VST 3 Interfaces VST 3.7
SDK for developing VST plug-in
IComponentHandler2 Class Referenceabstract

Extended host callback interface for an edit controller: Vst::IComponentHandler2. More...

#include <ivsteditcontroller.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for IComponentHandler2:

Public Member Functions

virtual tresult setDirty (TBool state)=0
 Tells host that the plug-in is dirty (something besides parameters has changed since last save), if true the host should apply a save before quitting. More...
virtual tresult requestOpenEditor (FIDString name=ViewType::kEditor)=0
 Tells host that it should open the plug-in editor the next time it's possible. More...
virtual tresult startGroupEdit ()=0
 Starts the group editing (call before a IComponentHandler::beginEdit), the host will keep the current timestamp at this call and will use it for all IComponentHandler::beginEdit, IComponentHandler::performEdit, IComponentHandler::endEdit calls until a finishGroupEdit (). More...
virtual tresult finishGroupEdit ()=0
 Finishes the group editing started by a startGroupEdit (call after a IComponentHandler::endEdit). More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FUnknown
virtual tresult queryInterface (const TUID _iid, void **obj)=0
virtual uint32 addRef ()=0
virtual uint32 release ()=0

Static Public Attributes

static const FUID iid
- Static Public Attributes inherited from FUnknown
static const FUID iid

Detailed Description

Extended host callback interface for an edit controller: Vst::IComponentHandler2.

One part handles:

  • Setting dirty state of the plug-in
  • Requesting the host to open the editor

The other part handles parameter group editing from the plug-in UI. It wraps a set of IComponentHandler::beginEdit / Steinberg::Vst::IComponentHandler::performEdit / Steinberg::Vst::IComponentHandler::endEdit functions (see IComponentHandler) which should use the same timestamp in the host when writing automation. This allows for better synchronizing of multiple parameter changes at once.

Examples of different use cases

// we are in the editcontroller...
// in case of multiple switch buttons (with associated ParamID 1 and 3)
// on mouse down :
hostHandler2->startGroupEdit ();
hostHandler->beginEdit (1);
hostHandler->beginEdit (3);
hostHandler->performEdit (1, 1.0);
hostHandler->performEdit (3, 0.0); // the opposite of paramID 1 for example
// on mouse up :
hostHandler->endEdit (1);
hostHandler->endEdit (3);
hostHandler2->finishGroupEdit ();
// in case of multiple faders (with associated ParamID 1 and 3)
// on mouse down :
hostHandler2->startGroupEdit ();
hostHandler->beginEdit (1);
hostHandler->beginEdit (3);
hostHandler2->finishGroupEdit ();
// on mouse move :
hostHandler2->startGroupEdit ();
hostHandler->performEdit (1, x); // x the wanted value
hostHandler->performEdit (3, x);
hostHandler2->finishGroupEdit ();
// on mouse up :
hostHandler2->startGroupEdit ();
hostHandler->endEdit (1);
hostHandler->endEdit (3);
hostHandler2->finishGroupEdit ();
See also
IComponentHandler, IEditController

Member Function Documentation

◆ setDirty()

virtual tresult setDirty ( TBool  state)
pure virtual

Tells host that the plug-in is dirty (something besides parameters has changed since last save), if true the host should apply a save before quitting.

◆ requestOpenEditor()

virtual tresult requestOpenEditor ( FIDString  name = ViewType::kEditor)
pure virtual

Tells host that it should open the plug-in editor the next time it's possible.

You should use this instead of showing an alert and blocking the program flow (especially on loading projects).

◆ startGroupEdit()

virtual tresult startGroupEdit ( )
pure virtual

Starts the group editing (call before a IComponentHandler::beginEdit), the host will keep the current timestamp at this call and will use it for all IComponentHandler::beginEdit, IComponentHandler::performEdit, IComponentHandler::endEdit calls until a finishGroupEdit ().

◆ finishGroupEdit()

virtual tresult finishGroupEdit ( )
pure virtual

Finishes the group editing started by a startGroupEdit (call after a IComponentHandler::endEdit).

Member Data Documentation

◆ iid

const FUID iid

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