VST 3 Interfaces VST 3.7
SDK for developing VST plug-in
All VST specific interfaces are located in Vst namespace. More...
Namespaces | |
namespace | Algo |
namespace | Attributes |
Attributes used to defined a Layer in a VST XML Representation. | |
namespace | AttributesFlags |
Attributes Flags defining a Layer in a VST XML Representation. | |
namespace | AttributesFunction |
Attributes Function used to defined the function of a Layer in a VST XML Representation. | |
namespace | AttributesStyle |
Attributes Style associated a specific Layer Type in a VST XML Representation. | |
namespace | ChannelContext |
For Channel Context Info Interface. | |
namespace | CurveType |
Curve Types used in a VST XML Representation. | |
namespace | DataExchangeHandler |
namespace | FunctionNameType |
namespace | Helpers |
namespace | InterAppAudio |
namespace | LayerType |
Layer Types used in a VST XML Representation. | |
namespace | MPE |
namespace | MusicalCharacter |
Predefined Musical Character. | |
namespace | MusicalInstrument |
Predefined Musical Instrument. | |
namespace | MusicalStyle |
Predefined Musical Style. | |
namespace | ParameterChangeTransfer |
namespace | ParameterValueQueue |
namespace | PlugType |
Component Types used as subCategories in PClassInfo2. | |
namespace | PresetAttributes |
Predefined Preset Attributes. | |
namespace | PresetFile |
namespace | SampleAccurate |
namespace | SpeakerArr |
Speaker Arrangement Definitions (SpeakerArrangement) | |
namespace | StateType |
Predefined StateType used for Key kStateType. | |
namespace | StringConvert |
namespace | Test |
namespace | UMP |
namespace | ViewType |
View Types used for IEditController::createView. | |
Classes | |
class | AudioBuffer |
class | AudioBus |
struct | AudioBusBuffers |
Processing buffers of an audio bus. More... | |
class | AudioEffect |
class | BufferStream |
class | Bus |
struct | BusInfo |
BusInfo: This is the structure used with getBusInfo, informing the host about what is a specific given bus. More... | |
class | BusList |
class | BypassProcessor |
struct | Chord |
Description of a chord. More... | |
struct | ChordEvent |
Chord event specific data. More... | |
class | Component |
class | ComponentBase |
class | ConnectionProxy |
struct | DataEvent |
Data event specific data. More... | |
struct | DataExchangeBlock |
class | DataExchangeHandler |
class | DataExchangeReceiverHandler |
class | EditController |
class | EditControllerEx1 |
class | EditorView |
struct | Event |
EventStructure representing a single Event of different types associated to a specific event (kEvent) bus. More... | |
class | EventBus |
class | EventList |
class | FileStream |
struct | FrameRate |
Frame Rate A frame rate describes the number of image (frame) displayed per second. More... | |
class | HostApplication |
class | HostAttributeList |
struct | HostDataExchangeHandler |
class | HostMessage |
class | HostProcessData |
class | IAttributeList |
Attribute list used in IMessage and IStreamAttributes: Vst::IAttributeList. More... | |
class | IAudioPresentationLatency |
Extended IAudioProcessor interface for a component: Vst::IAudioPresentationLatency. More... | |
class | IAudioProcessor |
Audio processing interface: Vst::IAudioProcessor. More... | |
class | IAutomationState |
Extended plug-in interface IEditController: Vst::IAutomationState. More... | |
class | IComponent |
Component base interface: Vst::IComponent. More... | |
class | IComponentHandler |
Host callback interface for an edit controller: Vst::IComponentHandler. More... | |
class | IComponentHandler2 |
Extended host callback interface for an edit controller: Vst::IComponentHandler2. More... | |
class | IComponentHandler3 |
Extended host callback interface Vst::IComponentHandler3 for an edit controller. More... | |
class | IComponentHandlerBusActivation |
Extended host callback interface for an edit controller: Vst::IComponentHandlerBusActivation. More... | |
class | IComponentHandlerSystemTime |
Extended plug-in interface IComponentHandler for an edit controller. More... | |
class | IConnectionPoint |
Connect a component with another one: Vst::IConnectionPoint. More... | |
class | IContextMenu |
Context Menu interface: Vst::IContextMenu. More... | |
struct | IContextMenuItem |
IContextMenuItem is an entry element of the context menu. More... | |
class | IContextMenuTarget |
Context Menu Item Target interface: Vst::IContextMenuTarget. More... | |
