Version 3.6.11 (2018/10/22)
Version 3.6.11 (2018/10/22)
- update to VSTGUI 4.7.
- move from GTK++ to XCB for Linux support.
- redesigned drag'n drop.
- drags with bitmaps are now supported on Windows.
- standalone library support for Windows 7.
- new ImageStitcher tool.
- the GDI+ draw backend was removed, the Direct2D backend is the replacement.
New icon for VST 3 bundles: VST_Logo_Steinberg.ico and VST_Logo_Steinberg.icns (located in VST_SDK/VST3_SDK/doc/artwork folder).
Interface changes:
- VST 2 interface not available anymore!
- New Vst:: INoteExpressionPhysicalUIMapping (plug-in): allowing the host to retrieve the preferred physical mapping associated to note expression supported by the plug-in.
- further improvement for users projects
- AAX Wrapper (VST 3 - AAX Wrapper):
- fix UI resizing.
- fix issue for default blocksize.
- VST 2 Wrapper:
- fix for instruments which were not visible as instrument.
- AAX Wrapper (VST 3 - AAX Wrapper):
Helpers classes:
- make virtual some functions of class parameter (set/getUnitID, getInfo, set/getPrecision).