VST 3 Interfaces VST 3.7
SDK for developing VST plug-in
IComponentHandler3 Class Referenceabstract

Extended host callback interface Vst::IComponentHandler3 for an edit controller. More...

#include <ivstcontextmenu.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for IComponentHandler3:

Public Member Functions

virtual IContextMenucreateContextMenu (IPlugView *plugView, const ParamID *paramID)=0
 Creates a host context menu for a plug-in: More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FUnknown
virtual tresult queryInterface (const TUID _iid, void **obj)=0
virtual uint32 addRef ()=0
virtual uint32 release ()=0

Static Public Attributes

static const FUID iid
- Static Public Attributes inherited from FUnknown
static const FUID iid

Detailed Description

Extended host callback interface Vst::IComponentHandler3 for an edit controller.

A plug-in can ask the host to create a context menu for a given exported parameter ID or a generic context menu.
The host may pre-fill this context menu with specific items regarding the parameter ID like "Show automation for parameter", "MIDI learn" etc...
The plug-in can use the context menu in two ways :

  • add its own items to the menu via the IContextMenu interface and call IContextMenu::popup(..) to create the pop-up. See the Examples.
  • extract the host menu items and add them to a context menu created by the plug-in.

Note: You can and should use this even if you do not add your own items to the menu as this is considered to be a big user value.

See also


  • For example, Cubase adds its owned entries in the context menu opened with right-click on an exported parameter when the plug-in uses createContextMenu.
  • Adding plug-in specific items to the context menu:
class PluginContextMenuTarget : public IContextMenuTarget, public FObject
PluginContextMenuTarget () {}
tresult PLUGIN_API executeMenuItem (int32 tag) override
// this will be called if the user has executed one of the menu items of the plug-in.
// It will not be called for items of the host.
switch (tag)
case 1: break;
case 2: break;
return kResultTrue;
OBJ_METHODS(PluginContextMenuTarget, FObject)
DEF_INTERFACE (IContextMenuTarget)
// The following is the code to create the context menu
void popupContextMenu (IComponentHandler* componentHandler, IPlugView* view, const ParamID* paramID,
if (componentHandler == 0 || view == 0)
FUnknownPtr<IComponentHandler3> handler (componentHandler);
if (handler == 0)
if (IContextMenu* menu = handler->createContextMenu (view, paramID))
// here you can add your entries (optional)
PluginContextMenuTarget* target = new PluginContextMenuTarget ();
IContextMenu::Item item = {0};
UString128 ("My Item 1").copyTo (item.name, 128);
item.tag = 1;
menu->addItem (item, target);
UString128 ("My Item 2").copyTo (item.name, 128);
item.tag = 2;
menu->addItem (item, target);
target->release ();
//--end of adding new entries
// here the the context menu will be pop-up (and it waits a user interaction)
menu->popup (x, y);
menu->release ();
IContextMenuItem Item
Definition: ivstcontextmenu.h:199
__inline__ const IUniversalMidiPacketHandler & handler
uint32 ParamID
parameter identifier: value in range [0, 0x7FFFFFFF].
Definition: vsttypes.h:87
int32 tresult
UStringBuffer< 128 > UString128
int32_t int32
int32 UCoord

Member Function Documentation

◆ createContextMenu()

virtual IContextMenu * createContextMenu ( IPlugView plugView,
const ParamID paramID 
pure virtual

Creates a host context menu for a plug-in:

  • If paramID is zero, the host may create a generic context menu.
  • The IPlugView object must be valid.
  • The return IContextMenu object needs to be released afterwards by the plug-in.
[UI-thread & (Initialized | Connected) & plugView]

Member Data Documentation

◆ iid

const FUID iid

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