SDK for developing VST plug-in
Steinberg::Vst Namespace Reference


namespace  Algo
namespace  Attributes
namespace  AttributesFlags
namespace  AttributesFunction
namespace  AttributesStyle
namespace  ChannelContext
namespace  CurveType
namespace  FunctionNameType
namespace  Helpers
namespace  InterAppAudio
namespace  LayerType
namespace  MPE
namespace  MusicalCharacter
namespace  MusicalInstrument
namespace  MusicalStyle
namespace  PlugType
namespace  PresetAttributes
namespace  SampleAccurate
namespace  SpeakerArr
namespace  StateType
namespace  StringConvert
namespace  Test
namespace  UMP
namespace  ViewType


class  AudioBuffer
class  AudioBus
 Description of an Audio Bus. More...
struct  AudioBusBuffers
class  AudioEffect
 Default implementation for a VST 3 audio effect. More...
class  BufferStream
 Stream implementation for a memory buffer. More...
class  Bus
 Basic Bus object. More...
struct  BusInfo
class  BusList
 List of Busses. More...
class  BypassProcessor
struct  Chord
struct  ChordEvent
class  Component
 Default implementation for a VST 3 Component. More...
class  ComponentBase
 Base class for VST 3 Component and Edit Controller. More...
class  ConnectionProxy
 Helper for creating and initializing component. More...
struct  DataEvent
struct  DataExchangeBlock
class  DataExchangeHandler
 Helper class to provide a single API for plug-ins to transfer data from the realtime audio process to the edit controller either via the backwards compatible message handling protocol (see IMessage) or the new IDataExchangeHandler/IDataExchangeReceiver API. More...
class  DataExchangeReceiverHandler
 Helper class to provide a single API for plug-ins to transfer data from the realtime audio process to the edit controller either via the message handling protocol (see IMessage) or the new IDataExchangeHandler/IDataExchangeReceiver API. More...
class  EditController
 Default implementation for a VST 3 edit controller. More...
class  EditControllerEx1
 Advanced implementation (support IUnitInfo) for a VST 3 edit controller. More...
class  EditorView
 View related to an edit controller. More...
struct  Event
class  EventBus
 Description of an Event Bus. More...
class  EventList
 Example implementation of IEventList. More...
class  FileStream
 Stream implementation for a file using stdio. More...
struct  FrameRate
class  HostApplication
 Implementation's example of IHostApplication. More...
class  HostAttributeList
 Example, ready to use implementation of IAttributeList. More...
struct  HostDataExchangeHandler
class  HostMessage
 Example implementation of IMessage. More...
class  HostProcessData
 Extension of ProcessData. More...
class  IAttributeList
class  IAudioPresentationLatency
class  IAudioProcessor
class  IAutomationState
class  IComponent
class  IComponentHandler
class  IComponentHandler2
class  IComponentHandler3
class  IComponentHandlerBusActivation
class  IComponentHandlerSystemTime
class  IConnectionPoint
class  IContextMenu
struct  IContextMenuItem
class  IContextMenuTarget
class  IDataExchangeHandler
struct  IDataExchangeHandlerHost
class  IDataExchangeReceiver
class  IEditController
class  IEditController2
class  IEditControllerHostEditing
class  IEventList
class  IHostApplication
class  IInterAppAudioConnectionNotification
class  IInterAppAudioHost
class  IInterAppAudioPresetManager
class  IKeyswitchController
class  IMessage
class  IMidiLearn
class  IMidiMapping
class  INoteExpressionController
class  INoteExpressionPhysicalUIMapping
class  IParameterChanges
class  IParameterFinder
class  IParameterFunctionName
class  IParamValueQueue
class  IPlugInterfaceSupport
class  IPrefetchableSupport
class  IProcessContextRequirements
class  IProgramListData
class  IProgress
class  IRemapParamID
class  IStreamAttributes
class  ITestPlugProvider
class  ITestPlugProvider2
class  IUnitData
class  IUnitHandler
class  IUnitHandler2
class  IUnitInfo
class  IVst3ToAAXWrapper
class  IVst3ToAUWrapper
class  IVst3ToVst2Wrapper
class  IVst3WrapperMPESupport
class  IXmlRepresentationController
struct  KeyswitchInfo
struct  LegacyMIDICCOutEvent
struct  NoteExpressionTextEvent
class  NoteExpressionType
 Note expression type object. More...
class  NoteExpressionTypeContainer
 Collection of note expression types. More...
struct  NoteExpressionTypeInfo
struct  NoteExpressionValueDescription
struct  NoteExpressionValueEvent
struct  NoteOffEvent
struct  NoteOnEvent
class  ParamChanges
 AutomationTest helper classes: implementation of IParamValueQueue. More...
class  Parameter
 Description of a Parameter. More...
class  ParameterChanges
 Implementation's example of IParameterChanges - not threadsave!. More...
class  ParameterChangeTransfer
 Ring buffer for transferring parameter changes from a writer to a read thread . More...
class  ParameterContainer
 Collection of parameters. More...
struct  ParameterInfo
class  ParameterValueQueue
 Implementation's example of IParamValueQueue - not threadsave!. More...
class  ParamPoint
 AutomationTest helper classes. More...
struct  PhysicalUIMap
struct  PhysicalUIMapList
class  PluginContextFactory
class  PlugInterfaceSupport
 Example implementation of IPlugInterfaceSupport. More...
class  PlugProvider
 Helper for creating and initializing component. More...
struct  PolyPressureEvent
class  PresetFile
 Handler for a VST 3 Preset File. More...
struct  ProcessContext
class  ProcessContextRequirements
struct  ProcessData
class  ProcessDataSlicer
 Process Data Slicer. More...
struct  ProcessSetup
class  ProgramList
 ProgramList element. More...
struct  ProgramListInfo
class  ProgramListWithPitchNames
 ProgramListWithPitchNames element. More...
class  RangeNoteExpressionType
 Note expression type object representing a custom range. More...
class  RangeParameter
 Description of a RangeParameter. More...
class  ReadOnlyBStream
 Stream representing a Read-Only subsection of its source stream. More...
struct  RepresentationInfo
struct  RoutingInfo
struct  RTTransferT
 Transfer objects from a non realtime thread to a realtime one. More...
struct  ScaleEvent
class  SingleComponentEffect
 Default implementation for a non-distributable Plug-in that combines processor and edit controller in one component. More...
class  SpeakerArray
 Helper class representing speaker arrangement as array of speaker types. More...
class  StringListParameter
 Description of a StringListParameter. More...
class  StringResult
class  SystemTime
 SystemTime Helper class. More...
class  TestBase
 Test Helper. More...
struct  TestDefaults
class  TestEnh
 Test Helper. More...
struct  TestingPluginContext
class  ThreadChecker
class  Unit
 Unit element. More...
struct  UnitInfo
class  VSTGUIEditor
 Base class for an edit view using VSTGUI. More...
class  XmlRepresentationHelper
 Helper for XML Representation creation. More...


