VST 3 Interfaces VST 3.7
SDK for developing VST plug-in
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NVstAll VST specific interfaces are located in Vst namespace
 NChannelContextFor Channel Context Info Interface
 CIInfoListenerChannel context interface: Vst::IInfoListener
 CAudioBusBuffersProcessing buffers of an audio bus
 CBusInfoBusInfo: This is the structure used with getBusInfo, informing the host about what is a specific given bus
 CChordDescription of a chord
 CChordEventChord event specific data
 CDataEventData event specific data
 CEventEventStructure representing a single Event of different types associated to a specific event (kEvent) bus
 CFrameRateFrame Rate A frame rate describes the number of image (frame) displayed per second
 CIAttributeListAttribute list used in IMessage and IStreamAttributes: Vst::IAttributeList
 CIAudioPresentationLatencyExtended IAudioProcessor interface for a component: Vst::IAudioPresentationLatency
 CIAudioProcessorAudio processing interface: Vst::IAudioProcessor
 CIAutomationStateExtended plug-in interface IEditController: Vst::IAutomationState
 CIComponentComponent base interface: Vst::IComponent
 CIComponentHandlerHost callback interface for an edit controller: Vst::IComponentHandler
 CIComponentHandler2Extended host callback interface for an edit controller: Vst::IComponentHandler2
 CIComponentHandler3Extended host callback interface Vst::IComponentHandler3 for an edit controller
 CIComponentHandlerBusActivationExtended host callback interface for an edit controller: Vst::IComponentHandlerBusActivation
 CIComponentHandlerSystemTimeExtended plug-in interface IComponentHandler for an edit controller
 CIConnectionPointConnect a component with another one: Vst::IConnectionPoint
 CIContextMenuContext Menu interface: Vst::IContextMenu
 CIContextMenuItemIContextMenuItem is an entry element of the context menu
 CIContextMenuTargetContext Menu Item Target interface: Vst::IContextMenuTarget
 CIDataExchangeHandlerHost Data Exchange handler interface: Vst::IDataExchangeHandler
 CIDataExchangeReceiverData Exchange Receiver interface: Vst::IDataExchangeReceiver
 CIEditControllerEdit controller component interface: Vst::IEditController
 CIEditController2Edit controller component interface extension: Vst::IEditController2
 CIEditControllerHostEditingParameter Editing from host: Vst::IEditControllerHostEditing
 CIEventListList of events to process: Vst::IEventList
 CIHostApplicationBasic host callback interface: Vst::IHostApplication
 CIInterAppAudioConnectionNotificationExtended plug-in interface IEditController for Inter-App Audio connection state change notifications
 CIInterAppAudioHostInter-App Audio host Interface
 CIInterAppAudioPresetManagerExtended plug-in interface IEditController for Inter-App Audio Preset Management
 CIKeyswitchControllerExtended plug-in interface IEditController for key switches support: Vst::IKeyswitchController
 CIMessagePrivate plug-in message: Vst::IMessage
 CIMidiLearnMIDI Learn interface: Vst::IMidiLearn
 CIMidiMappingMIDI Mapping interface: Vst::IMidiMapping
 CINoteExpressionControllerExtended plug-in interface IEditController for note expression event support: Vst::INoteExpressionController - [ ] - [ ] - [released: 3.5.0] - [optional]
 CINoteExpressionPhysicalUIMappingExtended plug-in interface IEditController for note expression event support: Vst::INoteExpressionPhysicalUIMapping
 CIParameterChangesAll parameter changes of a processing block: Vst::IParameterChanges
 CIParameterFinderExtension for IPlugView to find view parameters (lookup value under mouse support): Vst::IParameterFinder
 CIParameterFunctionNameEdit controller component interface extension: Vst::IParameterFunctionName
 CIParamValueQueueQueue of changes for a specific parameter: Vst::IParamValueQueue
 CIPlugInterfaceSupportHost callback interface for an edit controller: Vst::IPlugInterfaceSupport
 CIPrefetchableSupportIndicates that the plug-in could or not support Prefetch (dynamically): Vst::IPrefetchableSupport
 CIProcessContextRequirementsExtended IAudioProcessor interface for a component: Vst::IProcessContextRequirements
 CIProgramListDataComponent extension to access program list data: Vst::IProgramListData
 CIProgressExtended host callback interface for an edit controller: Vst::IProgress
 CIRemapParamIDExtended IEditController interface for a component
 CIStreamAttributesMeta attributes of a stream: Vst::IStreamAttributes
 CITestPlugProviderTest Helper
 CITestPlugProvider2Test Helper extension
 CIUnitDataComponent extension to access unit data: Vst::IUnitData
 CIUnitHandlerHost callback for unit support: Vst::IUnitHandler
 CIUnitHandler2Host callback for extended unit support: Vst::IUnitHandler2
 CIUnitInfoEdit controller extension to describe the plug-in structure: Vst::IUnitInfo
 CIVst3ToAAXWrapperVST 3 to AAX Wrapper interface: Vst::IVst3ToAAXWrapper
 CIVst3ToAUWrapperVST 3 to AU Wrapper interface: Vst::IVst3ToAUWrapper
 CIVst3ToVst2WrapperVST 3 to VST 2 Wrapper interface: Vst::IVst3ToVst2Wrapper
 CIVst3WrapperMPESupportWrapper MPE Support interface: Vst::IVst3WrapperMPESupport
 CIXmlRepresentationControllerExtended plug-in interface IEditController for a component: Vst::IXmlRepresentationController
 CKeyswitchInfoKeyswitchInfo is the structure describing a key switch This structure is used by the method IKeyswitchController::getKeyswitchInfo
 CLegacyMIDICCOutEventLegacy MIDI CC Out event specific data
 CNoteExpressionTextEventNote Expression Text event
 CNoteExpressionTypeInfoNoteExpressionTypeInfo is the structure describing a note expression supported by the plug-in
 CNoteExpressionValueDescriptionDescription of a Note Expression Type This structure is part of the NoteExpressionTypeInfo structure, it describes for given NoteExpressionTypeID its default value (for example 0.5 for a kTuningTypeID (kIsBipolar: centered)), its minimum and maximum (for predefined NoteExpressionTypeID the full range is predefined too) and a stepCount when the given NoteExpressionTypeID is limited to discrete values (like on/off state)
 CNoteExpressionValueEventNote Expression Value event
 CNoteOffEventNote-off event specific data
 CNoteOnEventNote-on event specific data
 CParameterInfoController Parameter Info
 CPhysicalUIMapPhysicalUIMap describes a mapping of a noteExpression Type to a Physical UI Type
 CPhysicalUIMapListPhysicalUIMapList describes a list of PhysicalUIMap
 CPolyPressureEventPolyPressure event specific data
 CProcessContextAudio processing context
 CProcessDataAny data needed in audio processing
 CProcessSetupAudio processing setup
 CProgramListInfoBasic Program List Description
 CRepresentationInfoRepresentationInfo is the structure describing a representation This structure is used in the function
 CRoutingInfoRouting Information: When the plug-in supports multiple I/O busses, a host may want to know how the busses are related
 CScaleEventScale event specific data
 CUnitInfoBasic Unit Description
 CITestFactoryClass factory that any testable module defines for creating tests that will be executed from the host
 CITestResultTest Result message logger [host imp] when a test is called, a pointer to an ITestResult is passed in, so the test class can output error messages
 CITestSuiteA collection of tests supporting a hierarchical ordering [host imp] [create via hostclasses]

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