Graphical User Interface Framework not only for VST plugins
Version 4.0


class  AlphaValueAnimation
 animates the alpha value of the view More...
class  ViewSizeAnimation
 animates the view size of the view More...
class  ExchangeViewAnimation
 exchange a view by another view with an animation More...
class  ControlValueAnimation
 animates the value of a CControl More...
class  Animator
 Animation runner. More...
class  FinishedMessage
 Animation Finished Message Object. More...
class  IAnimationTarget
 Animation target interface. More...
class  ITimingFunction
 Animation timing function interface. More...
class  TimingFunctionBase
class  LinearTimingFunction
class  PowerTimingFunction
class  InterpolationTimingFunction
class  RepeatTimingFunction
class  CNinePartTiledBitmap
 a nine-part tiled bitmap More...
class  CBitmapPixelAccess
 direct pixel access to a CBitmap More...
class  CDropSource
 drop source More...
class  IKeyboardHook
 generic keyboard hook interface for CFrame More...
class  IViewAddedRemovedObserver
 view added removed observer interface for CFrame More...
class  CGradient
 Gradient Object [new in 4.0]. More...
class  CGraphicsPath
 Graphics Path Object. More...
struct  CGraphicsTransform
 Graphics Transform Matrix. More...
class  CCheckBox
 a check box control with a title and 3 states More...
class  CTextButton
 a button which renders without bitmaps More...
class  IColorChooserDelegate
class  CColorChooser
class  IFontChooserDelegate
struct  CFontChooserUIDefinition
class  CFontChooser
class  CAnimationSplashScreen
 a splash screen which animates the opening and closing of the splash bitmap More...
class  CSplitView
 a split container view with separators between its child views More...
class  IDependency
 simple dependency between objects. More...
class  IFocusDrawing
 Custom focus drawing interface. More...
class  IController
 extension to IControlListener used by UIDescription More...
class  IViewCreator
 View creator interface. More...
class  UIDescription
 XML description parser and view creator. More...
class  UIViewFactory
 Default view factory. More...
class  IVST3EditorDelegate
 delegate interface for a VST3Editor. More...
class  VST3Editor
 VST3 Editor with automatic parameter binding. More...

Detailed Description