typedef uint32 DataExchangeQueueID
typedef uint32 DataExchangeBlockID
typedef uint32 DataExchangeUserContextID
typedef int32 KnobMode
typedef uint32 NoteExpressionTypeID
typedef double NoteExpressionValue
typedef uint32 KeyswitchTypeID
typedef uint32 PhysicalUITypeID
typedef uint32 PrefetchableSupport
typedef char16 TChar
typedef TChar String128[128]
typedef const char8CString
typedef int32 MediaType
typedef int32 BusDirection
typedef int32 BusType
typedef int32 IoMode
typedef int32 UnitID
typedef double ParamValue
typedef uint32 ParamID
typedef int32 ProgramListID
typedef int16 CtrlNumber
typedef double TQuarterNotes
typedef int64 TSamples
typedef uint32 ColorSpec
typedef float Sample32
typedef double Sample64
typedef double SampleRate
typedef uint64 SpeakerArrangement
typedef uint64 Speaker
using ProcessSampleSize = int32
using TestFunc = std::function< bool(ITestResult *)>
 simple test function More...
using TestFuncWithContext = std::function< bool(FUnknown *, ITestResult *)>
 test function with context pointer More...
using ChunkID = char[4]


enum  ComponentFlags
enum  SymbolicSampleSizes
enum  ProcessModes
enum  MediaTypes
enum  BusDirections
enum  BusTypes
enum  IoModes
enum  RestartFlags
enum  KnobModes
enum  NoteIDUserRange
enum  ControllerNumbers
enum  NoteExpressionTypeIDs
enum  KeyswitchTypeIDs
enum  PhysicalUITypeIDs
enum  ePrefetchableSupport
enum  ChunkType {
  kHeader , kComponentState , kControllerState , kProgramData ,
  kMetaInfo , kChunkList , kNumPresetChunks


IMessageallocateMessage (IHostApplication *host)
 IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS (ConnectionProxy, IConnectionPoint, IConnectionPoint::iid) ConnectionProxy
 IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS (EventList, IEventList, IEventList::iid) EventList
 IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS (HostMessage, IMessage, IMessage::iid) HostMessage
 IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS (HostAttributeList, IAttributeList, IAttributeList::iid) IPtr< IAttributeList > HostAttributeList
 IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS (ParameterChanges, IParameterChanges, IParameterChanges::iid) IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS(ParameterValueQueue
void addMessage (ITestResult *testResult, const std::u16string &str)
void addMessage (ITestResult *testResult, const char *str)
void addErrorMessage (ITestResult *testResult, const char *str)
void addErrorMessage (ITestResult *testResult, const std::u16string &str)
std::u16string printf (const char8 *format,...)
 IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS (ParamChanges, IParamValueQueue, IParamValueQueue::iid) ParamChanges
 SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK (ProcessSetup, 8, 1, 8, 8) SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK(AudioBusBuffers
 SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK (RoutingInfo, 4, 1, 4, 4) SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK(IContextMenuItem
 SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK (ParameterInfo, 8, 1, 8, 8) SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK(NoteOnEvent
 SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK (PolyPressureEvent, 4, 1, 4, 4) SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK(ChordEvent
 SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK (Event, 8, 1, 8, 8) SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK(NoteExpressionValueDescription
 SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK (NoteExpressionValueEvent, 8, 1, 4, 8) SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK(NoteExpressionTextEvent
 SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK (NoteExpressionTypeInfo, 8, 1, 8, 8) SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK(KeyswitchInfo
 SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK (ProcessContext, 8, 1, 8, 8) SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK(RepresentationInfo
 SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK (UnitInfo, 4, 1, 4, 4) SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK(ProgramListInfo
void printStructSizes ()
void * aligned_alloc (size_t numBytes, uint32_t alignment)
 aligned allocation More...
void aligned_free (void *addr, uint32_t alignment)
template<SymbolicSampleSizes SampleSize, typename std::enable_if< SampleSize==SymbolicSampleSizes::kSample32 >::type * = nullptr>
Sample32 ** getChannelBuffers (AudioBusBuffers &buffer)
 get channel buffers from audio bus buffers 32 bit variant More...
template<SymbolicSampleSizes SampleSize, typename std::enable_if< SampleSize==SymbolicSampleSizes::kSample64 >::type * = nullptr>
Sample64 ** getChannelBuffers (AudioBusBuffers &buffer)
 get channel buffers from audio bus buffers 64 bit variant More...
bool operator== (const DataExchangeHandler::Config &c1, const DataExchangeHandler::Config &c2)
bool operator!= (const DataExchangeBlock &lhs, const DataExchangeBlock &rhs)
bool operator== (const DataExchangeBlock &lhs, const DataExchangeBlock &rhs)
const Steinberg::Vst::TChartoTChar (const std::u16string &str)
template<typename NumberT >
std::u16string toString (NumberT value)
 convert a number to an UTF-16 string More...
FUnknowncreateTestFactoryInstance (void *)
 create a Test Factory instance More...
const FUIDgetTestFactoryUID ()
 get the test factory class ID More...
void registerTest (FIDString name, const char *desc, const TestFunc &func)
 register a simple test function More...
void registerTest (FIDString name, const char *desc, TestFunc &&func)
 register a simple test function More...
void registerTest (FIDString name, const char *desc, const TestFuncWithContext &func)
 register a test function with context pointer More...
void registerTest (FIDString name, const char *desc, TestFuncWithContext &&func)
 register a test function with context pointer More...
void registerTest (FIDString name, ITest *test)
 register a custom test, the test object will be owned by the implementation More...
void ** getChannelBuffersPointer (const ProcessSetup &processSetup, const AudioBusBuffers &bufs)
 Returns the current channelBuffers used (depending of symbolicSampleSize). More...
uint32 getSampleFramesSizeInBytes (const ProcessSetup &processSetup, int32 numSamples)
 Returns the size in bytes of numSamples for one channel depending of symbolicSampleSize. More...
uint64 getChannelMask (int32 numChannels)
 return the bit-mask of channels for the given number of channel for example: numChannels = 1 => 0b0001 (binar) = 0x01 = 1 (decimal) numChannels = 2 => 0b0011 (binar) = 0x03 = 3 (decimal) numChannels = 6 => 0b0011 1111 (binar) = 0x3F = 63 (decimal) More...
tresult getSpeakerChannelIndex (SpeakerArrangement arrangement, uint64 speaker, int32 &channel)
 Gets the channel index of a given speaker in a arrangement, returns kResultFalse if speaker not part of the arrangement else returns kResultTrue. More...
void setupVSTGUIBundleSupport (void *hInstance)
const ChunkIDgetChunkID (ChunkType type)
bool verify (tresult result)
bool copyStream (IBStream *inStream, IBStream *outStream)
 IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS (FileStream, IBStream, IBStream::iid) tresult FileStream
 IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNT (ReadOnlyBStream) ReadOnlyBStream
 IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS (BufferStream, IBStream, IBStream::iid) BufferStream
bool isEqualID (const ChunkID id1, const ChunkID id2)


