using | CMenuItemList = std::vector< SharedPointer< CMenuItem > > |
using | CMenuItemIterator = CMenuItemList::iterator |
using | CConstMenuItemIterator = CMenuItemList::const_iterator |
using | CParamDisplayValueToStringProc = bool(*)(float value, char utf8String[256], void *userData) |
using | CTextEditStringToValueProc = bool(*)(UTF8StringPtr txt, float &result, void *userData) |
using | ViewIterator = CViewContainer::Iterator< false > |
using | ReverseViewIterator = CViewContainer::Iterator< true > |
using | CCoord = double |
| coordinate type More...
using | IdStringPtr = const char * |
| ID String pointer. More...
using | UTF8StringPtr = const char * |
| UTF8 String pointer. More...
using | UTF8StringBuffer = char * |
| UTF8 String buffer pointer. More...
using | AtomicReferenceCounted = ReferenceCounted< std::atomic< int32_t > > |
using | NonAtomicReferenceCounted = ReferenceCounted< int32_t > |
using | AssertionHandler = void(*)(const char *filename, const char *line, const char *condition, const char *desc) |
using | CViewAttributeID = size_t |
using | ModalViewSessionID = uint32_t |
using | GradientColorStop = std::pair< double, CColor > |
using | GradientColorStopMap = std::multimap< double, CColor > |
using | LinePair = std::pair< CPoint, CPoint > |
using | LineList = std::vector< LinePair > |
using | PointList = std::vector< CPoint > |
using | CFontRef = CFontDesc * |
using | PlatformFramePtr = uint32_t SharedPointer< IPlatformFrame > |
using | PlatformBitmapPtr = SharedPointer< IPlatformBitmap > |
using | PlatformFontPtr = SharedPointer< IPlatformFont > |
using | PlatformStringPtr = SharedPointer< IPlatformString > |
using | PlatformTimerPtr = SharedPointer< IPlatformTimer > |
using | PlatformResourceInputStreamPtr = std::unique_ptr< IPlatformResourceInputStream > |
using | PlatformFactoryPtr = std::unique_ptr< IPlatformFactory > |
using | PlatformGradientPtr = std::unique_ptr< IPlatformGradient > |
using | PlatformGraphicsPathPtr = std::unique_ptr< IPlatformGraphicsPath > |
using | PlatformGraphicsPathFactoryPtr = std::shared_ptr< IPlatformGraphicsPathFactory > |
using | PlatformFileSelectorPtr = std::shared_ptr< IPlatformFileSelector > |
using | PlatformGraphicsDevicePtr = std::shared_ptr< IPlatformGraphicsDevice > |
using | PlatformGraphicsDeviceContextPtr = std::shared_ptr< IPlatformGraphicsDeviceContext > |
using | InterfacePtr = std::shared_ptr< Interface > |
using | UIAttributesMap = std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > |
using | ViewCreatorRegistryMap = std::unordered_map< std::string, const IViewCreator * > |
enum | CButton {
kLButton = 1 << 1
, kMButton = 1 << 2
, kRButton = 1 << 3
, kShift = 1 << 4
kControl = 1 << 5
, kAlt = 1 << 6
, kApple = 1 << 7
, kButton4 = 1 << 8
kButton5 = 1 << 9
, kDoubleClick = 1 << 10
, kMouseWheelInverted = 1 << 11
} |
enum | CDrawModeFlags : uint32_t { kAliasing = 0
, kAntiAliasing = 1
, kNonIntegralMode = 0xF0000000
} |
enum | CHoriTxtAlign { kLeftText = 0
, kCenterText
, kRightText
} |
enum | CDrawStyle { kDrawStroked = 0
, kDrawFilled
, kDrawFilledAndStroked
} |
enum | CKnobMode { kCircularMode = 0
, kRelativCircularMode
, kLinearMode
} |
enum class | DragOperation { Copy
, Move
, None
} |
| Drag operation. More...
enum class | EventType : uint32_t {
, MouseDown
, MouseMove
, MouseUp
, MouseEnter
, MouseExit
, MouseWheel
, KeyUp
, KeyDown
} |
| EventType. More...
enum class | MouseButton : uint32_t {
None = 0
, Left = 1 << 1
, Middle = 1 << 2
, Right = 1 << 3
Fourth = 1 << 4
, Fifth = 1 << 5
} |
| MouseButton. More...
