VST 3 Interfaces VST 3.7
SDK for developing VST plug-in
▼NSteinberg | |
NFUnknownImpl | |
NFUnknownPrivate | |
NGeoConstants | |
NKeyCodes | |
NLinux | |
NU | |
►NVst | All VST specific interfaces are located in Vst namespace |
NAlgo | |
NAttributes | Attributes used to defined a Layer in a VST XML Representation |
NAttributesFlags | Attributes Flags defining a Layer in a VST XML Representation |
NAttributesFunction | Attributes Function used to defined the function of a Layer in a VST XML Representation |
NAttributesStyle | Attributes Style associated a specific Layer Type in a VST XML Representation |
►NChannelContext | For Channel Context Info Interface |
CIInfoListener | Channel context interface: Vst::IInfoListener |
NCurveType | Curve Types used in a VST XML Representation |
NFunctionNameType | |
NHelpers | |
NInterAppAudio | |
NLayerType | Layer Types used in a VST XML Representation |
NMPE | |
NMusicalCharacter | Predefined Musical Character |
NMusicalInstrument | Predefined Musical Instrument |
NMusicalStyle | Predefined Musical Style |
NPlugType | Component Types used as subCategories in PClassInfo2 |
NPresetAttributes | Predefined Preset Attributes |
NSpeakerArr | Speaker Arrangement Definitions (SpeakerArrangement) |
NStateType | Predefined StateType used for Key kStateType |
NStringConvert | |
NTest | |
NUMP | |
NViewType | View Types used for IEditController::createView |
CAudioBusBuffers | Processing buffers of an audio bus |
CBusInfo | BusInfo: This is the structure used with getBusInfo, informing the host about what is a specific given bus |
CChord | Description of a chord |
CChordEvent | Chord event specific data |
CDataEvent | Data event specific data |
CDataExchangeBlock | |
CEvent | EventStructure representing a single Event of different types associated to a specific event (kEvent) bus |
CFrameRate | Frame Rate A frame rate describes the number of image (frame) displayed per second |
CIAttributeList | Attribute list used in IMessage and IStreamAttributes: Vst::IAttributeList |
CIAudioPresentationLatency | Extended IAudioProcessor interface for a component: Vst::IAudioPresentationLatency |
CIAudioProcessor | Audio processing interface: Vst::IAudioProcessor |
CIAutomationState | Extended plug-in interface IEditController: Vst::IAutomationState |
CIComponent | Component base interface: Vst::IComponent |
CIComponentHandler | Host callback interface for an edit controller: Vst::IComponentHandler |
CIComponentHandler2 | Extended host callback interface for an edit controller: Vst::IComponentHandler2 |
CIComponentHandler3 | Extended host callback interface Vst::IComponentHandler3 for an edit controller |
CIComponentHandlerBusActivation | Extended host callback interface for an edit controller: Vst::IComponentHandlerBusActivation |
CIComponentHandlerSystemTime | Extended plug-in interface IComponentHandler for an edit controller |
CIConnectionPoint | Connect a component with another one: Vst::IConnectionPoint |
CIContextMenu | Context Menu interface: Vst::IContextMenu |
CIContextMenuItem | IContextMenuItem is an entry element of the context menu |
CIContextMenuTarget | Context Menu Item Target interface: Vst::IContextMenuTarget |
CIDataExchangeHandler | Host Data Exchange handler interface: Vst::IDataExchangeHandler |
CIDataExchangeReceiver | Data Exchange Receiver interface: Vst::IDataExchangeReceiver |
CIEditController | Edit controller component interface: Vst::IEditController |
CIEditController2 | Edit controller component interface extension: Vst::IEditController2 |
CIEditControllerHostEditing | Parameter Editing from host: Vst::IEditControllerHostEditing |
CIEventList | List of events to process: Vst::IEventList |
CIHostApplication | Basic host callback interface: Vst::IHostApplication |
CIInterAppAudioConnectionNotification | Extended plug-in interface IEditController for Inter-App Audio connection state change notifications |
CIInterAppAudioHost | Inter-App Audio host Interface |
CIInterAppAudioPresetManager | Extended plug-in interface IEditController for Inter-App Audio Preset Management |
CIKeyswitchController | Extended plug-in interface IEditController for key switches support: Vst::IKeyswitchController |
CIMessage | Private plug-in message: Vst::IMessage |
CIMidiLearn | MIDI Learn interface: Vst::IMidiLearn |
CIMidiMapping | MIDI Mapping interface: Vst::IMidiMapping |
CINoteExpressionController | Extended plug-in interface IEditController for note expression event support: Vst::INoteExpressionController - [ ] - [ ] - [released: 3.5.0] - [optional] |
CINoteExpressionPhysicalUIMapping | Extended plug-in interface IEditController for note expression event support: Vst::INoteExpressionPhysicalUIMapping |
CIParameterChanges | All parameter changes of a processing block: Vst::IParameterChanges |
CIParameterFinder | Extension for IPlugView to find view parameters (lookup value under mouse support): Vst::IParameterFinder |
CIParameterFunctionName | Edit controller component interface extension: Vst::IParameterFunctionName |
CIParamValueQueue | Queue of changes for a specific parameter: Vst::IParamValueQueue |
CIPlugInterfaceSupport | Host callback interface for an edit controller: Vst::IPlugInterfaceSupport |
CIPrefetchableSupport | Indicates that the plug-in could or not support Prefetch (dynamically): Vst::IPrefetchableSupport |
CIProcessContextRequirements | Extended IAudioProcessor interface for a component: Vst::IProcessContextRequirements |
CIProgramListData | Component extension to access program list data: Vst::IProgramListData |
CIProgress | Extended host callback interface for an edit controller: Vst::IProgress |
CIRemapParamID | Extended IEditController interface for a component |
CIStreamAttributes | Meta attributes of a stream: Vst::IStreamAttributes |
CITestPlugProvider | Test Helper |
CITestPlugProvider2 | Test Helper extension |
CIUnitData | Component extension to access unit data: Vst::IUnitData |
CIUnitHandler | Host callback for unit support: Vst::IUnitHandler |
CIUnitHandler2 | Host callback for extended unit support: Vst::IUnitHandler2 |
CIUnitInfo | Edit controller extension to describe the plug-in structure: Vst::IUnitInfo |
CIVst3ToAAXWrapper | VST 3 to AAX Wrapper interface: Vst::IVst3ToAAXWrapper |
CIVst3ToAUWrapper | VST 3 to AU Wrapper interface: Vst::IVst3ToAUWrapper |
CIVst3ToVst2Wrapper | VST 3 to VST 2 Wrapper interface: Vst::IVst3ToVst2Wrapper |
CIVst3WrapperMPESupport | Wrapper MPE Support interface: Vst::IVst3WrapperMPESupport |
CIXmlRepresentationController | Extended plug-in interface IEditController for a component: Vst::IXmlRepresentationController |
CKeyswitchInfo | KeyswitchInfo is the structure describing a key switch This structure is used by the method IKeyswitchController::getKeyswitchInfo |
CLegacyMIDICCOutEvent | Legacy MIDI CC Out event specific data |
CNoteExpressionTextEvent | Note Expression Text event |
CNoteExpressionTypeInfo | NoteExpressionTypeInfo is the structure describing a note expression supported by the plug-in |
CNoteExpressionValueDescription | Description of a Note Expression Type This structure is part of the NoteExpressionTypeInfo structure, it describes for given NoteExpressionTypeID its default value (for example 0.5 for a kTuningTypeID (kIsBipolar: centered)), its minimum and maximum (for predefined NoteExpressionTypeID the full range is predefined too) and a stepCount when the given NoteExpressionTypeID is limited to discrete values (like on/off state) |
CNoteExpressionValueEvent | Note Expression Value event |
CNoteOffEvent | Note-off event specific data |
CNoteOnEvent | Note-on event specific data |
CParameterInfo | Controller Parameter Info |
CPhysicalUIMap | PhysicalUIMap describes a mapping of a noteExpression Type to a Physical UI Type |
CPhysicalUIMapList | PhysicalUIMapList describes a list of PhysicalUIMap |
CPolyPressureEvent | PolyPressure event specific data |
CProcessContext | Audio processing context |
CProcessData | Any data needed in audio processing |
CProcessSetup | Audio processing setup |
CProgramListInfo | Basic Program List Description |
CRepresentationInfo | RepresentationInfo is the structure describing a representation This structure is used in the function |
CRoutingInfo | Routing Information: When the plug-in supports multiple I/O busses, a host may want to know how the busses are related |
CScaleEvent | Scale event specific data |
CUnitInfo | Basic Unit Description |
CITest | |
CITestFactory | Class factory that any testable module defines for creating tests that will be executed from the host |
CITestResult | Test Result message logger [host imp] when a test is called, a pointer to an ITestResult is passed in, so the test class can output error messages |
CITestSuite | A collection of tests supporting a hierarchical ordering [host imp] [create via hostclasses] |
NVST3 | |