const int32 kDefaultFactoryFlags
const Speaker kSpeakerL
const Speaker kSpeakerR
const Speaker kSpeakerC
const Speaker kSpeakerLfe
const Speaker kSpeakerLs
const Speaker kSpeakerRs
const Speaker kSpeakerLc
const Speaker kSpeakerRc
const Speaker kSpeakerS
const Speaker kSpeakerCs
const Speaker kSpeakerSl
const Speaker kSpeakerSr
const Speaker kSpeakerTc
const Speaker kSpeakerTfl
const Speaker kSpeakerTfc
const Speaker kSpeakerTfr
const Speaker kSpeakerTrl
const Speaker kSpeakerTrc
const Speaker kSpeakerTrr
const Speaker kSpeakerLfe2
const Speaker kSpeakerM
const Speaker kSpeakerACN0
const Speaker kSpeakerACN1
const Speaker kSpeakerACN2
const Speaker kSpeakerACN3
const Speaker kSpeakerACN4
const Speaker kSpeakerACN5
const Speaker kSpeakerACN6
const Speaker kSpeakerACN7
const Speaker kSpeakerACN8
const Speaker kSpeakerACN9
const Speaker kSpeakerACN10
const Speaker kSpeakerACN11
const Speaker kSpeakerACN12
const Speaker kSpeakerACN13
const Speaker kSpeakerACN14
const Speaker kSpeakerACN15
const Speaker kSpeakerACN16
const Speaker kSpeakerACN17
const Speaker kSpeakerACN18
const Speaker kSpeakerACN19
const Speaker kSpeakerACN20
const Speaker kSpeakerACN21
const Speaker kSpeakerACN22
const Speaker kSpeakerACN23
const Speaker kSpeakerACN24
const Speaker kSpeakerTsl
const Speaker kSpeakerTsr
const Speaker kSpeakerLcs
const Speaker kSpeakerRcs
const Speaker kSpeakerBfl
const Speaker kSpeakerBfc
const Speaker kSpeakerBfr
const Speaker kSpeakerPl
const Speaker kSpeakerPr
const Speaker kSpeakerBsl
const Speaker kSpeakerBsr
const Speaker kSpeakerBrl
const Speaker kSpeakerBrc
const Speaker kSpeakerBrr
const Speaker kSpeakerLw
const Speaker kSpeakerRw
constexpr IParamValueQueue::iid int32 kQueueReservedPoints = 5