enum class | VirtualKey : uint32_t {
None = 0
, Back
, Tab
, Clear
, Pause
, Escape
, Space
, End
, Home
, Left
, Right
, Down
, PageUp
, Select
, Print
, Enter
, Insert
, Delete
, Help
, NumPad1
, NumPad2
, NumPad3
, NumPad5
, NumPad6
, NumPad7
, NumPad9
, Multiply
, Add
, Subtract
, Decimal
, Divide
, F2
, F3
, F4
, F6
, F7
, F8
, F10
, F11
, F12
, Scroll
, ShiftModifier
, ControlModifier
, Equals
} |
| VirtualKey. More...
enum class | ModifierKey : uint32_t {
Shift = 1 << 0
, Alt = 1 << 1
, Control = 1 << 2
, Super = 1 << 3
None = 0
} |
| ModifierKey. More...
enum | ByteOrder { kBigEndianByteOrder = 0
, kLittleEndianByteOrder
, kNativeByteOrder = kBigEndianByteOrder
} |
enum | CMessageResult { kMessageUnknown = 0
, kMessageNotified = 1
} |
enum | CMouseWheelAxis { kMouseWheelAxisX = 0
, kMouseWheelAxisY
} |
enum | CMouseEventResult {
kMouseEventNotImplemented = 0
, kMouseEventHandled
, kMouseEventNotHandled
, kMouseDownEventHandledButDontNeedMovedOrUpEvents
} |
enum | CCursorType {
kCursorDefault = 0
, kCursorWait
, kCursorHSize
, kCursorVSize
, kCursorNESWSize
, kCursorNWSESize
, kCursorCopy
, kCursorHand
, kCursorIBeam
, kCursorCrosshair
} |
enum | CViewAutosizing {
kAutosizeNone = 0
, kAutosizeLeft = 1 << 0
, kAutosizeTop = 1 << 1
, kAutosizeRight = 1 << 2
kAutosizeBottom = 1 << 3
, kAutosizeColumn = 1 << 4
, kAutosizeRow = 1 << 5
, kAutosizeAll = kAutosizeLeft | kAutosizeTop | kAutosizeRight | kAutosizeBottom
} |
enum | DragResult { kDragRefused = 0
, kDragMoved
, kDragCopied
, kDragError = -1
} |
enum | CTxtFace {
kNormalFace = 0
, kBoldFace = 1 << 1
, kItalicFace = 1 << 2
, kUnderlineFace = 1 << 3
kStrikethroughFace = 1 << 4
} |
enum class | BitmapInterpolationQuality { kDefault = 0
, kLow
, kMedium
, kHigh
} |
enum class | CSliderMode {
, RelativeTouch
, FreeClick
, Ramp
} |
enum class | SeekMode { Set
, Current
, End
} |
template<typename Iter , typename Type , typename ResultType = int32_t> |
Optional< ResultType > | indexOf (Iter first, Iter last, const Type &value) |
| Returns the index of the value. More...
template<typename Iter , typename Proc , typename ResultType = int32_t> |
Optional< ResultType > | indexOfTest (Iter first, Iter last, Proc p) |
| Returns the index of the element for which predicate p returns true. More...
template<typename T > |
T | clamp (T value, T min, T max) |
| Returns the value clamped to min and max. More...
template<typename T > |
T | clampNorm (T value) |
| Returns the value clamped to zero and one. More...
template<typename NormT , typename StepT = int32_t> |
StepT | normalizedToSteps (NormT value, StepT numSteps, StepT stepStart=static_cast< StepT >(0)) |
| Returns the value projected lineary between stepOffset and stepOffset + steps. More...
template<typename NormT , typename StepValueT , typename StepT > |
NormT | stepsToNormalized (StepValueT value, StepT steps, StepT stepOffset=static_cast< StepT >(0)) |
| Returns the normalized value from the step value. More...
template<typename NormT , typename PlainT > |
NormT | plainToNormalized (PlainT value, PlainT minValue, PlainT maxValue) |
| Returns the normalized value from a plain one. More...
template<typename PlainT , typename NormT > |
PlainT | normalizedToPlain (NormT value, PlainT minValue, PlainT maxValue) |
| Returns the plain value from a normalized one. More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< PixelBuffer::Format, T2 >::value||std::is_same< IPlatformBitmapPixelAccess::PixelFormat, T2 >::value >::type * = nullptr> |
T1 | convert (T2 format) |
| Convert between Platform Pixel Accessor pixel format and PixelBuffer format. More...
