/ ... / VST 3 Locations / Format

Preset Format

Related pages:

The file extension has to be .vstpreset, for example: myBestDefault.vstpreset

Specification of a VST 3 Preset file:

	VST 3 Preset File Format Definition

0   +---------------------------+
    | HEADER                    |
    | header id ('VST3')        |       4 Bytes
    | version                   |       4 Bytes (int32)
    | ASCII-encoded class id    |       32 Bytes 
 +--| offset to chunk list      |       8 Bytes (int64)
 |  +---------------------------+
 |  | DATA AREA                 |<-+
 |  | data of chunks 1..n       |  |
 |  ...                       ...  |
 |  |                           |  |
 +->+---------------------------+  |
    | CHUNK LIST                |  |
    | list id ('List')          |  |    4 Bytes
    | entry count               |  |    4 Bytes (int32)
    +---------------------------+  |
    |  1..n                     |  |
    |  +----------------------+ |  |
    |  | chunk id             | |  |    4 Bytes
    |  | offset to chunk data |----+    8 Bytes (int64)
    |  | size of chunk data   | |       8 Bytes (int64)
    |  +----------------------+ |
EOF +---------------------------+

Check the Vst::PresetFile source code which allows to read and write such presets.