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[3.7.0] Parameter Function Name
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Edit controller component interface extension: Vst:: IParameterFunctionName.
- [plug imp]
- [extends Vst:: IEditController]
- [released: 3.7.0]
- [optional]
This interface allows the host to get a parameter associated to a specific meaning (a functionName) for a given unit. The host can use this information, for example, for drawing a Gain Reduction meter in its own UI. In order to get the plain value of this parameter, the host should use the Vst:: IEditController::normalizedParamToPlain. The host can automatically map parameters to dedicated UI controls, such as the wet-dry mix knob or the Randomize button.
In mycontroller.h
// here an example of how a VST 3 plug-in could support this IParameterFunctionName interface.
// we need to define somewhere the iids:
//in MyController class declaration
class MyController : public Vst::EditController, public Vst::IParameterFunctionName
// ...
tresult PLUGIN_API getParameterIDFromFunctionName (UnitID unitID, FIDString functionName,
Vst::ParamID& paramID) override;
// ...
OBJ_METHODS (MyController, Vst::EditController)
// ...
DEF_INTERFACE (Vst::IParameterFunctionName)
In mycontroller.cpp
#include "pluginterfaces/vst/ivstparameterfunctionname.h"
namespace Steinberg {
namespace Vst {
DEF_CLASS_IID (IParameterFunctionName)
tresult PLUGIN_API MyController::getParameterIDFromFunctionName (UnitID unitID, FIDString functionName,
Vst::ParamID& paramID)
using namespace Vst;
paramID = kNoParamId;
if (unitID == kRootUnitId && FIDStringsEqual (functionName, kCompGainReduction))
paramID = kMyGainReductionId;
return (paramID != kNoParamId) ? kResultOk : kResultFalse;
Example of host implementation
if (auto functionName = Steinberg::U::cast<Vst::IParameterFunctionName> (mEditController->getIEditController ())
Vst::ParamID paramID;
if (functionName->getParameterIDFromFunctionName (Vst::FunctionNameType::kCompGainReduction, paramID) == kResultTrue)
// paramID could be cached for performance issue
Vst::ParamValue norm = mEditController->getIEditController ()->getParamNormalized (paramID);
Vst::ParamValue plain = mEditController->getIEditController ()->normalizedParamToPlain (paramID, norm);
// plain is something like -6 (-6dB)