constexpr CColor | MakeCColor (uint8_t red=0, uint8_t green=0, uint8_t blue=0, uint8_t alpha=255) |
static PlatformGraphicsDrawStyle | convert (CDrawStyle s) |
static PlatformGraphicsPathDrawMode | convert (CDrawContext::PathDrawMode mode) |
template<typename Proc > |
void | drawClipped (CDrawContext *context, const CRect &clip, Proc proc) |
static double | radians (double degrees) |
void | joinNearbyInvalidRects (CInvalidRectList &list, CCoord maxDistance) |
SharedPointer< CBitmap > | renderBitmapOffscreen (const CPoint &size, double scaleFactor, const std::function< void(CDrawContext &drawContext)> drawFunction) |
| Render a bitmap offscreen. More...
bool | isLineBreakSeparator (char32_t c) |
template<size_t numBoxes> |
static std::array< int32_t, numBoxes > | boxesForGauss (double sigma) |
static bool | isUniformScaled (const CGraphicsTransform &matrix) |
static ISplitViewController * | getSplitViewController (const CView *view) |
bool | isSpace (char32_t character) noexcept |
| white-character test More...
UTF8String | trim (const UTF8String &str, TrimOptions options) |
bool | operator== (const UTF8String::StringType &lhs, const UTF8String &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const UTF8String::StringType &lhs, const UTF8String &rhs) noexcept |
UTF8String | operator+ (UTF8StringPtr lhs, const UTF8String &rhs) |
template<typename T > |
UTF8String | toString (const T &value) |
static Buffer< char > | getTooltipFromView (CView *view) |
static bool | viewHasTooltip (CView *view) |
bool | shouldStartDrag (CPoint mouseDownPos, CPoint mouseMovePos) |
| Helper method to be used to decide if a mouse move is far enough to start a drag operation. More...
CButtonState | buttonStateFromEventModifiers (const Modifiers &mods) |
| convert from new Modifiers to old CButtonState More...
CButtonState | buttonStateFromMouseEvent (const MouseEvent &event) |
| convert from new MouseEvent to old CButtonState More...
VstKeyCode | toVstKeyCode (const KeyboardEvent &event) |
const Event & | noEvent () |
template<typename EventT , typename OutputT = MousePositionEvent, typename MousePositionEventT = typename std::conditional< std::is_const_v<EventT>, typename std::add_const_t<OutputT>, OutputT>::type> |
MousePositionEventT * | asMousePositionEvent (EventT &event) |
| event as mouse position event or nullpointer if not a mouse position event More...
template<typename EventT , typename OutputT = MouseEvent, typename MouseEventT = typename std::conditional< std::is_const_v<EventT>, typename std::add_const_t<OutputT>, OutputT>::type> |
MouseEventT * | asMouseEvent (EventT &event) |
| event as mouse position event or nullpointer if not a mouse position event More...
template<typename EventT , typename OutputT = MouseDownEvent, typename MouseDownEventT = typename std::conditional< std::is_const_v<EventT>, typename std::add_const_t<OutputT>, OutputT>::type> |
MouseDownEventT * | asMouseDownEvent (EventT &event) |
| event as mouse down event or nullpointer if not a mouse down event More...
template<typename EventT , typename OutputT = ModifierEvent, typename ModifierEventT = typename std::conditional< std::is_const_v<EventT>, typename std::add_const_t<OutputT>, OutputT>::type> |
ModifierEventT * | asModifierEvent (EventT &event) |
| event as modifier event or nullpointer if not a modifier event More...
template<typename EventT , typename OutputT = KeyboardEvent, typename KeyboardEventT = typename std::conditional< std::is_const_v<EventT>, typename std::add_const_t<OutputT>, OutputT>::type> |
KeyboardEventT * | asKeyboardEvent (EventT &event) |
| event as keyboard event or nullpointer if not a keyboard event More...
MousePositionEvent & | castMousePositionEvent (Event &event) |
| cast event to a mouse position event More...
MouseEvent & | castMouseEvent (Event &event) |
| cast event to a mouse event More...
MouseDownEvent & | castMouseDownEvent (Event &event) |
| cast event to a mouse down event More...
MouseMoveEvent & | castMouseMoveEvent (Event &event) |
| cast event to a mouse move event More...
MouseUpEvent & | castMouseUpEvent (Event &event) |
| cast event to a mouse up event More...
MouseEnterEvent & | castMouseEnterEvent (Event &event) |
| cast event to a mouse enter event More...
MouseExitEvent & | castMouseExitEvent (Event &event) |
| cast event to a mouse exit event More...
MouseCancelEvent & | castMouseCancelEvent (Event &event) |
| cast event to a mouse cancel event More...
MouseWheelEvent & | castMouseWheelEvent (Event &event) |
| cast event to a mouse wheel event More...
ZoomGestureEvent & | castZoomGestureEvent (Event &event) |
| cast event to a zoom gesture event More...
KeyboardEvent & | castKeyboardEvent (Event &event) |
| cast event to a mouse wheel event More...
unsigned char | toVstVirtualKey (VirtualKey key) |
| helper function to convert from new VirtualKey to old VstVirtualKey More...
VirtualKey | fromVstVirtualKey (uint32_t key) |
template<class F > |
auto | finally (F &&f) noexcept |
DataPackageIterator | begin (IDataPackage *pkg) |
DataPackageIterator | end (IDataPackage *pkg) |
template<typename T > |
Optional< typename std::decay< T >::type > | makeOptional (T &&value) |
template<class I > |
SharedPointer< I > | owned (I *p) noexcept |
template<class I > |
SharedPointer< I > | shared (I *p) noexcept |
template<class I , typename ... Args> |
SharedPointer< I > | makeOwned (Args &&...args) |
template<typename T , typename B > |
void | setBit (T &storage, B bit, bool state) |
template<typename T , typename B > |
constexpr bool | hasBit (T storage, B bit) |
void | setAssertionHandler (AssertionHandler handler) |
bool | hasAssertionHandler () |
void | doAssert (const char *filename, const char *line, const char *condition, const char *desc) noexcept(false) |
void | init (PlatformInstanceHandle instance) |
| Init to use VSTGUI. More...
void | exit () |
| exit using the VSTGUI library. More...
template<typename Iface , typename T > |
auto | dynamicPtrCast (std::shared_ptr< T > &obj) |
template<typename Iface , typename T > |
const auto | dynamicPtrCast (const std::shared_ptr< T > &obj) |
template<typename Iface , typename T > |
auto | staticPtrCast (std::shared_ptr< T > &obj) |
template<typename Iface , typename T > |
const auto | staticPtrCast (const std::shared_ptr< T > &obj) |
template<typename Iface , typename T > |
const auto & | asInterface (const T &obj) |
template<typename T > |
void | endianSwap (T &value) |
template<typename T > |
bool | writeEndianSwap (const T &value, OutputStream &s) |
void | unixfyPath (std::string &path) |
| Helper function to transform all Windows path separators to unix ones. More...
bool | removeLastPathComponent (std::string &path) |
Optional< std::string > | lastPathComponent (const std::string path) |
bool | pathIsAbsolute (const std::string &path) |
IController * | getViewController (const CView *view, bool deep=false) |
| helper method to get the controller of a view More...
template<typename T > |
T * | findViewController (const CViewContainer *view) |
| helper method to find a specific controller inside a view hierarchy More...
static UIViewFactory * | getGenericViewFactory () |
static void | FreeNodePlatformResources (Detail::UINode *node) |
static std::string | moveOldFile (UTF8StringPtr filename) |
static void | removeChildNode (Detail::UINode *baseNode, UTF8StringPtr nodeName) |
static ViewCreatorRegistry & | getCreatorRegistry () |
static CControl * | findControlForTag (CViewContainer *parent, int32_t tag, bool reverse=true) |
constexpr const CColor | kTransparentCColor = CColor (255, 255, 255, 0) |
constexpr const CColor | kBlackCColor = CColor ( 0, 0, 0, 255) |
constexpr const CColor | kWhiteCColor = CColor (255, 255, 255, 255) |
constexpr const CColor | kGreyCColor = CColor (127, 127, 127, 255) |
constexpr const CColor | kRedCColor = CColor (255, 0, 0, 255) |
constexpr const CColor | kGreenCColor = CColor ( 0, 255, 0, 255) |
constexpr const CColor | kBlueCColor = CColor ( 0, 0, 255, 255) |
constexpr const CColor | kYellowCColor = CColor (255, 255, 0, 255) |
constexpr const CColor | kMagentaCColor = CColor (255, 0, 255, 255) |
constexpr const CColor | kCyanCColor = CColor ( 0, 255, 255, 255) |
static GlobalFonts | globalFonts |
CFontRef | kSystemFont = nullptr |
CFontRef | kNormalFontVeryBig = nullptr |
CFontRef | kNormalFontBig = nullptr |
CFontRef | kNormalFont = nullptr |
CFontRef | kNormalFontSmall = nullptr |
CFontRef | kNormalFontSmaller = nullptr |
CFontRef | kNormalFontVerySmall = nullptr |
CFontRef | kSymbolFont = nullptr |
IdStringPtr | kMsgNewFocusView = "kMsgNewFocusView" |
| Message send to all parents of the new focus view. More...
