| EditControllerEx1 () |
| ~EditControllerEx1 () override |
tresult | terminate () SMTG_OVERRIDE |
bool | addUnit (Unit *unit) |
| Adds a given unit. More...
bool | addProgramList (ProgramList *list) |
| Adds a given program list. More...
ProgramList * | getProgramList (ProgramListID listId) const |
| Returns the ProgramList associated to a given listId. More...
tresult | notifyProgramListChange (ProgramListID listId, int32 programIndex=kAllProgramInvalid) |
| Notifies the host about program list changes. More...
int32 | getUnitCount () SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | getUnitInfo (int32 unitIndex, UnitInfo &info) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
int32 | getProgramListCount () SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | getProgramListInfo (int32 listIndex, ProgramListInfo &info) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | getProgramName (ProgramListID listId, int32 programIndex, String128 name) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | getProgramInfo (ProgramListID listId, int32 programIndex, CString attributeId, String128 attributeValue) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | hasProgramPitchNames (ProgramListID listId, int32 programIndex) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | getProgramPitchName (ProgramListID listId, int32 programIndex, int16 midiPitch, String128 name) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
virtual tresult | setProgramName (ProgramListID listId, int32 programIndex, const String128 name) |
UnitID | getSelectedUnit () SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | selectUnit (UnitID unitId) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | getUnitByBus (MediaType, BusDirection, int32, int32, UnitID &) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | setUnitProgramData (int32, int32, IBStream *) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
virtual tresult | notifyUnitSelection () |
| Notifies the host about the selected Unit. More...
void | update (FUnknown *changedUnknown, int32 message) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
| EditController () |
tresult | setComponentState (IBStream *state) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | setState (IBStream *state) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | getState (IBStream *state) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
int32 | getParameterCount () SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | getParameterInfo (int32 paramIndex, ParameterInfo &info) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | getParamStringByValue (ParamID tag, ParamValue valueNormalized, String128 string) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | getParamValueByString (ParamID tag, TChar *string, ParamValue &valueNormalized) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
ParamValue | normalizedParamToPlain (ParamID tag, ParamValue valueNormalized) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
ParamValue | plainParamToNormalized (ParamID tag, ParamValue plainValue) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
ParamValue | getParamNormalized (ParamID tag) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | setParamNormalized (ParamID tag, ParamValue value) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | setComponentHandler (IComponentHandler *handler) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
IPlugView * | createView (FIDString) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | setKnobMode (KnobMode mode) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | openHelp (TBool) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | openAboutBox (TBool) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | initialize (FUnknown *context) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
virtual tresult | beginEdit (ParamID tag) |
| to be called before a serie of performEdit More...
virtual tresult | performEdit (ParamID tag, ParamValue valueNormalized) |
| will inform the host about the value change More...
virtual tresult | endEdit (ParamID tag) |
| to be called after a serie of performEdit More...
virtual tresult | startGroupEdit () |
| calls IComponentHandler2::startGroupEdit() if host supports it More...
virtual tresult | finishGroupEdit () |
| calls IComponentHandler2::finishGroupEdit() if host supports it More...
virtual void | editorDestroyed (EditorView *) |
| called from EditorView if it was destroyed More...
virtual void | editorAttached (EditorView *) |
| called from EditorView if it was attached to a parent More...
virtual void | editorRemoved (EditorView *) |
| called from EditorView if it was removed from a parent More...
virtual Parameter * | getParameterObject (ParamID tag) |
| Gets for a given tag the parameter object. More...
virtual tresult | getParameterInfoByTag (ParamID tag, ParameterInfo &info) |
| Gets for a given tag the parameter information. More...
virtual tresult | setDirty (TBool state) |
| Calls IComponentHandler2::setDirty (state) if host supports it. More...
virtual tresult | requestOpenEditor (FIDString name=ViewType::kEditor) |
| Calls IComponentHandler2::requestOpenEditor (name) if host supports it. More...
IComponentHandler * | getComponentHandler () const |
| ComponentBase () |
| ~ComponentBase () override |
FUnknown * | getHostContext () const |
| Returns the hostContext (set by the host during initialize call). More...
IConnectionPoint * | getPeer () const |
| Returns the peer for the messaging communication (you can only use IConnectionPoint::notify for communicate between peers, do not try to cast peerConnection. More...
IMessage * | allocateMessage () const |
| Allocates a message instance (do not forget to release it). More...
tresult | sendMessage (IMessage *message) const |
| Sends the given message to the peer. More...
tresult | sendTextMessage (const char8 *text) const |
| Sends a simple text message to the peer (max 255 characters). More...
tresult | sendMessageID (const char8 *messageID) const |
| Sends a message with a given ID without any other payload. More...
virtual tresult | receiveText (const char8 *text) |
| Receives a simple text message from the peer (max 255 characters). More...
tresult | connect (IConnectionPoint *other) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | disconnect (IConnectionPoint *other) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
tresult | notify (IMessage *message) SMTG_OVERRIDE |
virtual tresult | queryInterface (const TUID _iid, void **obj)=0 |
virtual uint32 | addRef ()=0 |
virtual uint32 | release ()=0 |
Advanced implementation (support IUnitInfo) for a VST 3 edit controller.