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Version 3.7.2 (2021/03/30)

Version 3.7.2 (2021/03/30)

  • VSTGUI 4.10

    • minimum requirement C++14.
    • VSTGUI now needs to be initialized and terminated explicitly. See VSTGUI::init().
    • UIDescription files are now written in JSON format and the old XML format is deprecated.
    • It's now possible to conditionally remove the XML parser and the expat library from building (set VSTGUI_ENABLE_XML_PARSER to 0).
  • Licensing has changed to version 2.1! Please read the new license agreement /pages/VST+3+Licensing/Index.md). (if you have already signed the version 2.0 of the license agreement you do not have to sign it again).

  • New Flags/Enums:

    • New predefined 3D speaker arrangement:
      • k220 (L R C Ls Rs Lc Rc Cs Sl Sr Tc Tfl Tfc Tfr Trl Trc Trr Tsl Tsr Bfl Bfc Bfr).
    • Some arrangements renamed:
      • "7.1 Music (Dolby)"=>"7.1".
      • "7.0 Music (Dolby)"=>"7.0".
      • "7.1 Cine (SDDS)"=>"7.1 SDDS".
      • "7.0 Cine (SDDS)"=>"7.0 SDDS".
  • cmake:

    • Code styling changed.
    • Each library defined which is the minimal requirementfor C++ version (11 for pluginterfaces) by usingtarget_compile_features.
    • New flag: SMTG_CXX_STANDARD in order to overwrite thedefault used version of C++ (11).
    • New flag: SMTG_CUSTOM_BINARY_LOCATION: Customize outputlocation for binaries.
    • New flag: SMTG_CXX_STANDARD: C++ standard version usedfor plugins: 14, 17, 20.
    • New flag: SMTG_ENABLE_ADDRESS_SANITIZER Enable AddressSanitizer.
    • Add check for C11 atomic header.
    • Add support for enabling Sanitizer.
    • Add new file SMTG_SetDebugExecutable.cmake: allows topreconfigure the debug executable to run.
    • Fix LOCAL_JACK_LIB in SMTG_FindJack.cmake on Windows.
    • Fix link plug-in to common location on Windows.
    • Fix: Failing unit test with validator results inplug-in resources/snapshots not being copied.
  • Plug-in Wrappers:

    • AAX Wrapper
      • Fix Export Symbols for AAX on macOS.
    • AUv2 Wrapper:
      • Fix AUv2 with Xcode 12.
  • Examples:

    • New VST 3 hosting example:
      • VST 3 Inspector app: example showing how to parse the available VST 3 plug-ins factories, using VSTGUI.
    • C++14 minimum requirements for validator, audiohost, editorhost, Inspector app.
  • Helpers classes:

    • New file handling module initialization: public.sdk\source\main\moduleinit.cpp, public.sdk\source\main\moduleinit.h.
    • #include <windows.h> instead of #include <Windows.h>.
    • Fix incorrect string copy regression in HostAttributeList::getString.
    • Fix some Validation tests: SliceProcessingTest,ValidStateTransitionTest.
    • Fix module_linux.cpp building in C++20 mode.
  • VST3PluginTestHost v3.1.0:

    • New context menu entry for instantiated plug-in: "Export Presets Parameters as XML" which allows to load automatically VST 3 presets and export them as XML files.
  • VST 3 Project Generator v2021.03: