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Simple Device

To get to know the basic semantics of the MIDI Remote API we will write a script for a fictional MIDI Controller having four encoder knobs. The visual representation in Cubase / Nuendo will appear like this:

Let's get right to the code:

// 1. DRIVER SETUP - create driver object, midi ports and detection information

// get the api's entry point
var midiremote_api = require('midiremote_api_v1')

// create the device driver main object
var deviceDriver = midiremote_api.makeDeviceDriver('ExampleCompany', 'SimpleDevice', 'Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH')

// create objects representing the hardware's MIDI ports
var midiInput = deviceDriver.mPorts.makeMidiInput()
var midiOutput = deviceDriver.mPorts.makeMidiOutput()

// define all possible namings the devices MIDI ports could have
// NOTE: Windows and MacOS handle port naming differently
deviceDriver.makeDetectionUnit().detectPortPair(midiInput, midiOutput)
.expectInputNameEquals('SimpleDevice IN')
.expectOutputNameEquals('SimpleDevice OUT')

deviceDriver.makeDetectionUnit().detectPortPair(midiInput, midiOutput)
.expectInputNameEquals('SimpleDevice (MIDI IN)')
.expectOutputNameEquals('SimpleDevice (MIDI OUT)')

// 2. SURFACE LAYOUT - create control elements and midi bindings

// create control element representing your hardware's surface
var knob1 = deviceDriver.mSurface.makeKnob(0, 0, 1, 1.5)
var knob2 = deviceDriver.mSurface.makeKnob(1, 0, 1, 1.5)
var knob3 = deviceDriver.mSurface.makeKnob(2, 0, 1, 1.5)
var knob4 = deviceDriver.mSurface.makeKnob(3, 0, 1, 1.5)

// bind midi ports to surface elements
.bindToControlChange (0, 21) // channel 0, cc 21

.bindToControlChange (0, 22) // channel 0, cc 22

.bindToControlChange (0, 23) // channel 0, cc 23

.bindToControlChange (0, 24) // channel 0, cc 24

// 3. HOST MAPPING - create mapping pages and host bindings

// create at least one mapping page
var page = deviceDriver.mMapping.makePage('Example Mixer Page')

// create host accessing objects
var hostSelectedTrackChannel = page.mHostAccess.mTrackSelection.mMixerChannel

// bind surface elements to host accessing object values
page.makeValueBinding(knob1.mSurfaceValue, hostSelectedTrackChannel.mValue.mVolume)
page.makeValueBinding(knob2.mSurfaceValue, hostSelectedTrackChannel.mSends.getByIndex(0).mLevel)
page.makeValueBinding(knob3.mSurfaceValue, hostSelectedTrackChannel.mSends.getByIndex(1).mLevel)
page.makeValueBinding(knob4.mSurfaceValue, hostSelectedTrackChannel.mSends.getByIndex(2).mLevel)