SDK for developing VST plug-in
vstaudioprocessoralgo.h File Reference
#include "pluginterfaces/vst/ivstaudioprocessor.h"
#include "pluginterfaces/vst/ivstevents.h"
#include "pluginterfaces/vst/ivstparameterchanges.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>


namespace  Steinberg
namespace  Steinberg::Vst
namespace  Steinberg::Vst::Algo


void ** getChannelBuffersPointer (const ProcessSetup &processSetup, const AudioBusBuffers &bufs)
 Returns the current channelBuffers used (depending of symbolicSampleSize). More...
uint32 getSampleFramesSizeInBytes (const ProcessSetup &processSetup, int32 numSamples)
 Returns the size in bytes of numSamples for one channel depending of symbolicSampleSize. More...
uint64 getChannelMask (int32 numChannels)
 return the bit-mask of channels for the given number of channel for example: numChannels = 1 => 0b0001 (binar) = 0x01 = 1 (decimal) numChannels = 2 => 0b0011 (binar) = 0x03 = 3 (decimal) numChannels = 6 => 0b0011 1111 (binar) = 0x3F = 63 (decimal) More...
template<typename T >
void foreach (AudioBusBuffers *audioBusBuffers, int32 busCount, const T &func)
template<typename T >
void foreach32 (AudioBusBuffers &audioBuffer, const T &func)
template<typename T >
void foreach64 (AudioBusBuffers &audioBuffer, const T &func)
template<typename T >
void foreach32 (AudioBusBuffers &buffer1, AudioBusBuffers &buffer2, const T &func)
template<typename T >
void foreach64 (AudioBusBuffers &buffer1, AudioBusBuffers &buffer2, const T &func)
void copy32 (AudioBusBuffers *src, AudioBusBuffers *dest, int32 sliceSize, int32 startIndex)
void copy64 (AudioBusBuffers *src, AudioBusBuffers *dest, int32 sliceSize, int32 startIndex)
void clear32 (AudioBusBuffers *audioBusBuffers, int32 sampleCount, int32 busCount=1)
void clear64 (AudioBusBuffers *audioBusBuffers, int32 sampleCount, int32 busCount=1)
void mix32 (AudioBusBuffers &src, AudioBusBuffers &dest, int32 sampleCount)
void mix64 (AudioBusBuffers &src, AudioBusBuffers &dest, int32 sampleCount)
template<typename T >
void multiply (T *srcBuffer, T *destBuffer, int32 sampleCount, T factor)
void multiply32 (AudioBusBuffers &src, AudioBusBuffers &dest, int32 sampleCount, float factor)
void multiply64 (AudioBusBuffers &src, AudioBusBuffers &dest, int32 sampleCount, double factor)
bool isSilent32 (AudioBusBuffers &audioBuffer, int32 sampleCount, int32 startIndex=0)
bool isSilent64 (AudioBusBuffers &audioBuffer, int32 sampleCount, int32 startIndex=0)
template<typename T >
void foreach (IEventList *eventList, const T &func)
template<typename T >
void foreach (IParamValueQueue &paramQueue, const T &func)
template<typename T >
void foreachLast (IParamValueQueue &paramQueue, const T &func)
template<typename T >
void foreach (IParameterChanges *changes, const T &func)

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