class | IDataExchangeHandler |
Host Data Exchange handler interface: Vst::IDataExchangeHandler. More... | |
struct | IDataExchangeHandlerHost |
class | IDataExchangeReceiver |
Data Exchange Receiver interface: Vst::IDataExchangeReceiver. More... | |
class | IEditController |
Edit controller component interface: Vst::IEditController. More... | |
class | IEditController2 |
Edit controller component interface extension: Vst::IEditController2. More... | |
class | IEditControllerHostEditing |
Parameter Editing from host: Vst::IEditControllerHostEditing. More... | |
class | IEventList |
List of events to process: Vst::IEventList. More... | |
class | IHostApplication |
Basic host callback interface: Vst::IHostApplication. More... | |
class | IInterAppAudioConnectionNotification |
Extended plug-in interface IEditController for Inter-App Audio connection state change notifications. More... | |
class | IInterAppAudioHost |
Inter-App Audio host Interface. More... | |
class | IInterAppAudioPresetManager |
Extended plug-in interface IEditController for Inter-App Audio Preset Management. More... | |
class | IKeyswitchController |
Extended plug-in interface IEditController for key switches support: Vst::IKeyswitchController. More... | |
class | IMessage |
Private plug-in message: Vst::IMessage. More... | |
class | IMidiLearn |
MIDI Learn interface: Vst::IMidiLearn. More... | |
class | IMidiMapping |
MIDI Mapping interface: Vst::IMidiMapping. More... | |
class | INoteExpressionController |
Extended plug-in interface IEditController for note expression event support: Vst::INoteExpressionController - [ ] - [ ] - [released: 3.5.0] - [optional]. More... | |
class | INoteExpressionPhysicalUIMapping |
Extended plug-in interface IEditController for note expression event support: Vst::INoteExpressionPhysicalUIMapping. More... | |
class | IParameterChanges |
All parameter changes of a processing block: Vst::IParameterChanges. More... | |
class | IParameterFinder |
Extension for IPlugView to find view parameters (lookup value under mouse support): Vst::IParameterFinder. More... | |
class | IParameterFunctionName |
Edit controller component interface extension: Vst::IParameterFunctionName. More... | |
class | IParamValueQueue |
Queue of changes for a specific parameter: Vst::IParamValueQueue. More... | |
class | IPlugInterfaceSupport |
Host callback interface for an edit controller: Vst::IPlugInterfaceSupport. More... | |
class | IPrefetchableSupport |
Indicates that the plug-in could or not support Prefetch (dynamically): Vst::IPrefetchableSupport. More... | |
class | IProcessContextRequirements |
Extended IAudioProcessor interface for a component: Vst::IProcessContextRequirements. More... | |
class | IProgramListData |
Component extension to access program list data: Vst::IProgramListData. More... | |
class | IProgress |
Extended host callback interface for an edit controller: Vst::IProgress. More... | |
class | IRemapParamID |
Extended IEditController interface for a component. More... | |
class | IStreamAttributes |
Meta attributes of a stream: Vst::IStreamAttributes. More... | |
class | ITestPlugProvider |
Test Helper. More... | |
class | ITestPlugProvider2 |
Test Helper extension. More... | |
class | IUnitData |
Component extension to access unit data: Vst::IUnitData. More... | |
class | IUnitHandler |
Host callback for unit support: Vst::IUnitHandler. More... | |
class | IUnitHandler2 |
Host callback for extended unit support: Vst::IUnitHandler2. More... | |
class | IUnitInfo |
Edit controller extension to describe the plug-in structure: Vst::IUnitInfo. More... | |
class | IVst3ToAAXWrapper |
VST 3 to AAX Wrapper interface: Vst::IVst3ToAAXWrapper. More... | |
class | IVst3ToAUWrapper |
VST 3 to AU Wrapper interface: Vst::IVst3ToAUWrapper. More... | |
class | IVst3ToVst2Wrapper |
VST 3 to VST 2 Wrapper interface: Vst::IVst3ToVst2Wrapper. More... | |
class | IVst3WrapperMPESupport |
Wrapper MPE Support interface: Vst::IVst3WrapperMPESupport. More... | |
class | IXmlRepresentationController |
Extended plug-in interface IEditController for a component: Vst::IXmlRepresentationController. More... | |
struct | KeyswitchInfo |
KeyswitchInfo is the structure describing a key switch This structure is used by the method IKeyswitchController::getKeyswitchInfo. More... | |
struct | LegacyMIDICCOutEvent |
Legacy MIDI CC Out event specific data. More... | |
