VST 3 Interfaces VST 3.7
SDK for developing VST plug-in
ivstnoteexpression.h File Reference


struct  NoteExpressionValueDescription
 Description of a Note Expression Type This structure is part of the NoteExpressionTypeInfo structure, it describes for given NoteExpressionTypeID its default value (for example 0.5 for a kTuningTypeID (kIsBipolar: centered)), its minimum and maximum (for predefined NoteExpressionTypeID the full range is predefined too) and a stepCount when the given NoteExpressionTypeID is limited to discrete values (like on/off state). More...
struct  NoteExpressionValueEvent
 Note Expression Value event. More...
struct  NoteExpressionTextEvent
 Note Expression Text event. More...
struct  NoteExpressionTypeInfo
 NoteExpressionTypeInfo is the structure describing a note expression supported by the plug-in. More...
class  INoteExpressionController
 Extended plug-in interface IEditController for note expression event support: Vst::INoteExpressionController - [ ] - [ ] - [released: 3.5.0] - [optional]. More...
struct  KeyswitchInfo
 KeyswitchInfo is the structure describing a key switch This structure is used by the method IKeyswitchController::getKeyswitchInfo. More...
class  IKeyswitchController
 Extended plug-in interface IEditController for key switches support: Vst::IKeyswitchController. More...


namespace  Steinberg
namespace  Steinberg::Vst
 All VST specific interfaces are located in Vst namespace.


typedef uint32 NoteExpressionTypeID
 Note Expression Types. More...
typedef double NoteExpressionValue
 Note Expression Value. More...
typedef uint32 KeyswitchTypeID


enum  NoteExpressionTypeIDs : uint32 {
  kVolumeTypeID = 0 , kPanTypeID , kTuningTypeID , kVibratoTypeID ,
  kExpressionTypeID , kBrightnessTypeID , kTextTypeID , kPhonemeTypeID ,
  kCustomStart = 100000 , kCustomEnd = 200000 , kInvalidTypeID = 0xFFFFFFFF
 NoteExpressionTypeIDs describes the type of the note expression. More...
enum  KeyswitchTypeIDs : uint32 { kNoteOnKeyswitchTypeID = 0 , kOnTheFlyKeyswitchTypeID , kOnReleaseKeyswitchTypeID , kKeyRangeTypeID }
 KeyswitchTypeIDs describes the type of a key switch. More...

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