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VST 3 Locations / Format

On this page:

Formats definition of a VST 3 plug-in and its preset and where they are located on different platforms.

Plug-in Format Structure

This section explains how a VST 3 plug-in is structured as files and folders.

Plug-in Locations

This section explains where VST 3 plug-in are located on the different supported platforms.

Preset Format

This section explains the VST 3 format for preset file.

Preset Locations

This section explains where VST 3 preset files are located on the different supported platforms.


Since VST 3.6.10, a VST 3 bundle can contain pre-rendered snapshot images for VST 3 host as visual representation of the plug-in UI.

Remote Representation Locations

This section explains where VST XMLs files (Remote Presentation of Parameters) are located on the different supported platforms.