struct | NoteExpressionTextEvent |
Note Expression Text event. More... | |
class | NoteExpressionType |
class | NoteExpressionTypeContainer |
struct | NoteExpressionTypeInfo |
NoteExpressionTypeInfo is the structure describing a note expression supported by the plug-in. More... | |
struct | NoteExpressionValueDescription |
Description of a Note Expression Type This structure is part of the NoteExpressionTypeInfo structure, it describes for given NoteExpressionTypeID its default value (for example 0.5 for a kTuningTypeID (kIsBipolar: centered)), its minimum and maximum (for predefined NoteExpressionTypeID the full range is predefined too) and a stepCount when the given NoteExpressionTypeID is limited to discrete values (like on/off state). More... | |
struct | NoteExpressionValueEvent |
Note Expression Value event. More... | |
struct | NoteOffEvent |
Note-off event specific data. More... | |
struct | NoteOnEvent |
Note-on event specific data. More... | |
class | ParamChanges |
class | Parameter |
class | ParameterChanges |
class | ParameterChangeTransfer |
class | ParameterContainer |
struct | ParameterInfo |
Controller Parameter Info. More... | |
class | ParameterValueQueue |
class | ParamPoint |
struct | PhysicalUIMap |
PhysicalUIMap describes a mapping of a noteExpression Type to a Physical UI Type. More... | |
struct | PhysicalUIMapList |
PhysicalUIMapList describes a list of PhysicalUIMap. More... | |
class | PluginContextFactory |
class | PlugInterfaceSupport |
class | PlugProvider |
struct | PolyPressureEvent |
PolyPressure event specific data. More... | |
class | PresetFile |
struct | ProcessContext |
Audio processing context. More... | |
class | ProcessContextRequirements |
struct | ProcessData |
Any data needed in audio processing. More... | |
class | ProcessDataSlicer |
struct | ProcessSetup |
Audio processing setup. More... | |
class | ProgramList |
struct | ProgramListInfo |
Basic Program List Description. More... | |
class | ProgramListWithPitchNames |
class | RangeNoteExpressionType |
class | RangeParameter |
class | ReadOnlyBStream |
struct | RepresentationInfo |
RepresentationInfo is the structure describing a representation This structure is used in the function. More... | |
struct | RoutingInfo |
Routing Information: When the plug-in supports multiple I/O busses, a host may want to know how the busses are related. More... | |
struct | RTTransferT |
struct | ScaleEvent |
Scale event specific data. More... | |
class | SingleComponentEffect |
class | SpeakerArray |
class | StringListParameter |
class | StringResult |
class | SystemTime |
class | TestBase |
struct | TestDefaults |
class | TestEnh |
struct | TestingPluginContext |
class | ThreadChecker |
class | Unit |
struct | UnitInfo |
Basic Unit Description. More... | |
class | VSTGUIEditor |
class | XmlRepresentationHelper |
Typedefs | |
typedef int32 | ProcessSampleSize |
typedef std::function< bool(ITestResult *)> | TestFunc |
typedef std::function< bool(FUnknown *, ITestResult *)> | TestFuncWithContext |
typedef char[4] | ChunkID |
typedef uint32 | DataExchangeQueueID |
typedef uint32 | DataExchangeBlockID |
typedef uint32 | DataExchangeUserContextID |
using | KnobMode = int32 |
Knob Mode Type. More... | |
typedef uint32 | NoteExpressionTypeID |
Note Expression Types. More... | |
typedef double | NoteExpressionValue |
Note Expression Value. More... | |
typedef uint32 | KeyswitchTypeID |
typedef uint32 | PhysicalUITypeID |
Physical UI Type. More... | |
typedef uint32 | PrefetchableSupport |
Prefetchable Support Type. More... | |
typedef char16 | TChar |
UTF-16 character. More... | |
typedef TChar | String128[128] |
128 character UTF-16 string More... | |
typedef const char8 * | CString |
C-String. More... | |
typedef int32 | MediaType |
media type (audio/event) More... | |
typedef int32 | BusDirection |
bus direction (in/out) More... | |
typedef int32 | BusType |
bus type (main/aux) More... | |
typedef int32 | IoMode |
I/O mode (see vst3IoMode) More... | |
typedef int32 | UnitID |
unit identifier More... | |
typedef double | ParamValue |
parameter value type: normalized value => [0.0, 1.0] More... | |
typedef uint32 | ParamID |
parameter identifier: value in range [0, 0x7FFFFFFF]. More... | |
typedef int32 | ProgramListID |
program list identifier More... | |
typedef int16 | CtrlNumber |
MIDI controller number (see ControllerNumbers for allowed values) More... | |
