/ ... / AAX, AUv3 and AU Wrappers

VST 3 - AAX Wrapper

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Helper Class wrapping a VST 3 plug-in to an AAX plug-in.

The VST 3 SDK comes with a helper class which wraps one VST 3 audio processor and edit controller to an AAX plug-in.

How does it work?

  • Check the AGainAAX example.

  • For more information on how to get the AAX SDK, you can visit the Avid Technology AAX SDK page.

  • AAX SDK 2.7 or higher is expected in folder external.avid.aax (located at the same level as the folder public.sdk).

  • Here is the step based on the AGainAAX example:

    • In the cpp file againaax.cpp, you can define the plug-in properties: IO audio, product ID, ...
    • On Windows, copy built linker output again_aax.aaxplugin to "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\again_aax.aaxplugin\Contents\x64" (the debug build does this automatically, but needs appropriate access rights (Administrator rights of your visual)).
    • On OSX, copy built bundle build/Debug/again.aaxplugin to "/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins".
  • AAX plug-ins must be digitally signed with PACE Anti-Piracy's signing tools before they can be used in a commercial version of Pro Tools.

  • To test the plug-in without signing it, you can use a special version of Pro Tools: Pro Tools Developer, which could requested here: https://developer.avid.com/aax.

  • A iLok as an Avid account is required for running Pro Tools and have access to the AAX SDK.