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[3.6.12] MIDI Learn
On this page:
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MIDI Learn Interface: Vst:: IMidiLearn.
- [plug imp]
- [extends Vst:: IEditController]
- [released: 3.6.12]
- [mandatory]
If this interface is implemented by the edit controller, the host will call this method whenever there is live MIDI-CC input for the plug-in. This way, the plug-in can change its MIDI-CC parameter mapping and inform the host via the Vst:: IComponentHandler::restartComponent with the kMidiCCAssignmentChanged flag. Use this if you want to implement custom MIDI-Learn functionality in your plug-in.
In mycontroller.h
// here an example of how a VST 3 plug-in could support this IMidiLearn interface.
// we need to define somewhere the iids:
//in MyController class declaration
class MyController : public Vst::EditController, public Vst::IMidiLearn
// ...
//--- IMidiLearn ---------------------------------
tresult PLUGIN_API onLiveMIDIControllerInput (int32 busIndex, int16 channel,
CtrlNumber midiCC) SMTG_OVERRIDE;
// ...
OBJ_METHODS (MyController, Vst::EditController)
// ...
In mycontroller.cpp
#include "pluginterfaces/vst/ivstmidilearn.h
namespace Steinberg {
namespace Vst {
tresult PLUGIN_API MyController::onLiveMIDIControllerInput (int32 busIndex, int16 channel, CtrlNumber midiCC)
// if we are not in doMIDILearn (triggered by a UI button for example) or wrong channel then return
if (!doMIDILearn || busIndex != 0 || channel != 0 || midiLearnParamID == InvalidParamID)
return kResultFalse;
// adapt our internal MIDICC -> parameterID mapping
midiCCMapping[midiCC] = midiLearnParamID;
// new mapping then inform the host that our MIDI assignment has changed
if (auto componentHandler = getComponentHandler ())
componentHandler->restartComponent (kMidiCCAssignmentChanged);
return kResultTrue;