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[3.6.12] MPE support for Wrappers
On this page:
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Wrapper MPE Support interface: Vst:: IVst3WrapperMPESupport.
- [host imp]
- [passed as 'context' to Steinberg:: IPluginBase::initialize()]
- [released: 3.6.12]
- [optional]
Implemented on wrappers that support MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) to Note Expression translation.
ⓘ Note
By default, MPE input processing is enabled, the masterChannel will be zero, the memberBeginChannel will be one and the memberEndChannel will be 14.
ⓘ Note
As MPE is a subset of the VST 3 Note Expression feature, mapping from the three MPE expressions is handled via the Vst:: INoteExpressionPhysicalUIMapping interface.