typedef double | TQuarterNotes |
time expressed in quarter notes More... | |
typedef int64 | TSamples |
time expressed in audio samples More... | |
typedef uint32 | ColorSpec |
color defining by 4 component ARGB value (Alpha/Red/Green/Blue) More... | |
typedef float | Sample32 |
32-bit precision audio sample More... | |
typedef double | Sample64 |
64-bit precision audio sample More... | |
typedef double | SampleRate |
sample rate More... | |
typedef uint64 | SpeakerArrangement |
Bitset of speakers. More... | |
typedef uint64 | Speaker |
Bit for one speaker. More... | |
Variables | |
kHeader | |
kComponentState | |
kControllerState | |
kProgramData | |
kMetaInfo | |
kChunkList | |
kNumPresetChunks | |
IParamValueQueue | |
constexpr IParamValueQueue::iid int32 | kQueueReservedPoints |
const int32 | kDefaultFactoryFlags = PFactoryInfo::kUnicode |
Standard value for PFactoryInfo::flags. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerL = 1 << 0 |
Speaker Definitions. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerR = 1 << 1 |
Right (R) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerC = 1 << 2 |
Center (C) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerLfe = 1 << 3 |
Subbass (Lfe) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerLs = 1 << 4 |
Left Surround (Ls) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerRs = 1 << 5 |
Right Surround (Rs) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerLc = 1 << 6 |
Left of Center (Lc) - Front Left Center. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerRc = 1 << 7 |
Right of Center (Rc) - Front Right Center. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerS = 1 << 8 |
Surround (S) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerCs = kSpeakerS |
Center of Surround (Cs) - Back Center - Surround (S) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerSl = 1 << 9 |
Side Left (Sl) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerSr = 1 << 10 |
Side Right (Sr) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerTc = 1 << 11 |
Top Center Over-head, Top Middle (Tc) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerTfl = 1 << 12 |
Top Front Left (Tfl) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerTfc = 1 << 13 |
Top Front Center (Tfc) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerTfr = 1 << 14 |
Top Front Right (Tfr) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerTrl = 1 << 15 |
Top Rear/Back Left (Trl) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerTrc = 1 << 16 |
Top Rear/Back Center (Trc) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerTrr = 1 << 17 |
Top Rear/Back Right (Trr) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerLfe2 = 1 << 18 |
Subbass 2 (Lfe2) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerM = 1 << 19 |
Mono (M) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN0 = (Speaker)1 << 20 |
Ambisonic ACN 0. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN1 = (Speaker)1 << 21 |
Ambisonic ACN 1. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN2 = (Speaker)1 << 22 |
Ambisonic ACN 2. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN3 = (Speaker)1 << 23 |
Ambisonic ACN 3. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN4 = (Speaker)1 << 38 |
Ambisonic ACN 4. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN5 = (Speaker)1 << 39 |
Ambisonic ACN 5. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN6 = (Speaker)1 << 40 |
Ambisonic ACN 6. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN7 = (Speaker)1 << 41 |
Ambisonic ACN 7. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN8 = (Speaker)1 << 42 |
Ambisonic ACN 8. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN9 = (Speaker)1 << 43 |
Ambisonic ACN 9. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN10 = (Speaker)1 << 44 |
Ambisonic ACN 10. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN11 = (Speaker)1 << 45 |
Ambisonic ACN 11. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN12 = (Speaker)1 << 46 |
Ambisonic ACN 12. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN13 = (Speaker)1 << 47 |
Ambisonic ACN 13. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN14 = (Speaker)1 << 48 |
Ambisonic ACN 14. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN15 = (Speaker)1 << 49 |
Ambisonic ACN 15. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN16 = (Speaker)1 << 50 |