IdStringPtr | kMsgOldFocusView = "kMsgOldFocusView" |
| Message send to all parents of the old focus view. More...
static const CCoord | kDefaultOnOffDashLength [] = {1, 1} |
const CLineStyle | kLineSolid {} |
const CLineStyle | kLineOnOffDash (CLineStyle::kLineCapButt, CLineStyle::kLineJoinMiter, 0, 2, kDefaultOnOffDashLength) |
static CCoord | kCheckBoxTitleMargin = 5 |
static const float | kCKnobRangeDefault = 200.f |
static constexpr CViewAttributeID | kCKnobMouseStateAttribute = 'knms' |
UTF8StringPtr | kDegreeSymbol = "\xC2\xB0" |
| degree sign More...
UTF8StringPtr | kInfiniteSymbol = "\xE2\x88\x9E" |
| infinity sign More...
UTF8StringPtr | kCopyrightSymbol = "\xC2\xA9" |
| copyright sign More...
UTF8StringPtr | kTrademarkSymbol = "\xE2\x84\xA2" |
| trade mark sign More...
UTF8StringPtr | kRegisteredSymbol = "\xC2\xAE" |
| registered sign More...
UTF8StringPtr | kMicroSymbol = "\xC2\xB5" |
| micro sign More...
UTF8StringPtr | kPerthousandSymbol = "\xE2\x80\xB0" |
| per mille sign More...
IdStringPtr | kMsgViewSizeChanged = "kMsgViewSizeChanged" |
| Message send to parent that the size of the view has changed. More...
static constexpr CViewAttributeID | kCViewHitTestPathAttrID = 'cvht' |
static constexpr CViewAttributeID | kCViewCustomDropTargetAttrID = 'cvdt' |
static constexpr CViewAttributeID | kCViewAlphaValueAttrID = 'cvav' |
static constexpr CViewAttributeID | kCViewMouseableAreaAttrID = 'cvma' |
static constexpr CViewAttributeID | kCViewBackgroundBitmapAttrID = 'cvbb' |
static constexpr CViewAttributeID | kCViewDisabledBackgroundBitmapAttrID = 'cvdb' |
static constexpr CViewAttributeID | kCViewAttributeReferencePointer = 'cvrp' |
static constexpr CViewAttributeID | kCViewTooltipAttribute = 'cvtt' |
static constexpr CViewAttributeID | kCViewControllerAttribute = 'ictr' |
IdStringPtr | kMsgLooseFocus = "LooseFocus" |
| Message of a view loosing focus (only CTextEdit and COptionMenu send this) More...
const CViewAttributeID | kCViewContainerDropTargetAttribute = 'vcdt' |
const CViewAttributeID | kCViewContainerMouseDownViewAttribute = 'vcmd' |
const CViewAttributeID | kCViewContainerLastDrawnFocusAttribute = 'vclf' |
const CViewAttributeID | kCViewContainerBackgroundOffsetAttribute = 'vcbo' |
static AssertionHandler | assertionHandler = nullptr |
static constexpr uint32_t | kStreamIOError = (std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max) () |
static constexpr int64_t | kStreamSeekError = -1 |
static constexpr int64_t | kUIDescIdentifier = 0x7072637365646975LL |
static const int8_t | unixPathSeparator = '/' |
static const int8_t | windowsPathSeparator = '\\' |
static constexpr auto | kTemplateAttributeMinSize = "minSize" |
static constexpr auto | kTemplateAttributeMaxSize = "maxSize" |
static CViewAttributeID | kViewNameAttribute = 'cvcr' |