Typedef Documentation

◆ ProcessSampleSize

◆ TestFunc

using TestFunc = std::function<bool (ITestResult*)>

simple test function

◆ TestFuncWithContext

using TestFuncWithContext = std::function<bool (FUnknown*, ITestResult*)>

test function with context pointer

◆ ChunkID

using ChunkID = char[4]

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ChunkType

enum ChunkType

Function Documentation


Steinberg::Vst::IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS ( ConnectionProxy  ,
IConnectionPoint  ,


Steinberg::Vst::IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS ( EventList  ,
IEventList  ,


Steinberg::Vst::IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS ( HostMessage  ,
IMessage  ,


Steinberg::Vst::IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS ( HostAttributeList  ,
IAttributeList  ,


Steinberg::Vst::IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS ( ParameterChanges  ,
IParameterChanges  ,


Steinberg::Vst::IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS ( TestBase  ,
ITest  ,

◆ addMessage() [1/2]

void addMessage ( ITestResult testResult,
const std::u16string &  str 

◆ addMessage() [2/2]

void addMessage ( ITestResult testResult,
const char str 

◆ addErrorMessage() [1/2]

void addErrorMessage ( ITestResult testResult,
const char str 

◆ addErrorMessage() [2/2]

void addErrorMessage ( ITestResult testResult,
const std::u16string &  str 

◆ printf()

std::u16string printf ( const char8 format,


Steinberg::Vst::IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS ( ParamChanges  ,
IParamValueQueue  ,


Steinberg::Vst::SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK ( PFactoryInfo  ,


Steinberg::Vst::SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK ( PClassInfo2  ,


Steinberg::Vst::SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK ( ProcessSetup  ,


Steinberg::Vst::SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK ( ProcessData  ,


Steinberg::Vst::SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK ( RoutingInfo  ,


Steinberg::Vst::SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK ( ParameterInfo  ,


Steinberg::Vst::SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK ( NoteOffEvent  ,


Steinberg::Vst::SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK ( PolyPressureEvent  ,


Steinberg::Vst::SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK ( ScaleEvent  ,


Steinberg::Vst::SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK ( Event  ,


Steinberg::Vst::SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK ( NoteExpressionValueEvent  ,


Steinberg::Vst::SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK ( NoteExpressionTypeInfo  ,


Steinberg::Vst::SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK ( FrameRate  ,


Steinberg::Vst::SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK ( ProcessContext  ,


Steinberg::Vst::SMTG_TYPE_ALIGN_CHECK ( UnitInfo  ,

◆ printStructSizes()

void Steinberg::Vst::printStructSizes ( )

◆ aligned_alloc()

void * Steinberg::Vst::aligned_alloc ( size_t  numBytes,
uint32_t  alignment 

aligned allocation

note that you need to use aligned_free to free the block of memory

numBytesnumber of bytes to allocate
alignmentalignment of memory base address. must be a power of 2 and at least as large as sizeof (void*) or zero in which it uses malloc for allocation
allocated memory

◆ aligned_free()

void Steinberg::Vst::aligned_free ( void *  addr,
uint32_t  alignment 

◆ getChannelBuffers() [1/2]

Sample32 ** Steinberg::Vst::getChannelBuffers ( AudioBusBuffers buffer)

get channel buffers from audio bus buffers 32 bit variant

◆ getChannelBuffers() [2/2]

Sample64 ** Steinberg::Vst::getChannelBuffers ( AudioBusBuffers buffer)

get channel buffers from audio bus buffers 64 bit variant

◆ operator==() [1/2]

bool Steinberg::Vst::operator== ( const DataExchangeHandler::Config c1,
const DataExchangeHandler::Config c2 