Ambisonic ACN 16. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN17 = (Speaker)1 << 51 |
Ambisonic ACN 17. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN18 = (Speaker)1 << 52 |
Ambisonic ACN 18. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN19 = (Speaker)1 << 53 |
Ambisonic ACN 19. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN20 = (Speaker)1 << 54 |
Ambisonic ACN 20. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN21 = (Speaker)1 << 55 |
Ambisonic ACN 21. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN22 = (Speaker)1 << 56 |
Ambisonic ACN 22. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN23 = (Speaker)1 << 57 |
Ambisonic ACN 23. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerACN24 = (Speaker)1 << 58 |
Ambisonic ACN 24. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerTsl = (Speaker)1 << 24 |
Top Side Left (Tsl) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerTsr = (Speaker)1 << 25 |
Top Side Right (Tsr) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerLcs = (Speaker)1 << 26 |
Left of Center Surround (Lcs) - Back Left Center. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerRcs = (Speaker)1 << 27 |
Right of Center Surround (Rcs) - Back Right Center. More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerBfl = (Speaker)1 << 28 |
Bottom Front Left (Bfl) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerBfc = (Speaker)1 << 29 |
Bottom Front Center (Bfc) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerBfr = (Speaker)1 << 30 |
Bottom Front Right (Bfr) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerPl = (Speaker)1 << 31 |
Proximity Left (Pl) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerPr = (Speaker)1 << 32 |
Proximity Right (Pr) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerBsl = (Speaker)1 << 33 |
Bottom Side Left (Bsl) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerBsr = (Speaker)1 << 34 |
Bottom Side Right (Bsr) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerBrl = (Speaker)1 << 35 |
Bottom Rear Left (Brl) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerBrc = (Speaker)1 << 36 |
Bottom Rear Center (Brc) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerBrr = (Speaker)1 << 37 |
Bottom Rear Right (Brr) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerLw = (Speaker)1 << 59 |
Left Wide (Lw) More... | |
const Speaker | kSpeakerRw = (Speaker)1 << 60 |
Right Wide (Rw) More... | |
All VST specific interfaces are located in Vst namespace.
typedef uint32 DataExchangeQueueID |
typedef uint32 DataExchangeBlockID |
typedef uint32 DataExchangeUserContextID |
typedef uint32 NoteExpressionTypeID |
Note Expression Types.
typedef double NoteExpressionValue |
Note Expression Value.
typedef uint32 KeyswitchTypeID |
typedef uint32 PhysicalUITypeID |
Physical UI Type.
typedef uint32 PrefetchableSupport |
Prefetchable Support Type.
typedef TChar String128[128] |
128 character UTF-16 string
typedef int32 BusDirection |
bus direction (in/out)
typedef double ParamValue |
parameter value type: normalized value => [0.0, 1.0]
parameter identifier: value in range [0, 0x7FFFFFFF].
The range [0x80000000, 0xFFFFFFFF], is reserved for host application.
typedef int32 ProgramListID |
program list identifier
typedef int16 CtrlNumber |
MIDI controller number (see ControllerNumbers for allowed values)
typedef double TQuarterNotes |
time expressed in quarter notes
typedef float Sample32 |
32-bit precision audio sample
typedef double Sample64 |
64-bit precision audio sample
typedef double SampleRate |
sample rate
typedef uint64 SpeakerArrangement |
Bitset of speakers.
enum ComponentFlags |
Component Flags used as classFlags in PClassInfo2.
Enumerator | |
kDistributable | Component can be run on remote computer. |
kSimpleModeSupported | Component supports simple IO mode (or works in simple mode anyway) see vst3IoMode. |
enum SymbolicSampleSizes |
Symbolic sample size.
Enumerator | |
kSample32 | 32-bit precision |
kSample64 | 64-bit precision |
enum ProcessModes |
Processing mode informs the plug-in about the context and at which frequency the process call is called.
VST3 defines 3 modes:
Note about Process Modes switching:
Enumerator | |
kRealtime | realtime processing |
kPrefetch | prefetch processing |
kOffline | offline processing |
enum MediaTypes |
Bus media types.
Enumerator | |
kAudio | audio |
kEvent | events |
kNumMediaTypes |
enum BusDirections |
Bus directions.
