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[3.6.11] NoteExpression Physical UI Mapping

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Extended plug-in interface Vst:: IEditController for note expression event support: Vst:: INoteExpressionPhysicalUIMapping.

With this plug-in interface, the host can retrieve the preferred physical mapping associated to note expression supported by the plug-in. When the mapping changes (for example, when switching presets), the plug-in needs to inform the host about it via Vst:: IComponentHandler::restartComponent (kNoteExpressionChanged).


In mycontroller.h

// here an example of how a VST 3 plug-in could support this INoteExpressionPhysicalUIMapping interface.
// we need to define somewhere the iids:
//in MyController class declaration
class MyController : public Vst::EditController, public Vst::INoteExpressionPhysicalUIMapping
    // ...
    //--- INoteExpressionPhysicalUIMapping ---------------------------------
    tresult PLUGIN_API getPhysicalUIMapping (int32 busIndex, int16 channel, PhysicalUIMapList& list) SMTG_OVERRIDE;
    // ...
    OBJ_METHODS (MyController, Vst::EditController)
        // ...
        DEF_INTERFACE (Vst::INoteExpressionPhysicalUIMapping)
    END_DEFINE_INTERFACES (Vst::EditController)

In mycontroller.cpp

#include "pluginterfaces/vst/ivstnoteexpression.h"
namespace Steinberg {
    namespace Vst {
        DEF_CLASS_IID (INoteExpressionPhysicalUIMapping)
tresult PLUGIN_API MyController::getPhysicalUIMapping (int32 busIndex, int16 channel, PhysicalUIMapList& list)
    if (busIndex == 0 && channel == 0)
        for (uint32 i = 0; i < list.count; ++i)
            NoteExpressionTypeID type = kInvalidTypeID;
            if (kPUIXMovement == list.map[i].physicalUITypeID)
                list.map[i].noteExpressionTypeID = kCustomStart + 1;
            else if (kPUIYMovement == list.map[i].physicalUITypeID)
                list.map[i].noteExpressionTypeID = kCustomStart + 2;
        return kResultTrue;
    return kResultFalse;