // Softly Keyswitch
                            case 14:
                            case 15:
                            case 26:
                                currentLayer = kSoftlyLayer;

                                // play the note in the currentLayer
                                // ...
                    }   break;

                    case Event::kNoteOffEvent:
                        // check if keyswitch is released
                        switch (e.noteOff.pitch)
                            // Accentuation Keyswitch
                            case 12:
                            case 13:
                            case 24:
                            case 14:
                            case 15:
                            case 26:
                                currentLayer = kDefaultLayer;
                                // released note...
                    }   break;

That is it!