Enumerator | |
kInput | input bus |
kOutput | output bus |
enum IoModes |
enum RestartFlags : int32 |
Flags used for IComponentHandler::restartComponent.
Enumerator | |
kReloadComponent | The Component should be reloaded The host has to unload completely the plug-in (controller/processor) and reload it. [SDK 3.0.0] |
kIoChanged | Input/Output Bus configuration has changed The plug-in informs the host that either the bus configuration or the bus count has changed. The host has to deactivate the plug-in, asks the plug-in for its wanted new bus configurations, adapts its processing graph and reactivate the plug-in. [SDK 3.0.0] |
kParamValuesChanged | Multiple parameter values have changed (as result of a program change for example) The host invalidates all caches of parameter values and asks the edit controller for the current values. [SDK 3.0.0] |
kLatencyChanged | Latency has changed The plug informs the host that its latency has changed, getLatencySamples should return the new latency after setActive (true) was called The host has to deactivate and reactivate the plug-in, then afterwards the host could ask for the current latency (getLatencySamples) See IAudioProcessor::getLatencySamples [SDK 3.0.0]. |
kParamTitlesChanged | Parameter titles (title, shortTitle and units), default values, stepCount or flags (ParameterFlags) have changed The host invalidates all caches of parameter infos and asks the edit controller for the current infos. [SDK 3.0.0] |
kMidiCCAssignmentChanged | MIDI Controllers and/or Program Changes Assignments have changed The plug-in informs the host that its MIDI-CC mapping has changed (for example after a MIDI learn or new loaded preset) or if the stepCount or UnitID of a ProgramChange parameter has changed. The host has to rebuild the MIDI-CC => parameter mapping (getMidiControllerAssignment) and reread program changes parameters (stepCount and associated unitID) [SDK 3.0.1] |
kNoteExpressionChanged | Note Expression has changed (info, count, PhysicalUIMapping, ...) Either the note expression type info, the count of note expressions or the physical UI mapping has changed. The host invalidates all caches of note expression infos and asks the edit controller for the current ones. See INoteExpressionController, NoteExpressionTypeInfo and INoteExpressionPhysicalUIMapping [SDK 3.5.0] |
kIoTitlesChanged | Input / Output bus titles have changed The host invalidates all caches of bus titles and asks the edit controller for the current titles. [SDK 3.5.0] |
kPrefetchableSupportChanged | Prefetch support has changed The plug-in informs the host that its PrefetchSupport has changed The host has to deactivate the plug-in, calls IPrefetchableSupport::getPrefetchableSupport and reactivate the plug-in. See IPrefetchableSupport [SDK 3.6.1] |
kRoutingInfoChanged | RoutingInfo has changed The plug-in informs the host that its internal routing (relation of an event-input-channel to an audio-output-bus) has changed. The host asks the plug-in for the new routing with IComponent::getRoutingInfo, vst3Routing See IComponent [SDK 3.6.6] |
kKeyswitchChanged | Key switches has changed (info, count) Either the Key switches info, the count of Key switches has changed. The host invalidates all caches of Key switches infos and asks the edit controller (IKeyswitchController) for the current ones. See IKeyswitchController [SDK 3.7.3] |
kParamIDMappingChanged | Mapping of ParamID has changed The Plug-in informs the host that its parameters ID has changed. This has to be called by the edit controller in the method setComponentState or setState (during projects loading) when the plug-in detects that the given state was associated to an older version of the plug-in, or to a plug-in to replace (for ex. migrating VST2 => VST3), with a different set of parameter IDs, then the host could remap any used parameters like automation by asking the IRemapParamID interface (which extends IEditController). See IRemapParamID [SDK 3.7.11] |
