VST 3 Interfaces VST 3.7
SDK for developing VST plug-in
IXmlRepresentationController Class Referenceabstract

Extended plug-in interface IEditController for a component: Vst::IXmlRepresentationController. More...

#include <ivstrepresentation.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for IXmlRepresentationController:

Public Member Functions

virtual tresult getXmlRepresentationStream (RepresentationInfo &info, IBStream *stream)=0
 Retrieves a stream containing a XmlRepresentation for a wanted representation info. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FUnknown
virtual tresult queryInterface (const TUID _iid, void **obj)=0
virtual uint32 addRef ()=0
virtual uint32 release ()=0

Static Public Attributes

static const FUID iid
- Static Public Attributes inherited from FUnknown
static const FUID iid

Detailed Description

Extended plug-in interface IEditController for a component: Vst::IXmlRepresentationController.

A representation based on XML is a way to export, structure, and group plug-ins parameters for a specific remote (hardware or software rack (such as quick controls)).
It allows to describe each parameter more precisely (what is the best matching to a knob, different title lengths matching limited remote display,...).
See an Example.

  • A representation is composed of pages (this means that to see all exported parameters, the user has to navigate through the pages).
  • A page is composed of cells (for example 8 cells per page).
  • A cell is composed of layers (for example a cell could have a knob, a display, and a button, which means 3 layers).
  • A layer is associated to a plug-in parameter using the ParameterID as identifier:
    • it could be a knob with a display for title and/or value, this display uses the same parameterId, but it could an another one.
    • switch
    • link which allows to jump directly to a subpage (another page)
    • more... See Vst::LayerType

This representation is implemented as XML text following the Document Type Definition (DTD): http://dtd.steinberg.net/VST-Remote-1.1.dtd


Here an example of what should be passed in the stream of getXmlRepresentationStream:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE vstXML PUBLIC "-//Steinberg//DTD VST Remote 1.1//EN" "http://dtd.steinberg.net/VST-Remote-1.1.dtd">
<vstXML version="1.0">
<plugin classID="341FC5898AAA46A7A506BC0799E882AE" name="Chorus" vendor="Steinberg Media Technologies" />
<originator>My name</originator>
<comment>This is an example for 4 Cells per Page for the Remote named ProductRemote
from company HardwareCompany.</comment>
<!-- ===================================== -->
<representation name="ProductRemote" vendor="HardwareCompany" version="1.0">
<page name="Root">
<layer type="knob" parameterID="0">
<name>Mix dry/wet</name>
<layer type="display"></layer>
<layer type="knob" parameterID="3">
<layer type="knob" parameterID="15">
<page name="Page 2">
<layer type="LED" ledStyle="spread" parameterID="2">
<name>Width +</name>
<!--this is the switch for shape A/B-->
<layer type="switch" switchStyle="pushIncLooped" parameterID="4"></layer>
<layer type="display"></layer>
<layer type="LED" ledStyle="singleDot" parameterID="17">
<name>Sync Note +</name>
<!--this is the switch for sync to tempo on /off-->
<layer type="switch" switchStyle="pushIncLooped" parameterID="16"></layer>
<layer type="knob" parameterID="1">

Member Function Documentation

◆ getXmlRepresentationStream()

virtual tresult getXmlRepresentationStream ( RepresentationInfo info,
IBStream stream 
pure virtual

Retrieves a stream containing a XmlRepresentation for a wanted representation info.

[UI-thread & Initialized]

Member Data Documentation

◆ iid

const FUID iid

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