◆ operator!=()

bool Steinberg::Vst::operator!= ( const DataExchangeBlock lhs,
const DataExchangeBlock rhs 

◆ operator==() [2/2]

bool Steinberg::Vst::operator== ( const DataExchangeBlock lhs,
const DataExchangeBlock rhs 

◆ toTChar()

const Steinberg::Vst::TChar * Steinberg::Vst::toTChar ( const std::u16string &  str)

◆ toString()

std::u16string Steinberg::Vst::toString ( NumberT  value)

convert a number to an UTF-16 string

UTF-16 string

◆ createTestFactoryInstance()

FUnknown * Steinberg::Vst::createTestFactoryInstance ( void *  )

create a Test Factory instance

◆ getTestFactoryUID()

const FUID & Steinberg::Vst::getTestFactoryUID ( )

get the test factory class ID

◆ registerTest() [1/5]

void Steinberg::Vst::registerTest ( FIDString  name,
const char desc,
const TestFunc func 

register a simple test function

◆ registerTest() [2/5]

void Steinberg::Vst::registerTest ( FIDString  name,
const char desc,
TestFunc &&  func 

register a simple test function

◆ registerTest() [3/5]

void Steinberg::Vst::registerTest ( FIDString  name,
const char desc,
const TestFuncWithContext func 

register a test function with context pointer

◆ registerTest() [4/5]

void Steinberg::Vst::registerTest ( FIDString  name,
const char desc,
TestFuncWithContext &&  func 

register a test function with context pointer

◆ registerTest() [5/5]

void Steinberg::Vst::registerTest ( FIDString  name,
ITest test 

register a custom test, the test object will be owned by the implementation

◆ getChannelBuffersPointer()

void ** Steinberg::Vst::getChannelBuffersPointer ( const ProcessSetup processSetup,
const AudioBusBuffers bufs 

Returns the current channelBuffers used (depending of symbolicSampleSize).

◆ getSampleFramesSizeInBytes()

uint32 Steinberg::Vst::getSampleFramesSizeInBytes ( const ProcessSetup processSetup,
int32  numSamples 

Returns the size in bytes of numSamples for one channel depending of symbolicSampleSize.

◆ getChannelMask()

uint64 Steinberg::Vst::getChannelMask ( int32  numChannels)

return the bit-mask of channels for the given number of channel for example: numChannels = 1 => 0b0001 (binar) = 0x01 = 1 (decimal) numChannels = 2 => 0b0011 (binar) = 0x03 = 3 (decimal) numChannels = 6 => 0b0011 1111 (binar) = 0x3F = 63 (decimal)

◆ getSpeakerChannelIndex()

tresult getSpeakerChannelIndex ( SpeakerArrangement  arrangement,
uint64  speaker,
int32 channel 

Gets the channel index of a given speaker in a arrangement, returns kResultFalse if speaker not part of the arrangement else returns kResultTrue.

◆ setupVSTGUIBundleSupport()

void setupVSTGUIBundleSupport ( void *  hInstance)

◆ getChunkID()

const ChunkID & getChunkID ( ChunkType  type)

◆ verify()

bool Steinberg::Vst::verify ( tresult  result)

◆ copyStream()

bool Steinberg::Vst::copyStream ( IBStream inStream,
IBStream outStream 


Steinberg::Vst::IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS ( FileStream  ,
IBStream  ,


Steinberg::Vst::IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNT ( ReadOnlyBStream  )


Steinberg::Vst::IMPLEMENT_FUNKNOWN_METHODS ( BufferStream  ,
IBStream  ,

◆ isEqualID()

bool Steinberg::Vst::isEqualID ( const ChunkID  id1,
const ChunkID  id2 

Variable Documentation

◆ IParamValueQueue

◆ kQueueReservedPoints

constexpr IParamValueQueue::iid int32 kQueueReservedPoints = 5

Copyright © Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. All Rights Reserved. This documentation is under this license.