enum NoteIDUserRange |
enum ControllerNumbers |
Controller Numbers (MIDI)
Enumerator | |
kCtrlBankSelectMSB | Bank Select MSB. |
kCtrlModWheel | Modulation Wheel. |
kCtrlBreath | Breath controller. |
kCtrlFoot | Foot Controller. |
kCtrlPortaTime | Portamento Time. |
kCtrlDataEntryMSB | Data Entry MSB. |
kCtrlVolume | Channel Volume (formerly Main Volume) |
kCtrlBalance | Balance. |
kCtrlPan | Pan. |
kCtrlExpression | Expression. |
kCtrlEffect1 | Effect Control 1. |
kCtrlEffect2 | Effect Control 2. |
kCtrlGPC1 | General Purpose Controller #1. |
kCtrlGPC2 | General Purpose Controller #2. |
kCtrlGPC3 | General Purpose Controller #3. |
kCtrlGPC4 | General Purpose Controller #4. |
kCtrlBankSelectLSB | Bank Select LSB. |
kCtrlDataEntryLSB | Data Entry LSB. |
kCtrlSustainOnOff | Damper Pedal On/Off (Sustain) |
kCtrlPortaOnOff | Portamento On/Off. |
kCtrlSustenutoOnOff | Sustenuto On/Off. |
kCtrlSoftPedalOnOff | Soft Pedal On/Off. |
kCtrlLegatoFootSwOnOff | Legato Footswitch On/Off. |
kCtrlHold2OnOff | Hold 2 On/Off. |
kCtrlSoundVariation | Sound Variation. |
kCtrlFilterCutoff | Filter Cutoff (Timbre/Harmonic Intensity) |
kCtrlReleaseTime | Release Time. |
kCtrlAttackTime | Attack Time. |
kCtrlFilterResonance | Filter Resonance (Brightness) |
kCtrlDecayTime | Decay Time. |
kCtrlVibratoRate | Vibrato Rate. |
kCtrlVibratoDepth | Vibrato Depth. |
kCtrlVibratoDelay | Vibrato Delay. |
kCtrlSoundCtrler10 | undefined |
kCtrlGPC5 | General Purpose Controller #5. |
kCtrlGPC6 | General Purpose Controller #6. |
kCtrlGPC7 | General Purpose Controller #7. |
kCtrlGPC8 | General Purpose Controller #8. |
kCtrlPortaControl | Portamento Control. |
kCtrlEff1Depth | Effect 1 Depth (Reverb Send Level) |
kCtrlEff2Depth | Effect 2 Depth (Tremolo Level) |
kCtrlEff3Depth | Effect 3 Depth (Chorus Send Level) |
kCtrlEff4Depth | Effect 4 Depth (Delay/Variation/Detune Level) |
kCtrlEff5Depth | Effect 5 Depth (Phaser Level) |
kCtrlDataIncrement | Data Increment (+1) |
kCtrlDataDecrement | Data Decrement (-1) |
kCtrlNRPNSelectLSB | NRPN Select LSB. |
kCtrlNRPNSelectMSB | NRPN Select MSB. |
kCtrlRPNSelectLSB | RPN Select LSB. |
kCtrlRPNSelectMSB | RPN Select MSB. |
kCtrlAllSoundsOff | All Sounds Off. |
kCtrlResetAllCtrlers | Reset All Controllers. |
kCtrlLocalCtrlOnOff | Local Control On/Off. |
kCtrlAllNotesOff | All Notes Off. |
kCtrlOmniModeOff | Omni Mode Off + All Notes Off. |
kCtrlOmniModeOn | Omni Mode On + All Notes Off. |
kCtrlPolyModeOnOff | Poly Mode On/Off + All Sounds Off. |
kCtrlPolyModeOn | Poly Mode On. |
kAfterTouch | After Touch (associated to Channel Pressure) |
kPitchBend | Pitch Bend Change. |
kCountCtrlNumber | Count of Controller Number. |
kCtrlProgramChange | Program Change (use LegacyMIDICCOutEvent.value only) |
kCtrlPolyPressure | Polyphonic Key Pressure (use LegacyMIDICCOutEvent.value for pitch and LegacyMIDICCOutEvent.value2 for pressure) |
kCtrlQuarterFrame | Quarter Frame ((use LegacyMIDICCOutEvent.value only) |
enum NoteExpressionTypeIDs : uint32 |
NoteExpressionTypeIDs describes the type of the note expression.
VST predefines some types like volume, pan, tuning by defining their ranges and curves. Used by NoteExpressionEvent::typeId and NoteExpressionTypeID::typeId
enum KeyswitchTypeIDs : uint32 |
KeyswitchTypeIDs describes the type of a key switch.
enum PhysicalUITypeIDs |
PhysicalUITypeIDs describes the type of Physical UI (PUI) which could be associated to a note expression.
enum ePrefetchableSupport |
Prefetchable Support Enum.
inline |
Helper to allocate a message.
const int32 kDefaultFactoryFlags = PFactoryInfo::kUnicode |
Standard value for PFactoryInfo::flags.